   * Makes an <tt>RTCPREMBPacket</tt> that provides receiver feedback to the endpoint from which we
   * receive.
   * @return an <tt>RTCPREMBPacket</tt> that provides receiver feedback to the endpoint from which
   *     we receive.
  private RTCPREMBPacket makeRTCPREMBPacket() {
    // TODO we should only make REMBs if REMB support has been advertised.
    // Destination
    RemoteBitrateEstimator remoteBitrateEstimator =
        ((VideoMediaStream) getStream()).getRemoteBitrateEstimator();

    Collection<Integer> ssrcs = remoteBitrateEstimator.getSsrcs();

    // TODO(gp) intersect with SSRCs from signaled simulcast layers
    // NOTE(gp) The Google Congestion Control algorithm (sender side)
    // doesn't seem to care about the SSRCs in the dest field.
    long[] dest = new long[ssrcs.size()];
    int i = 0;

    for (Integer ssrc : ssrcs) dest[i++] = ssrc & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

    // Exp & mantissa
    long bitrate = remoteBitrateEstimator.getLatestEstimate();

    if (bitrate == -1) return null;

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Estimated bitrate: " + bitrate);

    // Create and return the packet.
    // We use the stream's local source ID (SSRC) as the SSRC of packet
    // sender.
    long streamSSRC = getLocalSSRC();

    return new RTCPREMBPacket(streamSSRC, /* mediaSSRC */ 0L, bitrate, dest);
   * Sets the value of {@code lastN}, that is, the maximum number of endpoints whose video streams
   * will be forwarded to the endpoint. A value of {@code -1} means that there is no limit.
   * @param lastN the value to set.
  public void setLastN(int lastN) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Setting lastN=" + lastN);

    List<String> endpointsToAskForKeyframe = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      // Since we have the lock anyway, call update() inside, so it
      // doesn't have to obtain it again. But keep the call to
      // askForKeyframes() outside.

      if (this.lastN != lastN) {
        // If we're just now enabling lastN, we don't need to ask for
        // keyframes as all streams were being forwarded already.
        boolean update = this.lastN != -1;

        this.lastN = lastN;

        if (lastN >= 0 && (currentLastN < 0 || currentLastN > lastN)) {
          currentLastN = lastN;

        if (update) {
          endpointsToAskForKeyframe = update();

Пример #3
  /** Implements notification in order to track socket state. */
  public synchronized void onSctpNotification(SctpSocket socket, SctpNotification notification) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("socket=" + socket + "; notification=" + notification);
    switch (notification.sn_type) {
      case SctpNotification.SCTP_ASSOC_CHANGE:
        SctpNotification.AssociationChange assocChange =
            (SctpNotification.AssociationChange) notification;

        switch (assocChange.state) {
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_COMM_UP:
            if (!assocIsUp) {
              boolean wasReady = isReady();

              assocIsUp = true;
              if (isReady() && !wasReady) notifySctpConnectionReady();

          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_COMM_LOST:
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_SHUTDOWN_COMP:
          case SctpNotification.AssociationChange.SCTP_CANT_STR_ASSOC:
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
              logger.error("Error closing SCTP socket", e);
   * Initializes the local list of endpoints ({@link #speechActivityEndpointsChanged(List)}) with
   * the current endpoints from the conference.
  public synchronized void initializeConferenceEndpoints() {

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Initialized the list of endpoints: " + conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints.toString());
Пример #5
   * Returns the SSRC paired with <tt>ssrc</tt> in an FID source-group, if any. If none is found,
   * returns -1.
   * @return the SSRC paired with <tt>ssrc</tt> in an FID source-group, if any. If none is found,
   *     returns -1.
  private long getPrimarySsrc(RawPacket pkt) {
    MediaStreamTrackReceiver receiver = channel.getStream().getMediaStreamTrackReceiver();

    if (receiver == null) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Dropping an incoming RTX packet from an unknown source.");
      return -1;

