private void startAct(final Attributes atts) { ActivityImpl act = null; if (atts.getValue("link") != null) { final Id<Link> linkId = Id.create(atts.getValue("link"), Link.class); act = this.currplan.createAndAddActivity(atts.getValue("type"), linkId); if (atts.getValue(ATTR_X100) != null && atts.getValue(ATTR_Y100) != null) { final Coord coord = parseCoord(atts); act.setCoord(coord); } } else if (atts.getValue(ATTR_X100) != null && atts.getValue(ATTR_Y100) != null) { final Coord coord = parseCoord(atts); act = this.currplan.createAndAddActivity(atts.getValue("type"), coord); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Either the coords or the link must be specified for an Act."); } act.setStartTime(Time.parseTime(atts.getValue("start_time"))); act.setMaximumDuration(Time.parseTime(atts.getValue("dur"))); act.setEndTime(Time.parseTime(atts.getValue("end_time"))); if (this.routeNodes != null) { this.currroute.setLinkIds( this.prevAct.getLinkId(), NetworkUtils.getLinkIds( RouteUtils.getLinksFromNodes(NetworkUtils.getNodes(, this.routeNodes))), act.getLinkId()); this.routeNodes = null; this.currroute = null; } this.prevAct = act; }
public void runAccessibilityComputation() { final Network network = (Network) this.scenario.getNetwork(); ProgressBar bar = new ProgressBar(this.measuringPoints.getZones().size()); for (Zone<Id<Zone>> measurePoint : this.measuringPoints.getZones()) { bar.update(); Coord coord = MGC.point2Coord(measurePoint.getGeometry().getCentroid()); Point p = measurePoint.getGeometry().getCentroid(); final Coord coord1 = coord; Link nearestLink = NetworkUtils.getNearestLinkExactly(network, coord1); final Coord coord2 = coord; Node nearestNode = NetworkUtils.getNearestNode(network, coord2); Distances distance = NetworkUtil.getDistances2NodeViaGivenLink(coord, nearestLink, nearestNode); double distanceMeasuringPoint2Road_meter = distance.getDistancePoint2Intersection(); double walkTravelTime_h = distanceMeasuringPoint2Road_meter / this.walkSpeedMeterPerHour; // travel time from coord to network (node or link) if (boundary.contains(p)) this.freeSpeedGrid.setValue(walkTravelTime_h, p); } }
@Override public void process( ActivityFacility quelle, ActivityFacility ziel, int quantity, String mode, String destinationActivityType, double departureTimeOffset) { Node quellNode = NetworkUtils.getNearestNode(((Network) network), quelle.getCoord()); Node zielNode = NetworkUtils.getNearestNode(((Network) network), ziel.getCoord()); Path path = dijkstra.calcLeastCostPath(quellNode, zielNode, 0.0, null, null); double travelTimeToWork = calculateFreespeedTravelTimeToNode(, path, zielNode); // if( == 9375 && == 9162){ System.out.println( "from zone " + quelle.getId() + " to zone " + ziel.getId() + ", it takes " + travelTimeToWork + " seconds to travel."); sink.process( quelle, ziel, quantity, mode, destinationActivityType, departureTimeOffset - travelTimeToWork); // } }
@Override public void startTag(String name, Attributes atts, Stack<String> context) { if (name.equals("company")) { companyName = atts.getValue("name"); this.companyNames.add(companyName); createQuadTrees(); twowaycarsharingstationsMap = new HashMap<String, CarsharingStation>(); onewaycarsharingstationsMap = new HashMap<String, CarsharingStation>(); ffvehiclesMap = new HashMap<CSVehicle, Link>(); ffvehicleIdMap = new HashMap<String, CSVehicle>(); owvehicleIdMap = new HashMap<String, CSVehicle>(); owvehiclesMap = new HashMap<CSVehicle, Link>(); twvehicleIdMap = new HashMap<String, CSVehicle>(); twvehiclesMap = new HashMap<CSVehicle, Link>(); // allVehicles = new HashMap<String, CSVehicle>(); // companies = new HashMap<String, CompanyContainer>(); } else if (name.equals("twoway") || name.equals("oneway")) { csType = name; id = atts.getValue("id"); String xCoord = atts.getValue("x"); String yCoord = atts.getValue("y"); Coord coordStation = new Coord(Double.parseDouble(xCoord), Double.parseDouble(yCoord)); link = (Link) NetworkUtils.getNearestLinkExactly(network, coordStation); vehicles = new ArrayList<StationBasedVehicle>(); if (name.equals("oneway")) { avaialbleParkingSpots = Integer.parseInt(atts.getValue("freeparking")); hasOW = true; } else hasTW = true; } else if (name.equals("freefloating")) { hasFF = true; String xCoord = atts.getValue("x"); String yCoord = atts.getValue("y"); String type = atts.getValue("type"); Coord coordStation = new Coord(Double.parseDouble(xCoord), Double.parseDouble(yCoord)); link = (Link) NetworkUtils.getNearestLinkExactly(network, coordStation); FFVehicleImpl ffcsvehicle = new FFVehicleImpl(type, atts.getValue("id"), companyName); ffVehicleLocationQuadTree.put(link.getCoord().getX(), link.getCoord().getY(), ffcsvehicle); ffvehiclesMap.put(ffcsvehicle, link); ffvehicleIdMap.put(atts.getValue("id"), ffcsvehicle); this.allVehicles.put(atts.getValue("id"), ffcsvehicle); allVehicleLocations.put(ffcsvehicle, link); } else if (name.equals("vehicle")) { StationBasedVehicle vehicle = new StationBasedVehicle( atts.getValue("type"), atts.getValue("vehicleID"), id, csType, companyName); vehicles.add(vehicle); this.allVehicles.put(atts.getValue("vehicleID"), vehicle); this.allVehicleLocations.put(vehicle, link); } }
