Пример #1
	public DynamicProject createNewProject(GHRepository githubRepository) {
		try {
			new GithubRepositoryService(githubRepository).linkProjectToCi();

			OrganizationContainer folder = this.organizationRepository.getOrCreateContainer(githubRepository.getOwner().getLogin());
			String projectName = githubRepository.getName();
			DynamicProject project = folder.createProject(DynamicProject.class, projectName);

			project.setDescription(format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", githubRepository.getUrl(), githubRepository.getUrl()));
			if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(SetupConfig.get().getLabel())) {
			project.addProperty(new ParametersDefinitionProperty(new StringParameterDefinition("BRANCH", "master")));
			project.addProperty(new GithubRepoProperty(githubRepository.getUrl()));

			project.getPublishersList().add(new DotCiNotifier());
			return project;
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e);
  // 2. Get branch/commit hash for the source repo - the actual source code
  public void existsInGit() throws IOException {
    final String repo = "binrepo-devex";
    //  final String repo = "search_raptor_binary";
    String githubUrl = "https://github.scm.corp.ebay.com/api/v3/";
    String accessToken = "1cf7d9792235b8592eda18bd7dcc2de37f99b3bc";
    // String accessToken = "5d8e186b08062ca405ab25d489fca9823c2a7136";

    GitHub gitHub = GitHub.connectUsingOAuth(githubUrl, accessToken);

    String login = gitHub.getMyself().getLogin();

    GHRepository repository = gitHub.getMyself().getRepository(repo);
    if (repository != null) {
      Map<String, GHBranch> branches = repository.getBranches();
      for (String branch : branches.keySet()) {

        GHBranch ghBranch = branches.get(branch);

            "Repository URL = "
                + repository.getUrl()
                + " Branch = "
                + ghBranch.getName()
                + " Commit Hash = "
                + ghBranch.getSHA1());

      PagedIterable<GHCommit> commits = repository.listCommits();
      for (GHCommit commit : commits) {
        List<GHCommit.File> commitFiles = commit.getFiles();
        for (GHCommit.File commitFile : commitFiles) {
          System.out.println(commitFile.getFileName() + commitFile.getRawUrl());
                + " NumFiles = "
                + commit.getFiles().size()
                + " Committer = "
                + commit.getCommitter().getName()); // + commit.getLastStatus().getDescription());

      GHBranch test2 = branches.get("test2");
Пример #3
    private void createGitHubRepository(String channel, String name, String collaborator) {
        try {
            GitHub github = GitHub.connect();
            GHOrganization org = github.getOrganization("jenkinsci");
            GHRepository r = org.createRepository(name, "", "", "Everyone", true);

            GHTeam t = getOrCreateRepoLocalTeam(org, r);
            if (collaborator!=null)

            sendMessage(channel,"New github repository created at "+r.getUrl());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            sendMessage(channel,"Failed to create a repository: "+e.getMessage());
 private Set<GhprbRepository> getRepos(GHRepository repo) throws IOException {
   try {
     return getRepos(repo.getOwner().getLogin() + "/" + repo.getName());
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't get a valid owner for repo");
     // this normally happens due to missing "login" field in the owner of the repo
     // when the repo is inside of an organisation account. The only field which doesn't
     // rely on the owner.login (which would throw a null pointer exception) is the "html_url"
     // field. So we try to parse the owner out of that here until github fixes his api
     String repoUrl = repo.getUrl();
     if (repoUrl.endsWith("/")) { // strip off trailing slash if any
       repoUrl = repoUrl.substring(0, repoUrl.length() - 2);
     int slashIndex = repoUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
     String owner = repoUrl.substring(slashIndex + 1);
     logger.log(Level.INFO, "Parsed {0} from {1}", new Object[] {owner, repoUrl});
     return getRepos(owner + "/" + repo.getName());
Пример #5
  public void createBinaryRepository() throws IOException, GitException, MapServiceException {
    // check whether "binary repository" exists
    if (isBinaryRepositoryAvailable()) throw new GitException("Repository already exists");

    // find the name of the "source repository"
    // String sourceRepoName = getRepositoryName();

    // find where ".git" folder is found
    File f = sourceRepository.getDirectory();
    File sourceRepoFolder = f.getParentFile();

    String sourceRepoFolderName = f.getParentFile().getName();

    // calculate binary repository folder
    File parent = f.getParentFile().getParentFile();
    File binaryRepoFolder = new File(parent, ("." + sourceRepoFolderName));

    // create binary repository folder
    FileUtils.mkdir(binaryRepoFolder, true);

    // initialize "git" repository
    InitCommand initCmd = Git.init();
    Git binaryRepo = null;
    try {
      System.out.println("initializing bare repository");
      binaryRepo = initCmd.call();
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to initialize repository", e);

    System.out.println("adding readme.md file");

    // get "status"
    StatusCommand statusC = binaryRepo.status();
    Collection<String> toadd = GitUtils.getFilesToStage(statusC);

    // add "readme" file to staging
    if (toadd.size() > 0) {
      AddCommand add = binaryRepo.add();
      for (String file : toadd) {
      try {
        CommitCommand commit = binaryRepo.commit();
        commit.setMessage("initial commit");
        System.out.println("performing first commit");
      } catch (NoFilepatternException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to add file(s)", e);
      } catch (GitAPIException e) {
        throw new GitException("Unable to add or commit", e);

    // Calculate the remote url for binary repository
    String remoteUrl = calculateBinaryRepositoryUrl();