    RTPEncoding encoding = receiver.resolveRTPEncoding(pkt);
    if (encoding == null) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Dropping an incoming RTX packet from an unknown source.");
      return -1;

    return encoding.getPrimarySSRC();
   * Notifies this instance that the ordered list of endpoints (specified as a list of endpoint IDs)
   * in the conference has changed.
   * @param endpointIds the new ordered list of endpoints (specified as a list of endpoint IDs) in
   *     the conference.
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints which were added to the list of forwarded endpoints as a
   *     result of the call.
  private synchronized List<String> speechActivityEndpointIdsChanged(List<String> endpointIds) {
    if (conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints.equals(endpointIds)) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Conference endpoints have not changed.");
      return null;
    } else {
      List<String> newEndpoints = new LinkedList<>(endpointIds);

      conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints = endpointIds;

      return update(newEndpoints);
   * Sets the list of "pinned" endpoints (i.e. endpoints for which video should always be forwarded,
   * regardless of {@code lastN}).
   * @param newPinnedEndpointIds the list of endpoint IDs to set.
  public void setPinnedEndpointIds(List<String> newPinnedEndpointIds) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Setting pinned endpoints: " + newPinnedEndpointIds.toString());
    List<String> endpointsToAskForKeyframe = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      // Since we have the lock anyway, call update() inside, so it
      // doesn't have to obtain it again. But keep the call to
      // askForKeyframes() outside.
      if (!pinnedEndpoints.equals(newPinnedEndpointIds)) {
        pinnedEndpoints = Collections.unmodifiableList(newPinnedEndpointIds);

        endpointsToAskForKeyframe = update();

Пример #8
   * Removes the RTX encapsulation from a packet.
   * @param pkt the packet to remove the RTX encapsulation from.
   * @return the original media packet represented by {@code pkt}, or null if we couldn't
   *     reconstruct the original packet.
  private RawPacket deRtx(RawPacket pkt) {
    boolean success = false;

    if (pkt.getPayloadLength() - pkt.getPaddingSize() < 2) {
      // We need at least 2 bytes to read the OSN field.
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Dropping an incoming RTX packet with padding only: " + pkt);
      return null;

    long mediaSsrc = getPrimarySsrc(pkt);
    if (mediaSsrc != -1) {
      if (rtxAssociatedPayloadType != -1) {
        int osn = pkt.getOriginalSequenceNumber();
        // Remove the RTX header by moving the RTP header two bytes
        // right.
        byte[] buf = pkt.getBuffer();
        int off = pkt.getOffset();
        System.arraycopy(buf, off, buf, off + 2, pkt.getHeaderLength());

        pkt.setOffset(off + 2);
        pkt.setLength(pkt.getLength() - 2);

        pkt.setSSRC((int) mediaSsrc);
        success = true;
      } else {
            "RTX packet received, but no APT is defined. Packet "
                + "SSRC "
                + pkt.getSSRCAsLong()
                + ", associated media"
                + " SSRC "
                + mediaSsrc);

    // If we failed to handle the RTX packet, drop it.
    return success ? pkt : null;
   * Notifies this instance that the ordered list of endpoints in the conference has changed.
   * @param endpoints the new ordered list of endpoints in the conference.
   * @return the list of endpoints which were added to the list of forwarded endpoints as a result
   *     of the call, or {@code null} if none were added.
  public List<Endpoint> speechActivityEndpointsChanged(List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
    List<String> newEndpointIdList = getIDs(endpoints);
    List<String> enteringEndpointIds = speechActivityEndpointIdsChanged(newEndpointIdList);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "New list of conference endpoints: "
              + newEndpointIdList.toString()
              + "; entering endpoints: "
              + (enteringEndpointIds == null ? "none" : enteringEndpointIds.toString()));

    List<Endpoint> ret = new LinkedList<>();
    if (enteringEndpointIds != null) {
      for (Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
        if (enteringEndpointIds.contains(endpoint.getID())) {

    return ret;
Пример #10
   * Handles control packet.
   * @param data raw packet data that arrived on control PPID.
   * @param sid SCTP stream id on which the data has arrived.
  private synchronized void onCtrlPacket(byte[] data, int sid) throws IOException {
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
    int messageType = /* 1 byte unsigned integer */ 0xFF & buffer.get();

