private Coord drawRandomPointFromGeometry(Geometry g) { Point p; double x, y; do { x = g.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinX() + random.nextDouble() * (g.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxX() - g.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinX()); y = g.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinY() + random.nextDouble() * (g.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxY() - g.getEnvelopeInternal().getMinY()); p = MGC.xy2Point(x, y); } while (!g.contains(p)); Coord coord = new Coord(p.getX(), p.getY()); return coord; }
public static void main(String[] args) { // Parameters Integer planningAreaId = 11000000; boolean onlyCar = false; // car; new, should be used for runs with ChangeLedModes enabled boolean onlyInterior = false; // int boolean onlyBerlinBased = true; // ber; usually varied for analysis boolean distanceFilter = true; // dist; usually varied for analysis // double minDistance = 0; double maxDistance = 100; boolean onlyWorkTrips = false; // NEW // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean ageFilter = false; Integer minAge = 80; Integer maxAge = 119; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- String runId = "run_168a"; // String runId = "run791"; String usedIteration = "300"; // most frequently used value: 150 // String usedIteration = "600"; int maxBinDuration = 120; int binWidthDuration = 1; // int binWidthDuration = 5; int maxBinTime = 23; int binWidthTime = 1; int maxBinDistance = 60; int binWidthDistance = 1; // int binWidthDistance = 5; int maxBinSpeed = 60; int binWidthSpeed = 1; // int binWidthSpeed = 5; // Input and output files String networkFile = "/Users/dominik/Workspace/shared-svn/studies/countries/de/berlin/counts/iv_counts/network.xml"; // String networkFile = // "D:/Workspace/shared-svn/studies/countries/de/berlin/counts/iv_counts/network.xml"; // String networkFile = "D:/Workspace/runs-svn/" + runId + // "/counts_network_merged.xml_cl.xml.gz"; // String eventsFile = "D:/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/output/" + runId + "/ITERS/it." // + usedIteration + "/" // String eventsFile = "D:/Workspace/runs-svn/" + runId + "/output_rerun/ITERS/it." + // usedIteration + "/" // + runId + "." + usedIteration + ".events.txt.gz"; // String eventsFile = "D:/Workspace/runs-svn/cemdapMatsimCadyts/" + runId + "/ITERS/it." + // usedIteration + "/" // + runId + "." + usedIteration + ".events.xml.gz"; String eventsFile = "/Users/dominik/Workspace/runs-svn/cemdapMatsimCadyts/" + runId + "/ITERS/it." + usedIteration + "/" + runId + "." + usedIteration + ".events.xml.gz"; // String cemdapPersonFile = // "D:/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/input/cemdap_berlin/19/persons1.dat"; // wrong!!! // String cemdapPersonFile = // "D:/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/input/cemdap_berlin/18/persons1.dat"; // String cemdapPersonFile = // "D:/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/input/cemdap_berlin/21/persons1.dat"; String cemdapPersonFile = "/Users/dominik/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/input/cemdap_berlin/21/persons1.dat"; // String outputDirectory = "D:/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/output/" + runId + // "/analysis"; // String outputDirectory = "D:/Workspace/runs-svn/cemdapMatsimCadyts/" + runId + // "/analysis"; String outputDirectory = "/Users/dominik/Workspace/runs-svn/cemdapMatsimCadyts/" + runId + "/analysis"; // String outputDirectory = "D:/Workspace/runs-svn/other/" + runId + "/analysis"; // String shapeFileBerlin = // "D:/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/input/shapefiles/Berlin_DHDN_GK4.shp"; String shapeFileBerlin = "/Users/dominik/Workspace/data/cemdapMatsimCadyts/input/shapefiles/Berlin_DHDN_GK4.shp"; Map<Integer, Geometry> zoneGeometries =, "NR"); Geometry berlinGeometry = zoneGeometries.get(planningAreaId); // Output naming Integer usedIt = Integer.parseInt(usedIteration); if (!usedIt.equals(150)) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_" + usedIteration; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (onlyCar == true) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_car"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (onlyInterior == true) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_int"; } if (onlyBerlinBased == true) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_ber"; } if (distanceFilter == true) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_dist"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (onlyWorkTrips == true) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_work"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ageFilter == true) { outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_" + minAge.toString(); outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "_" + maxAge.toString(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create an EventsManager instance (MATSim infrastructure) EventsManager eventsManager = EventsUtils.createEventsManager(); TripHandler handler = new TripHandler(); eventsManager.addHandler(handler); // Connect a file reader to the EventsManager and read in the event file MatsimEventsReader reader = new MatsimEventsReader(eventsManager); reader.readFile(eventsFile); System.out.println("Events file read!"); // check if all trips have been completed; if so, result will be zero int numberOfIncompleteTrips = 0; for (Trip trip : handler.getTrips().values()) { if (!trip.getTripComplete()) { numberOfIncompleteTrips++; } } System.out.println(numberOfIncompleteTrips + " trips are incomplete."); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CemdapPersonFileReader cemdapPersonFileReader = new CemdapPersonFileReader(); if (ageFilter == true) { // TODO needs to be adapted for other analyses that are based on person-specific attributes as // well // so far age is the only one // parse person file cemdapPersonFileReader.parse(cemdapPersonFile); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get network, which is needed to calculate distances Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig(); Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(config); MatsimNetworkReader networkReader = new MatsimNetworkReader(scenario); networkReader.readFile(networkFile); Network network = scenario.getNetwork(); // create objects int tripCounter = 0; int tripCounterSpeed = 0; int tripCounterIncomplete = 0; Map<Integer, Double> tripDurationMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); double aggregateTripDuration = 0.; Map<Integer, Double> departureTimeMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); Map<String, Double> activityTypeMap = new TreeMap<String, Double>(); Map<Integer, Double> tripDistanceRoutedMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); double aggregateTripDistanceRouted = 0.; Map<Integer, Double> tripDistanceBeelineMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); double aggregateTripDistanceBeeline = 0.; Map<Integer, Double> averageTripSpeedRoutedMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); double aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsRouted = 0.; Map<Integer, Double> averageTripSpeedBeelineMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); double aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline = 0.; int numberOfTripsWithNoCalculableSpeed = 0; Map<Id<Trip>, Double> distanceRoutedMap = new TreeMap<Id<Trip>, Double>(); Map<Id<Trip>, Double> distanceBeelineMap = new TreeMap<Id<Trip>, Double>(); Map<String, Integer> otherInformationMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ObjectAttributes personActivityAttributes = new ObjectAttributes(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // do calculations for (Trip trip : handler.getTrips().values()) { if (trip.getTripComplete()) { boolean considerTrip = false; // get coordinates of links Id<Link> departureLinkId = trip.getDepartureLinkId(); Id<Link> arrivalLinkId = trip.getArrivalLinkId(); Link departureLink = network.getLinks().get(departureLinkId); Link arrivalLink = network.getLinks().get(arrivalLinkId); double arrivalCoordX = arrivalLink.getCoord().getX(); double arrivalCoordY = arrivalLink.getCoord().getY(); double departureCoordX = departureLink.getCoord().getX(); double departureCoordY = departureLink.getCoord().getY(); // calculate (beeline) distance double horizontalDistanceInMeter = (Math.abs(departureCoordX - arrivalCoordX)) / 1000; double verticalDistanceInMeter = (Math.abs(departureCoordY - arrivalCoordY)) / 1000; double tripDistanceBeeline = Math.sqrt( horizontalDistanceInMeter * horizontalDistanceInMeter + verticalDistanceInMeter * verticalDistanceInMeter); // create