Пример #1
 public void applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory() throws Exception {
   if (iHaveUnitCell && doCheckUnitCell) {
         notionalUnitCell, matUnitCellOrientation, unitCellOffset);
     if (doConvertToFractional || fileCoordinatesAreFractional) {
           latticeCells, applySymmetryToBonds, doPackUnitCell, supercell);
       if (ignoreFileSpaceGroupName || !iHaveSymmetryOperators) {
         if (!merging || symmetry == null) getSymmetry();
         if (symmetry.createSpaceGroup(
             (spaceGroup.indexOf("!") >= 0 ? "P1" : spaceGroup),
             notionalUnitCell)) {
       } else {
     if (iHaveFractionalCoordinates && merging && symmetry != null) {
       // when merging (with appendNew false), we must return cartesians
       // We no longer allow merging of multiple-model files
       // when the file to be appended has fractional coordinates and vibrations
       addVibrations = false;
   if (isTrajectory) atomSetCollection.setTrajectory();
Пример #2
  private void setSymmetry(boolean setOperators) {
    double[][] a;

    // Part 1: Get sigma_nu
    // van Smaalen, p. 92.

    Logger.info("[subsystem " + code + "]");

    Matrix winv = w.inverse();
    Logger.info("w=" + w);
    Logger.info("w_inv=" + winv);

    //      w33  w3d      van Smaalen, p. 94, Eqn. 4.15
    // w =
    //      wd3  wdd

    Matrix w33 = w.getSubmatrix(0, 0, 3, 3);
    Matrix wd3 = w.getSubmatrix(3, 0, d, 3);
    Matrix w3d = w.getSubmatrix(0, 3, 3, d);
    Matrix wdd = w.getSubmatrix(3, 3, d, d);
    Matrix sigma = msRdr.getSigma();
    // Eqn. 4.16
    Matrix sigma_nu = wdd.mul(sigma).add(wd3).mul(w3d.mul(sigma).add(w33).inverse());
    Matrix tFactor = wdd.sub(sigma_nu.mul(w3d));

    Logger.info("sigma_nu = " + sigma_nu);

    // Part 2: Get the new unit cell and symmetry operators

    SymmetryInterface s0 = msRdr.cr.asc.getSymmetry();
    V3[] vu43 = s0.getUnitCellVectors();
    V3[] vr43 = reciprocalsOf(vu43);

    // using full matrix math here:
    // mar3  = just 3x3 matrix of ai* (a*, b*, c*)
    // mard3 = full (3+d)x3 matrix of ai* (a*, b*, c*, x4*, x5*,....)
    //       = [ mard3 | sigma * mard3 ]
    Matrix mard3 = new Matrix(null, 3 + d, 3);
    Matrix mar3 = new Matrix(null, 3, 3);
    double[][] mard3a = mard3.getArray();
    double[][] mar3a = mar3.getArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      mard3a[i] = mar3a[i] = new double[] {vr43[i + 1].x, vr43[i + 1].y, vr43[i + 1].z};

    Matrix sx = sigma.mul(mar3);
    a = sx.getArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) mard3a[i + 3] = a[i];
    a = w.mul(mard3).getArray();

    // back to vector notation and direct lattice

    V3[] uc_nu = new V3[4];
    uc_nu[0] = vu43[0]; // origin
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      uc_nu[i + 1] = V3.new3((float) a[i][0], (float) a[i][1], (float) a[i][2]);
    uc_nu = reciprocalsOf(uc_nu);
    symmetry =
        ((Symmetry) msRdr.cr.getInterface("org.jmol.symmetry.Symmetry"))
            .getUnitCell(uc_nu, false, null);
    modMatrices = new Matrix[] {sigma_nu, tFactor};
    if (!setOperators) return;
    isFinalized = true;

    // Part 3: Transform the operators

    Logger.info("unit cell parameters: " + symmetry.getUnitCellInfo());
    symmetry.createSpaceGroup(-1, "[subsystem " + code + "]", new Lst<M4>());
    int nOps = s0.getSpaceGroupOperationCount();
    for (int iop = 0; iop < nOps; iop++) {
      Matrix rv = s0.getOperationRsVs(iop);
      Matrix r0 = rv.getRotation();
      Matrix v0 = rv.getTranslation();
      Matrix r = w.mul(r0).mul(winv);
      Matrix v = w.mul(v0);
      String code = this.code;
      if (isMixed(r)) {
        // This operator mixes x4,x5... into x1,x2,x3.
        // It is not a pure operation. Instead, it correlates one
        // subsystem with another. Our job is to find the other
        // subsystem "j" that will satisfy the following condition:
        // (Wj R Wi_inv).submatrix(0,3,3,d) == all_zeros
        for (Entry<String, Subsystem> e : msRdr.htSubsystems.entrySet()) {
          Subsystem ss = e.getValue();
          if (ss == this) continue;
          Matrix rj = ss.w.mul(r0).mul(winv);
          if (!isMixed(rj)) {
            // We have found the corresponding subsystem.
            // The result of this operation will be in other system,
            // and the operation itself will be used to rotate the modulation.
            // ss.code will be used to mark any atom created by this operation as
            // part of the other system.
            r = rj;
            v = ss.w.mul(v0);
            code = ss.code;
      String jf = symmetry.addOp(code, r, v, sigma_nu);
          this.code + "." + (iop + 1) + (this.code.equals(code) ? "   " : ">" + code + " ") + jf);