private void setProp(Ellipsoid e, int mode, Object value) { // "ax ce co de eq mo on op sc tr" // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 switch (mode) { case 0: // axes e.setTensor( ((Tensor) Interface.getUtil("Tensor", vwr, "script")).setFromAxes((V3[]) value)); return; case 1: // center e.setCenter((P3) value); return; case 2: // color e.colix = C.getColixO(value); return; case 3: // delete simpleEllipsoids.remove(; return; case 4: // equation e.setTensor( ((Tensor) Interface.getUtil("Tensor", vwr, "script")) .setFromThermalEquation((double[]) value, null)); return; case 5: // modelindex e.tensor.modelIndex = ((Integer) value).intValue(); return; case 6: // on e.isOn = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); return; case 7: // options e.options = ((String) value).toLowerCase(); return; case 8: // scale e.setScale(((Float) value).floatValue(), false); return; case 9: // translucency e.colix = C.getColixTranslucent3(e.colix, value.equals("translucent"), translucentLevel); return; } return; }
protected void jvxlDecodeContourData(JvxlData jvxlData, String data) throws Exception { List<List<Object>> vs = new List<List<Object>>(); SB values = new SB(); SB colors = new SB(); int pt = -1; jvxlData.vContours = null; if (data == null) return; while ((pt = data.indexOf("<jvxlContour", pt + 1)) >= 0) { List<Object> v = new List<Object>(); String s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlContour", data.substring(pt), true, false); float value = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "value")); values.append(" ").appendF(value); int color = getColor(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "color")); short colix = C.getColix(color); colors.append(" ").append(Escape.escapeColor(color)); String fData = JvxlCoder.jvxlDecompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "data")); BS bs = JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(xr.getXmlData("jvxlContour", s, false, false)); int n = bs.length(); IsosurfaceMesh.setContourVector(v, n, bs, value, colix, color, SB.newS(fData)); vs.addLast(v); } int n = vs.size(); if (n > 0) { jvxlData.vContours = AU.createArrayOfArrayList(n); // 3D contour values and colors jvxlData.contourColixes = params.contourColixes = new short[n]; jvxlData.contourValues = params.contoursDiscrete = new float[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { jvxlData.vContours[i] = vs.get(i); jvxlData.contourValues[i] = ((Float) jvxlData.vContours[i].get(2)).floatValue(); jvxlData.contourColixes[i] = ((short[]) jvxlData.vContours[i].get(3))[0]; } jvxlData.contourColors = C.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes);"JVXL read: " + n + " discrete contours");"JVXL read: contour values: " + values);"JVXL read: contour colors: " + colors); } }
private void drawSegment(Atom atomA, Atom atomB, short colixA, short colixB, float max) { if (atomA.getNBackbonesDisplayed() == 0 || atomB.getNBackbonesDisplayed() == 0 || ms.isAtomHidden(atomB.i) || !isDataFrame && atomA.distanceSquared(atomB) > max) return; colixA = C.getColixInherited(colixA, atomA.colixAtom); colixB = C.getColixInherited(colixB, atomB.colixAtom); if (!isExport && !isPass2 && !setBioColix(colixA) && !setBioColix(colixB)) return; int xA = atomA.sX, yA = atomA.sY, zA = atomA.sZ; int xB = atomB.sX, yB = atomB.sY, zB = atomB.sZ; int mad = this.mad; if (max == 1000) mad = mad >> 1; if (mad < 0) { g3d.drawLine(colixA, colixB, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB); } else { int width = (int) (exportType == GData.EXPORT_CARTESIAN ? mad : + zB) / 2, mad)); g3d.fillCylinderXYZ(colixA, colixB, GData.ENDCAPS_SPHERICAL, width, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB); } }
@Override protected String readColorData() { if (!jvxlDataIsColorMapped) return ""; // overloads SurfaceReader // standard jvxl file read for color int vertexCount = jvxlData.vertexCount = meshData.vertexCount; // the problem is that the new way to read data in Marching Cubes // is to ignore all points that are NaN. But then we also have to // remove those points from the color string. short[] colixes = meshData.vertexColixes; float[] vertexValues = meshData.vertexValues; /* * haveReadColorData? = (isJvxl ? jvxlColorDataRead : ""); if (isJvxl && strValueTemp.length() == 0) { Logger .error("You cannot use JVXL data to map onto OTHER data, because it only contains the data for one surface. Use ISOSURFACE \"file.jvxl\" not ISOSURFACE .... MAP \"file.jvxl\"."); return ""; } */ if ("none".equals(jvxlColorEncodingRead)) { jvxlData.vertexColors = new int[vertexCount]; int[] nextc = new int[1]; int n = PT.parseIntNext(jvxlColorDataRead, nextc); n = Math.min(n, vertexCount); String[] tokens = PT.getTokens(jvxlColorDataRead.substring(nextc[0])); boolean haveTranslucent = false; float trans = jvxlData.translucency; int lastColor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // colix will be one of 8 shades of translucent if A in ARGB is not FF. try { int c = getColor(tokens[i]); if (c == 0) c = lastColor; else lastColor = c; colixes[i] = C.getColixTranslucent(jvxlData.vertexColors[i] = c); if (C.isColixTranslucent(colixes[i])) haveTranslucent = true; else if (trans != 0) colixes[i] = C.getColixTranslucent3(colixes[i], true, trans); } catch (Exception e) {"JvxlXmlReader: Cannot interpret color code: " + tokens[i]); // ignore this color if parsing error } if (haveTranslucent && trans == 0) { // set to show in pass2 jvxlData.translucency = 0.5f; } return "-"; } if (params.colorEncoder == null) params.colorEncoder = new ColorEncoder(null); params.colorEncoder.setColorScheme(null, false); params.colorEncoder.setRange( params.valueMappedToRed, params.valueMappedToBlue, params.isColorReversed); "JVXL reading color data mapped min/max: " + params.mappedDataMin + "/" + params.mappedDataMax + " for " + vertexCount + " vertices." + " using encoding keys " + colorFractionBase + " " + colorFractionRange); "mapping red-->blue for " + params.valueMappedToRed + " to " + params.valueMappedToBlue + " colorPrecision:" + jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor); boolean getValues = (Float.isNaN(valueMin)); if (getValues) setValueMinMax(); float contourPlaneMinimumValue = Float.MAX_VALUE; float contourPlaneMaximumValue = -Float.MAX_VALUE; if (colixes == null || colixes.length < vertexCount) meshData.vertexColixes = colixes = new short[vertexCount]; // hasColorData = true; short colixNeg = 0, colixPos = 0; if (params.colorBySign) { colixPos = C.getColix(params.isColorReversed ? params.colorNeg : params.colorPos); colixNeg = C.getColix(params.isColorReversed ? params.colorPos : params.colorNeg); } int vertexIncrement = meshData.vertexIncrement; // here's the problem: we are assuming here that vertexCount == nPointsRead boolean needContourMinMax = (params.mappedDataMin == Float.MAX_VALUE); for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += vertexIncrement) { float value; if (getValues) value = vertexValues[i] = getNextValue(); else value = vertexValues[i]; if (needContourMinMax) { if (value < contourPlaneMinimumValue) contourPlaneMinimumValue = value; if (value > contourPlaneMaximumValue) contourPlaneMaximumValue = value; } } if (needContourMinMax) { params.mappedDataMin = contourPlaneMinimumValue; params.mappedDataMax = contourPlaneMaximumValue; } if (jvxlData.colorScheme != null) for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += vertexIncrement) { float value = vertexValues[i]; // note: these are just default colorings // orbital color had a bug through 11.2.6/11.3.6 if (marchingSquares != null && params.isContoured) { marchingSquares.setContourData(i, value); continue; } short colix = (!params.colorBySign ? params.colorEncoder.getColorIndex(value) : (params.isColorReversed ? value > 0 : value <= 0) ? colixNeg : colixPos); colixes[i] = C.getColixTranslucent3(colix, true, jvxlData.translucency); } return jvxlColorDataRead + "\n"; }
protected void jvxlReadSurfaceInfo() throws Exception { String s; String data = xr.getXmlData("jvxlSurfaceInfo", null, true, true); isXLowToHigh = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "isXLowToHigh").equals("true"); jvxlCutoff = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "cutoff")); if (!Float.isNaN(jvxlCutoff))"JVXL read: cutoff " + jvxlCutoff); int nContourData = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nContourData")); haveContourData = (nContourData > 0); params.isContoured = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contoured").equals("true"); if (params.isContoured) { int nContoursRead = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nContours")); if (nContoursRead <= 0) { nContoursRead = 0; } else { s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contourValues"); if (s.length() > 0) { jvxlData.contourValues = params.contoursDiscrete = parseFloatArrayStr(s);"JVXL read: contourValues " + Escape.eAF(jvxlData.contourValues)); } s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contourColors"); if (s.length() > 0) { jvxlData.contourColixes = params.contourColixes = C.getColixArray(s); jvxlData.contourColors = C.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes);"JVXL read: contourColixes " + C.