private void loadEdit( HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, String contents, String virtualWiki, String topicName, boolean useSection) throws Exception { pageInfo.setPageTitle(new WikiMessage("edit.title", topicName)); pageInfo.setTopicName(topicName); WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(virtualWiki, topicName); if (wikiLink.getNamespace().getId().equals(Namespace.CATEGORY_ID)) { ServletUtil.loadCategoryContent(next, virtualWiki, topicName); } if (request.getParameter("editComment") != null) { next.addObject("editComment", request.getParameter("editComment")); } if (useSection && request.getParameter("section") != null) { next.addObject("section", request.getParameter("section")); } next.addObject("minorEdit", (request.getParameter("minorEdit") != null)); Watchlist watchlist = ServletUtil.currentWatchlist(request, virtualWiki); if (request.getParameter("watchTopic") != null || (watchlist.containsTopic(topicName) && !isPreview(request))) { next.addObject("watchTopic", true); } pageInfo.setContentJsp(JSP_EDIT); WikiUser user = ServletUtil.currentWikiUser(); String editor = user.getEditor(); next.addObject("editor", editor); next.addObject("contents", contents); }
private WikiUser setAdminUser(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String username = request.getParameter("username"); WikiUser user = new WikiUser(username); user.setCreateIpAddress(ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request)); user.setLastLoginIpAddress(ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request)); return user; }
private void view( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request); if (StringUtils.isBlank(topicName)) { String virtualWikiName = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); VirtualWiki virtualWiki = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName); topicName = virtualWiki.getRootTopicName(); } String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(virtualWiki)) { virtualWiki = VirtualWiki.defaultVirtualWiki().getName(); } Topic topic = ServletUtil.initializeTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); if (topic.getTopicId() <= 0) { // topic does not exist, return 404 and display empty page response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); WikiMessage wikiMessage = new WikiMessage("topic.notcreated"); // topic name is escaped from WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI, so do not double-escape wikiMessage.setParamsWithoutEscaping(new String[] {topicName}); next.addObject("notopic", wikiMessage); } WikiMessage pageTitle = new WikiMessage("topic.title", topicName); ServletUtil.viewTopic(request, next, pageInfo, pageTitle, topic, true, true); }
/** * This method handles the request after its parent class receives control. * * @param request - Standard HttpServletRequest object. * @param response - Standard HttpServletResponse object. * @return A <code>ModelAndView</code> object to be handled by the rest of the Spring framework. */ protected ModelAndView handleJAMWikiRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { if (!Utilities.isAdmin(request)) { WikiMessage errorMessage = new WikiMessage("admin.message.loginrequired"); return ServletUtil.viewLogin(request, pageInfo, "Special:Admin", errorMessage); } String function = request.getParameter("function"); if (!StringUtils.hasText(function)) { view(request, next, pageInfo, null); } else if (function.equals("refreshIndex")) { refreshIndex(request, next, pageInfo); } else if (function.equals("properties")) { properties(request, next, pageInfo); } else if (function.equals("addVirtualWiki")) { addVirtualWiki(request, next, pageInfo); } else if (function.equals("recentChanges")) { recentChanges(request, next, pageInfo); } else if (function.equals("spamFilter")) { spamFilter(request, next, pageInfo); } return next; }
private String processAuthenticationRequiredException(HttpServletRequest request) throws JspException { String key = (String) request .getSession() .getAttribute(JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants.JAMWIKI_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED_KEY); String uri = (String) request .getSession() .getAttribute( JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants.JAMWIKI_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED_URI_KEY); if (key == null) { return null; } Object[] params = {uri}; String message = Utilities.formatMessage(key, ServletUtil.retrieveUserLocale(request), params); request .getSession() .removeAttribute(JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants.JAMWIKI_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED_KEY); request .getSession() .removeAttribute(JAMWikiAuthenticationConstants.JAMWIKI_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED_URI_KEY); return formatMessage(message); }
