@BeforeClass public static void startH2Database() throws Exception { DeleteDbFiles.execute("", "DroolsFlow", true); h2Server = Server.createTcpServer(new String[0]); h2Server.start(); try { TMPDIR = JPASingleSessionCommandServiceFactoryEnvTest.class .getResource("/kb_persistence") .getFile(); log.info("creating: {}", TMPDIR + "/processWorkItems.pkg"); writePackage(getProcessWorkItems(), new File(TMPDIR + "/processWorkItems.pkg")); log.info("creating: {}", TMPDIR + "/processSubProcess.pkg"); writePackage(getProcessSubProcess(), new File(TMPDIR + "/processSubProcess.pkg")); log.info("creating: {}", TMPDIR + "/processTimer.pkg"); writePackage(getProcessTimer(), new File(TMPDIR + "/processTimer.pkg")); log.info("creating: {}", TMPDIR + "/processTimer2.pkg"); writePackage(getProcessTimer2(), new File(TMPDIR + "/processTimer2.pkg")); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("can't create packages!", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private void runH2Server(final String fileName, final int port, final char[] password) { org.h2.tools.Server server = null; stop = false; try { final List<String> serverArgs = new ArrayList<>(); serverArgs.add("-tcpPort"); serverArgs.add(String.valueOf(port)); serverArgs.add("-tcpAllowOthers"); /*boolean useSSL = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperties().getProperty(EncryptionManager.ENCRYPTION_FLAG)); if (useSSL) { serverArgs.add("-tcpSSL"); }*/ server = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer(serverArgs.toArray(new String[serverArgs.size()])); server.start(); } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.getLogger(JpaNetworkServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } // Start the message server and engine, this should block until closed if (!run(DataStoreType.H2_DATABASE, fileName, port, password)) { Logger.getLogger(JpaNetworkServer.class.getName()).severe("Failed to start the server"); } if (server != null) { server.stop(); } }
public TestPersistenceUnit(int port) { try { tcpServer = Server.createTcpServer("-tcpPort", "" + port); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
/** * This method is called when executing this sample application from the command line. * * @param args the command line parameters */ public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // start the server, allows to access the database remotely Server server = Server.createTcpServer("-tcpPort", "9081"); server.start(); System.out.println("You can access the database remotely now, using the URL:"); System.out.println("jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9081/~/test (user: sa, password: sa)"); // now use the database in your application in embedded mode Class.forName("org.h2.Driver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:~/test", "sa", "sa"); // some simple 'business usage' Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("DROP TABLE TIMER IF EXISTS"); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TIMER(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, TIME VARCHAR)"); System.out.println("Execute this a few times: " + "SELECT TIME FROM TIMER"); System.out.println("To stop this application " + "(and the server), run: DROP TABLE TIMER"); try { while (true) { // runs forever, except if you drop the table remotely stat.execute("MERGE INTO TIMER VALUES(1, NOW())"); Thread.sleep(1000); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString()); } conn.close(); // stop the server server.stop(); }
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) { try { org.h2.Driver.load(); // This will get the setting from a context-param in web.xml if defined: ServletContext servletContext = servletContextEvent.getServletContext(); String url = getParameter(servletContext, "db.url", "jdbc:h2:~/test"); String user = getParameter(servletContext, "db.user", "sa"); String password = getParameter(servletContext, "db.password", "sa"); // Start the server if configured to do so String serverParams = getParameter(servletContext, "db.tcpServer", null); if (serverParams != null) { String[] params = StringUtils.arraySplit(serverParams, ' ', true); server = Server.createTcpServer(params); server.start(); } // To access the database in server mode, use the database URL: // jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); servletContext.setAttribute("connection", conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** 启动H2数据库 */ public void start() { try { server = Server.createTcpServer().start(); log.info("h2 DB start.."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("h2 DB start error!", e); } }
@Override public void run() { log.debug("H2DatabaseServer stared"); try { String[] assembleCommandLine = assembleCommandLine(); server = Server.createTcpServer(assembleCommandLine).start(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TechnicalException(e); } }
public static Server startH2Server() { try { // start h2 in memory database Server server = Server.createTcpServer(new String[0]); server.start(); return server; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not start H2 server", t); } }
public void start() { if (realH2Server == null || !realH2Server.isRunning(false)) { try { DeleteDbFiles.execute("", "JPADroolsFlow", true); realH2Server = Server.createTcpServer(new String[0]); realH2Server.start(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't start h2 server db", e); } } }
