/** parse an acknowledge to a token sent, analyze for permissions, disconnect on error */ protected void parseVideoTokenResponse(JSONArray arg) { // TODO dk: parse all the other things that come with the response? TURN // Server, etc? boolean success = false; String message = ""; try { success = "success".equalsIgnoreCase(arg.getString(0)); if (success) { JSONObject obj = arg.getJSONObject(1); boolean subscribe = false; boolean publish = false; if (obj.has("permissions")) { JSONObject permissions = obj.getJSONObject("permissions"); subscribe = permissions.has("subscribe") && permissions.getBoolean("subscribe"); publish = permissions.has("publish") && permissions.getBoolean("publish"); } mPermissionSubscribe = subscribe; mPermissionPublish = publish; } else { message = arg.get(1).toString(); } } catch (JSONException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } if (!success) { log("Token failed: " + message); disconnect(); } }
/** * Description: Logs a user in. * * @param user -The user's username. * @param password -The user's password. * @throws RPCException when a Pandora RPC error occurs. * @throws SubscriberTypeException when a Pandora user is identified as not being the expected * subscriber type. * @throws IOException when Pandora's servers can't be reached. * @throws HttpResponseException when an unexpected HTTP response occurs. * @throws Exception when an improper call to connect has been made. */ public void connect(String user, String password) throws RPCException, SubscriberTypeException, IOException, HttpResponseException, Exception { if (!this.isPartnerAuthorized()) { throw new Exception("Improper call to connect(), " + "the application is not authorized."); } Map<String, Object> request_args = new HashMap<String, Object>(); request_args.put("loginType", "user"); request_args.put("username", user); request_args.put("password", password); request_args.put("partnerAuthToken", this.partner_auth_token); JSONObject result = this.doCall("auth.userLogin", request_args, true, true, null); // There are a few ways of handling these, but this way seems most // appropriate. // If this is a PandoraOne subscriber and the credentials aren't correct if (!result.getBoolean("hasAudioAds") && !isPandoraOneCredentials()) { throw new SubscriberTypeException( true, "The subscriber is Pandora One and default device credentials were given."); // this.runPartnerLogin(true); } // If this is a non-PandoraOne subscriber and the credentials aren't correct else if (result.getBoolean("hasAudioAds") && isPandoraOneCredentials()) { throw new SubscriberTypeException( false, "The subscriber is standard and Pandora One device credentials were given."); // this.runPartnerLogin(false); } else { this.user_auth_token = result.getString("userAuthToken"); this.standard_url_params.put("auth_token", user_auth_token); this.standard_url_params.put("user_id", result.getString("userId")); // return user_auth_token != null; } }
@Override protected void setLocalOptions(JSONObject o) throws JSONException { super.setLocalOptions(o); if (o.has("value")) { this.value = o.getString("value"); } if (o.has("color")) { this.color = o.getString("color"); } if (o.has("backgroundColor")) { this.backgroundColor = o.getString("backgroundColor"); } if (o.has("enableReturnKey")) { this.enableReturnKey = o.getBoolean("enableReturnKey"); } if (o.has("fontSize")) { this.fontSize = o.getString("fontSize"); } if (o.has("fontWeight")) { this.fontWeight = o.getString("fontWeight"); } if (o.has("showCancel")) { this.showCancel = o.getBoolean("showCancel"); } if (o.has("barColor")) { this.barColor = o.getString("barColor"); } }