/** * Within search radius search for the closest link that has the current mode as allowed travel * mode and return this link. * * @param stopFacility Stop facility to search a link for. * @return Null if no such link could be found. */ private Id<Link> findClosestLink(TransitStopFacility stopFacility) { Link nearestLink = NetworkUtils.getNearestLink(, stopFacility.getCoord()); if (NetworkUtils.getEuclidianDistance( stopFacility.getCoord(), nearestLink.getToNode().getCoord()) <= SEARCH_RADIUS) { // If nearest link is within search radius, return it. return nearestLink.getId(); } else { return null; } }
private void startAct(final Attributes atts) { Coord coord = null; if (atts.getValue("link") != null) { Id<Link> linkId = Id.create(atts.getValue("link"), Link.class); this.curract = this.currplan.createAndAddActivity(atts.getValue(ATTR_TYPE), linkId); if ((atts.getValue("x") != null) && (atts.getValue("y") != null)) { coord = new Coord( Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("x")), Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("y"))); this.curract.setCoord(coord); } } else if ((atts.getValue("x") != null) && (atts.getValue("y") != null)) { coord = new Coord(Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("x")), Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("y"))); this.curract = this.currplan.createAndAddActivity(atts.getValue(ATTR_TYPE), coord); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "In this version of MATSim either the coords or the link must be specified for an Act."); } this.curract.setStartTime(Time.parseTime(atts.getValue("start_time"))); this.curract.setMaximumDuration(Time.parseTime(atts.getValue("dur"))); this.curract.setEndTime(Time.parseTime(atts.getValue("end_time"))); String fId = atts.getValue("facility"); if (fId != null) { this.curract.setFacilityId(Id.create(fId, ActivityFacility.class)); } if (this.routeDescription != null) { Id<Link> startLinkId = null; if (this.prevAct.getLinkId() != null) { startLinkId = this.prevAct.getLinkId(); } Id<Link> endLinkId = null; if (this.curract.getLinkId() != null) { endLinkId = this.curract.getLinkId(); } this.currRoute.setStartLinkId(startLinkId); this.currRoute.setEndLinkId(endLinkId); if (this.currRoute instanceof NetworkRoute) { ((NetworkRoute) this.currRoute) .setLinkIds( startLinkId, NetworkUtils.getLinkIds( RouteUtils.getLinksFromNodes( NetworkUtils.getNodes(, this.routeDescription))), endLinkId); } else { this.currRoute.setRouteDescription(this.routeDescription.trim()); } this.routeDescription = null; this.currRoute = null; } }
private Population getTestPopulation() { Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); Network network = scenario.getNetwork(); new MatsimNetworkReader(scenario.getNetwork()).readFile("test/scenarios/equil/network.xml"); Link link1 = network.getLinks().get(Id.create(1, Link.class)); Link link20 = network.getLinks().get(Id.create(20, Link.class)); Population population = scenario.getPopulation(); Person person; PlanImpl plan; LegImpl leg; NetworkRoute route; person = PopulationUtils.createPerson(Id.create("1", Person.class)); plan = PersonUtils.createAndAddPlan(person, true); ActivityImpl a = plan.createAndAddActivity("h", link1.getId()); a.setEndTime(7.0 * 3600); leg = plan.createAndAddLeg(; route = new LinkNetworkRouteImpl(link1.getId(), link20.getId()); route.setLinkIds(link1.getId(), NetworkUtils.getLinkIds("6 15"), link20.getId()); leg.setRoute(route); plan.createAndAddActivity("w", link20.getId()); population.addPerson(person); person = PopulationUtils.createPerson(Id.create("2", Person.class)); plan = PersonUtils.createAndAddPlan(person, true); ActivityImpl a2 = plan.createAndAddActivity("h", link1.getId()); a2.setEndTime(7.0 * 3600 + 5.0 * 60); leg = plan.createAndAddLeg(; route = new LinkNetworkRouteImpl(link1.getId(), link20.getId()); route.setLinkIds(link1.getId(), NetworkUtils.getLinkIds("6 15"), link20.getId()); leg.setRoute(route); plan.createAndAddActivity("w", link20.getId()); population.addPerson(person); person = PopulationUtils.createPerson(Id.create("3", Person.class)); plan = PersonUtils.createAndAddPlan(person, true); ActivityImpl a3 = plan.createAndAddActivity("h", link1.getId()); a3.setEndTime(7.0 * 3600 + 10.0 * 60); leg = plan.createAndAddLeg(; route = new LinkNetworkRouteImpl(link1.getId(), link20.getId()); route.setLinkIds(link1.getId(), NetworkUtils.getLinkIds("5 14"), link20.getId()); leg.setRoute(route); plan.createAndAddActivity("w", link20.getId()); population.addPerson(person); return population; }
public static final QuadTree<ActivityFacility> createFacilityQuadTree(Controler controler) { double minx = (1.0D / 0.0D); double miny = (1.0D / 0.0D); double maxx = (-1.0D / 0.0D); double maxy = (-1.0D / 0.0D); for (Link l : controler.getScenario().getNetwork().getLinks().values()) { if (l.getCoord().getX() < minx) minx = l.getCoord().getX(); if (l.getCoord().getY() < miny) miny = l.getCoord().getY(); if (l.getCoord().getX() > maxx) maxx = l.getCoord().getX(); if (l.getCoord().getY() <= maxy) continue; maxy = l.getCoord().getY(); } minx -= 1.0D; miny -= 1.0D; maxx += 1.0D; maxy += 1.0D; QuadTree<ActivityFacility> facilityQuadTree = new QuadTree<ActivityFacility>(minx, miny, maxx, maxy); for (ActivityFacility f : controler.getScenario().getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().values()) { ((ActivityFacilityImpl) f) .setLinkId( NetworkUtils.getNearestLink( ((NetworkImpl) controler.getScenario().getNetwork()), f.getCoord()) .getId()); Coord c = f.getCoord(); facilityQuadTree.put(c.getX(), c.getY(), f); } return facilityQuadTree; }
protected TreeMap<Integer, String> createInitialLocationsForGA( TreeMap<Id, LinkRetailersImpl> availableLinks) { TreeMap<Integer, String> locations = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); int intCount = 0; for (ActivityFacility af : this.retailerFacilities.values()) { locations.put( Integer.valueOf(intCount), NetworkUtils.getNearestLink( ((NetworkImpl) this.controler.getScenario().getNetwork()), af.getCoord()) .getId() .toString()); ++intCount; "The facility with Id: " + af.getId() + " has been added, this is located on the link: " + af.getLinkId()); } for (LinkRetailersImpl l : availableLinks.values()) { if (locations.containsValue(l.getId().toString())) {"The Link: " + l.getId() + " is already on the list"); } else { locations.put(Integer.valueOf(intCount), l.getId().toString()); ++intCount;"The Link: " + l.getId() + " has been added"); } }"Initial Locations (with Free Links) = " + locations); return locations; }
private Set<Link> getLinksWithinSearchRadius(Coord centralCoords) { Set<Link> linksWithinRadius = new HashSet<>(); for (Link link : { if (NetworkUtils.getEuclidianDistance(centralCoords, link.getToNode().getCoord()) < SEARCH_RADIUS) { linksWithinRadius.add(link); } } return linksWithinRadius; }
@Override public void run() { if (scenario instanceof MutableScenario) { ((MutableScenario) scenario).setLocked(); // see comment in ScenarioImpl. kai, sep'14 } /* * Create single-mode network here and hand it over to PersonPrepareForSim. Otherwise, each instance would create its * own single-mode network. However, this assumes that the main mode is car - which PersonPrepareForSim also does. Should * be probably adapted in a way that other main modes are possible as well. cdobler, oct'15. */ final Network net; if (NetworkUtils.isMultimodal(network)) { "Network seems to be multimodal. Create car-only network which is handed over to PersonPrepareForSim."); TransportModeNetworkFilter filter = new TransportModeNetworkFilter(network); net = NetworkUtils.createNetwork(); HashSet<String> modes = new HashSet<>(); modes.add(; filter.filter(net, modes); } else { net = network; } // make sure all routes are calculated. population, globalConfigGroup.getNumberOfThreads(), new ParallelPersonAlgorithmRunner.PersonAlgorithmProvider() { @Override public AbstractPersonAlgorithm getPersonAlgorithm() { return new MyPersonPrepareForSim( new PlanRouter(tripRouterProvider.get(), activityFacilities), scenario, net); } }); if (population instanceof Lockable) { ((Lockable) population).setLocked(); } }
