private void loadValueSet(String n) throws FileNotFoundException, Exception { XmlParser xml = new XmlParser(); ValueSet vs = (ValueSet) xml.parse( new CSFileInputStream( srcDir + ini.getStringProperty("valuesets", n).replace('\\', File.separatorChar))); vs.setIdentifierSimple("" + n); definitions.getExtraValuesets().put(n, vs); }
public static String describeBinding( String prefix, ElementDefinitionBindingComponent def, PageProcessor page) throws Exception { if (!def.hasValueSet()) return def.getDescription(); String ref = def.getValueSet() instanceof UriType ? ((UriType) def.getValueSet()).asStringValue() : ((Reference) def.getValueSet()).getReference(); ValueSet vs = page.getValueSets().get(ref); if (vs != null) { String pp = (String) vs.getUserData("path"); return def.getDescription() + "<br/>" + conf(def) + "<a href=\"" + prefix + pp.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "\">" + vs.getName() + "</a>" + confTail(def); } if (ref.startsWith("http:") || ref.startsWith("https:")) return def.getDescription() + "<br/>" + conf(def) + " <a href=\"" + ref + "\">" + ref + "</a>" + confTail(def); else return def.getDescription() + "<br/>" + conf(def) + " ?? Broken Reference to " + ref + " ??" + confTail(def); }
private void validateQuestionAnswers( List<ValidationMessage> theErrors, QuestionComponent theQuestion, LinkedList<String> thePathStack, AnswerFormat type, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionComponent answerQuestion, QuestionnaireResponse theAnswers, boolean theValidateRequired) { String linkId = theQuestion.getLinkId(); Set<Class<? extends Type>> allowedAnswerTypes = determineAllowedAnswerTypes(type); if (allowedAnswerTypes.isEmpty()) { for (QuestionAnswerComponent nextAnswer : answerQuestion.getAnswer()) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, ElementUtil.isEmpty(nextAnswer.getValue()), "Question with linkId[{0}] has no answer type but an answer was provided", linkId); } } else { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, !(answerQuestion.getAnswer().size() > 1 && !theQuestion.getRepeats()), "Multiple answers to non repeating question with linkId[{0}]", linkId); if (theValidateRequired) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, !(theQuestion.getRequired() && answerQuestion.getAnswer().isEmpty()), "Missing answer to required question with linkId[{0}]", linkId); } else { hint( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, !(theQuestion.getRequired() && answerQuestion.getAnswer().isEmpty()), "Missing answer to required question with linkId[{0}]", linkId); } } int answerIdx = -1; for (QuestionAnswerComponent nextAnswer : answerQuestion.getAnswer()) { answerIdx++; try { thePathStack.add("answer[" + answerIdx + "]"); Type nextValue = nextAnswer.getValue(); if (nextValue == null) { continue; } if (!allowedAnswerTypes.contains(nextValue.getClass())) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, false, "Answer to question with linkId[{0}] found of type [{1}] but this is invalid for question of type [{2}]", linkId, nextValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), type.toCode()); continue; } // Validate choice answers if (type == AnswerFormat.CHOICE || type == AnswerFormat.OPENCHOICE) { if (nextAnswer.getValue() instanceof StringType) { StringType answer = (StringType) nextAnswer.getValue(); if (answer == null || isBlank(answer.getValueAsString())) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, false, "Answer to question with linkId[{0}] is required but answer does not have a value", linkId); continue; } } else { Coding coding = (Coding) nextAnswer.getValue(); if (isBlank(coding.getCode())) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, false, "Answer to question with linkId[{0}] is of type {1} but coding answer does not have a code", linkId,; continue; } if (isBlank(coding.getSystem())) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, false, "Answer to question with linkId[{0}] is of type {1} but coding answer does not have a system", linkId,; continue; } String optionsRef = theQuestion.getOptions().getReference(); if (isNotBlank(optionsRef)) { ValueSet valueSet = getValueSet(theAnswers, theQuestion.getOptions()); if (valueSet == null) { rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, false, "Question with linkId[{0}] has options ValueSet[{1}] but this