Пример #1
 void cachePut(String key, Object data) {
   key = key.replace('\\', '/');
   if (Logger.debugging) Logger.debug("cachePut " + key);
   if (data == null || "".equals(data)) { // J2S error -- cannot implement Int32Array.equals
   cache.put(key, data);
   JmolBinary.getCachedPngjBytes(this, key);
Пример #2
  public Object getUnzippedReaderOrStreamFromName(
      String name,
      byte[] bytes,
      boolean allowZipStream,
      boolean forceInputStream,
      boolean isTypeCheckOnly,
      boolean doSpecialLoad,
      Map<String, Object> htParams) {
    String[] subFileList = null;
    String[] info = (bytes == null && doSpecialLoad ? getSpartanFileList(name) : null);
    String name00 = name;
    if (info != null) {
      if (isTypeCheckOnly) return info;
      if (info[2] != null) {
        String header = info[1];
        Map<String, String> fileData = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        if (info.length == 3) {
          // we need information from the output file, info[2]
          String name0 = getObjectAsSections(info[2], header, fileData);
          fileData.put("OUTPUT", name0);
          info = JmolBinary.spartanFileList(name, fileData.get(name0));
          if (info.length == 3) {
            // might have a second option
            name0 = getObjectAsSections(info[2], header, fileData);
            fileData.put("OUTPUT", name0);
            info = JmolBinary.spartanFileList(info[1], fileData.get(name0));
        // load each file individually, but return files IN ORDER
        SB sb = new SB();
        if (fileData.get("OUTPUT") != null) sb.append(fileData.get(fileData.get("OUTPUT")));
        String s;
        for (int i = 2; i < info.length; i++) {
          name = info[i];
          name = getObjectAsSections(name, header, fileData);
          Logger.info("reading " + name);
          s = fileData.get(name);
        s = sb.toString();
        if (spardirCache == null) spardirCache = new Hashtable<String, byte[]>();
        spardirCache.put(name00.replace('\\', '/'), s.getBytes());
        return JmolBinary.getBR(s);
      // continuing...
      // here, for example, for an SPT file load that is not just a type check
      // (type check is only for application file opening and drag-drop to
      // determine if
      // script or load command should be used)

    if (bytes == null && pngjCache != null) {
      bytes = JmolBinary.getCachedPngjBytes(this, name);
      if (bytes != null && htParams != null) htParams.put("sourcePNGJ", Boolean.TRUE);
    String fullName = name;
    if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0) {
      subFileList = PT.split(name, "|");
      if (bytes == null) Logger.info("FileManager opening 3 " + name);
      name = subFileList[0];
    Object t =
        (bytes == null
            ? getBufferedInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(
                name, fullName, true, false, null, !forceInputStream)
            : JmolBinary.getBIS(bytes));
    try {
      if (t instanceof String) return t;
      if (t instanceof BufferedReader) return t;
      BufferedInputStream bis = JmolBinary.getUnzippedInputStream((BufferedInputStream) t);
      if (JmolBinary.isCompoundDocumentS(bis)) {
        JmolDocument doc = (JmolDocument) Interface.getOptionInterface("io2.CompoundDocument");
        doc.setStream(bis, true);
        return JmolBinary.getBR(doc.getAllDataFiles("Molecule", "Input").toString());
      if (JmolBinary.isPickleS(bis)) return bis;
      bis = JmolBinary.checkPngZipStream(bis);
      if (JmolBinary.isZipS(bis)) {
        if (allowZipStream) return JmolBinary.newZipInputStream(bis);
        Object o = JmolBinary.getZipFileContents(bis, subFileList, 1, forceInputStream);
        return (o instanceof String ? JmolBinary.getBR((String) o) : o);
      return (forceInputStream ? bis : JmolBinary.getBufferedReader(bis, null));
    } catch (Exception ioe) {
      return ioe.toString();
Пример #3
 public Object getBufferedInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(
     String name,
     String fullName,
     boolean showMsg,
     boolean checkOnly,
     byte[] outputBytes,
     boolean allowReader) {
   byte[] cacheBytes = null;
   if (outputBytes == null) {
     cacheBytes =
         (fullName == null || pngjCache == null
             ? null
             : JmolBinary.getCachedPngjBytes(this, fullName));
     if (cacheBytes == null) cacheBytes = (byte[]) cacheGet(name, true);
   BufferedInputStream bis = null;
   Object ret = null;
   String errorMessage = null;
   try {
     if (cacheBytes == null) {
       boolean isPngjBinaryPost = (name.indexOf("?POST?_PNGJBIN_") >= 0);
       boolean isPngjPost = (isPngjBinaryPost || name.indexOf("?POST?_PNGJ_") >= 0);
       if (name.indexOf("?POST?_PNG_") > 0 || isPngjPost) {
         String[] errMsg = new String[1];
         byte[] bytes = viewer.getImageAsBytes(isPngjPost ? "PNGJ" : "PNG", 0, 0, -1, errMsg);
         if (errMsg[0] != null) return errMsg[0];
         if (isPngjBinaryPost) {
           outputBytes = bytes;
           name = PT.simpleReplace(name, "?_", "=_");
         } else {
           name = new SB().append(name).append("=").appendSB(Base64.getBase64(bytes)).toString();
       int iurl = urlTypeIndex(name);
       boolean isURL = (iurl >= 0);
       String post = null;
       if (isURL && (iurl = name.indexOf("?POST?")) >= 0) {
         post = name.substring(iurl + 6);
         name = name.substring(0, iurl);
       boolean isApplet = (appletDocumentBaseURL != null);
       if (name.indexOf(".png") >= 0 && pngjCache == null && viewer.cachePngFiles())
         JmolBinary.cachePngjFile(this, null);
       if (isApplet || isURL) {
         if (isApplet && isURL && appletProxy != null)
           name = appletProxy + "?url=" + urlEncode(name);
         URL url =
                 ? new URL(appletDocumentBaseURL, name, null)
                 : new URL((URL) null, name, null));
         if (checkOnly) return null;
         name = url.toString();
         if (showMsg && name.toLowerCase().indexOf("password") < 0)
           Logger.info("FileManager opening 1 " + name);
         ret = viewer.apiPlatform.getBufferedURLInputStream(url, outputBytes, post);
         byte[] bytes = null;
         if (ret instanceof SB) {
           SB sb = (SB) ret;
           if (allowReader && !JmolBinary.isBase64(sb)) return JmolBinary.getBR(sb.toString());
           bytes = JmolBinary.getBytesFromSB(sb);
         } else if (PT.isAB(ret)) {
           bytes = (byte[]) ret;
         if (bytes != null) ret = JmolBinary.getBIS(bytes);
       } else if ((cacheBytes = (byte[]) cacheGet(name, true)) == null) {
         if (showMsg) Logger.info("FileManager opening 2 " + name);
         ret = viewer.apiPlatform.getBufferedFileInputStream(name);
       if (ret instanceof String) return ret;
     bis = (cacheBytes == null ? (BufferedInputStream) ret : JmolBinary.getBIS(cacheBytes));
     if (checkOnly) {
       bis = null;
     return bis;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     try {
       if (bis != null) bis.close();
     } catch (IOException e1) {
     errorMessage = "" + e;
   return errorMessage;