private TransitRoute createRoute( Id<TransitRoute> routeID, TransitStopFacility startStop, TransitStopFacility endStop) { FreespeedTravelTimeAndDisutility tC = new FreespeedTravelTimeAndDisutility(-6.0, 0.0, 0.0); LeastCostPathCalculator routingAlgo = new Dijkstra(, tC, tC); Node startNode =; Node endNode =; int startTime = 0 * 3600; // get Route Path path = routingAlgo.calcLeastCostPath(startNode, endNode, startTime, null, null); NetworkRoute route = new LinkNetworkRouteImpl(startStop.getLinkId(), endStop.getLinkId()); route.setLinkIds( startStop.getLinkId(), NetworkUtils.getLinkIds(path.links), endStop.getLinkId()); // get stops at Route List<TransitRouteStop> stops = new LinkedList<TransitRouteStop>(); // first stop TransitRouteStop routeStop = this.tS.getFactory().createTransitRouteStop(startStop, startTime, startTime); stops.add(routeStop); // additional stops for (Link link : path.links) { startTime += link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); if (this.tS.getFacilities().get(link.getId()) == null) { continue; } routeStop = this.tS .getFactory() .createTransitRouteStop( this.tS.getFacilities().get(link.getId()), startTime, startTime); stops.add(routeStop); } // last stop startTime += /; routeStop = this.tS.getFactory().createTransitRouteStop(endStop, startTime, startTime); stops.add(routeStop); // register departure TransitRoute transitRoute = this.tS.getFactory().createTransitRoute(routeID, route, stops, "pt"); return transitRoute; }
@Override public void notifyIterationStarts(IterationStartsEvent event) { List<NetworkChangeEvent> allchangeevents = new ArrayList<NetworkChangeEvent>(); Iterator<GenericP0ControlHandler> hiter = handlers.iterator(); while (hiter.hasNext()) { GenericP0ControlHandler handler =; handler.setIteration( event.getIteration()); // To run without P0 call with 0, and comment out initialisation of // events in initialise function allchangeevents.addAll(handler.getChangeEvents()); handler.initialise(); } final List<NetworkChangeEvent> events = allchangeevents; NetworkUtils.setNetworkChangeEvents(network, events); allchangeevents.removeAll(allchangeevents); }
private void assignProps(Collection<Link> links, Link link) { double capacity = 0; double freespeed = 0; double lanes = 0; for (Link origLink : links) { capacity += origLink.getCapacity(); freespeed = Math.max(freespeed, origLink.getFreespeed()); lanes += origLink.getNumberOfLanes(); } link.setCapacity(capacity); link.setFreespeed(freespeed); link.setNumberOfLanes(lanes); link.setLength( NetworkUtils.getEuclideanDistance( link.getFromNode().getCoord(), link.getToNode().getCoord())); }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Network network = NetworkUtils.createNetwork(); new MatsimNetworkReader(network) .readFile( "../../../shared-svn/studies/jbischoff/multimodal/berlin/input/10pct/network.final10pct.xml.gz"); NetworkFilterManager m = new NetworkFilterManager(network); m.addLinkFilter( new NetworkLinkFilter() { @Override public boolean judgeLink(Link l) { if (l.getAllowedModes().contains( return true; else return false; } }); Network network2 = m.applyFilters(); new NetworkWriter(network2) .write( "../../../shared-svn/studies/jbischoff/multimodal/berlin/input/10pct/network.final10pct_car.xml.gz"); }
private static Network filterNetwork(Network network) { CoordinateTransformation transform = TransformationFactory.getCoordinateTransformation( TransformationFactory.CH1903_LV03_GT, TransformationFactory.DHDN_GK4); // CoordinateTransformation transform = // TransformationFactory.getCoordinateTransformation(TransformationFactory.CH1903_LV03_GT, // "WGS84_UTM32T"); Network net = NetworkUtils.createNetwork(); RoadPricingSchemeImpl rps = new RoadPricingSchemeImpl(); RoadPricingReaderXMLv1 rpr = new RoadPricingReaderXMLv1(rps); rpr.parse(linksToFilter); Set<Id<Link>> linkList = rps.getTolledLinkIds(); for (Link link : network.getLinks().values()) { Id linkId = link.getId(); if (linkList.contains(linkId)) { Id fromId = link.getFromNode().getId(); Id toId = link.getToNode().getId(); Coord fromNodeCoord = link.getFromNode().getCoord(); Coord toNodeCoord = link.getToNode().getCoord(); Coord fromNodeTransformed = transform.transform(fromNodeCoord); Coord toNodeTransformed = transform.transform(toNodeCoord); // Node newFromNode = net.getFactory().createNode(fromId, fromNodeCoord); // Node newToNode = net.getFactory().createNode(toId, toNodeCoord); Node newFromNode = net.getFactory().createNode(fromId, fromNodeTransformed); Node newToNode = net.getFactory().createNode(toId, toNodeTransformed); if (!net.getNodes().containsKey(fromId)) { net.addNode(newFromNode); } if (!net.getNodes().containsKey(toId)) { net.addNode(newToNode); } Link ll = net.getFactory().createLink(link.getId(), newFromNode, newToNode); net.addLink(ll); } } return net; }