    // TODO: check whether the remote exists, if not create it, else fail
    GitHub github = new GitHubClient().getGithub();
    GHOrganization githubOrg = github.getOrganization("Binary");
    GHRepository repository = githubOrg.getRepository(GitUtils.getRepositoryName(remoteUrl));

    if (repository == null) {

      System.out.println("creating remote repository : " + remoteUrl);
      GHRepository repo =
              "Binary repository",

      System.out.println(repo.getUrl() + " created successfully ");

    } else {
      // fail, it shouldn't come here

    // add "remote" repository
    StoredConfig config = binaryRepo.getRepository().getConfig();
    config.setString("remote", "origin", "url", remoteUrl);
    System.out.println("adding remote origin " + remoteUrl);

    // get "status"
    StatusCommand stat = binaryRepo.status();
    Collection<String> filesToAdd = GitUtils.getFilesToStage(stat);

    // add files to "staging"
    if (filesToAdd.size() > 0) {
      AddCommand addCmd = binaryRepo.add();
      for (String file : filesToAdd) {
      try {
      } catch (NoFilepatternException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to add files", e);
      } catch (GitAPIException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to add files", e);

    // commit
    System.out.println("commiting the files");
    CommitCommand commit = binaryRepo.commit();
    // add the 'source' repository git-url, commit-id and branch
    commit.setMessage("adding readme.md file");

    try {
    } catch (NoHeadException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (NoMessageException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (ConcurrentRefUpdateException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);

    // push
    System.out.println("pushing to remote");
    PushCommand push = binaryRepo.push();
    try {
    } catch (InvalidRemoteException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to push", e);
    } catch (TransportException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to push", e);
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to push", e);

    // read the branch from "source" repository
    String branchname = sourceRepository.getBranch();

    // create a "branch"
    if (!branchname.toLowerCase().equals("master")) {
      CreateBranchCommand branchCmd = binaryRepo.branchCreate();
      try {
        // create branch

        // checkout the branch
        CheckoutCommand checkout = binaryRepo.checkout();
      } catch (RefAlreadyExistsException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e);
      } catch (RefNotFoundException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e);
      } catch (InvalidRefNameException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e);
      } catch (GitAPIException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e);

    // find the "localobr" folders and exclude them during copy
    List<String> excludes = new ArrayList<String>();
    Collection<File> excludeFiles =
        FileUtil.findDirectoriesThatEndWith(sourceRepoFolder, "localobr");
    for (File file : excludeFiles) {

    // copy the classes
    System.out.println("copying binary files");
    copyBinaryFolders("target", excludes, binaryRepoFolder);

    // get "status"
    StatusCommand statusCmd = binaryRepo.status();
    Collection<String> tobeAdded = GitUtils.getFilesToStage(statusCmd);

    // add files to "staging"
    if (tobeAdded.size() > 0) {
      AddCommand addCmd = binaryRepo.add();
      for (String file : tobeAdded) {
      try {
      } catch (NoFilepatternException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to add files", e);
      } catch (GitAPIException e) {
        throw new GitException("unable to add files", e);

    // commit
    System.out.println("commiting the files");
    CommitCommand commit1 = binaryRepo.commit();
    commit1.setMessage("saving the files");

    try {
    } catch (NoHeadException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (NoMessageException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (ConcurrentRefUpdateException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to commit", e);

    // push
    System.out.println("pushing to remote");
    PushCommand pushCmd = binaryRepo.push();
    try {
    } catch (InvalidRemoteException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to push", e);
    } catch (TransportException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to push", e);
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {
      throw new GitException("unable to push", e);

    final String repoUrl = getSourceRemoteUrl();
    // branchName was computed above
    final org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository repo =
        new org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileRepository(f);
    final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo);
    final ObjectId resolve = repo.resolve(Constants.HEAD);
    final RevCommit commitRev = revWalk.parseCommit(resolve);
    final String commitHash = commitRev.getName();

    Git git = Git.open(binaryRepoFolder);
    final RevCommit binRepoResolveCommitRev;
    try {
      binRepoResolveCommitRev = git.log().call().iterator().next();
    } catch (NoHeadException e) {
      throw new GitException("No head found for repo", e);
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {
      throw new GitException("No head found for repo", e);
    final String binRepoResolveCommitHash = binRepoResolveCommitRev.getName();
    final String binRepoBranchName = git.getRepository().getBranch();

    System.out.println("Update Bin Repo Service with the new changes - POST new object to service");
    final BinRepoBranchCommitDO binRepoBranchCommitDO =
    final WebResource resource = client.resource(getUrlForPost());

    BinRepoBranchCommitDO postedDO = null;
    try {
      postedDO =
              .post(BinRepoBranchCommitDO.class, binRepoBranchCommitDO);
      System.out.println("Posted Object = " + postedDO.toString());
    } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
      int statusCode = e.getResponse().getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode();
      System.out.println("status code: " + statusCode);
      throw new MapServiceException("Unable to register the commit details", e);

    // System.out.println(postedDO != null ? postedDO.toString() : "postedDO was null");
    System.out.println("updated the map service");
 /** Does this repository match the repository referenced in the given {@link GHCommitPointer}? */
 public boolean matches(GHRepository repo) throws IOException {
   return userName.equals(repo.getOwner().getLogin()) // TODO: use getOwnerName
       && repositoryName.equals(repo.getName())
       && host.equals(new URL(repo.getUrl()).getHost());