/** * This method ensures that values required for rendering a JSP page have been loaded into the * ModelAndView object. Examples of values that may be handled by this method include topic name, * username, etc. * * @param request The current servlet request object. * @param next The current ModelAndView object. * @param pageInfo The current WikiPageInfo object, containing basic page rendering information. */ protected static void loadDefaults( HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { if (next.getViewName() != null && next.getViewName().startsWith(ServletUtil.SPRING_REDIRECT_PREFIX)) { // if this is a redirect, no need to load anything return; } // load cached top area, nav bar, etc. ServletUtil.buildLayout(request, next); if (!StringUtils.hasText(pageInfo.getTopicName())) { pageInfo.setTopicName(WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request)); } pageInfo.setUserMenu(ServletUtil.buildUserMenu()); pageInfo.setTabMenu(ServletUtil.buildTabMenu(request, pageInfo)); next.addObject(ServletUtil.PARAMETER_PAGE_INFO, pageInfo); }
/** * Initialize topic values for the topic being edited. If a topic with the specified name already * exists then it will be initialized, otherwise a new topic is created. */ private Topic loadTopic(String virtualWiki, String topicName) throws Exception { Topic topic = ServletUtil.initializeTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); if (topic.getReadOnly()) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.readonly")); } return topic; }
private String processAuthorizationException(HttpServletRequest request) throws JspException { String key = (String) request.getParameter("message"); if (key == null) { return null; } String message = Utilities.formatMessage(key, ServletUtil.retrieveUserLocale(request)); return formatMessage(message); }
/** Functionality to handle the "Preview" button being clicked. */ private void preview(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); String contents = (String) request.getParameter("contents"); Topic previewTopic = new Topic(virtualWiki, topicName); previewTopic.setTopicContent(contents); next.addObject("editPreview", "true"); ServletUtil.viewTopic(request, next, pageInfo, null, previewTopic, false, false); }
private void jumpTo(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request); String topic = request.getParameter("text"); if (WikiBase.exists(virtualWiki, topic)) { ServletUtil.redirect(next, virtualWiki, topic); } else { next.addObject("notopic", new WikiMessage("topic.notcreated", topic));, next, pageInfo); } }
private String processLegacyLogin(HttpServletRequest request) throws JspException { WikiMessage messageObject = (WikiMessage) request.getAttribute("messageObject"); if (messageObject == null) { return null; } String message = Utilities.formatMessage( messageObject.getKey(), ServletUtil.retrieveUserLocale(request), messageObject.getParams()); return formatMessage(message); }
/** * This method ensures that the left menu, logo, and other required values have been loaded into * the session object. * * @param request The servlet request object. * @param next A ModelAndView object corresponding to the page being constructed. */ private static void buildLayout(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next) { String virtualWikiName = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request); if (virtualWikiName == null) { logger.severe("No virtual wiki available for page request " + request.getRequestURI()); virtualWikiName = WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI; } VirtualWiki virtualWiki = retrieveVirtualWiki(virtualWikiName); // build the layout contents String leftMenu = ServletUtil.cachedContent( request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale(), virtualWikiName, WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_LEFT_MENU, true); next.addObject("leftMenu", leftMenu); next.addObject("defaultTopic", virtualWiki.getDefaultTopicName()); next.addObject("virtualWiki", virtualWiki.getName()); next.addObject("logo", Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_BASE_LOGO_IMAGE)); String bottomArea = ServletUtil.cachedContent( request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale(), virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_BOTTOM_AREA, true); next.addObject("bottomArea", bottomArea); next.addObject(ServletUtil.PARAMETER_VIRTUAL_WIKI, virtualWiki.getName()); Integer cssRevision = new Integer(0); try { cssRevision = WikiBase.getDataHandler() .lookupTopic(virtualWiki.getName(), WikiBase.SPECIAL_PAGE_STYLESHEET, false, null) .getCurrentVersionId(); } catch (Exception e) { } next.addObject("cssRevision", cssRevision); }
/** * Utility method used when viewing a topic. * * @param request The current servlet request object. * @param next The current Spring ModelAndView object. * @param pageInfo The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed for * rendering the final JSP page. * @param topicName The topic being viewed. This value must be a valid topic that can be loaded as * a org.jamwiki.model.Topic object. * @throws Exception Thrown if any error occurs during processing. */ protected static void viewTopic( HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, String topicName) throws Exception { String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request); if (!StringUtils.hasText(virtualWiki)) { virtualWiki = WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI; } Topic topic = ServletUtil.initializeTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); if (topic.getTopicId() <= 0) { // topic does not exist, display empty page next.addObject("notopic", new WikiMessage("topic.notcreated", topicName)); } WikiMessage pageTitle = new WikiMessage("topic.title", topicName); viewTopic(request, next, pageInfo, pageTitle, topic, true); }
