/** @param m Mapping. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private void finish(GridDistributedTxMapping<K, V> m) { GridRichNode n = m.node(); assert !m.empty(); GridNearTxFinishRequest req = new GridNearTxFinishRequest<K, V>( futId, tx.xidVersion(), tx.commitVersion(), tx.threadId(), commit, tx.isInvalidate(), m.explicitLock(), tx.topologyVersion(), null, null, null, commit && tx.pessimistic() ? m.writes() : null, tx.syncCommit() && commit || tx.syncRollback() && !commit); // If this is the primary node for the keys. if (n.isLocal()) { req.miniId(GridUuid.randomUuid()); if (CU.DHT_ENABLED) { GridFuture<GridCacheTx> fut = commit ? dht().commitTx(n.id(), req) : dht().rollbackTx(n.id(), req); // Add new future. add(fut); } else // Add done future for testing. add(new GridFinishedFuture<GridCacheTx>(ctx)); } else { MiniFuture fut = new MiniFuture(m); req.miniId(fut.futureId()); add(fut); // Append new future. try { cctx.io().send(n, req); // If we don't wait for result, then mark future as done. if (!isSync() && !m.explicitLock()) fut.onDone(); } catch (GridTopologyException e) { // Remove previous mapping. mappings.remove(m.node().id()); fut.onResult(e); } catch (GridException e) { // Fail the whole thing. fut.onResult(e); } } }
/** * @param cctx Context. * @param tx Transaction. * @param commit Commit flag. */ public GridNearTxFinishFuture( GridCacheContext<K, V> cctx, GridNearTxLocal<K, V> tx, boolean commit) { super(cctx.kernalContext(), F.<GridCacheTx>identityReducer(tx)); assert cctx != null; this.cctx = cctx; this.tx = tx; this.commit = commit; mappings = tx.mappings(); futId = GridUuid.randomUuid(); log = U.logger(ctx, logRef, GridNearTxFinishFuture.class); }
/** * Mini-future for get operations. Mini-futures are only waiting on a single node as opposed to * multiple nodes. */ private class MiniFuture extends GridFutureAdapter<GridCacheTx> { /** */ private final GridUuid futId = GridUuid.randomUuid(); /** Keys. */ @GridToStringInclude private GridDistributedTxMapping<K, V> m; /** Empty constructor required for {@link Externalizable}. */ public MiniFuture() { // No-op. } /** @param m Mapping. */ MiniFuture(GridDistributedTxMapping<K, V> m) { super(cctx.kernalContext()); this.m = m; } /** @return Future ID. */ GridUuid futureId() { return futId; } /** @return Node ID. */ public GridRichNode node() { return m.node(); } /** @return Keys. */ public GridDistributedTxMapping<K, V> mapping() { return m; } /** @param e Error. */ void onResult(Throwable e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Failed to get future result [fut=" + this + ", err=" + e + ']'); // Fail. onDone(e); } /** @param e Node failure. */ void onResult(GridTopologyException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Remote node left grid while sending or waiting for reply (will ignore): " + this); onDone(tx); } /** @param res Result callback. */ void onResult(GridNearTxFinishResponse<K, V> res) { onDone(tx); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return S.toString( MiniFuture.class, this, "done", isDone(), "cancelled", isCancelled(), "err", error()); } }
/** * @param depMode Deployment mode. * @param ldr Class loader to deploy. * @param cls Class. * @param alias Class alias. * @return Deployment. */ @SuppressWarnings({"ConstantConditions"}) private GridDeployment deploy( GridDeploymentMode depMode, ClassLoader ldr, Class<?> cls, String alias) { assert Thread.holdsLock(mux); LinkedList<GridDeployment> cachedDeps = null; GridDeployment dep = null; // Find existing class loader info. for (LinkedList<GridDeployment> deps : cache.values()) { for (GridDeployment d : deps) { if (d.classLoader() == ldr) { // Cache class and alias. d.addDeployedClass(cls, alias); cachedDeps = deps; dep = d; break; } } if (cachedDeps != null) { break; } } if (cachedDeps != null) { assert dep != null; cache.put(alias, cachedDeps); if (!cls.getName().equals(alias)) { // Cache by class name as well. cache.put(cls.getName(), cachedDeps); } return dep; } GridUuid ldrId = GridUuid.randomUuid(); long seqNum = seq.incrementAndGet(); String userVer = getUserVersion(ldr); dep = new GridDeployment(depMode, ldr, ldrId, seqNum, userVer, cls.getName(), true); dep.addDeployedClass(cls, alias); LinkedList<GridDeployment> deps = F.addIfAbsent(cache, alias, F.<GridDeployment>newLinkedList()); if (!deps.isEmpty()) { for (GridDeployment d : deps) { if (!d.isUndeployed()) { U.error( log, "Found more than one active deployment for the same resource " + "[cls=" + cls + ", depMode=" + depMode + ", dep=" + d + ']'); return null; } } } // Add at the beginning of the list for future fast access. deps.addFirst(dep); if (!cls.getName().equals(alias)) { // Cache by class name as well. cache.put(cls.getName(), deps); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Created new deployment: " + dep); } return dep; }