ValueSet can not be found", linkId, optionsRef); continue; } boolean found = false; if (coding.getSystem().equals(valueSet.getCodeSystem().getSystem())) { for (ConceptDefinitionComponent next : valueSet.getCodeSystem().getConcept()) { if (coding.getCode().equals(next.getCode())) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { for (ConceptSetComponent nextCompose : valueSet.getCompose().getInclude()) { if (coding.getSystem().equals(nextCompose.getSystem())) { for (ConceptReferenceComponent next : nextCompose.getConcept()) { if (coding.getCode().equals(next.getCode())) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) { break; } } } rule( theErrors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, thePathStack, found, "Question with linkId[{0}] has answer with system[{1}] and code[{2}] but this is not a valid answer for ValueSet[{3}]", linkId, coding.getSystem(), coding.getCode(), optionsRef); } } } } finally { thePathStack.removeLast(); } } // for answers }
public static String describeBinding(String prefix, BindingSpecification cd, PageProcessor page) throws Exception { if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.Unbound) return cd.getDefinition(); if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.Special) { if (cd.getValueSet().getName().equals("MessageEvent")) return "the <a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-message-events.html\">Event List in the messaging framework</a>"; else if (cd.getValueSet().getName().equals("ResourceType")) return "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-resource-types.html\">Any defined Resource Type name</a>"; else if (cd.getValueSet().getName().equals("DataType")) return "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-data-types.html\">Any defined Data Type name</a>"; else if (cd.getValueSet().getName().equals("FHIRDefinedType")) return "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-defined-types.html\">Any defined Resource or Data Type name</a>"; else throw new Exception("Unknown special type " + cd.getValueSet().getName()); } String bs = "<a href=\"" + prefix + "terminologies.html#" + cd.getStrength().toCode() + "\">" + cd.getStrength().getDisplay() + "</a>"; if (cd.getValueSet() != null) { ValueSet vs = cd.getValueSet(); String pp = (String) vs.getUserData("path"); return "<a href=\"" + prefix + pp.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "\">" + cd.getDefinition() + "</a> (" + bs + ")"; } else if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.ValueSet) { if (Utilities.noString(cd.getReference())) return cd.getDescription(); else if (cd.getValueSet() == null) return bs + ": <a href=\"" + (cd.getReference().startsWith("http") ? cd.getReference() : prefix + cd.getReference() + ".html") + "\">See " + cd.getDescription() + "</a> (" + cd.getDefinition() + ")"; else return bs + ": <a href=\"" + prefix + cd.getReference() + ".html\">See " + cd.getValueSet().getUrl() + "</a> (" + cd.getDefinition() + ")"; } else if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.CodeList) { if (Utilities.noString(cd.getReference())) return bs + ": " + cd.getDescription() + " (" + cd.getDefinition() + ")"; else return bs + ": <a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-" + cd.getReference().substring(1) + ".html\">" + cd.getReference().substring(1) + "</a> (" + cd.getDefinition() + ")"; } if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.Reference) { return bs + ": <a href=\"" + prefix + cd.getReference() + "\">" + cd.getDescription() + "</a> (" + cd.getDefinition() + ")"; } return "??"; }
private void gen(String prefix, Map<BindingSpecification, List<CDUsage>> txusages2) throws Exception { List<BindingSpecification> cds = new ArrayList<BindingSpecification>(); cds.addAll(txusages.keySet()); if (cds.size() == 0) return; Collections.sort(cds, new MyCompare()); write("<h3>\r\nTerminology Bindings\r\n</h3>\r\n"); // 1. new form write("<table class=\"grid\">\r\n"); write(" <tr><th>Path</th><th>Definition</th><th>Type</th><th>Reference</th></tr>\r\n"); for (BindingSpecification cd : cds) { String path; List<CDUsage> list = txusages.get(cd); for (int i = 2; i < list.size(); i++) { if (!list.get(i).element.typeCode().equals(list.get(1).element.typeCode())) throw new Exception( "Mixed types on one concept domain in one type - not yet supported by the build