points Point arrivalLocation = MGC.xy2Point(arrivalCoordX, arrivalCoordY); Point departureLocation = MGC.xy2Point(departureCoordX, departureCoordY); // choose if trip will be considered // Note: Check of "interior"/"berlinBased" has to come first since this sets the // "considerTrip" // variable to true. if (onlyInterior == true) { if (berlinGeometry.contains(arrivalLocation) && berlinGeometry.contains(departureLocation)) { considerTrip = true; } } else if (onlyBerlinBased == true) { if (berlinGeometry.contains(arrivalLocation) || berlinGeometry.contains(departureLocation)) { considerTrip = true; } } else { considerTrip = true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (!trip.getMode().equals("car") && !trip.getMode().equals("pt")) { // throw new RuntimeException("In current implementation leg mode must either be car or // pt"); // } if (onlyCar == true) { if (!trip.getMode().equals("car")) { considerTrip = false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (distanceFilter == true && tripDistanceBeeline >= maxDistance) { considerTrip = false; } // if (distanceFilter == true && tripDistanceBeeline <= minDistance) { // considerTrip = false; // } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (onlyWorkTrips == true) { boolean doesWorkTrip = false; if (trip.getActivityEndActType().equals("work")) { doesWorkTrip = true; } if (doesWorkTrip == true) { // can be varied considerTrip = false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // write person activity attributes // if (trip.getActivityEndActType().equals("work")) { // personActivityAttributes.putAttribute(trip.getDriverId(), "hasWorkActivity", // true); // } // TODO The plan was to claculated activity-chain frequencies here... // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PERSON-SPECIFIC ATTRIBUTES if (ageFilter == true) { // TODO needs to be adapted for other analyses that are based on person-specific // attributes as well // so far age is the only one String personId = trip.getPersonId().toString(); int age = (int) cemdapPersonFileReader.getPersonAttributes().getAttribute(personId, "age"); if (age < minAge) { considerTrip = false; } if (age > maxAge) { considerTrip = false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (considerTrip == true) { tripCounter++; // calculate travel times and store them in a map // trip.getArrivalTime() / trip.getDepartureTime() yields values in seconds! double departureTimeInSeconds = trip.getDepartureTime(); double arrivalTimeInSeconds = trip.getArrivalTime(); double tripDurationInSeconds = arrivalTimeInSeconds - departureTimeInSeconds; double tripDurationInMinutes = tripDurationInSeconds / 60.; double tripDurationInHours = tripDurationInMinutes / 60.; // addToMapIntegerKey(tripDurationMap, tripDurationInMinutes, 5, 120); addToMapIntegerKey( tripDurationMap, tripDurationInMinutes, binWidthDuration, maxBinDuration, 1.); aggregateTripDuration = aggregateTripDuration + tripDurationInMinutes; // store departure times in a map double departureTimeInHours = departureTimeInSeconds / 3600.; addToMapIntegerKey(departureTimeMap, departureTimeInHours, binWidthTime, maxBinTime, 1.); // store activities in a map String activityType = trip.getActivityStartActType(); addToMapStringKey(activityTypeMap, activityType); // calculate (routed) distances and and store them in a map double tripDistanceMeter = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < trip.getLinks().size(); i++) { Id<Link> linkId = trip.getLinks().get(i); Link link = network.getLinks().get(linkId); double length = link.getLength(); tripDistanceMeter = tripDistanceMeter + length; } // TODO here, the distances from activity to link and link to activity are missing! double tripDistanceRouted = tripDistanceMeter / 1000.; // store (routed) distances in a map addToMapIntegerKey( tripDistanceRoutedMap, tripDistanceRouted, binWidthDistance, maxBinDistance, 1.); aggregateTripDistanceRouted = aggregateTripDistanceRouted + tripDistanceRouted; distanceRoutedMap.put(trip.getTripId(), tripDistanceRouted); // store (beeline) distances in a map addToMapIntegerKey( tripDistanceBeelineMap, tripDistanceBeeline, binWidthDistance, maxBinDistance, 1.); aggregateTripDistanceBeeline = aggregateTripDistanceBeeline + tripDistanceBeeline; distanceBeelineMap.put(trip.getTripId(), tripDistanceBeeline); // calculate speeds and and store them in a