/** * Constructor * * @param jsonObject * @throws JSONException */ public UserinfoData(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { if (jsonObject != null) { this.sub = jsonObject.has("sub") ? jsonObject.getString("sub") : null; this.name = jsonObject.has("name") ? jsonObject.getString("name") : null; this.given_name = jsonObject.has("given_name") ? jsonObject.getString("given_name") : null; this.family_name = jsonObject.has("family_name") ? jsonObject.getString("family_name") : null; this.middle_name = jsonObject.has("middle_name") ? jsonObject.getString("middle_name") : null; this.nickname = jsonObject.has("nickname") ? jsonObject.getString("nickname") : null; this.preferred_username = jsonObject.has("preferred_username") ? jsonObject.getString("preferred_username") : null; this.profile = jsonObject.has("profile") ? jsonObject.getString("profile") : null; this.picture = jsonObject.has("picture") ? jsonObject.getString("picture") : null; this.website = jsonObject.has("website") ? jsonObject.getString("website") : null; this.email = jsonObject.has("email") ? jsonObject.getString("email") : null; this.email_verified = jsonObject.has("email_verified") ? jsonObject.getBoolean("email_verified") : false; this.gender = jsonObject.has("gender") ? jsonObject.getString("gender") : null; this.birthdate = jsonObject.has("birthdate") ? jsonObject.getString("birthdate") : null; this.zoneinfo = jsonObject.has("zoneinfo") ? jsonObject.getString("zoneinfo") : null; this.locale = jsonObject.has("locale") ? jsonObject.getString("locale") : null; this.phone_number = jsonObject.has("phone_number") ? jsonObject.getString("phone_number") : null; this.phone_number_verfied = jsonObject.has("phone_number_verfied") ? jsonObject.getBoolean("phone_number_verfied") : false; if (jsonObject.has("address")) { JSONObject jsonAddress = jsonObject.getJSONObject("address"); this.address = new UserinfoAddress(jsonAddress); } else this.address = null; this.updated_at = jsonObject.has("updated_at") ? (Number) jsonObject.get("updated_at") : null; } }
private Reminder createReminderFromJson(JSONObject reminderJson) throws JSONException { int id = reminderJson.getInt("id"); String message = reminderJson.getString("message"); String startTime = reminderJson.getString("startTime"); String endTime = reminderJson.getString("endTime"); int eventId = reminderJson.getInt("actionId"); String ssid = reminderJson.isNull("ssid") ? null : reminderJson.getString("ssid"); String latLong = reminderJson.isNull("latLong") ? null : reminderJson.getString("latLong"); String days = reminderJson.getString("days"); boolean enabled = reminderJson.getBoolean("enabled"); boolean repeat = reminderJson.getBoolean("repeat"); boolean postActivity = reminderJson.getBoolean("postActivity"); Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); reminder.id = id; reminder.notificationText = message; reminder.startTime = startTime; reminder.endTime = endTime; reminder.action = Action.values()[eventId]; reminder.ssid = ssid; reminder.latLong = latLong; reminder.days = new ArrayList<Integer>(); reminder.enabled = enabled; reminder.repeat = repeat; reminder.postActivity = postActivity; for (char day : days.toCharArray()) { reminder.days.add(Character.getNumericValue(day)); } return reminder; }
private UserModel user(JSONObject jsonObject, int type, String account) throws JSONException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // JSON包含id name screen_name location gender birthday description profile_image_url // profile_image_url_large // url protected followers_count friends_count favourites_count statuses_count following // notifications // created_at utc_offset profile_background_color profile_text_color profile_link_color // profile_sidebar_fill_color // profile_sidebar_border_color profile_background_image_url profile_background_tile UserModel model = new UserModel(); model.setId(jsonObject.getString("id")); model.setAccount(this.account); // 全局 model.setOwner(account); // 本地 model.setType(type); model.setFlag(0); model.setRawid(0); model.setTime(FanFouParser.date(jsonObject.getString("created_at")).getTime()); model.setName(jsonObject.getString("name")); model.setScreenName(jsonObject.getString("screen_name")); model.setLocation(jsonObject.getString("location")); model.setGender(jsonObject.getString("gender")); model.setBirthday(jsonObject.getString("birthday")); model.setDescription(jsonObject.getString("description")); model.setProfileImageUrl(jsonObject.getString("profile_image_url")); model.setProfileImageUrlLarge(jsonObject.getString("profile_image_url_large")); model.setUrl(jsonObject.getString("url")); if (jsonObject.has("status")) { JSONObject so = jsonObject.getJSONObject("status"); model.setStatus(so.getString("text")); } model.setFollowersCount(jsonObject.getInt("followers_count")); model.setFriendsCount(jsonObject.getInt("friends_count")); model.setFavouritesCount(jsonObject.getInt("favourites_count")); model.setStatusesCount(jsonObject.getInt("statuses_count")); model.setFollowing(jsonObject.getBoolean("following")); model.setProtect(jsonObject.getBoolean("protected")); model.setNotifications(jsonObject.getBoolean("notifications")); model.setVerified(false); model.setFollowMe(false); LogUtil.d( TAG, "user() id=" + model.getId() + " type=" + model.getType() + " owner=" + model.getOwner() + " account=" + model.getAccount()); return model; }
private static void setAuthentication(Site site, JSONObject jAuth) throws JSONException { site.mStandardAuth = jAuth.has("standard") && jAuth.getBoolean("standard"); site.mSsoUrl = jAuth.has("sso") ? jAuth.getString("sso") : null; site.mPublicRegistration = jAuth.getBoolean("public-registration"); }
public void testMessageWithListen() throws IOException, JSONException { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); ProtocolMessageWriter writer = new JsonMessageWriter(printWriter); Display display = new Display(); Shell shell = new Shell(display); Button button = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH); Map listeners = new HashMap(); listeners.put("selection", new Boolean(false)); listeners.put("focus", new Boolean(true)); listeners.put("fake", new Boolean(true)); writer.addListenPayload(WidgetUtil.getId(button), listeners); String widgetId = WidgetUtil.getId(button); String actual = stringWriter.getBuffer().toString(); JSONObject message = new JSONObject(actual + "]}"); JSONArray widgetArray = message.getJSONArray(IProtocolConstants.MESSAGE_WIDGETS); JSONObject widgetObject = widgetArray.getJSONObject(0); String actualId = widgetObject.getString(IProtocolConstants.WIDGETS_ID); assertEquals(widgetId, actualId); String type = widgetObject.getString(IProtocolConstants.WIDGETS_TYPE); assertEquals(IProtocolConstants.PAYLOAD_LISTEN, type); JSONObject payload = widgetObject.getJSONObject(IProtocolConstants.WIDGETS_PAYLOAD); assertFalse(payload.getBoolean("selection")); assertTrue(payload.getBoolean("focus")); assertTrue(payload.getBoolean("fake")); }
public static THotelData fromJSON(JSONObject jsonObj) throws Exception { THotelData hotel = new THotelData(); hotel.avgRating = jsonObj.getDouble("avgRating"); hotel.distance = jsonObj.getDouble("distance"); hotel.address = jsonObj.getString("address"); hotel.lat = jsonObj.getDouble("lat"); hotel.lng = jsonObj.getDouble("lng"); hotel.name = jsonObj.getString("name"); hotel.stars = jsonObj.getInt("stars"); hotel.votes = jsonObj.getInt("votes"); hotel.dataLink = jsonObj.getString("dataLink"); JSONArray hRooms = jsonObj.getJSONArray("rooms"); if (hRooms.length() > 0) { hotel.rooms = new ArrayList<TRoomData>(); for (int n = 0; n < hRooms.length(); n++) { TRoomData room = TRoomData.fromJSON(hotel, (JSONObject) hRooms.get(n)); hotel.rooms.add(room); } } hotel.cancelable = jsonObj.getBoolean("cancelable"); hotel.withBreakfast = jsonObj.getBoolean("withBreakfast"); hotel.ranking = jsonObj.getInt("ranking"); hotel.avgDayPrice = jsonObj.getDouble("avgDayPrice"); hotel.avgPrice = jsonObj.getDouble("avgPrice"); hotel.avgCalculatedPrice = jsonObj.getDouble("avgCalculatedPrice"); return hotel; }
public boolean preloadProducts() { try { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Preloading products"); ServerLoader loader = new ServerLoader(); ServerLoader.Response r = loader.read("ProductsAPI", "getAll"); if (r.getStatus().equals(ServerLoader.Response.STATUS_OK)) { JSONArray a = r.getArrayContent(); List<ProductInfoExt> products = new ArrayList<ProductInfoExt>(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = a.getJSONObject(i); if (!o.getBoolean("visible")) { // Don't add products not sold continue; } ProductInfoExt prd = new ProductInfoExt(o); products.add(prd); try { if (o.getBoolean("hasImage")) { byte[] img = this.loadImage(TYPE_PRD, prd.getID()); CatalogCache.storeProductImage(prd.getID(), img); } } catch (BasicException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get product image for " + prd.getID(), e); } } CatalogCache.refreshProducts(products); return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } }
public void recursiveRoute( final String currentPath, final String url, final JSONArray currentArray) { try { String res = this.get(url, new HashMap<String, String>()); JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(res); if (responseObj.getBoolean("is_dir")) { JSONArray sub = responseObj.getJSONArray("contents"); for (int i = 0; i < sub.length(); ++i) { JSONObject file = sub.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject fileToAdd = new JSONObject(); String nxtPath = file.getString("path"); fileToAdd.put("path", nxtPath.substring(1)); if (file.getBoolean("is_dir")) { recursiveRoute( nxtPath, "https://api.dropboxapi.com/1/metadata/auto" + nxtPath + "?access_token=" + this.m_token, currentArray); } currentArray.put(fileToAdd); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.getMessage(); } }
public static NotificationVo getStringToObj(String jArr, NotificationVo nv) { NotificationVo result = nv; try { LogUtil.d(TAG, "json :---------" + jArr.toString()); JSONObject objJson = new JSONObject(jArr); String msgType = objJson.getString("msg_type"); String msgId = objJson.getString("msgId"); String msgClassName = objJson.getString("msgClassName"); String msgFromClassName = objJson.getString("mfcName"); boolean isPing = objJson.getBoolean("isPing"); boolean isShock = objJson.getBoolean("isShock"); String msgc = objJson.getString("msg_c"); if ("2".equals(msgType)) { String msgToType = objJson.getString("msgToType"); String strData = objJson.getString("strData"); result.setStrData(strData); result.setMsgToType(msgToType); } else { String openUrl = objJson.getString("open_url"); nv.setOpenUrl(openUrl); } result.setMsgId(msgId); result.setMsgClassName(msgClassName); result.setMsgFromClassName(msgFromClassName); result.setMsgType(msgType); result.setPing(isPing); result.setShock(isShock); result.setMsgC(msgc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }
/** Optionally expects boolean params 'deleted' and 'privilegeInheritanceBlocked' */ @Override public <T extends FsSecureBusinessObject> Object putRepresentation( T sbo, Object params, FsAccessToken token) { JSONObject data = (JSONObject) params; try { boolean deleted = data.getBoolean("deleted"); if (sbo.isDeleted() != deleted) { sbo.setDeleted(deleted); } } catch (JSONException e) { // do nothing, because we do not force a client to always send this information back to the // server } try { boolean privInheritanceBlocked = data.getBoolean("privilegeInheritanceBlocked"); if (sbo.isPrivilegeInheritanceBlocked() != privInheritanceBlocked) { sbo.setPrivilegeInheritanceBlocked(privInheritanceBlocked); } } catch (JSONException e) { // do nothing, because we do not force a client to always send this information back to the // server } return getRepresentation(sbo, params, token); }
public WorkTime(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { id = json.getLong(JSON_ID); clockInTime = new Date(json.getLong(JSON_CLOCK_IN)); clockOutTime = new Date(json.getLong(JSON_CLOCK_OUT)); active = json.getBoolean(JSON_ACTIVE); working = json.getBoolean(JSON_WORKING); breakTime = json.getLong(JSON_BREAK_TIME); breakTimeStart = json.getLong(JSON_LAST_SAVED_BREAK_TIME); initOtherVars(); }
