public static boolean isPlatformHost(String host) { Object[] domains = getPlatformHosts().toArray(); host = host.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { String domain = (String) domains[i]; if (domain.equals(host)) { return (true); } if (host.endsWith("." + domain)) { return (true); } } if (Constants.isCVSVersion()) { // allow local addresses for testing try { InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(host); return (ia.isLoopbackAddress() || ia.isLinkLocalAddress() || ia.isSiteLocalAddress()); } catch (Throwable e) { } } return (false); }
protected void addDropTest(MdiEntry entry) { if (!Constants.isCVSVersion()) { return; } entry.addListener( new MdiEntryDropListener() { public boolean mdiEntryDrop(MdiEntry entry, Object droppedObject) { String s = "You just dropped " + droppedObject.getClass() + "\n" + droppedObject + "\n\n"; if (droppedObject.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] o = (Object[]) droppedObject; for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { s += "" + i + ": "; Object object = o[i]; if (object == null) { s += "null"; } else { s += object.getClass() + ";" + object; } s += "\n"; } } new MessageBoxShell(SWT.OK, "test", s).open(null); return true; } }); }
/** @param azureus_core */ public UIMagnetHandler(AzureusCore core) { int val = Integer.parseInt(Constants.getBaseVersion().replaceAll("\\.", "")); String ui = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui"); if (!"az2".equals(ui)) { val += 10000; } MagnetURIHandler magnetURIHandler = MagnetURIHandler.getSingleton(); magnetURIHandler.addInfo("get-version-info", val); }
public static boolean isUDPProbeOK(URL tracker_url) { String host = tracker_url.getHost(); if (Constants.isAzureusDomain(host)) { return (false); } synchronized (udp_probe_results) { return (udp_probe_results.containsKey(host)); } }
public static boolean isAZTracker(URL tracker_url) { String host = tracker_url.getHost(); if (Constants.isAzureusDomain(host)) { return (true); } synchronized (az_trackers) { return (az_trackers.containsKey(host + ":" + tracker_url.getPort())); } }
public static UTPProvider createProvider() { if (isAndroid || Constants.IS_CVS_VERSION || Constants.isCurrentVersionGE("")) { return (new UTPProviderLocal()); } else if (Constants.isOSX || Constants.isWindows) { return (new UTPProviderNative()); } else { return (new UTPProviderLocal()); } // return( new UTPProviderTester( new UTPProviderLocal( true ))); // return( new UTPProviderTester( new UTPProviderNative( true ))); }
public SpeedManagerImpl(AzureusCore _core, SpeedManagerAdapter _adapter) { core = _core; adapter = _adapter; AEDiagnostics.addEvidenceGenerator(this); logger = AEDiagnostics.getLogger("SpeedMan"); ping_mapper = new SpeedManagerPingMapperImpl(this, "Var", LONG_PERIOD_TICKS, true, false); if (Constants.isCVSVersion()) { SpeedManagerPingMapperImpl pm2 = new SpeedManagerPingMapperImpl(this, "Abs", LONG_PERIOD_TICKS, false, false); ping_mappers = new SpeedManagerPingMapperImpl[] {pm2, ping_mapper}; } else { ping_mappers = new SpeedManagerPingMapperImpl[] {ping_mapper}; } final File config_dir = new File(SystemProperties.getUserPath(), "net"); if (!config_dir.exists()) { config_dir.mkdirs(); } NetworkAdmin.getSingleton() .addAndFirePropertyChangeListener( new NetworkAdminPropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChanged(String property) { if (property == NetworkAdmin.PR_AS) { NetworkAdminASN net_asn = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getCurrentASN(); String as = net_asn.getAS(); if (as.length() == 0) { as = "default"; } File history = new File(config_dir, "pm_" + FileUtil.convertOSSpecificChars(as) + ".dat"); ping_mapper.loadHistory(history); asn = net_asn.getASName(); if (asn.length() == 0) { asn = "Unknown"; } informListeners(SpeedManagerListener.PR_ASN); } } }); core.addLifecycleListener( new AzureusCoreLifecycleAdapter() { public void stopping(AzureusCore core) { ping_mapper.saveHistory(); } }); COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener( CONFIG_VERSION, new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged(final String name) { dispatcher.dispatch( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { boolean do_reset = provider_version == -1; int version = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter(name); if (version != provider_version) { provider_version = version; if (isEnabled()) { setEnabledSupport(false); setEnabledSupport(true); } } if (do_reset) { enableOrAlgChanged(); } } }); } }); COConfigurationManager.setParameter(CONFIG_AVAIL, false); SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( "SpeedManager:timer", UPDATE_PERIOD_MILLIS, new TimerEventPerformer() { private int tick_count; public void perform(TimerEvent event) { // if enabled the ping stream drives the stats update for the ping mappers // When not enabled we do it here instead if (!enabled || contacts_array.length == 0) { int x = (adapter.getCurrentDataUploadSpeed(SPEED_AVERAGE_PERIOD) + adapter.getCurrentProtocolUploadSpeed(SPEED_AVERAGE_PERIOD)); int y = (adapter.getCurrentDataDownloadSpeed(SPEED_AVERAGE_PERIOD) + adapter.getCurrentProtocolDownloadSpeed(SPEED_AVERAGE_PERIOD)); for (int i = 0; i < ping_mappers.length; i++) { ping_mappers[i].addSpeed(x, y); } } tick_count++; if (tick_count % SAVE_PERIOD_TICKS == 0) { ping_mapper.saveHistory(); } } }); emulated_ping_source = false; if (emulated_ping_source) { Debug.out("Emulated ping source!!!!"); setSpeedTester(new TestPingSourceRandom(this)); } }
protected ContentNetworkManagerImpl() { loadConfig(); addNetwork(new ContentNetworkVuze(this)); AEDiagnostics.addEvidenceGenerator(this); CustomizationManager cust_man = CustomizationManagerFactory.getSingleton(); Customization cust = cust_man.getActiveCustomization(); if (cust != null) { String cust_name = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("", ""); String cust_version = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("cnetworks.custom.version", "0"); boolean new_name = !cust_name.equals(cust.getName()); boolean new_version = Constants.compareVersions(cust_version, cust.getVersion()) < 0; if (new_name || new_version) { try { InputStream[] streams = cust.getResources(Customization.RT_CNETWORKS); for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { InputStream is = streams[i]; try { VuzeFile vf = VuzeFileHandler.getSingleton().loadVuzeFile(is); if (vf != null) { VuzeFileComponent[] comps = vf.getComponents(); for (int j = 0; j < comps.length; j++) { VuzeFileComponent comp = comps[j]; int type = comp.getType(); if (type == VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_CONTENT_NETWORK) { try { // change here as we always add all networks upfront so // we always set the customisation flag regardless of // whether existing or not ContentNetwork imported = importNetwork(comp.getContent()); imported.setPersistentProperty(ContentNetwork.PP_IS_CUSTOMIZATION, true); comp.setProcessed(); } catch (Throwable e) { log("Failed to import customisation network", e); } } } } } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } } } finally { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("", cust.getName()); COConfigurationManager.setParameter("cnetworks.custom.version", cust.getVersion()); } } } SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( "MetaSearchRefresh", 23 * 60 * 60 * 1000, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform(TimerEvent event) { checkForUpdates(); } }); if (networks.size() > 1 || LOAD_ALL_NETWORKS) { new AEThread2("CNetwork:init", true) { public void run() { checkForUpdates(); } }.start(); } }