   * Preparing hot start: Copying recent matsim plans file to a specified location (Matsim config).
   * Matsim will check this location for plans file on run and activates hot start if the plans file
   * is there
  public static void prepareHotStart(ScenarioImpl scenario) {

    M4UControlerConfigModuleV3 module =
    UrbanSimParameterConfigModuleV3 uspModule =

    String hotStartFile = module.getHotStartPlansFileLocation().trim();
    if (exists(hotStartFile)) {

      String plansFile =
          uspModule.getMATSim4OpusOutput() + InternalConstants.GENERATED_PLANS_FILE_NAME;
      try {
        log.info("Preparing hot start for next MATSim run ...");
        FileCopy.fileCopy(new File(plansFile), new File(hotStartFile));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error while copying plans file, i. e. hot start will not work!");

      log.info("Hot start preparation successful!");
    } else {
      log.info("can not prepare hotStart. hotstart-file does not exist: " + hotStartFile);