private void freightUI(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { ls_data.clear(); JSONArray array = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data"); int size = array.length(); if (size == 0) { CodeUtil.toast(COBaseFragment.this.getActivity(), "没有订单"); if (ls_data.size() == 0) { setReloadAvailable(); } else { setReloadGone(); } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JSONObject object = array.getJSONObject(i); OrderBaseAdapter.OrderInfo info = new OrderBaseAdapter.OrderInfo(); CodeUtil.doOrderCommonDo(object, info); info.isValid = object.getBoolean("isvalid"); info.isPayOnline = object.getBoolean("isPayOln"); // 是否有效 if (!info.isValid) { info.cause = object.getString("cause"); // 是否在线付款了 if (info.isPayOnline) { info.refundStatus = object.getInt("status"); } } else { if (object.opt("category") == null) { info.status = 5; info.out_time = DateUtil.getHourAndMinute(object.getString("sendtime")); } else { info.status = object.optInt("category"); if (info.status == 5) { info.out_time = DateUtil.getHourAndMinute(object.getString("sendtime")); } } } ls_data.add(info); } setReloadGone(); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(String result) { ArrayList<MimicData> mimicdata = new ArrayList<MimicData>(); if (result.length() == 0) {} try { JSONObject x = new JSONObject(result); JSONArray respobj = x.getJSONArray("results"); for (int i = 0; i < respobj.length(); i++) { JSONObject post = respobj.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject user = post.getJSONObject("user"); String username = user.getString("username"); String dpurl = user.getString("profilepictureurl"); String profileurl = user.getString("url"); String url = post.getString("url"); boolean owner = post.getBoolean("own"); String posturl = post.getString("posturls"); String description = post.getString("description"); if (description == "null") { description = " "; } int comments = post.getInt("commentscount"); int likes = post.getInt("likescount"); int postid = post.getInt("id"); Boolean likesbool = post.getBoolean("favourites"); String timestamp = post.getString("time"); mimicdata.add( new MimicData( username, dpurl, url, postid, likes, comments, posturl, description, likesbool, timestamp, profileurl, true, owner)); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.activity.setMimics(mimicdata); prog.dismiss(); }
private Review getReview(JSONObject jsonReview) throws JSONException { Review review = new Review(); review.setId(jsonReview.getInt("id")); review.setBodyTop(jsonReview.getString("body_top")); review.setBodyBottom(jsonReview.getString("body_bottom")); review.setUser(jsonReview.getJSONObject("links").getJSONObject("user").getString("title")); review.setPublicReview(jsonReview.getBoolean("public")); review.setShipIt(jsonReview.getBoolean("ship_it")); review.setTimestamp(ReviewboardUtil.marshallDate(jsonReview.getString("timestamp"))); return review; }
public DiffData readDiffData(String source) throws ReviewboardException { try { JSONObject jsonDiffData = checkedGetJSonRootObject(source).getJSONObject("diff_data"); DiffData diffData = new DiffData(); diffData.setBinary(jsonDiffData.getBoolean("binary")); diffData.setNewFile(jsonDiffData.getBoolean("new_file")); diffData.setNumChanges(jsonDiffData.getInt("num_changes")); JSONArray changedChunkIndexes = jsonDiffData.getJSONArray("changed_chunk_indexes"); for (int i = 0; i < changedChunkIndexes.length(); i++) diffData.getChangedChunkIndexes().add(changedChunkIndexes.getInt(i)); JSONArray chunks = jsonDiffData.getJSONArray("chunks"); for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonChunk = chunks.getJSONObject(i); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(); chunk.setChange(Type.fromString(jsonChunk.getString("change"))); chunk.setCollapsable(jsonChunk.getBoolean("collapsable")); chunk.setIndex(jsonChunk.getInt("index")); chunk.setNumLines(jsonChunk.getInt("numlines")); JSONArray lines = jsonChunk.getJSONArray("lines"); for (int j = 0; j < lines.length(); j++) { JSONArray lineArray = lines.getJSONArray(j); Line line = new Line(); line.setDiffRowNumber(lineArray.getInt(0)); line.setLeftFileRowNumber(getPossiblyEmptyInt(lineArray, 1)); line.setLeftLineText(lineArray.getString(2)); line.setRightFileRowNumber(getPossiblyEmptyInt(lineArray, 4)); line.setRightLineText(lineArray.getString(5)); line.setWhitespaceOnly(lineArray.getBoolean(7)); chunk.getLines().add(line); } diffData.getChunks().add(chunk); } return diffData; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ReviewboardException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public OutputLogItemContainer(JSONObject newLogItems) throws JSONException { JSONArray arrayOfItems = new JSONArray(); JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); logItems = new ArrayList<OutputLogItem>(); arrayOfItems = newLogItems.getJSONArray(logItems_JSON); for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfItems.length(); i++) { object = arrayOfItems.getJSONObject(i); logItems.add(new OutputLogItem(object)); } alreadySetPoopAward = newLogItems.getBoolean(poopAward_JSON); alreadySetPeeAward = newLogItems.getBoolean(peeAward_JSON); didPoop = newLogItems.getBoolean(didPoop_JSON); hadPeeAccident = newLogItems.getBoolean(peeAccident_JSON); dateCreated = new Date(newLogItems.getLong(dateCreated_JSON)); }
