Пример #1
  public static void jLookAt(GL2 gl, JVector3d eye, JVector3d at, JVector3d up) {
    // Define our look vector (z axis)
    JVector3d look = at.operatorSub(eye);

    // Define our new x axis
    JVector3d xaxis = JMaths.jCross(look, up);

    // Define our new y axis as the cross of the x and z axes
    JVector3d upv = JMaths.jCross(xaxis, look);

    // Turn around the z axis

    // Put it all into a GL-friendly matrix
    double[] dm = new double[16];
    dm[0] = xaxis.getX();
    dm[1] = xaxis.getY();
    dm[2] = xaxis.getZ();
    dm[3] = 0.f;
    dm[4] = upv.getX();
    dm[5] = upv.getY();
    dm[6] = upv.getZ();
    dm[7] = 0.f;
    dm[8] = look.getX();
    dm[9] = look.getY();
    dm[10] = look.getZ();
    dm[11] = 0.f;
    dm[12] = eye.getX();
    dm[13] = eye.getY();
    dm[14] = eye.getZ();
    dm[15] = 1.f;

    // Push it onto the matrix stack
    gl.glMultMatrixd(dm, 0);