private boolean recuperaDadosAluno(String html) { HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner(); TagNode root = cleaner.clean(html); String table_name = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_table_ficha_aluno_id); TagNode table = null; for (TagNode node : root.getElementsByName("table", true)) { if (table_name.equals(node.getAttributeByName("id"))) { table = node; break; } } if (table == null) { return false; } String attribute_class_name = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_attribute_td_class_name); List<Campo> l = new LinkedList<Campo>(); TagNode nodeValor = null; for (TagNode nodeCampo : table.getElementsByName("td", true)) { if (attribute_class_name.equals(nodeCampo.getAttributeByName("class"))) { nodeValor = nodeCampo.getParent().getElementsByName("td", false)[1]; l.add( new Campo( nodeCampo.getText().toString().split(":")[0], nodeValor.getText().toString().trim().replaceAll("\"", ""))); } } dbAdapter.setCampos(l); return true; }
private void doProcessIncludes(TagNode html, int depth, FormFlow formFlow) throws IOException, FormParserException { if (depth < processIncludesMaxDepth) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TagNode> includeNodes = html.getElementListByName(Constants.INCLUDE_ELEMENT, true); for (TagNode includeNode : includeNodes) { String srcAttribute = includeNode.getAttributeByName("src"); srcAttribute = formFlow.resolveResourcePathIfRelative(srcAttribute); InputStream resourceAsStream = resourceLoader.getFormResourceAsStream(srcAttribute); if (resourceAsStream != null) { TagNode includeHtml = htmlCleaner.clean(resourceAsStream); TagNode body = includeHtml.findElementByName("body", false); doProcessIncludes(body, depth + 1, formFlow); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<HtmlNode> bodyChildren = body.getChildren(); Collections.reverse(bodyChildren); TagNode includeParent = includeNode.getParent(); for (HtmlNode bodyChild : bodyChildren) { includeParent.insertChildAfter(includeNode, bodyChild); } includeParent.removeChild(includeNode); } else { throw new FormParserException("Include file not found. Path:'" + srcAttribute + "'"); } } } else { throw new FormParserException( "Exceeded maximum nested " + Constants.INCLUDE_ELEMENT + " depth of " + processIncludesMaxDepth); } }
private boolean recuperaDadosPessoais(String html) { HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner(); TagNode root = cleaner.clean(html); String table_name = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_table_dados_aluno_id); TagNode table = null; for (TagNode node : root.getElementsByName("table", true)) { if (table_name.equals(node.getAttributeByName("id"))) { table = node; break; } } if (table == null) { return false; } String attribute_class_name = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_attribute_class_name); String campo_nusp = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_campo_nusp); String campo_nome = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_campo_nome); String campo_email = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_campo_email); String campo_cpf = context.getString(R.string.janusmob_campo_cpf); Usuario usuario = new Usuario(); for (TagNode node : table.getElementsByName("span", true)) { if (attribute_class_name.equals(node.getAttributeByName("class"))) { TagNode parent = node.getParent(); parent.removeChild(node); if (node.getText().toString().trim().equals(campo_nusp)) { usuario.setNusp(parent.getText().toString().trim()); } else if (node.getText().toString().trim().equals(campo_nome)) { usuario.setNome(parent.getText().toString().trim()); } else if (node.getText().toString().trim().equals(campo_email)) { usuario.setEmail(parent.getText().toString().trim()); } else if (node.getText().toString().trim().equals(campo_cpf)) { usuario.setCpf(parent.getText().toString().trim()); } } } if (lembrarSenha) { usuario.setSenha(senha); } else { usuario.setSenha(null); } dbAdapter.setUsuario(usuario); return true; }
