private void writePackageFacadeMethodAnnotationsIfNeeded(MethodVisitor mv) { if (owner instanceof PackageFacadeContext) { PackageFacadeContext packageFacadeContext = (PackageFacadeContext) owner; Type delegateToClassType = packageFacadeContext.getPublicFacadeType(); if (delegateToClassType != null) { String className = delegateToClassType.getClassName(); AnnotationVisitor av = mv.visitAnnotation( AsmUtil.asmDescByFqNameWithoutInnerClasses( JvmAnnotationNames.KOTLIN_DELEGATED_METHOD), true); av.visit(JvmAnnotationNames.IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_NAME_FIELD_NAME, className); av.visitEnd(); } } }
public ClosureCodegen( @NotNull GenerationState state, @NotNull JetElement element, @Nullable SamType samType, @NotNull ClosureContext context, @NotNull KotlinSyntheticClass.Kind syntheticClassKind, @NotNull FunctionGenerationStrategy strategy, @NotNull MemberCodegen<?> parentCodegen, @NotNull ClassBuilder classBuilder) { super(state, parentCodegen, context, element, classBuilder); this.funDescriptor = context.getFunctionDescriptor(); this.classDescriptor = context.getContextDescriptor(); this.samType = samType; this.syntheticClassKind = syntheticClassKind; this.strategy = strategy; if (samType == null) { this.superInterfaceTypes = new ArrayList<JetType>(); JetType superClassType = null; for (JetType supertype : classDescriptor.getTypeConstructor().getSupertypes()) { ClassifierDescriptor classifier = supertype.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor(); if (DescriptorUtils.isTrait(classifier)) { superInterfaceTypes.add(supertype); } else { assert superClassType == null : "Closure class can't have more than one superclass: " + funDescriptor; superClassType = supertype; } } assert superClassType != null : "Closure class should have a superclass: " + funDescriptor; this.superClassType = superClassType; } else { this.superInterfaceTypes = Collections.singletonList(samType.getType()); this.superClassType = getBuiltIns(funDescriptor).getAnyType(); } this.closure = bindingContext.get(CLOSURE, classDescriptor); assert closure != null : "Closure must be calculated for class: " + classDescriptor; this.asmType = typeMapper.mapClass(classDescriptor); visibilityFlag = AsmUtil.getVisibilityAccessFlagForAnonymous(classDescriptor); }
private static void generateLocalVariableTable( @NotNull MethodVisitor mv, @NotNull JvmMethodSignature jvmMethodSignature, @NotNull FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor, @Nullable Type thisType, @NotNull Label methodBegin, @NotNull Label methodEnd, @NotNull OwnerKind ownerKind) { Iterator<ValueParameterDescriptor> valueParameters = functionDescriptor.getValueParameters().iterator(); List<JvmMethodParameterSignature> params = jvmMethodSignature.getValueParameters(); int shift = 0; boolean isStatic = AsmUtil.isStaticMethod(ownerKind, functionDescriptor); if (!isStatic) { // add this if (thisType != null) { mv.visitLocalVariable( "this", thisType.getDescriptor(), null, methodBegin, methodEnd, shift); } else { // TODO: provide thisType for callable reference } shift++; } for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { JvmMethodParameterSignature param = params.get(i); JvmMethodParameterKind kind = param.getKind(); String parameterName; if (kind == JvmMethodParameterKind.VALUE) { ValueParameterDescriptor parameter =; parameterName = parameter.getName().asString(); } else { String lowercaseKind =; parameterName = needIndexForVar(kind) ? "$" + lowercaseKind + "$" + i : "$" + lowercaseKind; } Type type = param.getAsmType(); mv.visitLocalVariable( parameterName, type.getDescriptor(), null, methodBegin, methodEnd, shift); shift += type.getSize(); } }
private static void genDefaultSuperCallCheckIfNeeded( @NotNull InstructionAdapter iv, @NotNull Method defaultMethod) { String defaultMethodName = defaultMethod.getName(); if ("<init>".equals(defaultMethodName)) { return; } Label end = new Label(); int handleIndex = (Type.getArgumentsAndReturnSizes(defaultMethod.getDescriptor()) >> 2) - 2; /*-1 for this, and -1 for handle*/ iv.load(handleIndex, OBJECT_TYPE); iv.ifnull(end); AsmUtil.genThrow( iv, "java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException", "Super calls with default arguments not supported in this target, function: " + StringsKt.substringBeforeLast( defaultMethodName, JvmAbi.DEFAULT_PARAMS_IMPL_SUFFIX, defaultMethodName)); iv.visitLabel(end); }