    if (messageType == MSG_CHANNEL_ACK) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(getEndpoint().getID() + " ACK received SID: " + sid);
      // Open channel ACK
      WebRtcDataStream channel = channels.get(sid);
      if (channel != null) {
        // Ack check prevents from firing multiple notifications
        // if we get more than one ACKs (by mistake/bug).
        if (!channel.isAcknowledged()) {
        } else {
          logger.warn("Redundant ACK received for SID: " + sid);
      } else {
        logger.error("No channel exists on sid: " + sid);
    } else if (messageType == MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL) {
      int channelType = /* 1 byte unsigned integer */ 0xFF & buffer.get();
      int priority = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort();
      long reliability = /* 4 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFFFFFFL & buffer.getInt();
      int labelLength = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort();
      int protocolLength = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort();
      String label;
      String protocol;

      if (labelLength == 0) {
        label = "";
      } else {
        byte[] labelBytes = new byte[labelLength];

        label = new String(labelBytes, "UTF-8");
      if (protocolLength == 0) {
        protocol = "";
      } else {
        byte[] protocolBytes = new byte[protocolLength];

        protocol = new String(protocolBytes, "UTF-8");

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "!!! "
                + getEndpoint().getID()
                + " data channel open request on SID: "
                + sid
                + " type: "
                + channelType
                + " prio: "
                + priority
                + " reliab: "
                + reliability
                + " label: "
                + label
                + " proto: "
                + protocol);

      if (channels.containsKey(sid)) {
        logger.error("Channel on sid: " + sid + " already exists");

      WebRtcDataStream newChannel = new WebRtcDataStream(sctpSocket, sid, label, true);
      channels.put(sid, newChannel);


    } else {
      logger.error("Unexpected ctrl msg type: " + messageType);
 private void logDebug(String msg) {
   if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
     msg = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint().getID() + ": " + msg;
   * Maybe send a data channel command to the associated <tt>Endpoint</tt> to make it start
   * streaming its hq stream, if it's being watched by some receiver.
  public void maybeSendStartHighQualityStreamCommand() {
    if (nativeSimulcast || !hasLayers()) {
      // In native simulcast the client adjusts its layers autonomously so
      // we don't need (nor we can) to control it with data channel
      // messages.

    Endpoint newEndpoint = getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getEndpoint();
    SimulcastLayer[] newSimulcastLayers = getSimulcastLayers();

    SctpConnection sctpConnection;
    if (newSimulcastLayers == null
        || newSimulcastLayers.length <= 1
        /* newEndpoint != null is implied */
        || (sctpConnection = newEndpoint.getSctpConnection()) == null
        || !sctpConnection.isReady()
        || sctpConnection.isExpired()) {

    // we have a new endpoint and it has an SCTP connection that is
    // ready and not expired. if somebody else is watching the new
    // endpoint, start its hq stream.

    boolean startHighQualityStream = false;

    for (Endpoint e :
        getSimulcastEngine().getVideoChannel().getContent().getConference().getEndpoints()) {
      // TODO(gp) need some synchronization here. What if the
      // selected endpoint changes while we're in the loop?

      if (e == newEndpoint) continue;

      Endpoint eSelectedEndpoint = e.getEffectivelySelectedEndpoint();

      if (newEndpoint == eSelectedEndpoint) {
        // somebody is watching the new endpoint or somebody has not
        // yet signaled its selected endpoint to the bridge, start
        // the hq stream.

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

          map.put("e", e);
          map.put("newEndpoint", newEndpoint);
          map.put("maybe", eSelectedEndpoint == null ? "(maybe) " : "");

          StringCompiler sc =
              new StringCompiler(map).c("{e.id} is {maybe} watching {newEndpoint.id}.");

          logDebug(sc.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", " "));

        startHighQualityStream = true;

    if (startHighQualityStream) {
      // TODO(gp) this assumes only a single hq stream.

              + " notifies "
              + newEndpoint.getID()
              + " to start its HQ stream.");

      SimulcastLayer hqLayer = newSimulcastLayers[newSimulcastLayers.length - 1];
      StartSimulcastLayerCommand command = new StartSimulcastLayerCommand(hqLayer);
      String json = mapper.toJson(command);

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logError(newEndpoint.getID() + " failed to send message on data channel.", e);
   * Attempts to enable or disable media recording for this <tt>Conference</tt>.
   * @param recording whether to enable or disable recording.
   * @return the state of the media recording for this <tt>Conference</tt> after the attempt to
   *     enable (or disable).
  public boolean setRecording(boolean recording) {
    if (recording != this.recording) {
      if (recording) {
        // try enable recording
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          logger.debug("Starting recording for conference with id=" + getID());

