/** Posts a note to set the expectation. */ protected void greet(GHPullRequest pr) throws IOException { if (hasGreetingComment(pr)) return; // no need to do anything System.out.println("Greeting " + pr.getRepository().getName() + "\t" + pr.getTitle()); pr.comment( String.format( "Thank you for a pull request! Please check [this document](%s) for how the Jenkins project handles pull requests", LINK)); }
void handle(GHEventPayload.IssueComment issueComment, GitHub gitHub) throws IOException { // check the trigger phrase PullRequestBuildTrigger trigger = project.getTrigger(PullRequestBuildTrigger.class); if (StringUtils.isBlank(trigger.getTriggerPhrase())) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("No trigger phrase configured for project: " + project.getDisplayName()); } return; } String issueUrl = issueComment.getIssue().getHtmlUrl().toString(); if (!issueUrl.startsWith(gitHubRepositoryUrl)) { LOGGER.finest( MessageFormat.format( "GitHub issue {0} is not related to project {1}. " + "GitHub project URL configured for project {1}: {2}", issueUrl, project.getFullName(), gitHubRepositoryUrl)); return; } String commentBody = issueComment.getComment().getBody(); if (!triggerPhrasePattern.matcher(commentBody).find()) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("No trigger phrase matching on comment: " + commentBody); } return; } GHUser buildRequester = issueComment.getComment().getUser(); if (!isWhitelisted(buildRequester, gitHub)) { LOGGER.info( MessageFormat.format( "GitHub user {0} is not in the whitelist of project {1}", buildRequester.getLogin(), project.getFullName())); return; } final int prNumber = issueComment.getIssue().getNumber(); GHPullRequest pullRequest = issueComment.getRepository().getPullRequest(prNumber); // Updating PR to force the cache (if present) to refresh: pullRequest.setTitle(pullRequest.getTitle()); pullRequest = issueComment.getRepository().getPullRequest(prNumber); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("ghPullRequest = " + getPullRequestAsString(pullRequest)); } if (pullRequest.getState() == GHIssueState.OPEN) { PullRequestData pullRequestData = PullRequestManager.getInstance().addPullRequestData(pullRequest, project); cancelBuilds(pullRequestData); build(pullRequest, buildRequester, new TriggerCause(pullRequest, buildRequester)); } else if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine( MessageFormat.format( "Pull request {0} is not opened, no build is triggered", pullRequest.getHtmlUrl().toString())); } }