public static final QuadTree<PersonPrimaryActivity> createPersonPrimaryActivityQuadTree( Controler controler) { int i; double minx = (1.0D / 0.0D); double miny = (1.0D / 0.0D); double maxx = (-1.0D / 0.0D); double maxy = (-1.0D / 0.0D); for (ActivityFacility f : controler.getScenario().getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().values()) { if (f.getCoord().getX() < minx) minx = f.getCoord().getX(); if (f.getCoord().getY() < miny) miny = f.getCoord().getY(); if (f.getCoord().getX() > maxx) maxx = f.getCoord().getX(); if (f.getCoord().getY() <= maxy) continue; maxy = f.getCoord().getY(); } minx -= 1.0D; miny -= 1.0D; maxx += 1.0D; maxy += 1.0D; QuadTree<PersonPrimaryActivity> personPrimaryActivityQuadTree = new QuadTree<PersonPrimaryActivity>(minx, miny, maxx, maxy); i = 0; for (Person p : controler.getScenario().getPopulation().getPersons().values()) { int primaryActivityCount = 0; boolean hasHome = false; boolean hasWork = false; boolean hasEducation = false; // boolean hasShop = false; if (p.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().toString().contains("type=shopgrocery")) { for (PlanElement pe : p.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { Coord c; Id<Link> activityLink; int ppaId; PersonPrimaryActivity ppa; Activity act = (Activity) pe; if (act.getType().equals("home")) { if (!(hasHome)) { c = ((ActivityFacility) controler .getScenario() .getActivityFacilities() .getFacilities() .get(act.getFacilityId())) .getCoord(); activityLink = (NetworkUtils.getNearestLink( ((NetworkImpl) controler.getScenario().getNetwork()), act.getCoord())) .getId(); // activityLink = // (IdImpl)((ActivityFacility)controler.getFacilities().getFacilities().get(act.getFacilityId())).getLinkId(); ppaId = Integer.parseInt(p.getId().toString()) * 10 + primaryActivityCount; ppa = new PersonPrimaryActivity(act.getType(), ppaId, p.getId(), activityLink); personPrimaryActivityQuadTree.put(c.getX(), c.getY(), ppa); hasHome = true; ++primaryActivityCount; } } else if (act.getType().equals("work")) { if (!(hasWork)) { c = ((ActivityFacility) controler .getScenario() .getActivityFacilities() .getFacilities() .get(act.getFacilityId())) .getCoord(); activityLink = ((ActivityFacility) controler .getScenario() .getActivityFacilities() .getFacilities() .get(act.getFacilityId())) .getLinkId(); ppaId = Integer.parseInt(p.getId().toString()) * 10 + primaryActivityCount; ppa = new PersonPrimaryActivity(act.getType(), ppaId, p.getId(), activityLink); personPrimaryActivityQuadTree.put(c.getX(), c.getY(), ppa); hasWork = true; ++primaryActivityCount; } } else { if ((!(act.getType().equals("education"))) || (hasEducation)) continue; c = ((ActivityFacility) controler .getScenario() .getActivityFacilities() .getFacilities() .get(act.getFacilityId())) .getCoord(); activityLink = ((ActivityFacility) controler .getScenario() .getActivityFacilities() .getFacilities() .get(act.getFacilityId())) .getLinkId();"Act Link " + activityLink); ppaId = Integer.parseInt(p.getId().toString()) * 10 + primaryActivityCount; ppa = new PersonPrimaryActivity(act.getType(), ppaId, p.getId(), activityLink); personPrimaryActivityQuadTree.put(c.getX(), c.getY(), ppa); hasEducation = true; ++primaryActivityCount; } } } i += primaryActivityCount; } //"Global Primary activity count = " + i); } return personPrimaryActivityQuadTree; }
private void createLink( final Network network, final OsmWay way, final OsmNode fromNode, final OsmNode toNode, final double length) { double nofLanes; double laneCapacity; double freespeed; double freespeedFactor; boolean oneway; boolean onewayReverse = false; // load defaults String highway = way.tags.get(TAG_HIGHWAY); String railway = way.tags.get(TAG_RAILWAY); String ptway = way.tags.get(TAG_PT_WAYS); OsmHighwayDefaults defaults; if (highway != null) { defaults = this.highwayDefaults.get(highway); if (defaults == null) { this.unknownHighways.add(highway); return; } } else if (railway != null) { defaults = this.railwayDefaults.get(railway); if (defaults == null) { this.unknownRailways.add(railway); return; } } else if (ptway != null) { defaults = this.ptDefaults.get(ptway); if (defaults == null) { this.unknownPTs.add(ptway); return; } } else { this.unknownWays.add(way.tags.values().toString()); return; } nofLanes = defaults.lanes; laneCapacity = defaults.laneCapacity; freespeed = defaults.freespeed; freespeedFactor = defaults.freespeedFactor; oneway = defaults.oneway; // check if there are tags that overwrite defaults // - check tag "junction" if ("roundabout".equals(way.tags.get(TAG_JUNCTION))) { // if "junction" is not set in tags, get() returns null and equals() evaluates to false oneway = true; } // - check tag "oneway" String onewayTag = way.tags.get(TAG_ONEWAY); if (onewayTag != null) { if ("yes".equals(onewayTag)) { oneway = true; } else if ("true".equals(onewayTag)) { oneway = true; } else if ("1".equals(onewayTag)) { oneway = true; } else if ("-1".equals(onewayTag)) { onewayReverse = true; oneway = false; } else if ("no".equals(onewayTag)) { oneway = false; // may be used to overwrite defaults } } // - check tag "oneway" with trunks, primary and secondary roads // (if they are marked as such, the default