Пример #1
 // TODO remove double factory lookup when removing the Wise override (in wise-core-cxf) of the
 // JBossWS WSConsumer
 // this is currently required to workaround classloading issues on flat classpath env (the jbossws
 // provided META-INF prop
 // might come before the wise one, so we use a different wise specific prop)
 private WSContractConsumer newWSContractConsumerInstance() {
   WSContractConsumerFactory factory =
           ServiceLoader.loadService("org.jboss.wise.ConsumerFactory", null);
   if (factory != null) {
     return factory.createConsumer();
   } else {
     return WSContractConsumer.newInstance(getContextClassLoader());
Пример #2
  protected void configureEndpoint(EndpointImpl endpoint) {
    // Configure wsdl file publisher
    if (wsdlPublisher != null) {
    // Configure according to the specified jaxws endpoint configuration
    if (!endpoint.isPublished()) // before publishing, we set the jaxws conf
      final Object implementor = endpoint.getImplementor();

      // setup our invoker for http endpoints if invoker is not configured in jbossws-cxf.xml DD
      boolean isHttpEndpoint =
          endpoint.getAddress() != null
              && endpoint
                  .substring(0, 5)
      if ((endpoint.getInvoker() == null) && isHttpEndpoint) {
        final AnnotationsInfo ai = dep.getAttachment(AnnotationsInfo.class);
            new JBossWSInvoker(ai.hasAnnotatedClasses(UseAsyncMethod.class.getName())));

      // ** Endpoint configuration setup **
      final String endpointClassName = implementor.getClass().getName();
      final List<Endpoint> depEndpoints = dep.getService().getEndpoints();
      for (Endpoint depEndpoint : depEndpoints) {
        if (endpointClassName.equals(depEndpoint.getTargetBeanName())) {
          org.jboss.wsf.spi.metadata.config.EndpointConfig config = depEndpoint.getEndpointConfig();
          if (config == null) {
            // the ASIL did not set the endpoint configuration, perhaps because we're processing an
            // Endpoint.publish() API started endpoint or because we're on WildFly 8.0.0.Final or
            // previous version. We compute the config here then (clearly no container injection
            // will be performed on optional handlers attached to the config)
            BasicConfigResolver bcr = new BasicConfigResolver(dep, implementor.getClass());
            config = bcr.resolveEndpointConfig();
          if (config != null) {

          // also save Service QName and Port QName in the endpoint for later matches
          depEndpoint.setProperty(Message.WSDL_PORT, endpoint.getEndpointName());
          depEndpoint.setProperty(Message.WSDL_SERVICE, endpoint.getServiceName());

      // JASPI
      final JASPIAuthenticationProvider jaspiProvider =
      if (jaspiProvider == null) {
      } else {
        if (jaspiProvider.enableServerAuthentication(endpoint, depEndpoints.get(0))) {
          endpoint.getInInterceptors().add(new AuthenticationMgrSubjectCreatingInterceptor());