private void checkPropertyExists(Devices.Keys devKey, Properties.Keys propKey) { if (!devices_.hasProperty(devKey, propKey)) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device \"" + devices_.getMMDevice(devKey) + "\" doesn't have required property \"" + propKey.toString() + "\""); } }
/** * Constructs a special JComboBox with all cameras that have only 1 channel * * @param deviceName * @return */ public JComboBox makeSingleCameraDeviceBox(Devices.Keys deviceName, int maximumWidth) { List<String> singleCameras = new ArrayList<String>(); singleCameras.add(0, ""); String originalCamera = core_.getCameraDevice(); try { StrVector strvDevices = core_.getLoadedDevicesOfType(mmcorej.DeviceType.CameraDevice); for (int i = 0; i < strvDevices.size(); i++) { String test = strvDevices.get(i); core_.setCameraDevice(test); if (core_.getNumberOfCameraChannels() == 1) { singleCameras.add(test); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError("Error detecting single camera devices"); } finally { try { core_.setCameraDevice(originalCamera); } catch (Exception e) { MyDialogUtils.showError(e); } } JComboBox deviceBox = new JComboBox(singleCameras.toArray()); deviceBox.addActionListener(new DeviceBoxListener(deviceName, deviceBox)); deviceBox.setSelectedItem( devices_.getMMDevice(deviceName)); // selects whatever device was read in by prefs deviceBox.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(maximumWidth, 30)); return deviceBox; }
/** * Constructs a special JComboBox with all cameras that have more than 1 channel, which we expect * to just be a single Multicamera device * * @param deviceName * @return */ public JComboBox makeMultiCameraDeviceBox(Devices.Keys deviceName, int maximumWidth) { List<String> multiCameras = new ArrayList<String>(); multiCameras.add(0, ""); try { StrVector strvDevices = core_.getLoadedDevicesOfType(mmcorej.DeviceType.CameraDevice); for (int i = 0; i < strvDevices.size(); i++) { // find all Multi-camera devices (usually just one) String test = strvDevices.get(i); if (core_.getDeviceLibrary(test).equals(Devices.Libraries.UTILITIES.toString()) && core_ .getDeviceDescription(test) .equals("Combine multiple physical cameras into a single logical camera")) { multiCameras.add(strvDevices.get(i)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError("Error detecting multi camera devices"); } JComboBox deviceBox = new JComboBox(multiCameras.toArray()); deviceBox.addActionListener(new DeviceBoxListener(deviceName, deviceBox)); // if we have one and only one multi-camera then set box to it if (multiCameras.size() == 2) { // recall we added empty string as the first entry deviceBox.setSelectedIndex(1); } else { deviceBox.setSelectedItem( devices_.getMMDevice(deviceName)); // selects whatever device was read in by prefs } deviceBox.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(maximumWidth, 30)); return deviceBox; }
/** Gets called when this tab gets focus. Uses the ActionListeners of the UI components */ @Override public void gotSelected() { posUpdater_.pauseUpdates(true); joystickPanel_.gotSelected(); cameraPanel_.gotSelected(); beamPanel_.gotSelected(); props_.callListeners(); // moves illumination piezo to home if (illumPiezoHomeEnable_.isSelected() && devices_.isValidMMDevice(piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_)) { props_.setPropValue( piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.MOVE_TO_HOME, Properties.Values.DO_IT); } // set scan waveform to be triangle // SPIM use can change, but for alignment avoid sharp edges props_.setPropValue( micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_PATTERN_X, Properties.Values.SAM_TRIANGLE, true); // move piezo and scanner to "center" position centerPiezoAndGalvo(); posUpdater_.pauseUpdates(false); }
// TODO make this automatically call all panels' method private void saveSettings() { // save selections as needed devices_.saveSettings(); setupPanelA_.saveSettings(); if (!ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM) { setupPanelB_.saveSettings(); } navigationPanel_.saveSettings(); acquisitionPanel_.saveSettings(); settingsPanel_.saveSettings(); // save tab location in prefs (dialog location now handled by MMDialog) prefs_.putInt(MAIN_PREF_NODE, Prefs.Keys.TAB_INDEX, tabbedPane_.getSelectedIndex()); }