@BeforeClass public static void initH2() { try { DeleteDbFiles.execute("", "JPADroolsFlow", true); h2Server = Server.createTcpServer(new String[0]); h2Server.start(); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't start h2 server db", e); } DOMConfigurator.configure(SingleSessionCommandServiceTest.class.getResource("/log4j.xml")); }
public void startService() { try { Server.createTcpServer(new String[] {"-tcpAllowOthers"}).start(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } processEngine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine(); processEngine .getRepositoryService() .createDeployment() .addClasspathResource("process/activiti/humanTask.xml.bpmn20.xml") .deploy(); }
private void testReadOnlyInZip() throws SQLException { if (config.cipher != null) { return; } deleteDb("readonlyInZip"); String dir = getBaseDir(); Connection conn = getConnection("readonlyInZip"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT) AS " + "SELECT X FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1, 20)"); conn.close(); Backup.execute(dir + "/readonly.zip", dir, "readonlyInZip", true); conn = getConnection( "jdbc:h2:zip:" + dir + "/readonly.zip!/readonlyInZip", getUser(), getPassword()); conn.createStatement().execute("select * from test where id=1"); conn.close(); Server server = Server.createTcpServer("-tcpPort", "9081", "-baseDir", dir); server.start(); try { conn = getConnection( "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9081/zip:readonly.zip!/readonlyInZip", getUser(), getPassword()); conn.createStatement().execute("select * from test where id=1"); conn.close(); FilePathZip2.register(); conn = getConnection( "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9081/zip2:readonly.zip!/readonlyInZip", getUser(), getPassword()); conn.createStatement().execute("select * from test where id=1"); conn.close(); } finally { server.stop(); } deleteDb("readonlyInZip"); }
private void testServer() throws Exception { Server server = new Server(); server.setOut(new PrintStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream())); server.runTool("-web", "-webPort", "8182", "-properties", "null", "-tcp", "-tcpPort", "9101"); try { String url = "http://localhost:8182"; WebClient client; String result; client = new WebClient(); client.setAcceptLanguage("de-de,de;q=0.5"); result = client.get(url); client.readSessionId(result); result = client.get(url, "login.jsp"); assertEquals("text/html", client.getContentType()); assertContains(result, "Einstellung"); client.get(url, "favicon.ico"); assertEquals("image/x-icon", client.getContentType()); client.get(url, "ico_ok.gif"); assertEquals("image/gif", client.getContentType()); client.get(url, "tree.js"); assertEquals("text/javascript", client.getContentType()); client.get(url, "stylesheet.css"); assertEquals("text/css", client.getContentType()); client.get(url, "admin.do"); try { client.get(url, "adminShutdown.do"); } catch (IOException e) { // expected Thread.sleep(1000); } } finally { server.shutdown(); } // it should be stopped now server = Server.createTcpServer("-tcpPort", "9101"); server.start(); server.stop(); }
private void testOldClientNewServer() throws Exception { Server server = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer("-tcpPort", "9001"); server.start(); assertThrows(ErrorCode.DRIVER_VERSION_ERROR_2, driver) .connect("jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9001/mem:test", null); server.stop(); Class<?> serverClass = cl.loadClass("org.h2.tools.Server"); Method m; m = serverClass.getMethod("createTcpServer", String[].class); Object serverOld = m.invoke(null, new Object[] {new String[] {"-tcpPort", "9001"}}); m = serverOld.getClass().getMethod("start"); m.invoke(serverOld); Connection conn; conn = org.h2.Driver.load().connect("jdbc:h2:mem:", null); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("call 1"); rs.next(); assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1)); conn.close(); m = serverOld.getClass().getMethod("stop"); m.invoke(serverOld); }
@Test public void submitJob() throws Exception { org.h2.tools.Server h2 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer(); Server server = new Server(); Connector connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); connector.setPort(8081); connector.setHost(""); server.addConnector(connector); WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext(); wac.setContextPath("/springbatchadmin"); wac.setWar("./src/main/webapp"); server.setHandler(wac); server.setStopAtShutdown(true); try { h2.start(); server.start(); assertTrue(restTemplate.getForObject(BASE_URL + "jobs.json", String.class).contains(JOB)); } finally { server.stop(); h2.stop(); } }
/** Open the TCP port for the H2 database, so it is available remotely. */ @Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop") public Server h2TCPServer() throws SQLException { return Server.createTcpServer("-tcp", "-tcpAllowOthers"); }
