Пример #1
  /** Invokes additional methods of JAX-RS resource as local EJB. */
  public void testAsLocalEJB() throws Exception {
    log.info("entering testAsLocalEJB()");

    // Create book.
    Book book1 = new Book("RESTEasy: the Sequel");
    int id1 = localResource.createBook(book1);
    log.info("id1: " + id1);
    Assert.assertEquals(Counter.INITIAL_VALUE, id1);

    // Create another book.
    Book book2 = new Book("RESTEasy: It's Alive");
    int id2 = localResource.createBook(book2);
    log.info("id2: " + id2);
    Assert.assertEquals(Counter.INITIAL_VALUE + 1, id2);

    // Retrieve first book.
    Book bookResponse1 = localResource.lookupBookById(id1);
    log.info("book1 response: " + bookResponse1);
    Assert.assertEquals(book1, bookResponse1);

    // Retrieve second book.
    Book bookResponse2 = localResource.lookupBookById(id2);
    log.info("book2 response: " + bookResponse2);
    Assert.assertEquals(book2, bookResponse2);

    // Verify that EJBBookReader and EJBBookWriter haven't been used.

    // Reset counter.