@Override public void input(Window window, MouseInput mouseInput) { cameraInc.set(0, 0, 0); if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_W)) { cameraInc.z = -1; } else if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_S)) { cameraInc.z = 1; } if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_A)) { cameraInc.x = -1; } else if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_D)) { cameraInc.x = 1; } if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_Z)) { cameraInc.y = -1; } else if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_X)) { cameraInc.y = 1; } if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) { angleInc -= 0.05f; soundMgr.playSoundSource(Sounds.BEEP.toString()); } else if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) { angleInc += 0.05f; soundMgr.playSoundSource(Sounds.BEEP.toString()); } else { angleInc = 0; } }
private void setupSounds() throws Exception { SoundBuffer buffBack = new SoundBuffer("/sounds/background.ogg"); soundMgr.addSoundBuffer(buffBack); SoundSource sourceBack = new SoundSource(true, true); sourceBack.setBuffer(buffBack.getBufferId()); soundMgr.addSoundSource(Sounds.MUSIC.toString(), sourceBack); SoundBuffer buffBeep = new SoundBuffer("/sounds/beep.ogg"); soundMgr.addSoundBuffer(buffBeep); SoundSource sourceBeep = new SoundSource(false, true); sourceBeep.setBuffer(buffBeep.getBufferId()); soundMgr.addSoundSource(Sounds.BEEP.toString(), sourceBeep); SoundBuffer buffFire = new SoundBuffer("/sounds/fire.ogg"); soundMgr.addSoundBuffer(buffFire); SoundSource sourceFire = new SoundSource(true, false); Vector3f pos = particleEmitter.getBaseParticle().getPosition(); sourceFire.setPosition(pos); sourceFire.setBuffer(buffFire.getBufferId()); soundMgr.addSoundSource(Sounds.FIRE.toString(), sourceFire); sourceFire.play(); soundMgr.setListener(new SoundListener(new Vector3f(0, 0, 0))); sourceBack.play(); }
@Override public void cleanup() { renderer.cleanup(); soundMgr.cleanup(); scene.cleanup(); if (hud != null) { hud.cleanup(); } }
@Override public void update(float interval, MouseInput mouseInput) { // Update camera based on mouse if (mouseInput.isRightButtonPressed()) { Vector2f rotVec = mouseInput.getDisplVec(); camera.moveRotation(rotVec.x * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY, rotVec.y * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY, 0); } // Update camera position Vector3f prevPos = new Vector3f(camera.getPosition()); camera.movePosition( cameraInc.x * CAMERA_POS_STEP, cameraInc.y * CAMERA_POS_STEP, cameraInc.z * CAMERA_POS_STEP); // Check if there has been a collision. If true, set the y position to // the maximum height float height = terrain != null ? terrain.getHeight(camera.getPosition()) : -Float.MAX_VALUE; if (camera.getPosition().y <= height) { camera.setPosition(prevPos.x, prevPos.y, prevPos.z); } lightAngle += angleInc; if (lightAngle < 0) { lightAngle = 0; } else if (lightAngle > 180) { lightAngle = 180; } float zValue = (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lightAngle)); float yValue = (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(lightAngle)); Vector3f lightDirection = this.scene.getSceneLight().getDirectionalLight().getDirection(); lightDirection.x = 0; lightDirection.y = yValue; lightDirection.z = zValue; lightDirection.normalize(); particleEmitter.update((long) (interval * 1000)); // Update sound listener position; soundMgr.updateListenerPosition(camera); }
@Override public void init(Window window) throws Exception { renderer.init(window); soundMgr.init(); scene = new Scene(); float reflectance = 1f; float blockScale = 0.5f; float skyBoxScale = 100.0f; float extension = 2.0f; float startx = extension * (-skyBoxScale + blockScale); float startz = extension * (skyBoxScale - blockScale); float starty = -1.0f; float inc = blockScale * 2; float posx = startx; float posz = startz; float incy = 0.0f; BufferedImage heightMapImage = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/textures/heightmap.png")); int height = heightMapImage.getHeight(); int width = heightMapImage.getWidth(); int instances = height * width; Mesh mesh = OBJLoader.loadMesh("/models/cube.obj", instances); Texture texture = new Texture("/textures/terrain_textures.png", 2, 1); Material material = new Material(texture, reflectance); mesh.setMaterial(material); GameItem[] gameItems = new GameItem[instances]; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { GameItem gameItem = new GameItem(mesh); gameItem.setScale(blockScale); int rgb = heightMapImage.getRGB(j, i); incy = rgb / (10 * 255 * 255); gameItem.setPosition(posx, starty + incy, posz); int textPos = Math.random() > 0.5f ? 0 : 1; gameItem.setTextPos(textPos); gameItems[i * width + j] = gameItem; posx += inc; } posx = startx; posz -= inc; } scene.setGameItems(gameItems); // Particles int maxParticles = 200; Vector3f particleSpeed = new Vector3f(0, 1, 0); particleSpeed.mul(2.5f); long ttl = 4000; long creationPeriodMillis = 300; float range = 0.2f; float scale = 0.2f; Mesh partMesh = OBJLoader.loadMesh("/models/particle.obj", maxParticles); Texture particleTexture = new Texture("/textures/particle_anim.png", 4, 4); Material partMaterial = new Material(particleTexture, reflectance); partMesh.setMaterial(partMaterial); Particle particle = new Particle(partMesh, particleSpeed, ttl, 100); particle.setScale(scale); particleEmitter = new FlowParticleEmitter(particle, maxParticles, creationPeriodMillis); particleEmitter.setActive(true); particleEmitter.setPositionRndRange(range); particleEmitter.setSpeedRndRange(range); particleEmitter.setAnimRange(10); this.scene.setParticleEmitters(new FlowParticleEmitter[] {particleEmitter}); // Shadows scene.setRenderShadows(false); // Fog Vector3f fogColour = new Vector3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); scene.setFog(new Fog(true, fogColour, 0.02f)); // Setup SkyBox SkyBox skyBox = new SkyBox("/models/skybox.obj", new Vector3f(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f)); skyBox.setScale(skyBoxScale); scene.setSkyBox(skyBox); // Setup Lights setupLights(); camera.getPosition().x = 0.25f; camera.getPosition().y = 6.5f; camera.getPosition().z = 6.5f; camera.getRotation().x = 25; camera.getRotation().y = -1; hud = new Hud("DEMO"); // Sounds this.soundMgr.init(); this.soundMgr.setAttenuationModel(AL11.AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE); setupSounds(); }