// @BeforeClass public static void startDb() throws SQLException { System.out.println("Starting DB server"); server = Server.createTcpServer(null).start(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { File dataDir = new File("target/h2"); String url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/apiman"; if (dataDir.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dataDir); } dataDir.mkdirs(); Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPassword", "sa", "-baseDir", dataDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-tcpPort", "9092", "-tcpAllowOthers") .start(); Class.forName("org.h2.Driver"); try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "sa", "")) { System.out.println( "Connection Established: " + connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName() + "/" + connection.getCatalog()); executeUpdate( connection, "CREATE TABLE users ( username varchar(255) NOT NULL, password varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username))"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('bwayne', 'ae2efd698aefdf366736a4eda1bc5241f9fbfec7')"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('ckent', 'ea59f7ca52a2087c99374caba0ff29be1b2dcdbf')"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('ballen', 'ea59f7ca52a2087c99374caba0ff29be1b2dcdbf')"); executeUpdate( connection, "CREATE TABLE roles (rolename varchar(255) NOT NULL, username varchar(255) NOT NULL)"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO roles (rolename, username) VALUES ('user', 'bwayne')"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO roles (rolename, username) VALUES ('admin', 'bwayne')"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO roles (rolename, username) VALUES ('ckent', 'user')"); executeUpdate( connection, "INSERT INTO roles (rolename, username) VALUES ('ballen', 'user')"); } System.out.println("======================================================"); System.out.println("JDBC (H2) server started successfully."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" Data: " + dataDir.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println(" JDBC URL: " + url); System.out.println(" JDBC User: sa"); System.out.println(" JDBC Password: "******" Authentication Query: SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u.username = ? AND u.password = ?"); System.out.println( " Authorization Query: SELECT r.rolename FROM roles r WHERE r.username = ?"); System.out.println("======================================================"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Press Enter to stop the JDBC server."); new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)).readLine(); System.out.println("Shutting down the JDBC server..."); Server.shutdownTcpServer("tcp://localhost:9092", "", true, true); System.out.println("Done!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void testStartStopCluster() throws SQLException { if (config.memory || config.networked || config.cipher != null) { return; } int port1 = 9193, port2 = 9194; String serverList = "localhost:" + port1 + ",localhost:" + port2; deleteFiles(); // initialize the database Connection conn; org.h2.Driver.load(); String urlNode1 = getURL("node1/test", true); String urlNode2 = getURL("node2/test", true); String user = getUser(), password = getPassword(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(urlNode1, user, password); Statement stat; stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST"); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(255))"); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(?, ?)"); int len = getSize(10, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { prep.setInt(1, i); prep.setString(2, "Data" + i); prep.executeUpdate(); } check(conn, len, "''"); conn.close(); // copy the database and initialize the cluster CreateCluster.main( "-urlSource", urlNode1, "-urlTarget", urlNode2, "-user", user, "-password", password, "-serverList", serverList); // start both servers Server n1 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port1, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node1") .start(); Server n2 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port2, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node2") .start(); // try to connect in standalone mode - should fail try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port1 + "/test", user, password); fail("should not be able to connect in standalone mode"); } catch (SQLException e) { assertKnownException(e); } try { DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port2 + "/test", user, password); fail("should not be able to connect in standalone mode"); } catch (SQLException e) { assertKnownException(e); } // test a cluster connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:tcp://" + serverList + "/test", user, password); check(conn, len, "'" + serverList + "'"); conn.close(); // stop server 2, and test if only one server is available n2.stop(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:tcp://" + serverList + "/test", user, password); check(conn, len, "''"); conn.close(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:tcp://" + serverList + "/test", user, password); check(conn, len, "''"); conn.close(); // disable the cluster conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port1 + "/test;CLUSTER=''", user, password); conn.close(); n1.stop(); // re-create the cluster DeleteDbFiles.main("-dir", getBaseDir() + "/node2", "-quiet"); CreateCluster.main( "-urlSource", urlNode1, "-urlTarget", urlNode2, "-user", user, "-password", password, "-serverList", serverList); n1 