Пример #1
  private void initializeModes(Object modeArgument) {
    Ruby runtime = getRuntime();

    if (modeArgument == null) {
      data.modes = RubyIO.newModeFlags(runtime, "r+");
    } else if (modeArgument instanceof Long) {
      data.modes = RubyIO.newModeFlags(runtime, ((Long) modeArgument).longValue());
    } else {
      data.modes = RubyIO.newModeFlags(runtime, (String) modeArgument);

Пример #2
    public static IRubyObject rbuf_fill(IRubyObject recv) {
      RubyString buf = (RubyString) recv.getInstanceVariables().getInstanceVariable("@rbuf");
      RubyIO io = (RubyIO) recv.getInstanceVariables().getInstanceVariable("@io");

      int timeout =
              * 1000;
      NativeImpl nim = (NativeImpl) recv.dataGetStruct();

      Selector selector = null;
      synchronized (nim.channel.blockingLock()) {
        boolean oldBlocking = nim.channel.isBlocking();

        try {
          selector =
              SelectorFactory.openWithRetryFrom(recv.getRuntime(), SelectorProvider.provider());
          SelectionKey key = nim.channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
          int n = selector.select(timeout);

          if (n > 0) {
            IRubyObject readItems =
                io.read(new IRubyObject[] {recv.getRuntime().newFixnum(1024 * 16)});
            return buf.concat(readItems);
          } else {
            RubyClass exc =
                (RubyClass) (recv.getRuntime().getModule("Timeout").getConstant("Error"));
            throw new RaiseException(
                RubyException.newException(recv.getRuntime(), exc, "execution expired"), false);
        } catch (IOException exception) {
          throw recv.getRuntime().newIOErrorFromException(exception);
        } finally {
          if (selector != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
          try {
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
Пример #3
  private static IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject[] args) {
    // TODO: This should defer to RubyIO logic, but we don't have puts right there for 1.9
    Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
    if (args.length == 0) {
      RubyIO.write(context, maybeIO, RubyString.newStringShared(runtime, NEWLINE));
      return runtime.getNil();

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      RubyString line = null;

      if (!args[i].isNil()) {
        IRubyObject tmp = args[i].checkArrayType();
        if (!tmp.isNil()) {
          RubyArray arr = (RubyArray) tmp;
          if (runtime.isInspecting(arr)) {
            line = runtime.newString("[...]");
          } else {
            inspectPuts(context, maybeIO, arr);
        } else {
          if (args[i] instanceof RubyString) {
            line = (RubyString) args[i];
          } else {
            line = args[i].asString();

      if (line != null) RubyIO.write(context, maybeIO, line);

      if (line == null || !line.getByteList().endsWith(NEWLINE)) {
        RubyIO.write(context, maybeIO, RubyString.newStringShared(runtime, NEWLINE));

    return runtime.getNil();
Пример #4
  @JRubyMethod(required = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
  public static IRubyObject initialize(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject io) {
    try {
      if (io instanceof RubyIO) {
        RubyIO rubyIO = (RubyIO) io;
        OpenFile of = rubyIO.getOpenFile();
        Stream stream = of.getMainStreamSafe();
        if (stream instanceof ChannelStream) {
          ChannelStream cStream = (ChannelStream) stream;
          if (cStream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
            SelectableChannel selChannel = (SelectableChannel) cStream.getDescriptor().getChannel();

            ((RubyObject) recv)
                    new IRubyObject[] {
                      ((RubyModule) recv.getRuntime().getModule("Net").getConstant("BufferedIO"))
            SelectableChannel sc = (SelectableChannel) (selChannel);
            recv.dataWrapStruct(new NativeImpl(sc));

      recv.getInstanceVariables().setInstanceVariable("@io", io);
          .setInstanceVariable("@read_timeout", recv.getRuntime().newFixnum(60));
      recv.getInstanceVariables().setInstanceVariable("@debug_output", recv.getRuntime().getNil());
          .setInstanceVariable("@rbuf", RubyString.newEmptyString(recv.getRuntime()));

