private boolean plotCorrectionData() { plot3d.removeAllPlots(); XYSeries series; XYPlot plot = chartPanel.getChart().getXYPlot(); XYSeriesCollection lineDataset = (XYSeriesCollection) plot.getDataset(0); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(".00"); String val; int i = 0; int j = 0; if (!Utils.isTableEmpty(corrTable)) { try { for (i = 1; i < corrTable.getColumnCount(); ++i) { val = corrTable.getValueAt(0, i).toString(); series = new XYSeries(df.format(Double.valueOf(val))); for (j = 1; j < corrTable.getRowCount(); ++j) { if (corrTable.getValueAt(j, i) != null) { val = corrTable.getValueAt(j, i).toString(); if (!val.isEmpty()) series.add( Double.valueOf(corrTable.getValueAt(j, 0).toString()), Double.valueOf(val)); } } if (series.getItemCount() > 0) { corrData.add(series); series.setDescription(series.getKey().toString()); lineDataset.addSeries(series); } } plot.getDomainAxis(0).setAutoRange(true); plot.getRangeAxis(0).setAutoRange(true); plot.getDomainAxis(0).setLabel(xAxisName); plot.getRangeAxis(0).setLabel(yAxisName); plot.getRenderer(0).setSeriesVisible(0, false); double[] x = new double[xAxisArray.size()]; for (i = 0; i < xAxisArray.size(); ++i) x[i] = xAxisArray.get(i); double[] y = new double[yAxisArray.size()]; for (i = 0; i < yAxisArray.size(); ++i) y[i] = yAxisArray.get(i); double[][] z = Utils.doubleZArray(corrTable, x, y); Color[][] colors = Utils.generateTableColorMatrix(corrTable, 1, 1); plot3d.addGridPlot("Average Error % Plot", colors, x, y, z); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error(e); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Error parsing number from " + corrTableName + " table, cell(" + i + " : " + j + "): " + e, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } return true; }
/** * Clear a series * * @param seriesName Name of series to clear */ public void clear(String seriesName) { for (XYSeries serie : seriesList) { if (serie.getKey().toString().equals(seriesName)) { serie.clear(); break; } } }
/** * Export chart values to a csv file * * @param file CSV file */ private void export(File file) { String registro; int n = 0; int ne = 0; String cabecera = "Time;"; for (int i = 0; i < plot.getDatasetCount(); i++) { XYSeriesCollection ds = (XYSeriesCollection) plot.getDataset(i); for (int j = 0; j < ds.getSeriesCount(); j++) { n++; XYSeries s = (XYSeries) ds.getSeries(j); cabecera += s.getKey().toString() + ";"; if (n == 1) { ne = s.getItemCount(); } } } String[][] exportacion = new String[ne][n + 1]; n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < plot.getDatasetCount(); i++) { XYSeriesCollection ds = (XYSeriesCollection) plot.getDataset(i); for (int j = 0; j < ds.getSeriesCount(); j++) { XYSeries s = (XYSeries) ds.getSeries(j); n++; for (int e = 0; e < ne; e++) { try { exportacion[e][n] = ordinateFormat.format(s.getDataItem(e).getYValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { exportacion[e][n] = ""; } if (n == 1) { exportacion[e][0] = abcissaFormat.format(s.getDataItem(e).getXValue()); } } } } FileWriter fichero; PrintWriter pw; try { fichero = new FileWriter(file.getAbsolutePath(), false); pw = new PrintWriter(fichero); pw.println(cabecera); for (String[] exp : exportacion) { String strRegistro = ""; for (String e : exp) { strRegistro += e + ";"; } pw.println(strRegistro); } pw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) {; } }
/** * Add sample to a series * * @param x Abcissa * @param y Ordinate * @param seriesName Series name */ @Override public void addSample(double x, double y, String seriesName) { for (XYSeries serie : seriesList) { if (serie.getKey().toString().equals(seriesName)) { serie.add(x, y); break; } } }
private XYIntervalSeries computeAcceptableDeviationData(double lowerBound, double upperBound) { final XYSeries identity = DatasetUtilities.sampleFunction2DToSeries(x -> x, lowerBound, upperBound, 100, "1:1 line"); final XYIntervalSeries xyIntervalSeries = new XYIntervalSeries(identity.getKey()); for (int i = 0; i < identity.getItemCount(); i++) { XYDataItem item = identity.getDataItem(i); final double x = item.getXValue(); final double y = item.getYValue(); if (scatterPlotModel.showAcceptableDeviation) { final double acceptableDeviation = scatterPlotModel.acceptableDeviationInterval; final double xOff = acceptableDeviation * x / 100; final double yOff = acceptableDeviation * y / 100; xyIntervalSeries.add(x, x - xOff, x + xOff, y, y - yOff, y + yOff); } else { xyIntervalSeries.add(x, x, x, y, y, y); } } return xyIntervalSeries; }
private XYIntervalSeries computeRegressionData(double xStart, double xEnd) { if (scatterpointsDataset.getItemCount(0) > 1) { final double[] coefficients = Regression.getOLSRegression(scatterpointsDataset, 0); final Function2D curve = new LineFunction2D(coefficients[0], coefficients[1]); final XYSeries regressionData = DatasetUtilities.sampleFunction2DToSeries(curve, xStart, xEnd, 100, "regression line"); final XYIntervalSeries xyIntervalRegression = new XYIntervalSeries(regressionData.getKey()); for (int i = 0; i < regressionData.getItemCount(); i++) { XYDataItem item = regressionData.getDataItem(i); final double x = item.getXValue(); final double y = item.getYValue(); xyIntervalRegression.add(x, x, x, y, y, y); } return xyIntervalRegression; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Unable to compute regression line.\n" + "At least 2 values are needed to compute regression coefficients."); return null; } }
/** Returns the name of the signal (the one which will be displaied in the signal display. */ public String getName() { String name = data.getKey().toString(); return name; }