        String path = getRecordingPath();
        boolean failedToStart = !checkRecordingDirectory(path);

        if (!failedToStart) {
          RecorderEventHandler handler = getRecorderEventHandler();

          if (handler == null) failedToStart = true;
        if (!failedToStart) {
          EndpointRecorder endpointRecorder = getEndpointRecorder();

          if (endpointRecorder == null) {
            failedToStart = true;
          } else {
            for (Endpoint endpoint : getEndpoints()) endpointRecorder.updateEndpoint(endpoint);

         * The Recorders of the Contents need to share a single
         * Synchronizer, we take it from the first Recorder.
        boolean first = true;
        Synchronizer synchronizer = null;

        for (Content content : contents) {
          MediaType mediaType = content.getMediaType();

          if (!MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType) && !MediaType.AUDIO.equals(mediaType)) {

          if (!failedToStart) failedToStart = !content.setRecording(true, path);
          if (failedToStart) break;

          if (first) {
            first = false;
            synchronizer = content.getRecorder().getSynchronizer();
          } else {
            Recorder recorder = content.getRecorder();

            if (recorder != null) recorder.setSynchronizer(synchronizer);


        if (failedToStart) {
          recording = false;
          logger.warn("Failed to start media recording for conference " + getID());

      // either we were asked to disable recording, or we failed to
      // enable it
      if (!recording) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          logger.debug("Stopping recording for conference with id=" + getID());

        for (Content content : contents) {
          MediaType mediaType = content.getMediaType();

          if (MediaType.AUDIO.equals(mediaType) || MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType)) {
            content.setRecording(false, null);

        if (recorderEventHandler != null) recorderEventHandler.close();
        recorderEventHandler = null;
        recordingPath = null;
        recordingDirectory = null;

        if (endpointRecorder != null) endpointRecorder.close();
        endpointRecorder = null;

      this.recording = recording;

    return this.recording;
Пример #14
   * Implements {@link ControllerListener#controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent)}. Handles events from
   * the <tt>Processor</tt>s that this instance uses to transcode media.
   * @param ev the event to handle.
  public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent ev) {
    if (ev == null || ev.getSourceController() == null) {

    Processor processor = (Processor) ev.getSourceController();
    ReceiveStreamDesc desc = findReceiveStream(processor);

    if (desc == null) {
      logger.warn("Event from an orphaned processor, ignoring: " + ev);

    if (ev instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent) {
      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            "Configured processor for ReceiveStream ssrc="
                + desc.ssrc
                + " ("
                + desc.format
                + ")"
                + " "
                + System.currentTimeMillis());

      boolean audio = desc.format instanceof AudioFormat;

      if (audio) {
        ContentDescriptor cd = processor.setContentDescriptor(AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR);
        if (!AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR.equals(cd)) {
              "Failed to set the Processor content "
                  + "descriptor to "
                  + AUDIO_CONTENT_DESCRIPTOR
                  + ". Actual result: "
                  + cd);
          removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      for (TrackControl track : processor.getTrackControls()) {
        Format trackFormat = track.getFormat();

        if (audio) {
          final long ssrc = desc.ssrc;
          SilenceEffect silenceEffect;
          if (Constants.OPUS_RTP.equals(desc.format.getEncoding())) {
            silenceEffect = new SilenceEffect(48000);
          } else {
            // We haven't tested that the RTP timestamps survive
            // the journey through the chain when codecs other than
            // opus are in use, so for the moment we rely on FMJ's
            // timestamps for non-opus formats.
            silenceEffect = new SilenceEffect();

              new SilenceEffect.Listener() {
                boolean first = true;

                public void onSilenceNotInserted(long timestamp) {
                  if (first) {
                    first = false;
                    // send event only
                    audioRecordingStarted(ssrc, timestamp);
                  } else {
                    // change file and send event
                    resetRecording(ssrc, timestamp);
          desc.silenceEffect = silenceEffect;
          AudioLevelEffect audioLevelEffect = new AudioLevelEffect();
              new SimpleAudioLevelListener() {
                public void audioLevelChanged(int level) {
                  activeSpeakerDetector.levelChanged(ssrc, level);

          try {
            // We add an effect, which will insert "silence" in
            // place of lost packets.
            track.setCodecChain(new Codec[] {silenceEffect, audioLevelEffect});
          } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException upie) {
            logger.warn("Failed to insert silence effect: " + upie);
            // But do go on, a recording without extra silence is
            // better than nothing ;)
        } else {
          // transcode vp8/rtp to vp8 (i.e. depacketize vp8)
          if (trackFormat.matches(vp8RtpFormat)) track.setFormat(vp8Format);
          else {
            logger.error("Unsupported track format: " + trackFormat + " for ssrc=" + desc.ssrc);
            // we currently only support vp8
            removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

