/** @see EtherstubHelper#createEtherstub(java.lang.String, boolean) */
  public void createEtherstub(String name, boolean temporary) throws EtherstubException {

    int persitent_type = checkPersistenceType(temporary);

    logger.info("Trying to create etherstub : " + name + ", temporary: " + temporary);

    int rc = handle.create_etherstub(name, persitent_type);

    if (rc == XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_TOO_LONG_NAME.ordinal()) {

      throw new TooLongEtherstubNameException(
          "Etherstub couldn't be created as the name was too long");

    } else if (rc == XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_INVALID_NAME.ordinal()) {

      throw new InvalidEtherstubNameException(
          "Etherstub couldn't be created as the name was incorrect");

    } else if (rc != XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_OK.ordinal()) {

      throw new EtherstubException("Etherstub creation failed.");
    logger.debug("Etherstub : " + name + " sucessfully created");
  /** @see EtherstubHelper#getEtherstubNames() */
  public String[] getEtherstubNames() throws EtherstubException {

    logger.debug("Trying to read names of existing etherstubs");

    Pointer pointer = handle.get_etherstub_names();

    if (pointer != null) {

      String[] array = pointer.getStringArray(0);
      return (array != null) ? array : new String[] {};
    } else {
      return new String[] {};
   * @see EtherstubHelper#getEtherstubProperty(java.lang.String,
   *     agh.msc.xbowbase.etherstub.enums.EtherstubProperties)
  public void setEtherstubProperty(String name, LinkProperties property, String value)
      throws EtherstubException {

        "Trying to set etherstub's : " + name + ", property : " + property + " value : " + value);

    int returnValue = handle.set_etherstub_property(name, property.toString(), value);

    if (returnValue == XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_OK.ordinal()) {


    } else if (returnValue == XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_INVALID_NAME.ordinal()) {

      throw new InvalidEtherstubNameException("Invalid etherstub name: " + name);

    } else if (returnValue == XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_OPERATION_FAILURE.ordinal()) {

      throw new EtherstubException("Unable to set property " + property);

    } else {

      throw new EtherstubException("Unknown error while setting property " + property);
   * @see EtherstubHelper#getEtherstubProperty(java.lang.String,
   *     agh.msc.xbowbase.etherstub.enums.EtherstubProperties)
  public String getEtherstubProperty(String name, LinkProperties property)
      throws EtherstubException {

    logger.debug("Trying to read etherstub's : " + name + ", property : " + property);

    Pointer p = handle.get_etherstub_property(name, property.toString());
    return getStringFromPointer(p);
   * @see EtherstubHelper#getEtherstubStatistic(java.lang.String,
   *     agh.msc.xbowbase.etherstub.enums.EtherstubStatistics)
  public String getEtherstubStatistic(String name, LinkStatistics statistic)
      throws EtherstubException {

    logger.debug("Trying to read etherstub's : " + name + ", statistic : " + statistic);

    Pointer p = handle.get_etherstub_statistic(name, statistic.toString());
    return getStringFromPointer(p);
   * @see EtherstubHelper#getEtherstubParameter(java.lang.String,
   *     agh.msc.xbowbase.etherstub.enums.EtherstubParameters)
  public String getEtherstubParameter(String name, LinkParameters parameter)
      throws EtherstubException {

    logger.debug("Trying to read etherstub's : " + name + ", parameter : " + parameter);

    Pointer p = handle.get_etherstub_parameter(name, parameter.toString());
    return getStringFromPointer(p);
  /** @param libraryPath */
  public JNAEtherstubHelper(String libraryPath) {

    String filePath = libraryPath + File.separator + LIB_NAME;

    logger.info("Loading Crossbow native library (" + filePath + ")");
    handle = (EtherstubHandle) Native.loadLibrary(filePath, EtherstubHandle.class);
    logger.info("Crossbow native library loaded!");

  /** @see EtherstubHelper#deleteEtherstub(java.lang.String, boolean) */
  public void deleteEtherstub(String name, boolean temporary) throws EtherstubException {

    int persitent_type = checkPersistenceType(temporary);

    logger.info("Trying to remove etherstub : " + name + ", temporary: " + temporary);

    int rc = handle.delete_etherstub(name, persitent_type);

    if (rc == XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_INVALID_NAME.ordinal()) {

      throw new InvalidEtherstubNameException(
          "Etherstub couldn't be removed as the name was incorrect");

    } else if (rc != XbowStatus.XBOW_STATUS_OK.ordinal()) {

      throw new EtherstubException("Etherstub deletion failed.");
   * @brief Gets String value from Pointer(JNA) variable Method return string on which Pointer p
   *     points and frees the memory allocated by the library
   * @param p Pointer from the JNA library
   * @return String on which pointer points
  private String getStringFromPointer(Pointer p) {
    String value = (p != null) ? p.getString(0) : null;

    return value;