Пример #1
   * Gets connection listener instance associated with transaction. This method is package protected
   * beacause it is intended only for test case use. Please don't use it in your production code.
   * @param trackByTransaction transaction instance
   * @param mcp the managed connection pool associated with the desired connection listener
   * @return connection listener instance
   * @throws ResourceException Thrown if an error occurs
  ConnectionListener getTransactionOldConnection(
      Transaction trackByTransaction, ManagedConnectionPool mcp) throws ResourceException {
    TransactionSynchronizationRegistry tsr = getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry();
    Lock lock = getLock();

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

      throw new ResourceException(bundle.unableObtainLock(), ie);
    try {
      // Already got one
      ConnectionListener cl = (ConnectionListener) tsr.getResource(mcp);
      if (cl != null) {
        if (trace)
          log.tracef("Previous connection tracked by transaction=%s tx=%s", cl, trackByTransaction);
        return cl;

      return null;
    } finally {
Пример #2
   * Gets new connection listener if necessary instance with transaction. This method is package
   * protected beacause it is intended only for test case use. Please don't use it in your
   * production code.
   * @param trackByTransaction transaction instance
   * @param mcp pool instance
   * @param subject subject instance
   * @param cri connection request info
   * @return connection listener instance
   * @throws ResourceException ResourceException
  ConnectionListener getTransactionNewConnection(
      Transaction trackByTransaction,
      ManagedConnectionPool mcp,
      Subject subject,
      ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
      throws ResourceException {
    // Need a new one for this transaction
    // This must be done outside the tx local lock, otherwise
    // the tx timeout won't work and get connection can do a lot of other work
    // with many opportunities for deadlocks.
    // Instead we do a double check after we got the transaction to see
    // whether another thread beat us to the punch.
    ConnectionListener cl = mcp.getConnection(subject, cri);
    if (trace)
          "Got connection from pool tracked by transaction=%s tx=%s", cl, trackByTransaction);

    TransactionSynchronizationRegistry tsr = getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry();
    Lock lock = getLock();
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

      throw new ResourceException(bundle.unableObtainLock(), ie);
    try {
      // Check we weren't racing with another transaction
      ConnectionListener other = (ConnectionListener) tsr.getResource(mcp);

      if (other != null) {
        mcp.returnConnection(cl, false);

        if (trace)
              "Another thread already got a connection tracked by transaction=%s tx=%s",
              other, trackByTransaction);

        cl = other;

      // This is the connection for this transaction
      tsr.putResource(mcp, cl);

      if (trace)
            "Using connection from pool tracked by transaction=%s tx=%s", cl, trackByTransaction);

      return cl;
    } finally {