private ModelAndView loginRequired(HttpServletRequest request, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); WikiUserDetailsImpl user = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails(); if (ServletUtil.isEditable(virtualWiki, topicName, user)) { return null; } if (!user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_EDIT_EXISTING)) { WikiMessage messageObject = new WikiMessage("login.message.edit"); return ServletUtil.viewLogin( request, pageInfo, WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request), messageObject); } if (!user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_EDIT_NEW) && WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null) == null) { WikiMessage messageObject = new WikiMessage("login.message.editnew"); return ServletUtil.viewLogin( request, pageInfo, WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request), messageObject); } Topic topic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null); if (topic == null) { // this should never trigger, but better safe than sorry... return null; } if (topic.getAdminOnly()) { WikiMessage messageObject = new WikiMessage("login.message.editadmin", topicName); return ServletUtil.viewLogin( request, pageInfo, WikiUtil.getTopicFromURI(request), messageObject); } if (topic.getReadOnly()) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("error.readonly")); } // it should be impossible to get here... throw new WikiException( new WikiMessage("error.unknown", "Unable to determine topic editing permissions")); }
private List<WikiMessage> validate(HttpServletRequest request, WikiUser user) throws Exception { List<WikiMessage> errors = ServletUtil.validateSystemSettings(Environment.getInstance()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(user.getUsername())) { errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.loginempty")); } String newPassword = request.getParameter("newPassword"); String confirmPassword = request.getParameter("confirmPassword"); if (newPassword != null || confirmPassword != null) { if (newPassword == null) { errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.newpasswordempty")); } else if (confirmPassword == null) { errors.add(new WikiMessage("error.passwordconfirm")); } else if (!newPassword.equals(confirmPassword)) { errors.add(new WikiMessage("admin.message.passwordsnomatch")); } } return errors; }
/** * Utility method used when redirecting to an error page. * * @param request The servlet request object. * @param t The exception that is the source of the error. * @return Returns a ModelAndView object corresponding to the error page display. */ protected static ModelAndView viewError(HttpServletRequest request, Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof WikiException)) { logger.severe("Servlet error", t); } ModelAndView next = new ModelAndView("wiki"); WikiPageInfo pageInfo = new WikiPageInfo(); pageInfo.setPageTitle(new WikiMessage("error.title")); pageInfo.setContentJsp(JSP_ERROR); pageInfo.setSpecial(true); if (t instanceof WikiException) { WikiException we = (WikiException) t; next.addObject("messageObject", we.getWikiMessage()); } else { next.addObject("messageObject", new WikiMessage("error.unknown", t.toString())); } try { ServletUtil.loadDefaults(request, next, pageInfo); } catch (Exception err) { logger.severe("Unable to load default layout", err); } return next; }
/** * This method handles the request after its parent class receives control. * * @param request - Standard HttpServletRequest object. * @param response - Standard HttpServletResponse object. * @return A <code>ModelAndView</code> object to be handled by the rest of the Spring framework. */ protected ModelAndView handleJAMWikiRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { if (!WikiUtil.isFirstUse()) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("setup.error.notrequired")); } String function = (request.getParameter("function") == null) ? request.getParameter("override") : request.getParameter("function"); if (function == null) { function = ""; } try { if (!SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtLeast(MINIMUM_JDK_VERSION)) { throw new WikiException( new WikiMessage( "setup.error.jdk", Integer.valueOf(MINIMUM_JDK_VERSION).toString(), System.getProperty("java.version"))); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(function) && initialize(request, next, pageInfo)) { ServletUtil.redirect( next, WikiBase.DEFAULT_VWIKI, Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_BASE_DEFAULT_TOPIC)); } else { view(request, next, pageInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { handleSetupError(request, next, pageInfo, e); } return next; }
