public void afterTest(@Observes After event) { TestResult result = testResult.get(); if (strategy.get().isTakingAction(event, result)) { ScreenshotType screenshotType = getScreenshotType(); ScreenshotMetaData metaData = getMetaData(event); metaData.setTestResult(result); BeforeScreenshotTaken(screenshotType, metaData)); new TakeScreenshot( screenshotType, metaData, result.getStatus() == TestResult.Status.FAILED ? When.FAILED : When.AFTER)); AfterScreenshotTaken(screenshotType, metaData)); } }
@Override public boolean isTakingAction(Event event, TestResult result) { if (event instanceof After) { if (configuration.getTakeAfterTest()) { return true; } if (result.getStatus() == Status.FAILED && configuration.getTakeWhenTestFailed()) { return true; } } return false; }
public void callback(@Observes EventContext<Test> eventContext) throws Exception { // first let the test run eventContext.proceed(); // then verify that the test performed within the specified time verifyPerformance(eventContext.getEvent()); // then compare with previous results PerformanceSuiteResult suiteResult = suiteResultInst.get(); if (suiteResult != null) { try { comparePerformanceSuiteResults( suiteResult, eventContext.getEvent().getTestMethod().getName()); } catch (PerformanceException pe) { TestResult result = testResultInst.get(); if (result != null) { result.setThrowable(pe); } } } }
/** * Verify that the test ended within specified time * * @param event, the test * @throws PerformanceException if the test did not end within the specified time */ private void verifyPerformance(Test event) throws PerformanceException { TestResult result = testResultInst.get(); if (result != null) { // check if we have set a threshold Performance performance = null; Annotation[] annotations = event.getTestMethod().getDeclaredAnnotations(); for (Annotation a : annotations) if (a.annotationType().getName().equals(Performance.class.getCanonicalName())) performance = (Performance) a; double maxTime = -1; if (performance != null) { // System.out.println("For test: "+event.toString()+", it took: // "+(result.getEnd()-result.getStart())); if (performance.time() > 0 && performance.time() < (result.getEnd() - result.getStart())) { result.setStatus(TestResult.Status.FAILED); result.setThrowable( new PerformanceException( "The test didnt finish within the specified time: " + performance.time() + "ms, it took " + (result.getEnd() - result.getStart()) + "ms.")); } maxTime = performance.time(); } // fetch suiteResult, get the correct classResult and append the test to that // classResult. PerformanceSuiteResult suiteResult = suiteResultInst.get(); if (suiteResult != null) { suiteResult .getResult(event.getTestClass().getName()) .addMethodResult( new PerformanceMethodResult( maxTime, result.getEnd() - result.getStart(), event.getTestMethod())); } } }
public void on( @Observes AfterTestLifecycleEvent event, TestResult testResult, GovernorRegistry governorRegistry, JiraGovernorConfiguration jiraGovernorConfiguration, JiraGovernorClient jiraGovernorClient) { int count = 0; try { Integer c = lifecycleCountRegister.get(event.getTestMethod()); count = (c != null ? c.intValue() : 0); if (count == 0) { // skip first event - see // return; } final ExecutionDecision decision = TestMethodExecutionRegister.resolve(event.getTestMethod(), provides()); // if we passed some test method annotated with Jira, we may eventually close it if (jiraGovernorConfiguration.getClosePassed()) { // we decided we run this test method even it has annotation on it if (testResult.getStatus() == Status.PASSED && decision.getDecision() == Decision.EXECUTE && (JiraGovernorStrategy.FORCING_EXECUTION_REASON_STRING) .equals(decision.getReason())) { for (Map.Entry<Method, List<Annotation>> entry : governorRegistry.get().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().toString().equals(event.getTestMethod().toString())) { for (Annotation annotation : entry.getValue()) { if (annotation.annotationType() == provides()) { String id = ((Jira) annotation).value(); jiraGovernorClient.close(id); return; } } } } } } } finally { lifecycleCountRegister.put(event.getTestMethod(), ++count); } }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { if (req instanceof HttpServletRequest && resp instanceof HttpServletResponse) { HttpServletRequest httpReq = ((HttpServletRequest) req); HttpServletResponse httpResp = ((HttpServletResponse) resp); String requestEnrichment = httpReq.getHeader(ENRICHMENT_REQUEST); if (requestEnrichment != null && !"null".equals(requestEnrichment)) { final AtomicReference<NonWritingServletOutputStream> stream = new AtomicReference<NonWritingServletOutputStream>(); final AtomicReference<NonWritingPrintWriter> writer = new AtomicReference<NonWritingPrintWriter>(); HttpServletResponseWrapper responseWrapper = new HttpServletResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) resp) { @Override public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { stream.set(new NonWritingServletOutputStream()); return stream.get(); } @Override public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException { writer.set(NonWritingPrintWriter.newInstance()); return writer.get(); } }; String responseEnrichment = "null"; try { RequestPayload requestPayload = SerializationUtils.deserializeFromBase64(requestEnrichment); ServerAssertion serverAssertion = requestPayload.getAssertion(); ManagerBuilder builder = ManagerBuilder.from().extension(Class.forName(DEFAULT_EXTENSION_CLASS)); Manager manager = builder.create(); manager.start(); manager.bind(ApplicationScoped.class, Manager.class, manager); manager.inject(this); req.setAttribute( WarpCommons.LIFECYCLE_MANAGER_STORE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, lifecycleManagerStore); BeforeSuite()); BeforeRequest(req)); lifecycleManagerStore.get().bind(ServletRequest.class, req); assertionRegistry.get().registerAssertion(serverAssertion); lifecycleManager.get().fireLifecycleEvent(new BeforeServletEvent()); try { chain.doFilter(req, responseWrapper); lifecycleManager.get().fireLifecycleEvent(new AfterServletEvent()); // request successfully finished TestResult firstFailedResult = testResultStore.get().getFirstFailed(); if (firstFailedResult == null) { ResponsePayload responsePayload = new ResponsePayload(serverAssertion); responseEnrichment = SerializationUtils.serializeToBase64(responsePayload); httpResp.setHeader(ENRICHMENT_RESPONSE, responseEnrichment); } else { Throwable throwable = firstFailedResult.getThrowable(); if (throwable instanceof InvocationTargetException) { throwable = throwable.getCause(); } ResponsePayload responsePayload = new ResponsePayload(throwable); enrichResponse(httpResp, responsePayload); } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "The error occured during request execution", e); throw e; } finally { assertionRegistry.get().unregisterAssertion(serverAssertion); lifecycleManagerStore.get().unbind(ServletRequest.class, req); AfterRequest(req)); AfterSuite()); } } catch (Throwable e) { // exception occured during request execution ResponsePayload responsePayload = new ResponsePayload(e); responseEnrichment = SerializationUtils.serializeToBase64(responsePayload); httpResp.setHeader(ENRICHMENT_RESPONSE, responseEnrichment); httpResp.sendError(500); } if (writer.get() != null) { writer.get().finallyWriteAndClose(resp.getOutputStream()); } if (stream.get() != null) { stream.get().finallyWriteAndClose(resp.getOutputStream()); } return; } } chain.doFilter(req, resp); }