/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see es.gva.dgti.gvgeoportal.service.ogc.OGCInfoService * #getCapabilitiesFromWMTS(String, String) */ public List<String> getCRSSupportedByWMTS(String urlServerWMTS) throws ServerGeoException { // Check if services gvSIG are initialized if (!librariesInitialized) { LibrariesInitializer libs = new DefaultLibrariesInitializer(); libs.fullInitialize(); librariesInitialized = true; } // get WMTS manager WMTSOGCManager wmtsMan = WMTSOGCLocator.getManager(); try { WMTSClient wmtsClient = wmtsMan.createWMTSClient(urlServerWMTS); wmtsClient.connect(true, null); List<String> crsSupported = new ArrayList<String>(); List<WMTSTileMatrixSet> tileMatrixSet = wmtsClient.getTileMatrixSet(); for (int i = 0; i < tileMatrixSet.size(); i++) { WMTSTileMatrixSet tileMatrix = tileMatrixSet.get(i); crsSupported.add(tileMatrix.getSupportedCRS()); } return crsSupported; } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("Exception on getCRSSupportedByWMTS", exc); throw new ServerGeoException(); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see es.gva.dgti.gvgeoportal.service.ogc.OGCInfoService * #getCswRecords(String, CSWCriteria) */ public CSWResult getCswRecords(String cswUrl, CSWCriteria cswCriteria) throws NotSupportedVersionException, URISyntaxException, NullPointerException { // Check if services gvSIG are initialized if (!librariesInitialized) { LibrariesInitializer libs = new DefaultLibrariesInitializer(); libs.fullInitialize(); librariesInitialized = true; } URI uri = null; CSWResult cswResults = new CSWResult(); uri = new URI(cswUrl); // Creates driver "CSW/ISO 19115" CSWISO19115LangCatalogServiceDriver iCatalogServiceDriver = new CSWISO19115LangCatalogServiceDriver(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") DiscoveryServiceCapabilities getCapabilities = iCatalogServiceDriver.getCapabilities(uri, "spa"); CatalogClient catalogClient = new CatalogClient(cswUrl, null, iCatalogServiceDriver); // Query CatalogQuery query = catalogClient.createNewQuery(); String title = cswCriteria.getTitle(); if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { query.setTitle(title); } String abstract_ = cswCriteria.getAbstract_(); if (abstract_ != null && !abstract_.isEmpty()) { query.setAbstract(abstract_); } // The dates must have the following format: "yyyy-MM-dd" SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Calendar dateFrom = cswCriteria.getDateFrom(); if (dateFrom != null) { String dateFromString = sdf.format(dateFrom.getTime()); query.setDateFrom(dateFromString); } Calendar dateTo = cswCriteria.getDateTo(); if (dateTo != null) { String dateToString = sdf.format(dateTo.getTime()); query.setDateTo(dateToString); } // Executed query int startAt; if (cswCriteria.getStartAt() <= 0) { startAt = 1; } else { startAt = cswCriteria.getStartAt(); } GetRecordsReply records = iCatalogServiceDriver.getRecords(uri, query, startAt); // Returned results. // Returned records. Maximum 10. int retrievedRecords = records.getRetrievedRecordsNumber(); cswResults.setRetrievedRecords(retrievedRecords); // Total found records. cswResults.setTotalRecords(records.getRecordsNumber()); logger.debug(cswResults.toString()); // For every result returns title, abstract, image and first wms url in // UTF-8. int index = 0; if (retrievedRecords != 0) { List<CSWSingleResult> cswSingleRecordList = cswResults.getResults(); while (index < retrievedRecords) { Record record = records.getRecordAt(index); CSWSingleResult cswSingleResult = new CSWSingleResult(); // Returned title String returnedTitle = record.getTitle(); if (returnedTitle != null) { String titleUtf8 = new String(returnedTitle.getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); cswSingleResult.setTitle(titleUtf8); } // Returned abstract String returnedAbstract = record.getAbstract_(); if (returnedAbstract != null) { String abstract_Utf8 = new String(returnedAbstract.getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); cswSingleResult.setAbstract_(abstract_Utf8); } XMLNode node = record.getNode(); // Returned file identifier XMLNode fileIdentifierNode = node.searchNode("fileIdentifier->CharacterString"); if (fileIdentifierNode != null && fileIdentifierNode.getText() != null) { String fileIdentifierUtf8 = new String( fileIdentifierNode.getText().getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); cswSingleResult.setFileIdentifier(fileIdentifierUtf8); } // Returned image XMLNode imageNode = node.searchNode( "identificationInfo->SV_ServiceIdentification->graphicOverview->MD_BrowseGraphic->fileName->CharacterString"); if (imageNode != null && imageNode.getText() != null) { String imageUtf8 = new String(imageNode.getText().getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); cswSingleResult.setImage(imageUtf8); } else { imageNode = node.searchNode( "identificationInfo->MD_DataIdentification->graphicOverview->MD_BrowseGraphic->fileName->CharacterString"); if (imageNode != null && imageNode.getText() != null) { String imageUtf8 = new String(imageNode.getText().getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); cswSingleResult.setImage(imageUtf8); } } // Returned first wms or wmts url XMLNode[] urlNodes = node.searchMultipleNode( "distributionInfo->MD_Distribution->transferOptions->MD_DigitalTransferOptions->onLine->CI_OnlineResource"); boolean containsServiceUrl = false; int i = 0; while (i < urlNodes.length && !containsServiceUrl) { XMLNode xmlNode = urlNodes[i]; i = i + 1; XMLNode protocolNode = xmlNode.searchNode("protocol->CharacterString"); XMLNode urlNode = xmlNode.searchNode("linkage->URL"); String urlUtf8 = null; if (urlNode != null && urlNode.getText() != null) { urlUtf8 = new String(urlNode.getText().getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); } if (protocolNode != null && protocolNode.getText() != null) { String protocolUtf8 = new String(protocolNode.getText().getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1), Charsets.UTF_8); if ((protocolUtf8.toLowerCase()).contains("ogc:wms")) { containsServiceUrl = true; cswSingleResult.setServiceUrl(urlUtf8); cswSingleResult.setServiceType("wms"); } } else if (urlUtf8 != null && (urlUtf8.toLowerCase()).contains("service=wms")) { containsServiceUrl = true; String[] parts = urlUtf8.split("\\?"); String part1 = parts[0]; if (part1 != null && !part1.isEmpty()) { cswSingleResult.setServiceUrl(part1); } else { cswSingleResult.setServiceUrl(urlUtf8); } cswSingleResult.setServiceType("wms"); } else if (urlUtf8 != null && (urlUtf8.toLowerCase()).contains("service=wmts")) { containsServiceUrl = true; String[] parts = urlUtf8.split("\\?"); String part1 = parts[0]; if (part1 != null && !part1.isEmpty()) { cswSingleResult.setServiceUrl(part1); } else { cswSingleResult.setServiceUrl(urlUtf8); } cswSingleResult.setServiceType("wmts"); } } cswSingleRecordList.add(cswSingleResult); logger.debug("Data " + index + ":: " + cswSingleResult.toString()); index = index + 1; } } return cswResults; }
public OGCInfoServiceImpl() { LibrariesInitializer libs = new DefaultLibrariesInitializer(); libs.fullInitialize(); }