public void testMapMarshalling() throws Exception {
    Map m1 = new HashMap();
    Map m2 = new TreeMap();
    Map m3 = new HashMap();
    Map<Integer, GlobalTransaction> m4 = new FastCopyHashMap<Integer, GlobalTransaction>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      JGroupsAddress jGroupsAddress = new JGroupsAddress(new IpAddress(1000 * i));
      GlobalTransaction gtx = gtf.newGlobalTransaction(jGroupsAddress, false);
      m1.put(1000 * i, gtx);
      m2.put(1000 * i, gtx);
      m4.put(1000 * i, gtx);
    Map m5 = Immutables.immutableMapWrap(m3);
    byte[] bytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(m4);
    Map<Integer, GlobalTransaction> m4Read =
        (Map<Integer, GlobalTransaction>) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(bytes);
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, GlobalTransaction> entry : m4.entrySet()) {
      assert m4Read.get(entry.getKey()).equals(entry.getValue())
          : "Writen["
              + entry.getValue()
              + "] and read["
              + m4Read.get(entry.getKey())
              + "] objects should be the same";