process for binding " + cd.getName()); } String name = cd.getValueSet() != null ? cd.getValueSet().getName() : cd.getName(); write(" <tr><td valign=\"top\" title=\"" + name + "\">"); boolean first = true; for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) { if (!first) write("<br/>"); first = false; write(list.get(i).path); } write(" </td>"); write("<td valign=\"top\">" + Utilities.escapeXml(cd.getDefinition()) + "</td>"); if (cd.getBinding() == BindingMethod.Unbound) write("<td>Unknown</td><td valign=\"top\">No details provided yet</td>"); else { write( "<td><a href=\"" + prefix + "terminologies.html#" + cd.getStrength().toCode() + "\">" + cd.getStrength().getDisplay() + "</a></td>"); write("<td valign=\"top\">"); if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.Special) { if (name.equals("MessageEvent")) write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-message-events.html\"></a>"); else if (name.equals("ResourceType")) write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-resource-types.html\"></a>"); else if (name.equals("DataType")) write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-data-types.html\"></a>"); else if (name.equals("FHIRDefinedType")) write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-defined-types.html\"></a>"); else throw new Exception("Unknown special type " + name); } if (cd.getValueSet() != null) { ValueSet vs = cd.getValueSet(); String pp = (String) vs.getUserData("path"); if (pp == null) throw new Exception("unknown path on " + cd.getReference()); write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + pp.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "\">" + vs.getName() + "</a><!-- b -->"); } else if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.ValueSet) { if (Utilities.noString(cd.getReference())) write("??"); else if (cd.getReference().startsWith("valueset-")) write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + cd.getReference() + ".html\">" + cd.getReference().substring(9) + "</a><!-- a -->"); else if (cd.getReference().startsWith("")) { if (cd.getReference().startsWith("")) { ValueSet vs = page.getValueSets().get(cd.getReference()); String pp = (String) vs.getUserData("path"); if (pp == null) throw new Exception("unknown path on " + cd.getReference()); write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + pp.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "\">" + cd.getReference() + "</a><!-- b -->"); } else if (cd.getReference().startsWith("")) { ValueSet vs = page.getValueSets().get(cd.getReference()); String pp = (String) vs.getUserData("path"); write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + pp.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "\">" + cd.getReference() + "</a><!-- c -->"); } else if (cd.getReference().startsWith("")) { String ref = getBindingLink(cd); write("<a href=\"" + prefix + ref + "\">" + cd.getReference() + "</a><!-- d -->"); // BindingSpecification bs1 = // page.getDefinitions().getBindingByURL(cd.getReference()); // if (bs1 != null) // write("<a // href=\""+cd.getReference().substring(23)+".html\">"+cd.getReference()+"</a><!-- d // -->"); // else // write("<a // href=\"valueset-"+cd.getReference().substring(23)+".html\">"+cd.getReference()+"</a><!-- d -->"); } else throw new Exception("Internal reference " + cd.getReference() + " not handled yet"); } else if (cd.getReference().startsWith("http:")) write("<a href=\"" + cd.getReference() + "\">" + cd.getReference() + "</a><!-- e -->"); else write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-" + cd.getReference() + ".html\">" + cd.getReference() + "</a><!-- e -->"); } else if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.CodeList) { write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + "valueset-" + cd.getReference().substring(1) + ".html\">" + cd.getReference().substring(1) + "</a><!-- f -->"); } else if (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.Reference) { write( "<a href=\"" + prefix + cd.getReference() + "\">" + cd.getDescription() + "</a><!-- g -->"); } write("</td>"); } write(" </tr>\r\n"); } write("</table>\r\n<p> </p>\r\n"); }
public void validate(ValueSet vs, boolean internal) throws Exception { if (internal && vs.getDefine() != null) { for (ValueSetDefineConceptComponent t : vs.getDefine().getConcept()) checkLowercase(t); } }