      return recv;
    } catch (BadDescriptorException e) {
      throw recv.getRuntime().newErrnoEBADFError();
Пример #5
    public IRubyObject initialize(
        ThreadContext context,
        IRubyObject selectable,
        IRubyObject interests,
        IRubyObject selector) {
      this.io = RubyIO.convertToIO(context, selectable);
      this.interests = interests;
      this.selector = selector;

      this.value = context.nil;
      this.closed = context.getRuntime().getFalse();

      return context.nil;
Пример #6
  @JRubyMethod(name = "readline", module = true, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
  public static IRubyObject s_readline(
      ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject prompt, IRubyObject add_to_hist)
      throws IOException {
    Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
    ConsoleHolder holder = getHolder(runtime);
    if (holder.readline == null) {
      initReadline(runtime, holder); // not overridden, let's go

    IRubyObject line = runtime.getNil();
    String v = null;
    while (true) {
      try {
        v = holder.readline.readLine(prompt.toString());
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (RubyIO.restartSystemCall(ioe)) {
          // This is for JRUBY-2988, since after a suspend the terminal seems
          // to need to be reinitialized. Since we can't easily detect suspension,
          // initialize after every readline. Probably not fast, but this is for
          // interactive terminals anyway...so who cares?
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
        throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(ioe);
      } finally {

    if (null != v) {
      if (add_to_hist.isTrue()) {

      /* Explicitly use UTF-8 here. c.f. history.addToHistory using line.asUTF8() */
      line = RubyString.newUnicodeString(recv.getRuntime(), v);
    return line;
Пример #7
    public IRubyObject register(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject io, IRubyObject interests) {
      Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
      Channel rawChannel = RubyIO.convertToIO(context, io).getChannel();

      if (!this.selector.isOpen()) {
        throw context.getRuntime().newIOError("selector is closed");

      if (!(rawChannel instanceof SelectableChannel)) {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("not a selectable IO object");

      SelectableChannel channel = (SelectableChannel) rawChannel;

      try {
      } catch (IOException ie) {
        throw runtime.newIOError(ie.getLocalizedMessage());

      int interestOps = Nio4r.symbolToInterestOps(runtime, channel, interests);
      SelectionKey key;

      key = this.cancelledKeys.remove(channel);

      if (key != null) {
      } else {
        try {
          key = channel.register(this.selector, interestOps);
        } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ia) {
          throw runtime.newArgumentError("mode not supported for this object: " + interests);
        } catch (java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException cce) {
          throw context.runtime.newIOError(cce.getLocalizedMessage());

      RubyClass monitorClass = runtime.getModule("NIO").getClass("Monitor");
      Monitor monitor = (Monitor) monitorClass.newInstance(context, io, interests, this, null);

      return monitor;
Пример #8
    @JRubyMethod(name = "registered?")
    public IRubyObject isRegistered(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject io) {
      Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
      Channel rawChannel = RubyIO.convertToIO(context, io).getChannel();

      if (!(rawChannel instanceof SelectableChannel)) {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("not a selectable IO object");

      SelectableChannel channel = (SelectableChannel) rawChannel;
      SelectionKey key = channel.keyFor(this.selector);

      if (key == null) return context.nil;

      if (((Monitor) key.attachment()).isClosed(context) == runtime.getTrue()) {
        return runtime.getFalse();
      } else {
        return runtime.getTrue();
Пример #9
    public IRubyObject deregister(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject io) {
      Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
      Channel rawChannel = RubyIO.convertToIO(context, io).getChannel();

      if (!(rawChannel instanceof SelectableChannel)) {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("not a selectable IO object");

      SelectableChannel channel = (SelectableChannel) rawChannel;
      SelectionKey key = channel.keyFor(this.selector);

      if (key == null) return context.nil;

      Monitor monitor = (Monitor) key.attachment();
      monitor.close(context, runtime.getFalse());
      cancelledKeys.put(channel, key);

      return monitor;
Пример #10
 @JRubyMethod(name = "print", rest = true)
 public IRubyObject print(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
   return RubyIO.print19(context, this, args);
Пример #11
 @JRubyMethod(name = "syswrite", required = 1)
 public IRubyObject syswrite(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
   return RubyIO.write(context, this, arg);