/** * Utility method used when viewing a topic. * * @param request The current servlet request object. * @param next The current Spring ModelAndView object. * @param pageInfo The current WikiPageInfo object, which contains information needed for * rendering the final JSP page. * @param pageTitle The title of the page being rendered. * @param topic The Topic object for the topic being displayed. * @param sectionEdit Set to <code>true</code> if edit links should be displayed for each section * of the topic. * @throws Exception Thrown if any error occurs during processing. */ protected static void viewTopic( HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo, WikiMessage pageTitle, Topic topic, boolean sectionEdit) throws Exception { // FIXME - what should the default be for topics that don't exist? if (topic == null) { throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic")); } WikiUtil.validateTopicName(topic.getName()); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_REDIRECT && (request.getParameter("redirect") == null || !request.getParameter("redirect").equalsIgnoreCase("no"))) { Topic child = Utilities.findRedirectedTopic(topic, 0); if (!child.getName().equals(topic.getName())) { pageInfo.setRedirectName(topic.getName()); pageTitle = new WikiMessage("topic.title", child.getName()); topic = child; } } String virtualWiki = topic.getVirtualWiki(); String topicName = topic.getName(); WikiUser user = Utilities.currentUser(); if (sectionEdit && !ServletUtil.isEditable(virtualWiki, topicName, user)) { sectionEdit = false; } ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput(); parserInput.setContext(request.getContextPath()); parserInput.setLocale(request.getLocale()); parserInput.setWikiUser(user); parserInput.setTopicName(topicName); parserInput.setUserIpAddress(request.getRemoteAddr()); parserInput.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); parserInput.setAllowSectionEdit(sectionEdit); ParserDocument parserDocument = new ParserDocument(); String content = Utilities.parse(parserInput, parserDocument, topic.getTopicContent()); // FIXME - the null check should be unnecessary if (parserDocument != null && parserDocument.getCategories().size() > 0) { LinkedHashMap categories = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Iterator iterator = parserDocument.getCategories().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); String value = key.substring( NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_CATEGORY.length() + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length()); categories.put(key, value); } next.addObject("categories", categories); } topic.setTopicContent(content); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_CATEGORY) { loadCategoryContent(next, virtualWiki, topic.getName()); } if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE || topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_FILE) { Collection fileVersions = WikiBase.getDataHandler().getAllWikiFileVersions(virtualWiki, topicName, true); for (Iterator iterator = fileVersions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { // update version urls to include web root path WikiFileVersion fileVersion = (WikiFileVersion); String url = FilenameUtils.normalize( Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_FILE_DIR_RELATIVE_PATH) + "/" + fileVersion.getUrl()); url = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(url); fileVersion.setUrl(url); } next.addObject("fileVersions", fileVersions); if (topic.getTopicType() == Topic.TYPE_IMAGE) { next.addObject("topicImage", new Boolean(true)); } else { next.addObject("topicFile", new Boolean(true)); } } pageInfo.setSpecial(false); pageInfo.setTopicName(topicName); next.addObject(ServletUtil.PARAMETER_TOPIC_OBJECT, topic); if (pageTitle != null) { pageInfo.setPageTitle(pageTitle); } }
/** Functionality to handle the "Save" button being clicked. */ private void save(HttpServletRequest request, ModelAndView next, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) throws Exception { String topicName = WikiUtil.getTopicFromRequest(request); String virtualWiki = pageInfo.getVirtualWikiName(); Topic topic = loadTopic(virtualWiki, topicName); Topic lastTopic = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, topicName, false, null); if (lastTopic != null && !lastTopic.getCurrentVersionId().equals(retrieveLastTopicVersionId(request, topic))) { // someone else has edited the topic more recently resolve(request, next, pageInfo); return; } String contents = request.getParameter("contents"); String sectionName = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("section"))) { // load section of topic int section = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter("section")); ParserOutput parserOutput = new ParserOutput(); String[] spliceResult = ParserUtil.parseSplice( parserOutput, request.getContextPath(), request.getLocale(), virtualWiki, topicName, section, contents); contents = spliceResult[1]; sectionName = parserOutput.getSectionName(); } if (contents == null) { logger.warning("The topic " + topicName + " has no content"); throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("edit.exception.nocontent", topicName)); } // strip line feeds contents = StringUtils.remove(contents, '\r'); String lastTopicContent = (lastTopic != null) ? StringUtils.remove(lastTopic.getTopicContent(), '\r') : ""; if (lastTopic != null && StringUtils.equals(lastTopicContent, contents)) { // topic hasn't changed. redirect to prevent user from refreshing and re-submitting ServletUtil.redirect(next, virtualWiki, topic.getName()); return; } String editComment = request.getParameter("editComment"); if (handleSpam(request, next, topicName, contents, editComment)) { this.loadEdit(request, next, pageInfo, contents, virtualWiki, topicName, false); return; } // parse for signatures and other syntax that should not be saved in raw form WikiUser user = ServletUtil.currentWikiUser(); ParserInput parserInput = new