number of lanes should be two instead of one) if (highway != null) { if (highway.equalsIgnoreCase("trunk") || highway.equalsIgnoreCase("primary") || highway.equalsIgnoreCase("secondary")) { if (oneway && nofLanes == 1.0) { nofLanes = 2.0; } } } // - ckeck tag "maxspeed" String maxspeedTag = way.tags.get(TAG_MAXSPEED); if (maxspeedTag != null) { try { freespeed = Double.parseDouble(maxspeedTag) / 3.6; // convert km/h to m/s } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (!this.unknownMaxspeedTags.contains(maxspeedTag)) { this.unknownMaxspeedTags.add(maxspeedTag); log.warn("Could not parse maxspeed tag:" + e.getMessage() + ". Ignoring it."); } } } // - check tag "lanes" String lanesTag = way.tags.get(TAG_LANES); if (lanesTag != null) { try { double tmp = Double.parseDouble(lanesTag); if (tmp > 0) { nofLanes = tmp; } } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.unknownLanesTags.contains(lanesTag)) { this.unknownLanesTags.add(lanesTag); log.warn("Could not parse lanes tag:" + e.getMessage() + ". Ignoring it."); } } } // define the links' capacity and freespeed double capacity = nofLanes * laneCapacity; if (this.scaleMaxSpeed) { freespeed = freespeed * freespeedFactor; } // define modes allowed on link(s) // basic type: Set<String> modes = new HashSet<String>(); if (highway != null) { modes.add("car"); } if (railway != null) { modes.add(railway); } if (ptway != null) { modes.add(ptway); } if (modes.isEmpty()) { modes.add("unknownStreetType"); } // public transport: for (OsmRelation relation : this.relations.values()) { for (OsmParser.OsmRelationMember member : relation.members) { if ((member.type == OsmParser.OsmRelationMemberType.WAY) && (member.refId == { String mode = relation.tags.get("name"); // mark that it is a link used by any pt: if (mode == null) { break; } else { modes.add("pt"); } if (mode.indexOf(":") > 0 && mode.indexOf(" ") > 0 && mode.indexOf(" ") < mode.indexOf(":")) { modes.add(mode.toLowerCase().substring(mode.indexOf(" "), mode.indexOf(":")).trim()); } // modes.add(relation.tags.get("name")); break; } } } // only create link, if both nodes were found, node could be null, since nodes outside a layer // were dropped Id<Node> fromId = Id.create(, Node.class); Id<Node> toId = Id.create(, Node.class); if (network.getNodes().get(fromId) != null && network.getNodes().get(toId) != null) { String origId = Long.toString(; if (!onewayReverse) { Link l = network .getFactory() .createLink( Id.create(, Link.class), network.getNodes().get(fromId), network.getNodes().get(toId)); l.setLength(length); l.setFreespeed(freespeed); l.setCapacity(capacity); l.setNumberOfLanes(nofLanes); l.setAllowedModes(modes); if (l instanceof Link) { final String id1 = origId; NetworkUtils.setOrigId(((Link) l), id1); } network.addLink(l);; } if (!oneway) { Link l = network .getFactory() .createLink( Id.create(, Link.class), network.getNodes().get(toId), network.getNodes().get(fromId)); l.setLength(length); l.setFreespeed(freespeed); l.setCapacity(capacity); l.setNumberOfLanes(nofLanes); l.setAllowedModes(modes); if (l instanceof Link) { final String id1 = origId; NetworkUtils.setOrigId(((Link) l), id1); } network.addLink(l);; } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.matsim.core.api.internal.NetworkRunnable#run( */ @Override public void run(Network network) { Queue<Node> pendingNodes = new LinkedList<Node>(network.getNodes().values()); double[] env = NetworkUtils.getBoundingBox(pendingNodes); QuadTree<Node> quadTree = new QuadTree<Node>(env[0], env[1], env[2], env[3]); for (Node node : pendingNodes) { quadTree.put(node.getCoord().getX(), node.getCoord().getY(), node); } long linkIdCounter = 100000000000L; while (!pendingNodes.isEmpty()) { Node node = pendingNodes.poll(); double radius = 30; double minx = node.getCoord().getX() - radius; double miny = node.getCoord().getY() - radius; double maxx = node.getCoord().getX() + radius; double maxy = node.getCoord().getY() + radius; Set<Node> intersectionNodes = new HashSet<Node>(20); quadTree.getRectangle(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, intersectionNodes); if (intersectionNodes.size() > 1) { Set<Node> sourceNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); Map<Node, Set<Link>> inLinks = new HashMap<Node, Set<Link>>(); Set<Node> targetNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); Map<Node, Set<Link>> outLinks = new HashMap<Node, Set<Link>>(); for (Node intersectionNode : intersectionNodes) { for (Link link : intersectionNode.getInLinks().values()) { Node fromNode = link.getFromNode(); double x = fromNode.getCoord().getX(); double y = fromNode.getCoord().getY(); if (!