public static void writeHeader( ChannelBuffer buffer, long requestId, byte status, Version version) { int index = buffer.readerIndex(); buffer.setByte(index, 'E'); index += 1; buffer.setByte(index, 'S'); index += 1; // write the size, the size indicates the remaining message size, not including the size int buffer.setInt(index, buffer.readableBytes() - 6); index += 4; buffer.setLong(index, requestId); index += 8; buffer.setByte(index, status); index += 1; buffer.setInt(index,; }
@Override protected Object encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Channel channel, Object msg) throws Exception { // 重置channelbuffer, 重设参数length ChannelBuffer b = (ChannelBuffer) msg; b.setInt(0, b.readableBytes() - 4); return b; }
@Override public void encode(MessageTree tree, ChannelBuffer buf) { Message message = tree.getMessage(); if (message instanceof Transaction) { int count = 0; int index = buf.writerIndex(); BufferHelper helper = m_bufferHelper; Transaction t = (Transaction) message; Locator locator = new Locator(); Ruler ruler = new Ruler((int) t.getDurationInMicros()); ruler.setWidth(1400); ruler.setHeight(18 * calculateLines(t) + 10); ruler.setOffsetX(200); ruler.setOffsetY(10); buf.writeInt(0); // place-holder count += helper.table1(buf); count += helper.crlf(buf); count += encodeHeader(tree, buf, ruler); count += encodeRuler(buf, locator, ruler); count += encodeTransaction(tree, t, buf, locator, ruler); count += encodeFooter(tree, buf); count += helper.table2(buf); buf.setInt(index, count); } }
@Override public void sendResponse(Throwable error) throws IOException { BytesStreamOutput stream; try { stream = BytesStreamOutput.Cached.cached(); writeResponseExceptionHeader(stream); RemoteTransportException tx = new RemoteTransportException( transport.nodeName(), transport.wrapAddress(channel.getLocalAddress()), action, error); ThrowableObjectOutputStream too = new ThrowableObjectOutputStream(stream); too.writeObject(tx); too.close(); } catch (NotSerializableException e) { stream = BytesStreamOutput.Cached.cached(); writeResponseExceptionHeader(stream); RemoteTransportException tx = new RemoteTransportException( transport.nodeName(), transport.wrapAddress(channel.getLocalAddress()), action, new NotSerializableTransportException(error)); ThrowableObjectOutputStream too = new ThrowableObjectOutputStream(stream); too.writeObject(tx); too.close(); } ChannelBuffer buffer = ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(stream.copiedByteArray()); buffer.setInt(0, buffer.writerIndex() - 4); // update real size. channel.write(buffer); }
@Override public void sendResponse(Streamable message) throws IOException { HandlesStreamOutput stream = BytesStreamOutput.Cached.cachedHandles(); stream.writeBytes(LENGTH_PLACEHOLDER); // fake size stream.writeLong(requestId); byte status = 0; status = setResponse(status); stream.writeByte(status); // 0 for request, 1 for response. message.writeTo(stream); byte[] data = ((BytesStreamOutput) stream.wrappedOut()).copiedByteArray(); ChannelBuffer buffer = ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(data); buffer.setInt(0, buffer.writerIndex() - 4); // update real size. channel.write(buffer); }
@Override public void encode(MessageTree tree, ChannelBuffer buf) { int count = 0; int index = buf.writerIndex(); BufferHelper helper = m_bufferHelper; buf.writeInt(0); // place-holder count += helper.table1(buf); count += helper.crlf(buf); count += encodeHeader(tree, buf); if (tree.getMessage() != null) { count += encodeMessage(tree, tree.getMessage(), buf, 0, new LineCounter()); } count += helper.table2(buf); buf.setInt(index, count); }