Пример #1
 @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "text/uri-list"})
     value = "Lists features",
     notes =
         "Lists Feature entries in the DB of Jaqpot and returns them in a list. "
             + "Results can be obtained "
             + "either in the form of a URI list or as a JSON list as specified by the Accept HTTP header. "
             + "In the latter case, a list will be returned containing only the IDs of the features, their metadata "
             + "and their ontological classes. The parameter max, which specifies the maximum number of IDs to be "
             + "listed is limited to 500; if the client specifies a larger value, an HTTP Warning Header will be "
             + "returned (RFC 2616) with code P670.",
     response = Feature.class,
     responseContainer = "List")
     value = {
           code = 200,
           message = "Feature entries found and are listed in the response body"),
       @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "You are not authorized to access this user"),
           code = 403,
           message = "This request is forbidden (e.g., no authentication token is provided)"),
       @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error - this request cannot be served.")
 public Response listFeatures(
     @ApiParam("Creator of the feature") @QueryParam("creator") String creator,
     @ApiParam("Generic query") @QueryParam("query") String query,
     @ApiParam(value = "start", defaultValue = "0") @QueryParam("start") Integer start,
             value = "max - the server imposes an upper limit of 500 on this " + "parameter.",
             defaultValue = "10")
         Integer max) {
   // TODO Support querying at GET /feature
   boolean doWarnMax = false;
   if (max == null || max > 500) {
     max = 500;
     doWarnMax = true;
   Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder =
       Response.ok(featureHandler.listOnlyIDs(start != null ? start : 0, max))
   if (doWarnMax) {
     responseBuilder.header("Warning", "P670 Parameter max has been limited to 500");
   return responseBuilder.build();