ParserInput(); parserInput.setContext(request.getContextPath()); parserInput.setLocale(request.getLocale()); parserInput.setWikiUser(user); parserInput.setTopicName(topicName); parserInput.setUserDisplay(ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request)); parserInput.setVirtualWiki(virtualWiki); ParserOutput parserOutput = ParserUtil.parseMetadata(parserInput, contents); // parse signatures and other values that need to be updated prior to saving contents = ParserUtil.parseMinimal(parserInput, contents); topic.setTopicContent(contents); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(parserOutput.getRedirect())) { // set up a redirect topic.setRedirectTo(parserOutput.getRedirect()); topic.setTopicType(TopicType.REDIRECT); } else if (topic.getTopicType() == TopicType.REDIRECT) { // no longer a redirect topic.setRedirectTo(null); topic.setTopicType(TopicType.ARTICLE); } int charactersChanged = StringUtils.length(contents) - StringUtils.length(lastTopicContent); TopicVersion topicVersion = new TopicVersion( user, ServletUtil.getIpAddress(request), editComment, contents, charactersChanged); if (request.getParameter("minorEdit") != null) { topicVersion.setEditType(TopicVersion.EDIT_MINOR); } WikiBase.getDataHandler() .writeTopic(topic, topicVersion, parserOutput.getCategories(), parserOutput.getLinks()); // update watchlist WikiUserDetailsImpl userDetails = ServletUtil.currentUserDetails(); if (!userDetails.hasRole(Role.ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) { Watchlist watchlist = ServletUtil.currentWatchlist(request, virtualWiki); boolean watchTopic = (request.getParameter("watchTopic") != null); if (watchlist.containsTopic(topicName) != watchTopic) { WikiBase.getDataHandler() .writeWatchlistEntry(watchlist, virtualWiki, topicName, user.getUserId()); } } // redirect to prevent user from refreshing and re-submitting String target = topic.getName(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sectionName)) { target += "#" + sectionName; } ServletUtil.redirect(next, virtualWiki, target); }
/** * Build a map of links and the corresponding link text to be used as the tab menu links for the * WikiPageInfo object. */ private static LinkedHashMap buildTabMenu(HttpServletRequest request, WikiPageInfo pageInfo) { LinkedHashMap links = new LinkedHashMap(); WikiUser user = Utilities.currentUser(); String pageName = pageInfo.getTopicName(); String virtualWiki = WikiUtil.getVirtualWikiFromURI(request); try { if (pageInfo.getAdmin()) { if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_SYSADMIN)) { links.put("Special:Admin", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.configuration")); links.put("Special:Maintenance", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.maintenance")); links.put("Special:Roles", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.roles")); } if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_TRANSLATE)) { links.put("Special:Translation", new WikiMessage("tab.admin.translations")); } } else if (pageInfo.getSpecial()) { links.put(pageName, new WikiMessage("tab.common.special")); } else { String article = Utilities.extractTopicLink(pageName); String comments = Utilities.extractCommentsLink(pageName); links.put(article, new WikiMessage("tab.common.article")); links.put(comments, new WikiMessage("tab.common.comments")); if (ServletUtil.isEditable(virtualWiki, pageName, user)) { String editLink = "Special:Edit?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); if (StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter("topicVersionId"))) { editLink += "&topicVersionId=" + request.getParameter("topicVersionId"); } links.put(editLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.edit")); } String historyLink = "Special:History?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); links.put(historyLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.history")); if (ServletUtil.isMoveable(virtualWiki, pageName, user)) { String moveLink = "Special:Move?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); links.put(moveLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.move")); } if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_USER)) { Watchlist watchlist = WikiUtil.currentWatchlist(request, virtualWiki); boolean watched = (watchlist.containsTopic(pageName)); String watchlistLabel = (watched) ? "tab.common.unwatch" : ""; String watchlistLink = "Special:Watchlist?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); links.put(watchlistLink, new WikiMessage(watchlistLabel)); } if (pageInfo.isUserPage()) { WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(pageName); String contributionsLink = "Special:Contributions?contributor=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(wikiLink.getArticle()); links.put(contributionsLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.contributions")); } String linkToLink = "Special:LinkTo?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); links.put(linkToLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.links")); if (user.hasRole(Role.ROLE_ADMIN)) { String manageLink = "Special:Manage?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); links.put(manageLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.manage")); } String printLink = "Special:Print?topic=" + Utilities.encodeForURL(pageName); links.put(printLink, new WikiMessage("tab.common.print")); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("Unable to build tabbed menu links", e); } return links; }