/** * checks firmware versions and gives any necessary warnings to user * * @param key */ private void checkFirmwareVersion(Devices.Keys key) { // firmware version check only for ASI devices if (!devices_.isTigerDevice(key)) { return; } float firmwareVersion = props_.getPropValueFloat(key, Properties.Keys.FIRMWARE_VERSION); switch (key) { case PIEZOA: case PIEZOB: if (firmwareVersion == 0f) { // firmware version property wasn't found, maybe device hasn't been selected } else if (firmwareVersion < (float) 2.829) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + ": Piezo firmware is old; piezo may not move correctly in sync with sheet." + " Contact ASI for updated firmware."); } break; case GALVOA: case GALVOB: if (firmwareVersion == 0f) { // firmware version property wasn't found, maybe device hasn't been selected } else if (firmwareVersion < (float) 2.809) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + ": Micromirror firmware is old; wheel control of some scanner axes may not work." + " Contact ASI for updated firmware."); } else if (firmwareVersion < (float) 2.829) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + ": Micromirror firmware is old; imaging piezo not set correctly the first stack." + " Contact ASI for updated firmware."); } else if (firmwareVersion < (float) 2.859) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + ": Micromirror firmware is old; not all timing parameters are supported." + " Contact ASI for updated firmware."); } break; case PLOGIC: if (firmwareVersion < 3.069) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + ": PLogic firmware is old; some features may not work." + " Contact ASI for updated firmware."); } break; default: break; } }
private void checkPropertyValueEquals( Devices.Keys devKey, Properties.Keys propKey, Properties.Values expectedValue) { if (!(props_.getPropValueString(devKey, propKey).equals(expectedValue.toString()))) { if (MyDialogUtils.getConfirmDialogResult( "This plugin may not work if property \"" + propKey.toString() + "\" of device \"" + devices_.getMMDevice(devKey) + "\" is not set to \"" + expectedValue.toString() + "\". Set it now?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { props_.setPropValue(devKey, propKey, expectedValue); } } }
/** * Constructs a JComboBox populated with devices of specified Micro-Manager type Attaches a * listener and sets selected item to what is specified in the Devices class. * * @param deviceType - Micro-Manager device type (mmcorej.DeviceType) * @param deviceKey - ASi diSPIM device key (see Devices class) * @param maximumWidth - * @return final JComboBox */ public JComboBox makeDeviceSelectionBox( mmcorej.DeviceType deviceType, Devices.Keys deviceKey, int maximumWidth) { // when editing this method do the same to the one with array argument too JComboBox deviceBox = new JComboBox(); ArrayList<String> devices = new ArrayList<String>(); StrVector strvDevices = core_.getLoadedDevicesOfType(deviceType); devices.addAll(Arrays.asList(strvDevices.toArray())); devices.add(0, ""); deviceBox.removeAllItems(); for (String device : devices) { deviceBox.addItem(device); } deviceBox.addActionListener(new DeviceBoxListener(deviceKey, deviceBox)); deviceBox.setSelectedItem( devices_.getMMDevice(deviceKey)); // selects whatever device was read in by prefs deviceBox.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(maximumWidth, 30)); return deviceBox; }
/** * checks that the device has correct library, properties that we need, and correct values set as * needed * * @param key */ private void checkDeviceLibrary(Devices.Keys key) { Devices.Libraries deviceLibrary = devices_.getMMDeviceLibrary(key); if (deviceLibrary == Devices.Libraries.NODEVICE) { return; } switch (key) { case CAMERAA: case CAMERAB: switch (deviceLibrary) { case HAMCAM: checkPropertyExists(key, Properties.Keys.TRIGGER_SOURCE); checkPropertyValueEquals( key, Properties.Keys.TRIGGER_POLARITY, Properties.Values.POSITIVE); break; case PCOCAM: // trigger polarity not accessible in Micro-Manager, so we have to trust it is correct checkPropertyExists(key, Properties.Keys.TRIGGER_MODE_PCO); break; case ANDORCAM: // TODO check trigger polarity checkPropertyExists(key, Properties.Keys.TRIGGER_MODE); break; case DEMOCAM: checkPropertyValueEquals(key, Properties.Keys.PIXEL_TYPE, Properties.Values.SIXTEENBIT); break; default: MyDialogUtils.showError( "Plugin doesn't support your camera for SPIM yet;" + " contact the authors for support (camera must have hardware trigger)"); } // CamA/B case break; case GALVOA: case GALVOB: if (deviceLibrary == Devices.Libraries.ASITIGER) { checkPropertyValueEquals( key, Properties.Keys.INPUT_MODE, Properties.Values.INTERNAL_INPUT); // PLogic use in the plugin assumes "laser + side" output mode if (devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.PLOGIC)) { checkPropertyValueEquals( key, Properties.Keys.LASER_OUTPUT_MODE, Properties.Values.LASER_SHUTTER_SIDE); } } else { MyDialogUtils.showError("Plugin doesn't support galvo devices other than ASITiger"); } break; case PIEZOA: case PIEZOB: if (deviceLibrary == Devices.Libraries.ASITIGER) { checkPropertyValueEquals( key, Properties.Keys.PIEZO_MODE, Properties.Values.INTERNAL_CLOSEDLOOP_INPUT); } else { MyDialogUtils.showError("Plugin doesn't support piezo devices other than ASITiger"); } break; case PLOGIC: if (deviceLibrary == Devices.Libraries.ASITIGER) { // would like to do below line but we need to change pre-init value and reload config // checkPropertyValueEquals(key, Properties.Keys.PLOGIC_MODE, // Properties.Values.DISPIM_SHUTTER); if (!props_ .getPropValueString(key, Properties.Keys.PLOGIC_MODE) .equals(Properties.Values.DISPIM_SHUTTER.toString())) { MyDialogUtils.showError( "Device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + ": need to set pre-initialization property PLogicMode to " + "diSPIM Shutter (use Hardware Config Wizard, then edit device " + devices_.getMMDevice(key) + " on Step 2). Then reload the " + " changed configuration and restart the diSPIM plugin."); } checkPropertyValueEquals( key, Properties.Keys.PLOGIC_TRIGGER_SOURCE, Properties.Values.PLOGIC_TRIGGER_MMIRROR); // PLogic use in the plugin assumes "laser + side" output mode for (Devices.Keys galvoKey : Devices.GALVOS) { if (devices_.isValidMMDevice(galvoKey)) { checkPropertyValueEquals( galvoKey, Properties.Keys.LASER_OUTPUT_MODE, Properties.Values.LASER_SHUTTER_SIDE); } } } else { MyDialogUtils.showError("Plugin doesn't support shutter devices other than ASITiger"); } break; default: break; } }
public SetupPanel( ScriptInterface gui, Devices devices, Properties props, Joystick joystick, final Devices.Sides side, Positions positions, Cameras cameras, Prefs prefs, StagePositionUpdater posUpdater, AutofocusUtils autofocus) { super( MyStrings.PanelNames.SETUP.toString() + side.toString(), new MigLayout("", "[center]8[center]", "[]16[]16[]")); devices_ = devices; props_ = props; joystick_ = joystick; positions_ = positions; cameras_ = cameras; autofocus_ = autofocus; prefs_ = prefs; posUpdater_ = posUpdater; gui_ = gui; core_ = gui_.getMMCore(); PanelUtils pu = new PanelUtils(prefs_, props_, devices); final SetupPanel setupPanel = this; piezoImagingDeviceKey_ = Devices.getSideSpecificKey(Devices.Keys.PIEZOA, side); piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_ = Devices.getSideSpecificKey(Devices.Keys.PIEZOA, Devices.getOppositeSide(side)); micromirrorDeviceKey_ = Devices.getSideSpecificKey(Devices.Keys.GALVOA, side); sheetStartPositionLabel_ = new StoredFloatLabel( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_SHEET_START_POS.toString(), -0.5f, prefs_, " \u00B0"); sliceStartPos_ = sheetStartPositionLabel_.getFloat(); sheetStopPositionLabel_ = new StoredFloatLabel( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_SHEET_END_POS.toString(), 0.5f, prefs_, " \u00B0"); sliceStopPos_ = sheetStopPositionLabel_.getFloat(); imagingPiezoStartPositionLabel_ = new StoredFloatLabel( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_PIEZO_START_POS.toString(), -50f, prefs_, " \u00B5" + "m"); imagingPiezoStartPos_ = imagingPiezoStartPositionLabel_.getFloat(); imagingPiezoStopPositionLabel_ = new StoredFloatLabel( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_PIEZO_END_POS.toString(), 50f, prefs_, " \u00B5" + "m"); imagingPiezoStopPos_ = imagingPiezoStopPositionLabel_.getFloat(); JButton tmp_but; JPanel calibrationPanel = new JPanel( new MigLayout( "", "[right]2[center]2[right]4[left]8[center]8[center]8[center]", "[]8[]")); offsetField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_OFFSET_PIEZO_SHEET.toString(), 0, 5); rateField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_RATE_PIEZO_SHEET.toString(), 100, 5); piezoDeltaField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_PIEZO_SHEET_INCREMENT.toString(), 5, 3); piezoDeltaField_.setToolTipText("Piezo increment used by up/down arrow buttons"); JButton upButton = new JButton(); upButton.setIcon(SwingResourceManager.getIcon(MMStudio.class, "icons/arrow_up.png")); upButton.setText(""); upButton.setToolTipText("Move slice and piezo up together"); upButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stepPiezoAndGalvo(1.); } }); JButton downButton = new JButton(); downButton.setIcon(SwingResourceManager.getIcon(MMStudio.class, "icons/arrow_down.png")); downButton.setText(""); downButton.setToolTipText("Move slice and piezo down together"); downButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stepPiezoAndGalvo(-1.); } }); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Piezo/Slice Calibration"), "span 5, center"); calibrationPanel.add( new JSeparator(SwingConstants.VERTICAL), "span 1 3, growy, shrinkx, center"); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Step"), "wrap"); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Slope: ")); calibrationPanel.add(rateField_, "span 2, right"); // TODO make calibration be in degrees instead of um // calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("\u00B0/\u00B5m")); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("\u00B5m/\u00B0")); tmp_but = new JButton("Update"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 8, 4, 8)); tmp_but.setToolTipText( "Computes piezo vs. slice slope and offset from start and end positions"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { updateCalibrationSlopeAndOffset(); } }); tmp_but.setBackground(; calibrationPanel.add(tmp_but); calibrationPanel.add(upButton, "wrap"); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Offset: ")); calibrationPanel.add(offsetField_, "span 2, right"); // calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("\u00B0")); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("\u00B5m")); tmp_but = new JButton("Update"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 8, 4, 8)); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Adjusts piezo vs. slice offset from current position"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { updateCalibrationOffset(); } }); tmp_but.setBackground(; calibrationPanel.add(tmp_but); calibrationPanel.add(downButton, "wrap"); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Step size: "), "span 2, left"); calibrationPanel.add(piezoDeltaField_); calibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("\u00B5m")); tmp_but = new JButton("Focus"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 8, 4, 8)); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Autofocus at current piezo position"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { autofocus_.runFocus( setupPanel, side, true, ASIdiSPIM.getFrame().getAcquisitionPanel().getSliceTiming(), true); } }); calibrationPanel.add(tmp_but, "center, span 3, wrap"); // start 2-point calibration frame // this frame is separate from main plugin window slopeCalibrationFrame_ = new MMFrame(); slopeCalibrationFrame_.setTitle("Slope and Offset Calibration"); slopeCalibrationFrame_.loadPosition(100, 100); JPanel slopeCalibrationPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[center]8[center]8[center]8[center]8[center]", "[]8[]")); // TODO improve interface with multi-page UI and forward/back buttons // e.g. \mmstudio\src\org\micromanager\conf2\ slopeCalibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Calibration Start Position"), "span 3, center"); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(new JLabel("Calibration End Position"), "span 3, center, wrap"); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(sheetStartPositionLabel_); // Go to start button tmp_but = new JButton("Go to"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { positions_.setPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y, sliceStartPos_, true); positions_.setPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_, imagingPiezoStartPos_, true); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but, ""); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(new JSeparator(SwingConstants.VERTICAL), "spany 2, growy"); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(sheetStopPositionLabel_); // go to end button tmp_but = new JButton("Go to"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { positions_.setPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y, sliceStopPos_, true); positions_.setPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_, imagingPiezoStopPos_, true); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(imagingPiezoStartPositionLabel_); tmp_but = new JButton("Set"); tmp_but.setToolTipText( "Saves calibration start position for imaging piezo and scanner slice (should be focused)"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { // bypass cached positions in positions_ in case they aren't current sliceStartPos_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y); sheetStartPositionLabel_.setFloat((float) sliceStartPos_); imagingPiezoStartPos_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_); imagingPiezoStartPositionLabel_.setFloat((float) imagingPiezoStartPos_); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(imagingPiezoStopPositionLabel_); tmp_but = new JButton("Set"); tmp_but.setToolTipText( "Saves calibration end position for imaging piezo and scanner slice (should be focused)"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { // bypass cached positions in positions_ in case they aren't current sliceStopPos_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y); sheetStopPositionLabel_.setFloat((float) sliceStopPos_); imagingPiezoStopPos_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_); imagingPiezoStopPositionLabel_.setFloat((float) imagingPiezoStopPos_); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); slopeCalibrationPanel.add( new JSeparator(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL), "span 5, growx, shrinky, wrap"); tmp_but = new JButton("Use these!"