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port1, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node1") .start(); n2 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port2, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node2") .start(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:tcp://" + serverList + "/test", user, password); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE BOTH(ID INT)"); n1.stop(); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE A(ID INT)"); conn.close(); n2.stop(); n1 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port1, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node1") .start(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port1 + "/test;CLUSTER=''", user, password); check(conn, len, "''"); conn.close(); n1.stop(); n2 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port2, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node2") .start(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port2 + "/test;CLUSTER=''", user, password); check(conn, len, "''"); conn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM A"); conn.close(); n2.stop(); deleteFiles(); }
private void testCreateClusterAtRuntime() throws SQLException { if (config.memory || config.networked || config.cipher != null) { return; } int port1 = 9191, port2 = 9192; String serverList = "localhost:" + port1 + ",localhost:" + port2; deleteFiles(); org.h2.Driver.load(); String user = getUser(), password = getPassword(); Connection conn; Statement stat; String url1 = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port1 + "/test"; String url2 = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:" + port2 + "/test"; String urlCluster = "jdbc:h2:tcp://" + serverList + "/test"; int len = 10; // initialize the database Server n1 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port1, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node1") .start(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url1, user, password); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute( "create table test(id int primary key, name varchar) as " + "select x, 'Data' || x from system_range(0, " + (len - 1) + ")"); stat.execute("create user test password 'test'"); stat.execute("grant all on test to test"); // start the second server Server n2 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port2, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node2") .start(); // copy the database and initialize the cluster CreateCluster.main( "-urlSource", url1, "-urlTarget", url2, "-user", user, "-password", password, "-serverList", serverList); // check the original connection is closed try { stat.execute("select * from test"); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { // expected JdbcUtils.closeSilently(conn); } // test the cluster connection Connection connApp = DriverManager.getConnection(urlCluster + ";AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE", user, password); check(connApp, len, "'" + serverList + "'"); // delete the rows, but don't commit connApp.setAutoCommit(false); connApp.createStatement().execute("delete from test"); // stop server 2, and test if only one server is available n2.stop(); // rollback the transaction connApp.createStatement().executeQuery("select count(*) from test"); connApp.rollback(); check(connApp, len, "''"); connApp.setAutoCommit(true); // re-create the cluster n2 = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer( "-tcpPort", "" + port2, "-baseDir", getBaseDir() + "/node2") .start(); CreateCluster.main( "-urlSource", url1, "-urlTarget", url2, "-user", user, "-password", password, "-serverList", serverList); // test the cluster connection check(connApp, len, "'" + serverList + "'"); // test a non-admin user String user2 = "test", password2 = getPassword("test"); connApp = DriverManager.getConnection(urlCluster, user2, password2); check(connApp, len, "'" + serverList + "'"); n1.stop(); // test non-admin cluster connection if only one server runs Connection connApp2 = DriverManager.getConnection(urlCluster + ";AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE", user2, password2); check(connApp2, len, "''"); connApp2.close(); // test non-admin cluster connection if only one server runs connApp2 = DriverManager.getConnection(urlCluster + ";AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE", user2, password2); check(connApp2, len, "''"); connApp2.close(); n2.stop(); deleteFiles(); }
private void startServer() throws SQLException { h2Server = Server.createTcpServer().start(); }
/** Open the TCP port for the H2 database, so it is available remotely. */ @Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop") @Profile(Constants.SPRING_PROFILE_DEVELOPMENT) public Server h2TCPServer() throws SQLException { return Server.createTcpServer("-tcp", "-tcpAllowOthers"); }
@BeforeClass public static void startH2Database() throws Exception { DeleteDbFiles.execute("", "DroolsFlow", true); h2Server = Server.createTcpServer(new String[0]); h2Server.start(); }
@Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "stop") public Server embeddedDatabase() throws SQLException { return Server.createTcpServer("-tcp", "-tcpAllowOthers", "-tcpShutdownForce"); }