(x > minx && y > miny && x < maxx && y < maxy)) { sourceNodes.add(fromNode); Set<Link> links = inLinks.get(fromNode); if (links == null) { links = new HashSet<Link>(); inLinks.put(fromNode, links); } links.add(link); } } for (Link link : intersectionNode.getOutLinks().values()) { Node toNode = link.getToNode(); double x = toNode.getCoord().getX(); double y = toNode.getCoord().getY(); if (!(x > minx && y > miny && x < maxx && y < maxy)) { targetNodes.add(toNode); Set<Link> links = outLinks.get(toNode); if (links == null) { links = new HashSet<Link>(); outLinks.put(toNode, links); } links.add(link); } } } for (Node intersectionNode : intersectionNodes) { network.removeNode(intersectionNode.getId()); quadTree.remove( intersectionNode.getCoord().getX(), intersectionNode.getCoord().getY(), intersectionNode); pendingNodes.remove(intersectionNode); } NetworkFactory factory = network.getFactory(); Node centerNode = factory.createNode(node.getId(), centerOfMass(intersectionNodes)); network.addNode(centerNode); quadTree.put(centerNode.getCoord().getX(), centerNode.getCoord().getY(), centerNode); for (Node source : sourceNodes) { Link newLink = factory.createLink(Id.create(linkIdCounter++, Link.class), source, centerNode); network.addLink(newLink); Set<Link> origLinks = inLinks.get(source); assignProps(origLinks, newLink); } for (Node target : targetNodes) { Link newLink = factory.createLink(Id.create(linkIdCounter++, Link.class), centerNode, target); network.addLink(newLink); Set<Link> origLinks = outLinks.get(target); assignProps(origLinks, newLink); } } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Scenario scenario; scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); new NetworkReaderMatsimV2(scenario.getNetwork()).readFile(args[0]); Network network = scenario.getNetwork(); Network net = NetworkUtils.createNetwork(); Set<String> modes = new HashSet<>(); modes.add(; new TransportModeNetworkFilter(network).filter(net, modes); new NetworkCleaner().run(net); MatsimRandom.reset(123); DrunkDudePathfinder stochasticRouter = new DrunkDudePathfinder( net, new TravelDisutility() { @Override public double getLinkTravelDisutility( Link link, double time, Person person, Vehicle vehicle) { return link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } @Override public double getLinkMinimumTravelDisutility(Link link) { return link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } }, new TravelTime() { @Override public double getLinkTravelTime( Link link, double time, Person person, Vehicle vehicle) { return link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } }, 0.5); SimpleNetworkPainter networkPainter = new SimpleNetworkPainter(400, 400); networkPainter.setNetworkTransformation(network); stochasticRouter.setNetworkPainter(networkPainter); // stochasticRouter.calcLeastCostPath(network.getNodes().get(Id.createNodeId("11_311")), // network.getNodes().get(Id.createNodeId("18_566")), 3600, null, null); Set<Node> nodeSet = new HashSet<>(); nodeSet.addAll(net.getNodes().values()); Node[] nodesArray = nodeSet.toArray(new Node[nodeSet.size()]); long currentTimeMillis = -System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 1e3; i++) { int[] ints = Sample.sampleMfromN(2, nodesArray.length); System.out.println(nodesArray[ints[0]] + " " + nodesArray[ints[1]]); stochasticRouter.calcLeastCostPath( nodesArray[ints[0]], nodesArray[ints[1]], 3600, null, null); } currentTimeMillis += System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(currentTimeMillis); Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra( net, new TravelDisutility() { @Override public double getLinkTravelDisutility( Link link, double time, Person person, Vehicle vehicle) { return link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } @Override public double getLinkMinimumTravelDisutility(Link link) { return link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } }, new TravelTime() { @Override public double getLinkTravelTime( Link link, double time, Person person, Vehicle vehicle) { return link.getLength() / link.getFreespeed(); } }, null); currentTimeMillis = -System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 1e3; i++) { int[] ints = Sample.sampleMfromN(2, nodesArray.length); dijkstra.calcLeastCostPath(nodesArray[ints[0]], nodesArray[ints[1]], 3600, null, null); } currentTimeMillis += System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(currentTimeMillis); }