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { double rate = (imagingPiezoStopPos_ - imagingPiezoStartPos_) / (sliceStopPos_ - sliceStartPos_); rateField_.setValue((Double) rate); double offset = (imagingPiezoStopPos_ + imagingPiezoStartPos_) / 2 - (rate * ((sliceStopPos_ + sliceStartPos_) / 2)); offsetField_.setValue((Double) offset); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } slopeCalibrationFrame_.setVisible(false); } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but, "span 5, split 3"); tmp_but = new JButton("Focus"); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Autofocus at current piezo position"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { autofocus_.runFocus( setupPanel, side, true, ASIdiSPIM.getFrame().getAcquisitionPanel().getSliceTiming(), true); } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but); tmp_but = new JButton("Cancel"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { slopeCalibrationFrame_.setVisible(false); } }); slopeCalibrationPanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); slopeCalibrationFrame_.add(slopeCalibrationPanel); slopeCalibrationFrame_.pack(); slopeCalibrationFrame_.setResizable(false); final int positionWidth = 50; final int labelWidth = 80; JPanel slicePanel = new JPanel( new MigLayout( "", "[" + labelWidth + "px!,right]8[" + positionWidth + "px!,center]8[center]8[center]", "[]8[]")); JLabel tmp_lbl = new JLabel("Imaging center: ", JLabel.RIGHT); tmp_lbl.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(labelWidth, 20)); tmp_lbl.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(labelWidth, 20)); slicePanel.add(tmp_lbl); imagingCenterPosLabel_ = new StoredFloatLabel( panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_PIEZO_CENTER_POS.toString(), 0, prefs_, " \u00B5" + "m"); imagingCenterPosLabel_.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(positionWidth, 20)); imagingCenterPosLabel_.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(positionWidth, 20)); slicePanel.add(imagingCenterPosLabel_); // initialize the center position variable imagingCenterPos_ = prefs_.getFloat( MyStrings.PanelNames.SETUP.toString() + side.toString(), Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_PIEZO_CENTER_POS, 0); tmp_but = new JButton("Go"); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Moves piezo to specified center and also slice"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { centerPiezoAndGalvo(); } }); slicePanel.add(tmp_but); tmp_but = new JButton("Set"); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Sets piezo center position for acquisition"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { imagingCenterPos_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_); imagingCenterPosLabel_.setFloat((float) imagingCenterPos_); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slicePanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); slicePanel.add(new JLabel("XY center: ")); slicePanel.add(new JLabel("")); // TODO update this label with current value tmp_but = new JButton("Go"); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Moves XY stage to specified center"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // TODO replace with positions_ call to 2D position set (need to implement still) try { core_.setXYPosition(xyCenterPos_.x, xyCenterPos_.y); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportingUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slicePanel.add(tmp_but); tmp_but = new JButton("Set"); tmp_but.setToolTipText("Sets XY center position for acquisition"); tmp_but.setBackground(; tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // TODO replace with positions_ call to 2D position set (need to implement still) try { xyCenterPos_ = core_.getXYStagePosition(devices_.getMMDeviceException(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE)); } catch (Exception ex) { MyDialogUtils.showError(ex); } } }); slicePanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); slicePanel.add(new JSeparator(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL), "span 5, growx, shrinky, wrap"); slicePanel.add(new JLabel("Slice position:")); sheetPositionLabel_ = new JLabel(""); slicePanel.add(sheetPositionLabel_); slicePanel.add(pu.makeSetPositionField(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y, positions_)); tmp_but = new JButton("Go to 0"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4)); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { positions_.setPosition(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Directions.Y, 0.0, true); } }); slicePanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); slicePanel.add(new JLabel("Imaging piezo:")); imagingPiezoPositionLabel_ = new JLabel(""); slicePanel.add(imagingPiezoPositionLabel_); slicePanel.add(pu.makeSetPositionField(piezoImagingDeviceKey_, Directions.NONE, positions_)); tmp_but = new JButton("Go to 0"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4)); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { positions_.setPosition(piezoImagingDeviceKey_, 0.0, true); } }); slicePanel.add(tmp_but, "wrap"); // Create sheet controls JPanel sheetPanel = new JPanel( new MigLayout( "", "[" + labelWidth + "px!,right]8[" + positionWidth + "px!,center]8[center]8[center]", "[]8[]8[]")); tmp_lbl = new JLabel("Illum. piezo:", JLabel.RIGHT); tmp_lbl.