    } else if (ev instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
      desc.dataSource = processor.getDataOutput();

      long ssrc = desc.ssrc;
      boolean audio = desc.format instanceof AudioFormat;

      // XXX '\' on windows?
      String filename = getNextFilename(path + "/" + ssrc, suffix);
      desc.filename = filename;

      DataSink dataSink;
      if (audio) {
        try {
          dataSink = Manager.createDataSink(desc.dataSource, new MediaLocator("file:" + filename));
        } catch (NoDataSinkException ndse) {
          logger.error("Could not create DataSink: " + ndse);
          removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      } else {
        dataSink = new WebmDataSink(filename, desc.dataSource);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
            "Created DataSink ("
                + dataSink
                + ") for SSRC="
                + ssrc
                + ". Output filename: "
                + filename);
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to open DataSink (" + dataSink + ") for" + " SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + e);
        removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      if (!audio) {
        final WebmDataSink webmDataSink = (WebmDataSink) dataSink;
            new KeyFrameControlAdapter() {
              public boolean requestKeyFrame(boolean urgent) {
                return requestFIR(webmDataSink);

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
            "Failed to start DataSink (" + dataSink + ") for" + " SSRC=" + ssrc + ". " + e);
        removeReceiveStream(desc, false);

      if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Started DataSink for SSRC=" + ssrc);

      desc.dataSink = dataSink;

    } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Unhandled ControllerEvent from the Processor for ssrc=" + desc.ssrc + ": " + ev);
   * Recalculates the list of forwarded endpoints based on the current values of the various
   * parameters of this instance ({@link #lastN}, {@link #conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints}, {@link
   * #pinnedEndpoints}).
   * @param newConferenceEndpoints A list of endpoints which entered the conference since the last
   *     call to this method. They need not be asked for keyframes, because they were never filtered
   *     by this {@link #LastNController(VideoChannel)}.
   * @return the list of IDs of endpoints which were added to {@link #forwardedEndpoints} (i.e. of
   *     endpoints * "entering last-n") as a result of this call. Returns {@code null} if no
   *     endpoints were added.
  private synchronized List<String> update(List<String> newConferenceEndpoints) {
    List<String> newForwardedEndpoints = new LinkedList<>();
    String ourEndpointId = getEndpointId();

    if (conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints == INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST) {
      conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints =
      newConferenceEndpoints = conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints;

    if (lastN < 0 && currentLastN < 0) {
      // Last-N is disabled, we forward everything.
      if (ourEndpointId != null) {
    } else {
      // Here we have lastN >= 0 || currentLastN >= 0 which implies
      // currentLastN >= 0.

      // Pinned endpoints are always forwarded.
      // As long as they are still endpoints in the conference.

      if (newForwardedEndpoints.size() > currentLastN) {
        // What do we want in this case? It looks like a contradictory
        // request from the client, but maybe it makes for a good API
        // on the client to allow the pinned to override last-n.
        // Unfortunately, this will not play well with Adaptive-Last-N
        // or changes to Last-N for other reasons.
      } else if (newForwardedEndpoints.size() < currentLastN) {
        for (String endpointId : conferenceSpeechActivityEndpoints) {
          if (newForwardedEndpoints.size() < currentLastN) {
            if (!endpointId.equals(ourEndpointId) && !newForwardedEndpoints.contains(endpointId)) {
          } else {

    List<String> enteringEndpoints;
    if (forwardedEndpoints.equals(newForwardedEndpoints)) {
      // We want forwardedEndpoints != INITIAL_EMPTY_LIST
      forwardedEndpoints = newForwardedEndpoints;

      enteringEndpoints = null;
    } else {
      enteringEndpoints = new ArrayList<>(newForwardedEndpoints);