map if (tripDurationInHours > 0.) { // System.out.println("trip distance is " + tripDistance + " and time is " + // timeInHours); double averageTripSpeedRouted = tripDistanceRouted / tripDurationInHours; addToMapIntegerKey( averageTripSpeedRoutedMap, averageTripSpeedRouted, binWidthSpeed, maxBinSpeed, 1.); aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsRouted = aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsRouted + averageTripSpeedRouted; double averageTripSpeedBeeline = tripDistanceBeeline / tripDurationInHours; addToMapIntegerKey( averageTripSpeedBeelineMap, averageTripSpeedBeeline, binWidthSpeed, maxBinSpeed, 1.); aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline = aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline + averageTripSpeedBeeline; tripCounterSpeed++; } else { numberOfTripsWithNoCalculableSpeed++; } } } else { System.err.println("Trip is not complete!"); tripCounterIncomplete++; // Until now, the only case where incomplete trips happen is when agents are removed // according to "removeStuckVehicles = true" // Since a removed agent can at most have one incomplete trip (this incomplete trip is // exactly the event when he is removed) // the number of incomplete trips should be equal to the number of removed agents } } double averageTripDuration = aggregateTripDuration / tripCounter; double averageTripDistanceRouted = aggregateTripDistanceRouted / tripCounter; double averageTripDistanceBeeline = aggregateTripDistanceBeeline / tripCounter; double averageOfAverageTripSpeedsRouted = aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsRouted / tripCounterSpeed; double averageOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline = aggregateOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline / tripCounterSpeed; otherInformationMap.put( "Number of trips that have no previous activity", handler.getNoPreviousEndOfActivityCounter()); otherInformationMap.put( "Number of trips that have no calculable speed", numberOfTripsWithNoCalculableSpeed); otherInformationMap.put( "Number of incomplete trips (i.e. number of removed agents)", tripCounterIncomplete); otherInformationMap.put("Number of (complete) trips", tripCounter); // write results to files new File(outputDirectory).mkdir(); AnalysisFileWriter writer = new AnalysisFileWriter(); writer.writeToFileIntegerKey( tripDurationMap, outputDirectory + "/tripDuration.txt", binWidthDuration, tripCounter, averageTripDuration); writer.writeToFileIntegerKey( departureTimeMap, outputDirectory + "/departureTime.txt", binWidthTime, tripCounter, averageTripDuration); writer.writeToFileStringKey( activityTypeMap, outputDirectory + "/activityTypes.txt", tripCounter); writer.writeToFileIntegerKey( tripDistanceRoutedMap, outputDirectory + "/tripDistanceRouted.txt", binWidthDistance, tripCounter, averageTripDistanceRouted); writer.writeToFileIntegerKey( tripDistanceBeelineMap, outputDirectory + "/tripDistanceBeeline.txt", binWidthDistance, tripCounter, averageTripDistanceBeeline); writer.writeToFileIntegerKey( averageTripSpeedRoutedMap, outputDirectory + "/averageTripSpeedRouted.txt", binWidthSpeed, tripCounterSpeed, averageOfAverageTripSpeedsRouted); writer.writeToFileIntegerKey( averageTripSpeedBeelineMap, outputDirectory + "/averageTripSpeedBeeline.txt", binWidthSpeed, tripCounterSpeed, averageOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline); writer.writeToFileIntegerKeyCumulative( tripDurationMap, outputDirectory + "/tripDurationCumulative.txt", binWidthDuration, tripCounter, averageTripDuration); writer.writeToFileIntegerKeyCumulative( tripDistanceBeelineMap, outputDirectory + "/tripDistanceBeelineCumulative.txt", binWidthDistance, tripCounter, averageTripDistanceBeeline); writer.writeToFileIntegerKeyCumulative( averageTripSpeedBeelineMap, outputDirectory + "/averageTripSpeedBeelineCumulative.txt", binWidthSpeed, tripCounterSpeed, averageOfAverageTripSpeedsBeeline); writer.writeToFileOther(otherInformationMap, outputDirectory + "/otherInformation.txt"); // write a routed distance vs. beeline distance comparison file writer.writeRoutedBeelineDistanceComparisonFile( distanceRoutedMap, distanceBeelineMap, outputDirectory + "/beeline.txt", tripCounter); }
private boolean isBuildingInZone(Geometry zone, Coord building) { ; Point p = MGC.xy2Point(building.getX(), building.getY()); return zone.contains(p); }