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(labelWidth, 20)); tmp_lbl.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(labelWidth, 20)); sheetPanel.add(tmp_lbl, "center"); illuminationPiezoPositionLabel_ = new JLabel(""); illuminationPiezoPositionLabel_.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(positionWidth, 20)); illuminationPiezoPositionLabel_.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(positionWidth, 20)); sheetPanel.add(illuminationPiezoPositionLabel_); sheetPanel.add( pu.makeSetPositionField(piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_, Directions.NONE, positions_)); tmp_but = new JButton("Set home"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4)); tmp_but.setToolTipText("During SPIM, illumination piezo is moved to home position"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (devices_.isValidMMDevice(piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_)) { props_.setPropValue( piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SET_HOME_HERE, Properties.Values.DO_IT); } } }); sheetPanel.add(tmp_but); tmp_but = new JButton("Go home"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4)); tmp_but.setToolTipText("During SPIM, illumination piezo is moved to home position"); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (devices_.isValidMMDevice(piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_)) { props_.setPropValue( piezoIlluminationDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.MOVE_TO_HOME, Properties.Values.DO_IT); } } }); sheetPanel.add(tmp_but); illumPiezoHomeEnable_ = pu.makeCheckBox( "Go home on tab activate", Properties.Keys.PREFS_ENABLE_ILLUM_PIEZO_HOME, panelName_, false); sheetPanel.add(illumPiezoHomeEnable_, "span 3, wrap"); sheetPanel.add(new JLabel("Sheet width:")); sheetPanel.add( new JLabel(""), "span 2"); // TODO update this label with current value and/or allow user to directly enter // value sheetPanel.add( makeIncrementButton( micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_AMPLITUDE_X_DEG, "-", (float) -0.01), "split 2"); sheetPanel.add( makeIncrementButton( micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_AMPLITUDE_X_DEG, "+", (float) 0.01)); JSlider tmp_sl = pu.makeSlider( 0, // 0 is min amplitude props_.getPropValueFloat(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.MAX_DEFLECTION_X) - props_.getPropValueFloat( micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.MIN_DEFLECTION_X), // compute max amplitude 1000, // the scale factor between internal integer representation and float // representation micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_AMPLITUDE_X_DEG); sheetPanel.add(tmp_sl, "span 5, growx, center, wrap"); sheetPanel.add(new JLabel("Sheet offset:")); sheetPanel.add( new JLabel(""), "span 2"); // TODO update this label with current value and/or allow user to directly enter // value sheetPanel.add( makeIncrementButton( micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_OFFSET_X_DEG, "-", (float) -0.01), "split 2"); sheetPanel.add( makeIncrementButton( micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_OFFSET_X_DEG, "+", (float) 0.01)); tmp_but = new JButton("Center"); tmp_but.setMargin(new Insets(4, 8, 4, 8)); tmp_but.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { props_.setPropValue(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_OFFSET_X_DEG, 0f, true); props_.callListeners(); // update plot } }); sheetPanel.add(tmp_but); tmp_sl = pu.makeSlider( props.getPropValueFloat(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.MIN_DEFLECTION_X) / 4, // min value props.getPropValueFloat(micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.MAX_DEFLECTION_X) / 4, // max value 1000, // the scale factor between internal integer representation and float // representation micromirrorDeviceKey_, Properties.Keys.SA_OFFSET_X_DEG); sheetPanel.add(tmp_sl, "span 4, growx, center, wrap"); // Create larger panel with slice, sheet, and calibration panels JPanel superPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[]8[]", "[]8[]")); superPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(ASIdiSPIM.borderColor)); superPanel.add(slicePanel); superPanel.add(new JSeparator(SwingConstants.VERTICAL), "growy, shrinkx, center"); superPanel.add(calibrationPanel, "wrap"); superPanel.add(new JSeparator(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL), "span 3, growx, shrinky, wrap"); superPanel.add(sheetPanel, "span 3"); // Layout of the SetupPanel joystickPanel_ = new JoystickSubPanel(joystick_, devices_, panelName_, side, prefs_); add(joystickPanel_, "center"); add(superPanel, "center, aligny top, span 1 3, wrap"); beamPanel_ = new BeamSubPanel(gui_, devices_, panelName_, side, prefs_, props_); add(beamPanel_, "center, wrap"); cameraPanel_ = new CameraSubPanel(gui_, cameras_, devices_, panelName_, side, prefs_, true); add(cameraPanel_, "center"); } // end of SetupPanel constructor