@Override public TripRouter instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(RoutingContext routingContext) { TripRouter tripRouter = new TripRouter(); PlansCalcRouteConfigGroup routeConfigGroup = scenario.getConfig().plansCalcRoute(); LeastCostPathCalculator routeAlgo = leastCostPathCalculatorFactory.createPathCalculator( scenario.getNetwork(), routingContext.getTravelDisutility(), routingContext.getTravelTime()); FreespeedTravelTimeAndDisutility ptTimeCostCalc = new FreespeedTravelTimeAndDisutility(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0); LeastCostPathCalculator routeAlgoPtFreeFlow = leastCostPathCalculatorFactory.createPathCalculator( scenario.getNetwork(), ptTimeCostCalc, ptTimeCostCalc); final boolean networkIsMultimodal = NetworkUtils.isMultimodal(scenario.getNetwork()); if (networkIsMultimodal) { // note: LinkImpl has a default allowed mode of "car" so that all links // of a monomodal network are actually restricted to car, making the check // of multimodality unecessary from a behavioral point of view. // However, checking the mode restriction for each link is expensive, // so it is not worth doing it if it is not necessary. (td, oct. 2012) if (routeAlgo instanceof IntermodalLeastCostPathCalculator) { ((IntermodalLeastCostPathCalculator) routeAlgo) .setModeRestriction(Collections.singleton(; ((IntermodalLeastCostPathCalculator) routeAlgoPtFreeFlow) .setModeRestriction(Collections.singleton(; } else { // this is impossible to reach when using the algorithms of org.matsim.* // (all implement IntermodalLeastCostPathCalculator) log.warn( "network is multimodal but least cost path algorithm is not an instance of IntermodalLeastCostPathCalculator!"); } } for (String mode : routeConfigGroup.getTeleportedModeFreespeedFactors().keySet()) { final RoutingModule routingModule = DefaultRoutingModules.createPseudoTransitRouter( mode, scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(), scenario.getNetwork(), routeAlgoPtFreeFlow, routeConfigGroup.getModeRoutingParams().get(mode)); tripRouter.setRoutingModule(mode, routingModule); } for (String mode : routeConfigGroup.getTeleportedModeSpeeds().keySet()) { final RoutingModule routingModule = DefaultRoutingModules.createTeleportationRouter( mode, scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(), routeConfigGroup.getModeRoutingParams().get(mode)); final RoutingModule result = tripRouter.setRoutingModule(mode, routingModule); if (result != null) { log.error("inconsistent router configuration for mode " + mode); log.error( "One situation which triggers this warning: setting both speed and speedFactor for a mode (this used to be possible)."); throw new RuntimeException( "there was already a module set when trying to set teleporting module for mode " + mode + ": " + result); } } for (String mode : routeConfigGroup.getNetworkModes()) { final RoutingModule routingModule = DefaultRoutingModules.createNetworkRouter( mode, scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(), scenario.getNetwork(), routeAlgo); final RoutingModule result = tripRouter.setRoutingModule(mode, routingModule); if (result != null) { log.error("inconsistent router configuration for mode " + mode); throw new RuntimeException( "there was already a module set when trying to set network routing module for mode " + mode + ": " + result); } // The default router will always route on the car network. A user may, however, have // prepared a network with dedicated bicycle // links and then expect the router to route on that. The following test tries to catch that. // If someone improves on this, // the test can be removed. kai, feb'15 if (networkIsMultimodal) { switch (mode) { case case TransportMode.ride: break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "you have a multi-modal network and configured " + mode + " to be routed as a network mode. " + "The present configuration will route this " + "mode on the car network. This may be ok (e.g. with ``truck'' or ``motorbike''), or not (e.g. with ``bicycle''). " + "Throwing an exception anyways; please use a uni-modal network if you want to keep this configuration."); } } } if (scenario.getConfig().transit().isUseTransit()) { TransitRouterWrapper routingModule = new TransitRouterWrapper( transitRouterFactory.get(), scenario.getTransitSchedule(), scenario.getNetwork(), // use a walk router in case no PT path is found DefaultRoutingModules.createTeleportationRouter( TransportMode.transit_walk, scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(), routeConfigGroup.getModeRoutingParams().get(TransportMode.walk))); for (String mode : scenario.getConfig().transit().getTransitModes()) { // XXX one can't check for inconsistent setting here... // because the setting is inconsistent by default (defaults // set a teleportation setting for pt routing, which is overriden // here) (td, may 2013) tripRouter.setRoutingModule(mode, routingModule); } } return tripRouter; }