public static ArrayList<ContentValues> parsePosts( TagNode aThread, int aThreadId, int unreadIndex, int opId, AwfulPreferences prefs, int startIndex) { ArrayList<ContentValues> result = new ArrayList<ContentValues>(); boolean lastReadFound = false; int index = startIndex; String update_time = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString(); Log.v(TAG, "Update time: " + update_time); try { if (!Constants.isICS() || !prefs.inlineYoutube) { // skipping youtube support for now, it kinda sucks. aThread = convertVideos(aThread); } TagNode[] postNodes = aThread.getElementsByAttValue("class", "post", true, true); for (TagNode node : postNodes) { // fyad status, to prevent processing postbody twice if we are in fyad ContentValues post = new ContentValues(); post.put(THREAD_ID, aThreadId); // We'll just reuse the array of objects rather than create // a ton of them int id = Integer.parseInt(node.getAttributeByName("id").replaceAll("post", "")); post.put(ID, id); post.put(AwfulProvider.UPDATED_TIMESTAMP, update_time); post.put(POST_INDEX, index); if (index > unreadIndex) { post.put(PREVIOUSLY_READ, 0); lastReadFound = true; } else { post.put(PREVIOUSLY_READ, 1); } index++; post.put(IS_MOD, 0); post.put(IS_ADMIN, 0); TagNode[] postContent = node.getElementsHavingAttribute("class", true); for (TagNode pc : postContent) { if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").contains("author")) { post.put(USERNAME, pc.getText().toString().trim()); } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").contains("role-mod")) { post.put(IS_MOD, 1); } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").contains("role-admin")) { post.put(IS_ADMIN, 1); } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").equalsIgnoreCase("title") && pc.getChildTags().length > 0) { TagNode[] avatar = pc.getElementsByName("img", true); if (avatar.length > 0) { post.put(AVATAR, avatar[0].getAttributeByName("src")); } post.put(AVATAR_TEXT, pc.getText().toString().trim()); } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").equalsIgnoreCase("postbody") || pc.getAttributeByName("class").contains("complete_shit")) { TagNode[] images = pc.getElementsByName("img", true); for (TagNode img : images) { // don't alter video mock buttons if ((img.hasAttribute("class") && img.getAttributeByName("class").contains("videoPlayButton"))) { continue; } boolean dontLink = false; TagNode parent = img.getParent(); String src = img.getAttributeByName("src"); if ((parent != null && parent.getName().equals("a")) || (img.hasAttribute("class") && img.getAttributeByName("class") .contains("nolink"))) { // image is linked, don't override dontLink = true; } if (src.contains(".gif")) { img.setAttribute( "class", (img.hasAttribute("class") ? img.getAttributeByName("class") + " " : "") + "gif"); } if (img.hasAttribute("title")) { if (!prefs.showSmilies) { // kill all emotes String name = img.getAttributeByName("title"); img.setName("p"); img.addChild(new ContentNode(name)); } } else { if (!lastReadFound && prefs.hideOldImages || !prefs.imagesEnabled) { if (!dontLink) { img.setName("a"); img.setAttribute("href", src); img.addChild(new ContentNode(src)); } else { img.setName("p"); img.addChild(new ContentNode(src)); } } else { if (!dontLink) { img.setName("a"); img.setAttribute("href", src); TagNode newimg = new TagNode("img"); if (!prefs.imgurThumbnails.equals("d") && src.contains("")) { int lastSlash = src.lastIndexOf('/'); if (src.length() - lastSlash <= 9) { int pos = src.length() - 4; src = src.substring(0, pos) + prefs.imgurThumbnails + src.substring(pos); } } newimg.setAttribute("src", src); img.addChild(newimg); } } } } StringBuffer fixedContent = new StringBuffer(); Matcher fixCharMatch = fixCharacters_regex.matcher(NetworkUtils.getAsString(pc)); while (fixCharMatch.find()) { fixCharMatch.appendReplacement(fixedContent, ""); } fixCharMatch.appendTail(fixedContent); post.put(CONTENT, fixedContent.toString()); } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").equalsIgnoreCase("postdate")) { post.put( DATE, NetworkUtils.unencodeHtml(pc.getText().toString()) .replaceAll("[^\\w\\s:,]", "") .trim()); } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").equalsIgnoreCase("profilelinks")) { TagNode[] links = pc.getElementsHavingAttribute("href", true); if (links.length > 0) { String href = links[0].getAttributeByName("href").trim(); String userId = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("rid=") + 4); post.put(USER_ID, userId); if (Integer.toString(opId).equals(userId)) { // ugh post.put(IS_OP, 1); } else { post.put(IS_OP, 0); } } } if (pc.getAttributeByName("class").equalsIgnoreCase("editedby") && pc.getChildTags().length > 0) { post.put(EDITED, "<i>" + pc.getChildTags()[0].getText().toString() + "</i>"); } } TagNode[] editImgs = node.getElementsByAttValue("alt", "Edit", true, true); if (editImgs.length > 0) { post.put(EDITABLE, 1); } else { post.put(EDITABLE, 0); } result.add(post); } Log.i( TAG, Integer.toString(postNodes.length) + " posts found, " + result.size() + " posts parsed."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }