private void deleteBlock(CachedUrl cu) throws IOException {"deleting " + cu.getUrl()); CachedUrlSetSpec cuss = new SingleNodeCachedUrlSetSpec(cu.getUrl()); ArchivalUnit au = cu.getArchivalUnit(); CachedUrlSet cus = au.makeCachedUrlSet(cuss); NodeManager nm = au.getPlugin().getDaemon().getNodeManager(au); nm.deleteNode(cus); }
public void testArticleCountAndType() throws Exception { int expCount = 28; PluginTestUtil.crawlSimAu(sau); String pat1 = "branch(\\d+)/(\\d+file\\.html)"; String rep1 = "aps/journal/v123/n$1/full/$2"; PluginTestUtil.copyAu(sau, nau, ".*[^.][^p][^d][^f]$", pat1, rep1); String pat2 = "branch(\\d+)/(\\d+file\\.pdf)"; String rep2 = "aps/journal/v123/n$1/pdf/$2"; PluginTestUtil.copyAu(sau, nau, ".*\\.pdf$", pat2, rep2); // Remove some URLs int deleted = 0; for (Iterator it = nau.getAuCachedUrlSet().contentHashIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { CachedUrlSetNode cusn = (CachedUrlSetNode); if (cusn instanceof CachedUrl) { CachedUrl cu = (CachedUrl) cusn; String url = cu.getUrl(); if (url.contains("/journal/") && (url.endsWith("1file.html") || url.endsWith("2file.pdf"))) { deleteBlock(cu); ++deleted; } } } assertEquals(8, deleted); Iterator<ArticleFiles> it = nau.getArticleIterator(); int count = 0; int countHtmlOnly = 0; int countPdfOnly = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { ArticleFiles af =;; CachedUrl cu = af.getFullTextCu(); String url = cu.getUrl(); assertNotNull(cu); String contentType = cu.getContentType(); log.debug("count " + count + " url " + url + " " + contentType); count++; if (af.getRoleUrl(ArticleFiles.ROLE_FULL_TEXT_PDF) == null) { ++countHtmlOnly; } if (af.getRoleUrl(ArticleFiles.ROLE_FULL_TEXT_PDF) == url) { ++countPdfOnly; } } log.debug("Article count is " + count); assertEquals(expCount, count); assertEquals(4, countHtmlOnly); assertEquals(4, countPdfOnly); }
@Override public void extract(MetadataTarget target, CachedUrl cu, Emitter emitter) throws IOException { ArticleMetadata am = new SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor().extract(target, cu); am.cook(tagMap); String url = am.get(MetadataField.FIELD_ACCESS_URL); ArchivalUnit au = cu.getArchivalUnit(); if (url == null || url.isEmpty() || !au.makeCachedUrl(url).hasContent()) { url = cu.getUrl(); } am.replace( MetadataField.FIELD_ACCESS_URL, HttpToHttpsUtil.AuUtil.normalizeHttpHttpsFromBaseUrl(au, url)); emitter.emitMetadata(cu, am); }
/** Setup common to most constructors */ private void commonSetup(CachedUrlSet cus, String lwrBound, String uprBound, int pollType) { CachedUrlSetSpec cuss = cus.getSpec(); if (cuss instanceof PrunedCachedUrlSetSpec) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polls do not support PrunedCachedUrlSetSpec"); } this.cus = cus; ArchivalUnit au = cus.getArchivalUnit(); auId = au.getAuId(); this.pluginVersion = AuUtil.getPollVersion(au); url = cuss.getUrl(); this.lwrBound = lwrBound; this.uprBound = uprBound; this.protocolVersion = protocolVersionFromPollType(pollType); this.pollType = pollType; }
List<String> auUrls(ArchivalUnit au) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator iter = au.getAuCachedUrlSet().contentHashIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { CachedUrlSetNode cusn = (CachedUrlSetNode); if (cusn.hasContent()) { res.add(cusn.getUrl()); } } return res; }
public BePressArticleIterator( ArchivalUnit au, SubTreeArticleIterator.Spec spec, boolean isSection) { super(au, spec); String volumeAsString = au.getConfiguration().get(ConfigParamDescr.VOLUME_NUMBER.getKey()); String journalAbbr = au.getConfiguration().get(ConfigParamDescr.JOURNAL_ABBR.getKey()); if (isSection) { journalAbbr = journalAbbr + "/" + au.getConfiguration().get("journal_section"); } // pick up issue level and lower (make (art)?[0-9]+ optional because a few au's have article // at issue level this.pattern = Pattern.compile( String.format( "/%s/((([^0-9]+/)?(vol)?%s/(iss)?[0-9]+(/(art)?[0-9]+)?)|(vol%s/(?-i:[A-Z])[0-9]+))$", journalAbbr, volumeAsString, volumeAsString), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); this.TOC_pattern = Pattern.compile( String.format("/%s/([^0-9]+/)?(vol)?%s/(iss)?[0-9]+$", journalAbbr, volumeAsString), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); }
public static V1Poll createCompletedPoll( LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au, V1LcapMessage testmsg, int numAgree, int numDisagree, PollManager pollmanager) throws Exception { log.debug( "createCompletedPoll: au: " + au.toString() + " peer " + testmsg.getOriginatorId() + " votes " + numAgree + "/" + numDisagree); CachedUrlSetSpec cusSpec = null; if ((testmsg.getLwrBound() != null) && (testmsg.getLwrBound().equals(PollSpec.SINGLE_NODE_LWRBOUND))) { cusSpec = new SingleNodeCachedUrlSetSpec(testmsg.getTargetUrl()); } else { cusSpec = new RangeCachedUrlSetSpec( testmsg.getTargetUrl(), testmsg.getLwrBound(), testmsg.getUprBound()); } CachedUrlSet cus = au.makeCachedUrlSet(cusSpec); PollSpec spec = new PollSpec(cus, Poll.V1_CONTENT_POLL); ((MockCachedUrlSet) spec.getCachedUrlSet()).setHasContent(false); V1Poll p = null; if (testmsg.isContentPoll()) { p = new V1ContentPoll( spec, pollmanager, testmsg.getOriginatorId(), testmsg.getChallenge(), testmsg.getDuration(), testmsg.getHashAlgorithm()); } else if (testmsg.isNamePoll()) { p = new V1NamePoll( spec, pollmanager, testmsg.getOriginatorId(), testmsg.getChallenge(), testmsg.getDuration(), testmsg.getHashAlgorithm()); } else if (testmsg.isVerifyPoll()) { p = new V1VerifyPoll( spec, pollmanager, testmsg.getOriginatorId(), testmsg.getChallenge(), testmsg.getDuration(), testmsg.getHashAlgorithm(), testmsg.getVerifier()); } assertNotNull(p); p.setMessage(testmsg); p.m_tally.quorum = numAgree + numDisagree; p.m_tally.numAgree = numAgree; p.m_tally.numDisagree = numDisagree; p.m_tally.wtAgree = 2000; p.m_tally.wtDisagree = 200; p.m_tally.localEntries = makeEntries(1, 3); p.m_tally.votedEntries = makeEntries(1, 5); p.m_tally.votedEntries.remove(1); p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; p.m_callerID = testmsg.getOriginatorId(); log.debug3("poll " + p.toString()); p.m_tally.tallyVotes(); return p; }
/** Explode the archive into its constituent elements */ public void explode() throws CacheException { CachedUrl cachedUrl = null; int goodEntries = 0; int badEntries = 0; int ignoredEntries = 0; int entriesBetweenSleep = 0; ArchiveReader arcReader = null; (storeArchive ? "Storing" : "Fetching") + " WARC file: " + origUrl + " will explode"); try { if (storeArchive) { UrlCacher uc = au.makeUrlCacher(new UrlData(arcStream, arcProps, fetchUrl)); BitSet bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(UrlCacher.DONT_CLOSE_INPUT_STREAM_FLAG); uc.setFetchFlags(bs); uc.storeContent(); archiveData.resetInputStream(); arcStream = archiveData.input; } // Wrap it in an ArchiveReader logger.debug3("About to wrap stream"); arcReader = wrapStream(fetchUrl, arcStream); logger.debug3("wrapStream() returns " + (arcReader == null ? "null" : "non-null")); // Explode it if (arcReader == null) { throw new CacheException.ExploderException("no WarcReader for " + origUrl); } ArchivalUnit au = crawlFacade.getAu(); Set stemSet = new HashSet(); logger.debug("Exploding " + fetchUrl); // Iterate through the elements in the WARC file, except the first Iterator i = arcReader.iterator(); // Skip first record for (; i.hasNext(); ) { // XXX probably not necessary helper.pokeWDog(); if ((++entriesBetweenSleep % sleepAfter) == 0) { long pauseTime = CurrentConfig.getTimeIntervalParam(PARAM_RETRY_PAUSE, DEFAULT_RETRY_PAUSE); Deadline pause =; logger.debug3("Sleeping for " + StringUtil.timeIntervalToString(pauseTime)); while (!pause.expired()) { try { pause.sleep(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // no action } } } ArchiveRecord element = (ArchiveRecord); // Each element is a URL to be cached in a suitable AU ArchiveRecordHeader elementHeader = element.getHeader(); String elementUrl = elementHeader.getUrl(); String elementMimeType = elementHeader.getMimetype(); long elementLength = elementHeader.getLength(); logger.debug2("WARC url " + elementUrl + " mime " + elementMimeType); if (elementUrl.startsWith("http:")) { ArchiveEntry ae = new ArchiveEntry( elementUrl, elementLength, 0, // XXX need to convert getDate string to long element, // ArchiveRecord extends InputStream this, fetchUrl); ae.setHeaderFields(makeCIProperties(elementHeader)); long bytesStored = elementLength; logger.debug3("ArchiveEntry: " + ae.getName() + " bytes " + bytesStored); try { helper.process(ae); } catch (PluginException ex) { throw new CacheException.ExploderException("helper.process() threw", ex); } if (ae.getBaseUrl() != null) { if (ae.getRestOfUrl() != null && ae.getHeaderFields() != null) { storeEntry(ae); handleAddText(ae); goodEntries++; crawlFacade.getCrawlerStatus().addContentBytesFetched(bytesStored); } else { ignoredEntries++; } } else { badEntries++; logger.debug2("Can't map " + elementUrl + " from " + archiveUrl); } } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CacheException.ExploderException(ex); } finally { if (arcReader != null) try { arcReader.close(); arcReader = null; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CacheException.ExploderException(ex); } if (cachedUrl != null) { cachedUrl.release(); } IOUtil.safeClose(arcStream); } if (badEntries == 0 && goodEntries > 0) { // Make it look like a new crawl finished on each AU to which // URLs were added. for (Iterator it = touchedAus.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ArchivalUnit au = (ArchivalUnit); logger.debug3(archiveUrl + " touching " + au.toString()); AuUtil.getDaemon(au).getNodeManager(au).newContentCrawlFinished(); } } else { ArchivalUnit au = crawlFacade.getAu(); String msg = archiveUrl + ": " + badEntries + "/" + goodEntries + " bad entries"; throw new CacheException.UnretryableException(msg); } }