  * hasArticleMetadata(CachedUrl cu)
  *   Given the CachedUrl for the potential abstract file, using the existing
  *   SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor to parse the file and
  *   retrieve any contained metadata. If a doi or author exists, it's an article
  *   NOT defining the Metadata Extractor here!
 private boolean hasArticleMetadata(CachedUrl cu) {
   MetadataTarget at = new MetadataTarget(MetadataTarget.PURPOSE_ARTICLE);
   ArticleMetadata am;
   SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor ext = new SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor();
   if (cu != null && cu.hasContent()) {
     try {
       am = ext.extract(at, cu);
       if ((am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_journal_title"))
           || (am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_abstract_html_url"))
           || (am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_doi"))
           || (am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_author"))) {
         return true;
     } catch (IOException e) {
   return false; // no reasonable metadata, probably a toc