Пример #1
  * Parse one of Pepco's times. Normally, this would be as easy as just calling
  * pepcoDateFormatter.parseDateTime, but there's some special case stuff that needs to happen on
  * the first scrape of a new year. Since Pepco doesn't include the year, on the first day of the
  * year, we might accidentally assume we are scraping data from January. So we have to do some
  * stuff to adjust for that. See the comment inside this method for what exactly we do.
  * @param date The date to parse.
  * @param now What time it is right now.
 public static DateTime parsePepcoDateTime(final String date, final DateTime now) {
   final DateTime ret = PEPCO_DATE_FORMATTER.parseDateTime(date);
    * Check whether it is January and we are parsing a date in December.
    * Pepco's dates don't include the year. So at the turn of the year (Jan
    * 1), we'll probably read something like "Dec 31 12:58 PM". It is very
    * unlikely that this actually represents December 31 of this year. More
    * likely, this is December 31 of last year (either that or some poor
    * group of customers is going to have to wait more than a year for
    * their power to get fixed).
   if (now.getMonthOfYear() == 1
       && now.getDayOfMonth() == 1
       && ret.getMonthOfYear() == 12
       && ret.getDayOfMonth() == 31) {
     return ret.withYear(now.getYear() - 1);
   } else {
     return ret.withYear(now.getYear());
Пример #2
  protected static RubyTime s_mload(IRubyObject recv, RubyTime time, IRubyObject from) {
    Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();

    DateTime dt = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC);

    byte[] fromAsBytes = null;
    fromAsBytes = from.convertToString().getBytes();
    if (fromAsBytes.length != 8) {
      throw runtime.newTypeError("marshaled time format differ");
    int p = 0;
    int s = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      p |= ((int) fromAsBytes[i] & 0xFF) << (8 * i);
    for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
      s |= ((int) fromAsBytes[i] & 0xFF) << (8 * (i - 4));
    boolean utc = false;
    if ((p & (1 << 31)) == 0) {
      dt = dt.withMillis(p * 1000L);
      time.setUSec((s & 0xFFFFF) % 1000);
    } else {
      p &= ~(1 << 31);
      utc = ((p >>> 30 & 0x1) == 0x1);
      dt = dt.withYear(((p >>> 14) & 0xFFFF) + 1900);
      dt = dt.withMonthOfYear(((p >>> 10) & 0xF) + 1);
      dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(((p >>> 5) & 0x1F));
      dt = dt.withHourOfDay((p & 0x1F));
      dt = dt.withMinuteOfHour(((s >>> 26) & 0x3F));
      dt = dt.withSecondOfMinute(((s >>> 20) & 0x3F));
      // marsaling dumps usec, not msec
      dt = dt.withMillisOfSecond((s & 0xFFFFF) / 1000);
      time.setUSec((s & 0xFFFFF) % 1000);
    if (!utc) time.localtime();

    return time;
Пример #3
  public void testDateFieldTypes() throws Exception {
    DateTime dt = DateTime.now().minusDays(2).withMillisOfSecond(0);
    Util.insertRows(testEnv, 10, 1, dt);
    VtGate vtgate = VtGate.connect("localhost:" + testEnv.port, 0);
    Query allRowsQuery =
        new QueryBuilder("select * from vtgate_test", testEnv.keyspace, "master")
    Row row = vtgate.execute(allRowsQuery).next();
