public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == back) { controller.MainMenu(); } if (command == viewStages) { busNos = busNo.getString().toUpperCase(); fetchStagesData(busNos); } if (command == backToNo) { controller.getDisp().setCurrent(this); } if (command == MapStages) { controller.pointresultCanvas.busStagesPoints.removeAllElements(); for (int mapStages = 0; mapStages < PostionAddress.length - 1; mapStages++) { String pos = PostionAddress[mapStages]; String[] point = StringUtil.split(pos, "||"); System.out.println(point[0] + "== " + point[1]); controller.pointBusStages(point[0], point[1]); } String pos = PostionAddress[Stages.getSelectedIndex()]; String[] point = StringUtil.split(pos, "||"); controller.gotoSpot(point[0], point[1]); controller.ShowPointingCanvas(); } if (command == backToPlaces) { controller.getDisp().setCurrent(Stages); } if (command == showBuses) { controller.showProgressBar(); fetchBusNoData(); } if (command == showStages) { busNos = busesNearMe.getString(busesNearMe.getSelectedIndex()).toUpperCase(); fetchStagesData(busNos); } if (command == viewBusPosition) { String[] data = GetBusPosition("Tt"); String Message = "" + data[0] + "\n" + data[1] + "\n" + data[2]; controller.showBusPosition(Message, data[3], data[4]); } }
public String fetchBusNoData() { busesNearMe.deleteAll(); busesNearMe.setTitle("Buses for " + Stages.getString(Stages.getSelectedIndex())); new Thread() { public void run() { String toF = ""; try { String[] tt = StringUtil.split(Stages.getString(Stages.getSelectedIndex()), " "); System.out.println("From field" + tt[0]); for (int y = 0; y < tt.length; y++) { if (y != tt.length - 1) { toF = toF + "" + tt[y] + "%20"; System.out.println("From field" + toF); } else { toF = toF + tt[y]; System.out.print("in else "); } System.out.print("Out of loop"); } System.out.print(BusNowebsite + toF); } catch (Exception e) { controller.showAlert("Network Error", 3, AlertType.ERROR); displayList(); } String addloc = ""; StreamConnection c = null; InputStream s = null; StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); System.out.print(BusNowebsite + toF); try { c = (StreamConnection) + toF); s = c.openDataInputStream(); int ch; int k = 0; while ((ch = != -1) { // System.out.print((char) ch); b.append((char) ch); } result = b.toString(); System.out.print(result); // String stagesString = fetchStagesData(); JSONObject ff1 = new JSONObject(result); String data1 = ff1.getString("routes"); JSONArray jsonArray1 = new JSONArray(data1); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray1.length(); i++) { // JSONObject jsonUser = jsonArray1.getJSONObject(i); // String lat = jsonUser.getString ("lat"); busesNearMe.append(jsonArray1.optString(i), null); System.out.println(jsonArray1.optString(i)); } controller.getDisp().setCurrent(busesNearMe); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print("Error " + e); // controller.getDisp().setCurrent(Stages); // controller.showAlert("Network Error", 3, AlertType.ERROR); // // controller.getDisp().setCurrent(controller.showAlert("Network Error", 3, // AlertType.ERROR), Stages); } } }.start(); controller.getDisp().setCurrent(Stages); return result; }
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == camList) { controller.setCurrentScreen(this); controller.setCurrentScreen(this); } if (command == refreshList) { controller.showProgressBar(); refreshCamList(); } if (command == cmBack) { controller.getDisp().setCurrent(LiveCameras); } if (command == RefreshImage) { refreshImage(); } if (command == viewImage) { refreshImage(); } if (command == TrafOption) { if (this.getString(this.getSelectedIndex()).equals("Cameras")) { LiveCameras(); } else if (this.getString(this.getSelectedIndex()).equals("Traffic Fines")) { if (VehicleNoForm == null) { VehicleNoForm = new Form("Traffic Fines"); vehNo = new TextField("Vehicle Number", "", 100, TextField.ANY); VehicleNoForm.append(vehNo); VehicleNoForm.addCommand(Vehicleback); VehicleNoForm.addCommand(VehicleOk); VehicleNoForm.setCommandListener(this); } controller.setCurrentScreen(VehicleNoForm); } else { new Thread() { public void run() { getTrafficSpots(); } }.start(); } } if (command == bckMenu) { controller.MainMenu(); } if (command == Vehicleback) { controller.setCurrentScreen(this); } if (command == VehicleOk) { if (vehNo.getString().equals("")) { controller.showAlert("Enter the vehicle number", 0, AlertType.ERROR); } else { controller.showProgressBar(); new Thread() { public void run() { Downloader dwn = new Downloader(controller); String message = dwn.requestForData( "" + vehNo.getString()); vehNo.setString(""); controller.showAlert(message, 0, AlertType.INFO); } }.start(); new Thread() { public void run() { controller.setCurrentScreen(VehicleNoForm); } }.start(); } } }
public void displayList() { controller.getDisp().setCurrent(this); }