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes)); } params.contourFromZero = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contourFromZero").equals("true"); } params.nContours = (haveContourData ? nContourData : nContoursRead); // TODO ? params.contourFromZero = false; // MEP data to complete the plane } jvxlData.nVertexColors = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nVertexColors")); params.isBicolorMap = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "bicolorMap").equals("true"); if (params.isBicolorMap) { // TODO -- not quite right, because s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorPositive"); if (s.length() > 0 && params.colorRgb == Integer.MIN_VALUE && params.colorPos == Parameters.defaultColorPositive) params.colorPos = CU.getArgbFromString(s); s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorNegative"); if (s.length() > 0 && params.colorRgb == Integer.MIN_VALUE && params.colorNeg == Parameters.defaultColorNegative) params.colorNeg = CU.getArgbFromString(s); } if (params.isBicolorMap || params.colorBySign) jvxlCutoff = 0; jvxlDataIsColorMapped = ((params.colorRgb == Integer.MIN_VALUE || params.colorRgb == Integer.MAX_VALUE) && (params.isBicolorMap || XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorMapped").equals("true"))); // isJvxlPrecisionColor is for information only -- will be superceded by encoding attribute of // jvxlColorData jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "precisionColor").equals("true"); jvxlData.jvxlDataIsColorDensity = params.colorDensity = (params.colorRgb == Integer.MIN_VALUE && XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorDensity").equals("true")); if (jvxlData.jvxlDataIsColorDensity && Float.isNaN(params.pointSize)) { s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "pointSize"); if (s.length() > 0) jvxlData.pointSize = params.pointSize = parseFloatStr(s); } s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "allowVolumeRender"); jvxlData.allowVolumeRender = params.allowVolumeRender = (s.length() == 0 || s.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "plane"); if (s.indexOf("{") >= 0) { params.thePlane = null; params.mapLattice = null; try { params.thePlane = (P4) Escape.uP(s); s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "maplattice");"JVXL read: plane " + params.thePlane); if (s.indexOf("{") >= 0) { params.mapLattice = (P3) Escape.uP(s);"JVXL read: mapLattice " + params.mapLattice); } if (params.scale3d == 0) params.scale3d = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "scale3d")); if (Float.isNaN(params.scale3d)) params.scale3d = 0; } catch (Exception e) { if (params.thePlane == null) { Logger.error("JVXL Error reading plane definition -- setting to 0 0 1 0 (z=0)"); params.thePlane = P4.new4(0, 0, 1, 0); } else { Logger.error("JVXL Error reading mapLattice definition -- ignored"); } } surfaceDataCount = 0; edgeDataCount = 0; } else { params.thePlane = null; surfaceDataCount = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nSurfaceInts")); edgeDataCount = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nBytesUncompressedEdgeData")); } excludedVertexCount = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nExcludedVertexes")); excludedTriangleCount = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nExcludedTriangles")); invalidatedVertexCount = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nInvalidatedVertexes")); s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "slabInfo"); if (s.length() > 0) jvxlData.slabInfo = s; colorDataCount = Math.max(0, parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nBytesUncompressedColorData"))); jvxlDataIs2dContour = (params.thePlane != null && jvxlDataIsColorMapped); // new Jmol 12.1.50 jvxlData.color = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "color"); if (jvxlData.color.length() == 0 || jvxlData.color.indexOf("null") >= 0) jvxlData.color = "orange"; jvxlData.translucency = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "translucency")); if (Float.isNaN(jvxlData.translucency)) jvxlData.translucency = 0; s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "meshColor"); if (s.length() > 0) jvxlData.meshColor = s; s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "rendering"); if (s.length() > 0) jvxlData.rendering = s; jvxlData.colorScheme = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorScheme"); if (jvxlData.colorScheme.length() == 0) jvxlData.colorScheme = null; if (jvxlData.thisSet < 0) { int n = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "set")); if (n > 0) jvxlData.thisSet = n - 1; } jvxlData.slabValue = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "slabValue")); jvxlData.isSlabbable = (XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "slabbable").equalsIgnoreCase("true")); jvxlData.diameter = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "diameter")); if (jvxlData.diameter == Integer.MIN_VALUE) jvxlData.diameter = 0; if (jvxlDataIs2dContour) params.isContoured = true; if (params.colorBySign) params.isBicolorMap = true; boolean insideOut = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "insideOut").equals("true"); float dataMin = Float.NaN; float dataMax = Float.NaN; float red = Float.NaN; float blue = Float.NaN; if (jvxlDataIsColorMapped) { dataMin = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "dataMinimum")); dataMax = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "dataMaximum")); red = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "valueMappedToRed")); blue = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "valueMappedToBlue")); if (Float.isNaN(dataMin)) { dataMin = red = -1f; dataMax = blue = 1f; } } jvxlSetColorRanges(dataMin, dataMax, red, blue, insideOut); }
protected short getLeadColix(int i) { return C.getColixInherited(colixes[i], monomers[i].getLeadAtom().colixAtom); }
@Override public void setProperty(String propertyName, Object value, BS bs) { // System.out.println(propertyName + " " + value + " " + bs); if (propertyName == "thisID") { if (initEllipsoids(value) && ellipsoidSet.size() == 0) { String id = (String) value; Ellipsoid e = Ellipsoid.getEmptyEllipsoid(id,; ellipsoidSet.addLast(e); simpleEllipsoids.put(id, e); } return; } if ("atoms" == propertyName) { selectedAtoms = (BS) value; return; } if (propertyName == "deleteModelAtoms") { int modelIndex = ((int[]) ((Object[]) value)[2])[0]; Iterator<Ellipsoid> e = simpleEllipsoids.values().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) if ( == modelIndex) e.remove(); e = atomEllipsoids.values().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) if ( == modelIndex) e.remove(); ellipsoidSet.clear(); return; } int mode = PROPERTY_MODES.indexOf((propertyName + " ").substring(0, 2)); if (ellipsoidSet.size() > 0) { if ("translucentLevel" == propertyName) { setPropS(propertyName, value, bs); return; } if (mode >= 0) for (int i = ellipsoidSet.size(); --i >= 0; ) setProp(ellipsoidSet.get(i), mode / 3, value); return; } if ("color" == propertyName) { short colix = C.getColixO(value); byte pid = PAL.pidOf(value); if (selectedAtoms != null) bs = selectedAtoms; for (Ellipsoid e : atomEllipsoids.values()) if (e.tensor.type.equals(typeSelected) && e.tensor.isSelected(bs, -1)) { e.colix = getColixI(colix, pid, e.tensor.atomIndex1); = pid; } return; } if ("on" == propertyName) { boolean isOn = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); if (selectedAtoms != null) bs = selectedAtoms; if (isOn) setSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bs); for (Ellipsoid e : atomEllipsoids.values()) { Tensor t = e.tensor; if ((t.type.equals(typeSelected) || typeSelected.equals(t.altType)) && t.isSelected(bs, -1)) { e.isOn = isOn; } } return; } if ("options" == propertyName) { String options = ((String) value).toLowerCase().trim(); if (options.length() == 0) options = null; if (selectedAtoms != null) bs = selectedAtoms; if (options != null) setSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bs); for (Ellipsoid e : atomEllipsoids.values()) if (e.tensor.type.equals(typeSelected) && e.tensor.isSelected(bs, -1)) e.options = options; return; } if ("params" == propertyName) { Object[] data = (Object[]) value; data[2] = null; // Jmol does not allow setting sizes this way from PyMOL yet typeSelected = "0"; setSize(50, bs); // onward... } if ("points" == propertyName) { // Object[] o = (Object[]) value; // setPoints((P3[]) o[1], (BS) o[2]); return; } if ("scale" == propertyName) { setSize((int) (((Float) value).floatValue() * 100), bs); return; } if ("select" == propertyName) { typeSelected = ((String) value).toLowerCase(); return; } if ("translucency" == propertyName) { boolean isTranslucent = (value.equals("translucent")); for (Ellipsoid e : atomEllipsoids.values()) if (e.tensor.type.equals(typeSelected) && e.tensor.isSelected(bs, -1)) e.colix = C.getColixTranslucent3(e.colix, isTranslucent, translucentLevel); return; } setPropS(propertyName, value, bs); }
short getColix2() { return C.getColixInherited(colix, atom2.colixAtom); }
short getColix1() { return C.getColixInherited(colix, atom1.colixAtom); }
public void setTranslucent(boolean isTranslucent, float translucentLevel) { colix = C.getColixTranslucent3(colix, isTranslucent, translucentLevel); }