public static Tweet fromJson(JSONObject jsonObj) { Tweet tweet = new Tweet(); try { tweet.body = jsonObj.getString("text"); tweet.id = jsonObj.getLong("id"); tweet.createdAt = jsonObj.getString("created_at"); try { tweet.numFavorites = jsonObj.getLong("favorite_count"); } catch (JSONException j) { tweet.numFavorites = 0l; } try { tweet.numReTweets = jsonObj.getLong("retweet_count"); } catch (JSONException j) { tweet.numReTweets = 0l; } tweet.user = User.fromJson(jsonObj.getJSONObject("user")); try { tweet.favorited = jsonObj.getBoolean("favorited"); } catch (JSONException j) { tweet.favorited = false; } try { tweet.retweeted = jsonObj.getBoolean("retweeted"); } catch (JSONException j) { tweet.retweeted = false; } tweet.mediaUrl = ""; try { JSONArray ja = jsonObj.getJSONObject("entities").getJSONArray("media"); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i += 1) { if ("photo".equals(ja.getJSONObject(i).getString("type"))) { tweet.mediaUrl = ja.getJSONObject(i).getString("media_url"); break; } } } catch (JSONException j) { tweet.mediaUrl = ""; } } catch (JSONException je) { je.printStackTrace(); return null; } return tweet; }
public void addNewArticleToUser(String data, int articleId) { Log.d("SVF", "Modifying topic " + articleId); try { JSONObject article = new JSONObject(data); boolean found = article.getBoolean("found"); if (found) { // update topic with new article; don't do anything if not found if (!ValuesAndUtil.getInstance().articleAlreadyExists(article, topics, articleId)) { article.remove("found"); article.put("thumbsUp", false); article.put("thumbsDown", false); JSONObject topic = topics.getJSONObject(articleId); JSONArray timeline = topic.getJSONArray("timeline"); timeline = ValuesAndUtil.getInstance().addToExistingJSON(timeline, 0, article); topic.put("timeline", timeline); topic.put("lastTimeStamp", article.getLong("date")); topic.put("lastSignature", article.getString("signature")); topic.put("lastUpdated", System.currentTimeMillis()); Log.d("SVF", topic.toString(2)); topics.put(articleId, topic); user.put("topics", topics); ValuesAndUtil.getInstance().saveUserData(user, getActivity().getApplicationContext()); mAdapter.notifyItemChanged(articleId); numUpdated++; } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testMultipart() throws IOException, JSONException { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://localhost:" + PORT + "/"); File image = new File("resources/test/base.png"); FileBody imagePart = new FileBody(image); StringBody messagePart = new StringBody("some message"); MultipartEntity req = new MultipartEntity(); req.addPart("image", imagePart); req.addPart("message", messagePart); httppost.setEntity(req); ImageEchoServer server = new ImageEchoServer(PORT); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost); server.stop(); HttpEntity resp = response.getEntity(); assertThat(resp.getContentType().getValue(), is("application/json")); // sweet one-liner to convert an inputstream to a string from stackoverflow: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309424/in-java-how-do-i-read-convert-an-inputstream-to-a-string String out = new Scanner(resp.getContent()).