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Forwarded endpoints changed: "
                + forwardedEndpoints.toString()
                + " -> "
                + newForwardedEndpoints.toString()
                + ". Entering: "
                + enteringEndpoints.toString());

      forwardedEndpoints = Collections.unmodifiableList(newForwardedEndpoints);

      if (lastN >= 0 || currentLastN >= 0) {
        // TODO: we may want to do this asynchronously.
        channel.sendLastNEndpointsChangeEventOnDataChannel(forwardedEndpoints, enteringEndpoints);

    // If lastN is disabled, the endpoints entering forwardedEndpoints were
    // never filtered, so they don't need to be asked for keyframes.
    if (lastN < 0 && currentLastN < 0) {
      enteringEndpoints = null;

    if (enteringEndpoints != null && newConferenceEndpoints != null) {
      // Endpoints just entering the conference need not be asked for
      // keyframes.

    return enteringEndpoints;
Пример #16
  private void runOnDtlsTransport(StreamConnector connector) throws IOException {
    DtlsControlImpl dtlsControl = (DtlsControlImpl) getTransportManager().getDtlsControl(this);
    DtlsTransformEngine engine = dtlsControl.getTransformEngine();
    final DtlsPacketTransformer transformer = (DtlsPacketTransformer) engine.getRTPTransformer();

    byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[SCTP_BUFFER_SIZE];

          ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_LOCATION, System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
          ConfigurationService.PNAME_SC_HOME_DIR_NAME, SctpConnection.class.getName());

    synchronized (this) {
      // FIXME local SCTP port is hardcoded in bridge offer SDP (Jitsi
      // Meet)
      sctpSocket = Sctp.createSocket(5000);
      assocIsUp = false;
      acceptedIncomingConnection = false;

    // Implement output network link for SCTP stack on DTLS transport
        new NetworkLink() {
          public void onConnOut(SctpSocket s, byte[] packet) throws IOException {
            if (LOG_SCTP_PACKETS) {
                      new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) debugId},
                      new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) (debugId + 1)},

            // Send through DTLS transport
            transformer.sendApplicationData(packet, 0, packet.length);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Connecting SCTP to port: " + remoteSctpPort + " to " + getEndpoint().getID());


    // FIXME manage threads
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            SctpSocket sctpSocket = null;
            try {
              // sctpSocket is set to null on close
              sctpSocket = SctpConnection.this.sctpSocket;
              while (sctpSocket != null) {
                if (sctpSocket.accept()) {
                  acceptedIncomingConnection = true;
                sctpSocket = SctpConnection.this.sctpSocket;
              if (isReady()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
              logger.error("Error accepting SCTP connection", e);

            if (sctpSocket == null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "SctpConnection " + getID() + " closed" + " before SctpSocket accept()-ed.");

    // Notify that from now on SCTP connection is considered functional

    // Setup iceSocket
    DatagramSocket datagramSocket = connector.getDataSocket();
    if (datagramSocket != null) {
      this.iceSocket = new IceUdpSocketWrapper(datagramSocket);
    } else {
      this.iceSocket = new IceTcpSocketWrapper(connector.getDataTCPSocket());

    DatagramPacket rcvPacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBuffer.length);

    // Receive loop, breaks when SCTP socket is closed
    try {
      do {

        RawPacket raw =
            new RawPacket(rcvPacket.getData(), rcvPacket.getOffset(), rcvPacket.getLength());

        raw = transformer.reverseTransform(raw);
        // Check for app data
        if (raw == null) continue;

        if (LOG_SCTP_PACKETS) {
                  new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) (debugId + 1)},
                  new byte[] {0, 0, 0, (byte) debugId},

        // Pass network packet to SCTP stack
        sctpSocket.onConnIn(raw.getBuffer(), raw.getOffset(), raw.getLength());
      } while (true);
    } finally {
      // Eventually, close the socket although it should happen from
      // expire().
      synchronized (this) {
        assocIsUp = false;
        acceptedIncomingConnection = false;
        if (sctpSocket != null) {
          sctpSocket = null;
Пример #17
   * Enables or disables this <tt>RTPConnectorInputStream</tt>. While the stream is disabled, it
   * does not accept any packets.
   * @param enabled <tt>true</tt> to enable, <tt>false</tt> to disable.
  public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("setEnabled: " + enabled);

    this.enabled = enabled;