Пример #1
  * Handles a GMS header
  * @param gms_hdr
  * @param msg
  * @return true if the message should be passed up, or else false
 protected boolean handleAuthHeader(GMS.GmsHeader gms_hdr, AuthHeader auth_hdr, Message msg) {
   if (needsAuthentication(gms_hdr)) {
     if (this.auth_token.authenticate(auth_hdr.getToken(), msg))
       return true; //  authentication passed, send message up the stack
     else {
           "%s: failed to validate AuthHeader (token: %s) from %s; dropping message",
           local_addr, auth_token.getClass().getSimpleName(), msg.src());
       sendRejectionMessage(gms_hdr.getType(), msg.getSrc(), "authentication failed");
       return false;
   return true;
Пример #2
   * An event was received from the layer below. Usually the current layer will want to examine the
   * event type and - depending on its type - perform some computation (e.g. removing headers from a
   * MSG event type, or updating the internal membership list when receiving a VIEW_CHANGE event).
   * Finally the event is either a) discarded, or b) an event is sent down the stack using {@code
   * down_prot.down()} or c) the event (or another event) is sent up the stack using {@code
   * up_prot.up()}.
  public Object up(Message msg) {
    // If we have a join or merge request --> authenticate, else pass up
    GMS.GmsHeader gms_hdr = getGMSHeader(msg);
    if (gms_hdr != null && needsAuthentication(gms_hdr)) {
      AuthHeader auth_hdr = msg.getHeader(id);
      if (auth_hdr == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            String.format("found %s from %s but no AUTH header", gms_hdr, msg.src()));
      if (!handleAuthHeader(gms_hdr, auth_hdr, msg)) // authentication failed
      return null; // don't pass up
    if (!callUpHandlers(msg)) return null;

    return up_prot.up(msg);
Пример #3
  public Object up(Event evt) {
    switch (evt.getType()) {
      case Event.MSG:
        Message msg = (Message) evt.getArg();
        PingHeader hdr = (PingHeader) msg.getHeader(this.id);
        if (hdr == null) return up_prot.up(evt);

        if (is_leaving) return null; // prevents merging back a leaving member
        // (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JGRP-1336)

        PingData data = readPingData(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength());
        Address logical_addr = data != null ? data.getAddress() : msg.src();

        switch (hdr.type) {
          case PingHeader.GET_MBRS_REQ: // return Rsp(local_addr, coord)
            if (cluster_name == null || hdr.cluster_name == null) {
                  "cluster_name (%s) or cluster_name of header (%s) is null; passing up discovery "
                      + "request from %s, but this should not be the case",
                  cluster_name, hdr.cluster_name, msg.src());
            } else {
              if (!cluster_name.equals(hdr.cluster_name)) {
                    "%s: discarding discovery request for cluster '%s' from %s; "
                        + "our cluster name is '%s'. Please separate your clusters properly",
                    logical_addr, hdr.cluster_name, msg.src(), cluster_name);
                return null;

            // add physical address and logical name of the discovery sender (if available) to the
            // cache
            if (data != null) {
                  logical_addr, data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr());
              discoveryRequestReceived(msg.getSrc(), data.getLogicalName(), data.getPhysicalAddr());
              addResponse(data, false);

            if (return_entire_cache) {
              Map<Address, PhysicalAddress> cache =
                  (Map<Address, PhysicalAddress>)
                      down(new Event(Event.GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS));
              if (cache != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<Address, PhysicalAddress> entry : cache.entrySet()) {
                  Address addr = entry.getKey();
                  // JGRP-1492: only return our own address, and addresses in view.
                  if (addr.equals(local_addr) || members.contains(addr)) {
                    PhysicalAddress physical_addr = entry.getValue();
                        addr, physical_addr, UUID.get(addr), msg.getSrc(), isCoord(addr));
              return null;

            // Only send a response if hdr.mbrs is not empty and contains myself. Otherwise always
            // send my info
            Collection<? extends Address> mbrs = data != null ? data.mbrs() : null;
            boolean send_response = mbrs == null || mbrs.contains(local_addr);
            if (send_response) {
              PhysicalAddress physical_addr =
                  (PhysicalAddress) down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));
                  local_addr, physical_addr, UUID.get(local_addr), msg.getSrc(), is_coord);
            return null;

          case PingHeader.GET_MBRS_RSP:
            // add physical address (if available) to transport's cache
            if (data != null) {
              log.trace("%s: received GET_MBRS_RSP from %s: %s", local_addr, msg.src(), data);
              handleDiscoveryResponse(data, msg.src());
            return null;

            log.warn("got PING header with unknown type %d", hdr.type);
            return null;

      case Event.FIND_MBRS:
        return findMembers(
            (List<Address>) evt.getArg(), false, true); // this is done asynchronously

    return up_prot.up(evt);