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(out); String base64 = Base64.encodeFromFile("resources/test/base.png"); assertThat(json.getString("screenshot"), is(base64)); assertThat(json.getBoolean("imageEcho"), is(true)); }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(String response) { super.onPostExecute(response); Log.d(TAG, "Response : " + response); if (response != null) { try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response); boolean isSuccess = jsonObject.getBoolean(Keys.KEY_SUCCESS); if (isSuccess) { Log.d(TAG, "Profile information Updated"); Snackbar.make(profileImgView, "Profile information Updated", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .setAction("Action", null) .show(); } else { Snackbar.make(profileImgView, "Profile information not Updated", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .setAction("Action", null) .show(); Log.d(TAG, "Profile information not Updated"); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Update response is NULL"); } }
/** * バッテリー全属性取得テストを行う. * * <pre> * 【HTTP通信】 * Method: GET * Path: /battery?deviceid=xxxx * </pre> * * <pre> * 【期待する動作】 * ・resultに0が返ってくること。 * ・chargingがfalseで返ってくること。 * ・chargingtimeが50000で返ってくること。 * ・dischargingtimeが10000で返ってくること。 * ・levelが0.5で返ってくること。 * </pre> */ public void testGetBattery() { URIBuilder builder = TestURIBuilder.createURIBuilder(); builder.setProfile(BatteryProfileConstants.PROFILE_NAME); builder.addParameter(DConnectProfileConstants.PARAM_DEVICE_ID, getDeviceId()); builder.addParameter(AuthorizationProfileConstants.PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN, getAccessToken()); try { HttpUriRequest request = new HttpGet(builder.toString()); JSONObject root = sendRequest(request); assertResultOK(root); assertEquals( "charging is not equals.", TestBatteryProfileConstants.CHARGING, root.getBoolean(BatteryProfileConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CHARGING)); assertEquals( "chargingtime is not equals.", TestBatteryProfileConstants.CHARGING_TIME, root.getDouble(BatteryProfileConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CHARGING_TIME)); assertEquals( "dischargingtime is not equals.", TestBatteryProfileConstants.DISCHARGING_TIME, root.getDouble(BatteryProfileConstants.ATTRIBUTE_DISCHARGING_TIME)); assertEquals( "level is not equals.", TestBatteryProfileConstants.LEVEL, root.getDouble(BatteryProfileConstants.ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL)); } catch (JSONException e) { fail("Exception in JSONObject." + e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testReadDirectoryChildren() throws CoreException, IOException, SAXException, JSONException { String dirName = "path" + System.currentTimeMillis(); String directoryPath = "sample/directory/" + dirName; createDirectory(directoryPath); String subDirectory = "subdirectory"; createDirectory(directoryPath + "/" + subDirectory); String subFile = "subfile.txt"; createFile(directoryPath + "/" + subFile, "Sample file"); WebRequest request = getGetFilesRequest(directoryPath + "?depth=1"); WebResponse response = webConversation.getResponse(request); assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.getResponseCode()); List<JSONObject> children = getDirectoryChildren(new JSONObject(response.getText())); assertEquals("Wrong number of directory children", 2, children.size()); for (JSONObject child : children) { if (child.getBoolean("Directory")) { checkDirectoryMetadata(child, subDirectory, null, null, null, null, null); } else { checkFileMetadata(child, subFile, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } }
public static List<User> getAllUsers() { List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); NoJsonHttpRequest getRequest = new NoJsonHttpRequest(serverUrl, usersPath, "GET"); getRequest.addHeaderParameter(authorizationHeaderName, Util.base64Header); int statusCode = getRequest.execute(); if (statusCode >= 300) { return users; } String response = getRequest.getResponse(); try { JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(response); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = ja.getJSONObject(i); users.add( new User( jo.getInt("id"), jo.getString("name"), jo.getString("surname"), jo.getBoolean("isManager"), jo.getString("username"))); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return users; }
