 public void createMap() {
   map = new SerializationSafeHashMap<Object, Object>();
   map.put("key1", "value1");
   map.put(new NonSerializableValue("key2"), "value2");
   map.put("key3", new NonSerializableValue("value3"));
  public void serialization() throws Exception {
    ByteArrayOutputStream target = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(target);

    byte[] bytes = target.toByteArray();
    assertTrue("Serialized data must not be empty", bytes.length > 0);
    assertTrue("Original Map must not be modified", map.size() == 3);

    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
    Object obj = in.readObject();
        "Deserialized object must be of same type", obj instanceof SerializationSafeHashMap<?, ?>);
    SerializationSafeHashMap<Object, Object> map2 = (SerializationSafeHashMap) obj;

    assertTrue("Deserialized map must contain 'key1'", map2.containsKey("key1"));
    assertEquals("Size of the seserialized map must be 1", map2.size(), 1);