/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testDisabledRest() throws Exception { restEnabled = false; final Grid g = startGrid("disabled-rest"); try { Thread.sleep(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ); // As long as we have round robin load balancer this will cause every node to be queried. for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT + 1; i++) assertEquals(NODES_CNT + 1, client.compute().refreshTopology(false, false).size()); final GridClientData data = client.data(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME); // Check rest-disabled node is unavailable. try { String affKey; do { affKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } while (!data.affinity(affKey).equals(g.localNode().id())); data.put(affKey, "asdf"); assertEquals("asdf", cache(0, PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME).get(affKey)); } catch (GridServerUnreachableException e) { // Thrown for direct client-node connections. assertTrue( "Unexpected exception message: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage() .startsWith("No available endpoints to connect (is rest enabled for this node?)")); } catch (GridClientException e) { // Thrown for routed client-router-node connections. String msg = e.getMessage(); assertTrue( "Unexpected exception message: " + msg, protocol() == GridClientProtocol.TCP ? msg.contains("No available endpoints to connect (is rest enabled for this node?)") : // TCP router. msg.startsWith( "No available nodes on the router for destination node ID")); // HTTP router. } // Check rest-enabled nodes are available. String affKey; do { affKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } while (data.affinity(affKey).equals(g.localNode().id())); data.put(affKey, "fdsa"); assertEquals("fdsa", cache(0, PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME).get(affKey)); } finally { restEnabled = true; G.stop(g.name(), true); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings({"ObjectEquality"}) public void testDifferentTasks() throws Exception { Grid grid1 = null; Grid grid2 = null; try { grid1 = startGrid(1, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid2 = startGrid(2, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); // Execute different tasks. grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask2.class, null).get(); // In ISOLATED_CLASSLOADER mode tasks should have the class // loaders because they have the same CL locally and thus the same // resources. // So 1 resource locally and 1 remotely assert task1Rsrc1 == task2Rsrc1; assert task1Rsrc2 == task2Rsrc2; assert task1Rsrc3 == task2Rsrc3; assert task1Rsrc4 == task2Rsrc4; checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 4); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid1, log()); GridTestUtils.close(grid2, log()); } checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testInvalidateFlag() throws Exception { GridEx g0 = grid(0); GridCache<String, String> cache = g0.cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME); String key = null; for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) { if (!cache.affinity().isPrimaryOrBackup(g0.localNode(), String.valueOf(i))) { key = String.valueOf(i); break; } } assertNotNull(key); cache.put(key, key); // Create entry in near cache, it is invalidated if INVALIDATE flag is set. assertNotNull(cache.peek(key)); GridClientData d = client.data(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME); d.flagsOn(GridClientCacheFlag.INVALIDATE).put(key, "zzz"); for (Grid g : G.allGrids()) { cache = g.cache(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME); if (cache.affinity().isPrimaryOrBackup(g.localNode(), key)) assertEquals("zzz", cache.peek(key)); else assertNull(cache.peek(key)); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testProjectionRun() throws Exception { GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute(); Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes(); assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) { Grid g = grid(i); assert g != null; GridClientNode clientNode = dflt.node(g.localNode().id()); assertNotNull("Client node for " + g.localNode().id() + " was not found", clientNode); GridClientCompute prj = dflt.projection(clientNode); String res = prj.execute(TestTask.class.getName(), null); assertNotNull(res); assertEquals(g.localNode().id().toString(), res); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings({"ObjectEquality"}) public void testUndeployedTask() throws Exception { Grid grid1 = null; Grid grid2 = null; try { grid1 = startGrid(1, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid2 = startGrid(2, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); // Execute tasks. grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask2.class, null).get(); grid1.compute().undeployTask(SharedResourceTask1.class.getName()); // Wait until resources get undeployed remotely // because undeploy is asynchronous apply. Thread.sleep(3000); // 1 local and 1 remote resource instances checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 4); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); grid1.compute().undeployTask(SharedResourceTask2.class.getName()); // Wait until resources get undeployed remotely // because undeploy is asynchronous apply. Thread.sleep(3000); // We undeployed last task for this class loader and resources. // All resources should be undeployed. checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); // Execute the same tasks. grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask2.class, null).get(); // 2 new resources. checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 8); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 8); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 8); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 8); } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid1, log()); GridTestUtils.close(grid2, log()); } checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 8); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 8); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testTopologyListener() throws Exception { final Collection<UUID> added = new ArrayList<>(1); final Collection<UUID> rmvd = new ArrayList<>(1); final CountDownLatch addedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch rmvLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); assertEquals(NODES_CNT, client.compute().refreshTopology(false, false).size()); GridClientTopologyListener lsnr = new GridClientTopologyListener() { @Override public void onNodeAdded(GridClientNode node) { added.add(node.nodeId()); addedLatch.countDown(); } @Override public void onNodeRemoved(GridClientNode node) { rmvd.add(node.nodeId()); rmvLatch.countDown(); } }; client.addTopologyListener(lsnr); try { Grid g = startGrid(NODES_CNT + 1); UUID id = g.localNode().id(); assertTrue(addedLatch.await(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ, MILLISECONDS)); assertEquals(1, added.size()); assertEquals(id, F.first(added)); stopGrid(NODES_CNT + 1); assertTrue(rmvLatch.await(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ, MILLISECONDS)); assertEquals(1, rmvd.size()); assertEquals(id, F.first(rmvd)); } finally { client.removeTopologyListener(lsnr); stopGrid(NODES_CNT + 1); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Collection<? extends GridComputeJob> split(int gridSize, Object arg) throws GridException { Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(gridSize); this.gridSize = gridSize; final String locNodeId = grid.localNode().id().toString(); for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { jobs.add( new GridComputeJobAdapter() { @SuppressWarnings("OverlyStrongTypeCast") @Override public Object execute() { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return new GridBiTuple<>(locNodeId, 1); } }); } return jobs; }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testSameTaskFromTwoNodesLeft() throws Exception { Grid grid1 = null; Grid grid2 = null; Grid grid3 = null; try { grid1 = startGrid(1, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid2 = startGrid(2, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid3 = startGrid(3, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); grid2.