public CommentSet findCommentsForIssue(String issueId, int page, int pageSize) throws ServiceException { try { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); url.append(rootURL).append("/issue/").append(issueId).append("/comments"); if (page > 0) url.append("?page=").append(page).append("&pageSize=").append(pageSize); HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url.toString()); HttpResponse response = execute(get); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND == code) { if (Config.LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "No comments for issue '" + issueId + "'."); List<Comment> comments = Collections.emptyList(); return new CommentSet(comments, false); } else if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == code) { JSONObject obj = readJSON(response); if (Config.LOGV) Log.v(TAG, "Comments JSON: " + obj.toString(4)); List<Comment> issues = loadComments(obj); boolean more = obj.getBoolean("more"); if (Config.LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Searched returned " + issues.size() + " results."); return new CommentSet(issues, more); } else throw new ServiceException(MSG_REMOTE_ERROR + code); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ServiceException(MSG_PARSE_ERROR, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ServiceException(MSG_CONNECT_ERROR, e); } }
private void Login(String login, String password) { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); // Prepare a request object StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(getResources().getString(R.string.AUTHENTIFICATION_URL)); url.append("?tag=login&login="******"&password="******"connection prete", response.getStatusLine().toString()); // Get hold of the response entity if (response.getEntity() != null) { InputStream inputStream = response.getEntity().getContent(); // Lecture du retour au format JSON BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String ligneLue = bufferedReader.readLine(); while (ligneLue != null) { stringBuilder.append(ligneLue + " \n"); ligneLue = bufferedReader.readLine(); } bufferedReader.close(); // Get hold of the response entity JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(stringBuilder.toString()); Log.i("Chaine JSON", stringBuilder.toString()); // JSONObject jsonResultSet = jsonObject.getJSONObject("nb"); jsonObject.getJSONObject("utilisateurs").getString("mail"); jsonObject.get("id"); if (jsonObject.getBoolean("error") == false) { Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), LoggedActivity.class); startActivity(i); } else { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Erreur d'identification", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } // If the response does not enclose an entity, there is no need // to worry about connection release } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Getting product details in background thread */ protected Integer doInBackground(User... args) { User user = args[0]; // Check for success tag boolean success = false; try { // Building Parameters List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(User.NAME_TAG, user.getName())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(User.PASSWORD_TAG, user.getPassword())); // getting product details by making HTTP request // Note that product details url will use GET request JSONObject json = jsonParser.makeHttpRequest(RestConstants.URL_VALIDATE_USER, "GET", params); // check your log for json response // Log.d("Single Product Details", json.toString()); // json success tag success = json.getBoolean(RestConstants.TAG_SUCCESS); if (success) { int userId = json.getInt(RestConstants.TAG_RESULT); return userId; } else { return -1; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return -1; }
@Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) { try { // Simulate network access. Thread.sleep(0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } String jsonString = ServerUtils.submitRequest( "userLogin", "action=login", "password="******"email=" + mEmail); JSONObject jso; try { jso = new JSONObject(jsonString); if (jso.getBoolean("result")) { mUserJson = jso.getJSONObject("user"); return true; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; }