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 6); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 6); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 6); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 6); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 0); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 0); GridTestUtils.close(grid1, log()); // Wait until other nodes get notified // this grid1 left. Thread.sleep(1000); // Undeployment happened only on Grid1. checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 2); GridTestUtils.close(grid2, log()); // Wait until resources get undeployed remotely // because undeploy is asynchronous apply. Thread.sleep(1000); // Grid1 and Grid2 checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid1, log()); GridTestUtils.close(grid2, log()); GridTestUtils.close(grid3, log()); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testRedeployedTask() throws Exception { Grid grid = startGrid(0, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); try { // Execute same task with different class loaders. Second execution should redeploy first one. grid.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 2); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 2); // Change class loader of the task. So it's just implicit redeploy. ClassLoader tstClsLdr = new GridTestClassLoader( null, getClass().getClassLoader(), SharedResourceTask1.class.getName(), GridResourceSharedUndeploySelfTest.SharedResourceTask1.GridSharedJob1.class.getName(), GridResourceSharedUndeploySelfTest.class.getName()); Class<? extends GridComputeTask<Object, Object>> taskCls = (Class<? extends GridComputeTask<Object, Object>>) tstClsLdr.loadClass(SharedResourceTask1.class.getName()); grid.compute().execute(taskCls, null).get(); // Old resources should be undeployed at this point. checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 2); // We should detect redeployment and create new resources. checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 4); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid, log()); } checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 4); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 4); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testDifferentTaskNameLocally() throws Exception { Grid grid = startGrid(0, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); // Versions are different - should not share // 2 resource created locally try { grid.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1Version1.class, null).get(); try { grid.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1Version2.class, null).get(); assert false : "SharedResourceTask4 should not be allowed to deploy."; } catch (GridException e) { info("Received expected exception: " + e); } } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid, log()); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testSameTaskLocally() throws Exception { Grid grid = startGrid(0, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); try { // Execute the same task twice. // 1 resource created locally grid.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); grid.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 2); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 2); } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid, log()); } checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 2); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 2); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testKeyMappingOnComputeNode() throws Exception { try { cache = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { nearOnly = i == 0; startGrid(i); } cache = false; Grid compute = startGrid(4); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { GridNode node = compute.mapKeyToNode(null, i); assertFalse("For key: " + i, node.id().equals(compute.localNode().id())); assertFalse("For key: " + i, node.id().equals(grid(0).localNode().id())); } } finally { stopAllGrids(); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testSameTaskFromTwoNodesUndeploy() throws Exception { Grid grid1 = null; Grid grid2 = null; Grid grid3 = null; try { grid1 = startGrid(1, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid2 = startGrid(2, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid3 = startGrid(3, new GridSpringResourceContextImpl(new GenericApplicationContext())); grid1.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); grid2.compute().execute(SharedResourceTask1.class, null).get(); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource1.class, 6); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource1.class, 6); checkUsageCount(createClss, UserResource2.class, 6); checkUsageCount(deployClss, UserResource2.class, 6); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 0); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 0); grid1.compute().undeployTask(SharedResourceTask1.class.getName()); // Wait until resources get undeployed remotely // because undeploy is asynchronous apply. Thread.sleep(3000); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 6); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 6); grid2.compute().undeployTask(SharedResourceTask1.class.getName()); // Wait until resources get undeployed remotely // because undeploy is asynchronous apply. Thread.sleep(3000); // All Tasks from originating nodes were undeployed. All resources should be cleaned up. checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource1.class, 6); checkUsageCount(undeployClss, UserResource2.class, 6); } finally { GridTestUtils.close(grid1, log()); GridTestUtils.close(grid2, log()); GridTestUtils.close(grid3, log()); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testAffinityExecute() throws Exception { GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute(); GridClientData data = client.data(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME); Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes(); assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) { Grid g = grid(i); assert g != null; int affinityKey = -1; for (int key = 0; key < 10000; key++) { if (g.localNode().id().equals(data.affinity(key))) { affinityKey = key; break; } } if (affinityKey == -1) throw new Exception("Unable to found key for which node is primary: " + g.localNode().id()); GridClientNode clientNode = dflt.node(g.localNode().id()); assertNotNull("Client node for " + g.localNode().id() + " was not found", clientNode); String res = dflt.affinityExecute(TestTask.class.getName(), PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME, affinityKey, null); assertNotNull(res); assertEquals(g.localNode().id().toString(), res); } }