/** * Creates and caches new deployment. * * @param meta Deployment metadata. * @param isCache Whether or not to cache. * @return New deployment. */ private SharedDeployment createNewDeployment(GridDeploymentMetadata meta, boolean isCache) { assert Thread.holdsLock(mux); assert meta.parentLoader() == null; GridUuid ldrId = GridUuid.randomUuid(); GridDeploymentClassLoader clsLdr; if (meta.deploymentMode() == CONTINUOUS || meta.participants() == null) { // Create peer class loader. // Note that we are passing empty list for local P2P exclude, as it really // does not make sense with shared deployment. clsLdr = new GridDeploymentClassLoader( ldrId, meta.userVersion(), meta.deploymentMode(), false, ctx, ctxLdr, meta.classLoaderId(), meta.senderNodeId(), meta.sequenceNumber(), comm, ctx.config().getNetworkTimeout(), log, ctx.config().getPeerClassLoadingClassPathExclude(), ctx.config().getPeerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize(), meta.deploymentMode() == CONTINUOUS /* enable class byte cache in CONTINUOUS mode */); if (meta.participants() != null) for (Map.Entry<UUID, GridTuple2<GridUuid, Long>> e : meta.participants().entrySet()) clsLdr.register(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get1(), e.getValue().get2()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Created class loader in CONTINUOUS mode or without participants " + "[ldr=" + clsLdr + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); } else { assert meta.deploymentMode() == SHARED; // Create peer class loader. // Note that we are passing empty list for local P2P exclude, as it really // does not make sense with shared deployment. clsLdr = new GridDeploymentClassLoader( ldrId, meta.userVersion(), meta.deploymentMode(), false, ctx, ctxLdr, meta.participants(), comm, ctx.config().getNetworkTimeout(), log, ctx.config().getPeerClassLoadingClassPathExclude(), ctx.config().getPeerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize(), false); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Created classloader in SHARED mode with participants " + "[ldr=" + clsLdr + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); } // Give this deployment a unique class loader to emphasize that this // ID is unique to this shared deployment and is not ID of loader on // sender node. SharedDeployment dep = new SharedDeployment( meta.deploymentMode(), clsLdr, ldrId, -1, meta.userVersion(), meta.alias()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Created new deployment: " + dep); if (isCache) { List<SharedDeployment> deps = F.addIfAbsent(cache, meta.userVersion(), new LinkedList<SharedDeployment>()); assert deps != null; deps.add(dep); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Added deployment to cache: " + cache); } return dep; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public GridDeployment getDeployment(GridDeploymentMetadata meta) { assert meta != null; assert ctx.config().isPeerClassLoadingEnabled(); // Validate metadata. assert meta.classLoaderId() != null; assert meta.senderNodeId() != null; assert meta.sequenceNumber() >= -1; assert meta.parentLoader() == null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Starting to peer-load class based on deployment metadata: " + meta); while (true) { List<SharedDeployment> depsToCheck = null; SharedDeployment dep = null; synchronized (mux) { // Check obsolete request. if (isDeadClassLoader(meta)) return null; List<SharedDeployment> deps = cache.get(meta.userVersion()); if (deps != null) { assert !deps.isEmpty(); for (SharedDeployment d : deps) { if (d.hasParticipant(meta.senderNodeId(), meta.classLoaderId()) || meta.senderNodeId().equals(ctx.localNodeId())) { // Done. dep = d; break; } } if (dep == null) { GridTuple2<Boolean, SharedDeployment> redeployCheck = checkRedeploy(meta); if (!redeployCheck.get1()) { // Checking for redeployment encountered invalid state. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Checking for redeployment encountered invalid state: " + meta); return null; } dep = redeployCheck.get2(); if (dep == null) { // Find existing deployments that need to be checked // whether they should be reused for this request. for (SharedDeployment d : deps) { if (!d.isPendingUndeploy() && !d.isUndeployed()) { if (depsToCheck == null) depsToCheck = new LinkedList<SharedDeployment>(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Adding deployment to check: " + d); depsToCheck.add(d); } } // If no deployment can be reused, create a new one. if (depsToCheck == null) { dep = createNewDeployment(meta, false); deps.add(dep); } } } } else { GridTuple2<Boolean, SharedDeployment> redeployCheck = checkRedeploy(meta); if (!redeployCheck.get1()) { // Checking for redeployment encountered invalid state. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Checking for redeployment encountered invalid state: " + meta); return null; } dep = redeployCheck.get2(); if (dep == null) // Create peer class loader. dep = createNewDeployment(meta, true); } } if (dep != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Found SHARED or CONTINUOUS deployment after first check: " + dep); // Cache the deployed class. Class<?> cls = dep.deployedClass(meta.className(), meta.alias()); if (cls == null) { U.warn( log, "Failed to load peer class (ignore if class got undeployed during preloading) [alias=" + meta.alias() + ", dep=" + dep + ']'); return null; } return dep; } assert meta.parentLoader() == null; assert depsToCheck != null; assert !depsToCheck.isEmpty(); /* * Logic below must be performed outside of synchronization * because it involves network calls. */ // Check if class can be loaded from existing nodes. // In most cases this loop will find something. for (SharedDeployment d : depsToCheck) { // Load class. Note, that remote node will not load this class. // The class will only be loaded on this node. Class<?> cls = d.deployedClass(meta.className(), meta.alias()); if (cls != null) { synchronized (mux) { if (!d.isUndeployed() && !d.isPendingUndeploy()) { if (!addParticipant(d, meta)) return null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Acquired deployment after verifying it's availability on " + "existing nodes [depCls=" + cls + ", dep=" + d + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); return d; } } } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Deployment cannot be reused (class does not exist on participating nodes) [dep=" + d + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); } } // We are here either because all participant nodes failed // or the class indeed should have a separate deployment. for (SharedDeployment d : depsToCheck) { // Temporary class loader. ClassLoader temp = new GridDeploymentClassLoader( GridUuid.randomUuid(), meta.userVersion(), meta.deploymentMode(), true, ctx, ctxLdr, meta.classLoaderId(), meta.senderNodeId(), meta.sequenceNumber(), comm, ctx.config().getNetworkTimeout(), log, ctx.config().getPeerClassLoadingClassPathExclude(), 0, false); String path = U.classNameToResourceName(d.sampleClassName()); // We check if any random class from existing deployment can be // loaded from sender node. If it can, then we reuse existing // deployment. InputStream rsrcIn = temp.getResourceAsStream(path); if (rsrcIn != null) { // We don't need the actual stream. U.closeQuiet(rsrcIn); synchronized (mux) { if (d.isUndeployed() || d.isPendingUndeploy()) continue; // Add new node prior to loading the class, so we attempt // to load the class from the latest node. if (!addParticipant(d, meta)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Failed to add participant to deployment " + "[meta=" + meta + ", dep=" + dep + ']'); return null; } } Class<?> depCls = d.deployedClass(meta.className(), meta.alias()); if (depCls == null) { U.error( log, "Failed to peer load class after loading it as a resource [alias=" + meta.alias() + ", dep=" + dep + ']'); return null; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Acquired deployment class after verifying other class " + "availability on sender node [depCls=" + depCls + ", rndCls=" + d.sampleClass() + ", sampleClsName=" + d.sampleClassName() + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); return d; } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Deployment cannot be reused (random class could not be loaded from sender node) [dep=" + d + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); } synchronized (mux) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "None of the existing class-loaders fit (will try to create a new one): " + meta); // Check obsolete request. if (isDeadClassLoader(meta)) return null; // Check that deployment picture has not changed. List<SharedDeployment> deps = cache.get(meta.userVersion()); if (deps != null) { assert !deps.isEmpty(); boolean retry = false; for (SharedDeployment d : deps) { // Double check if sender was already added. if (d.hasParticipant(meta.senderNodeId(), meta.classLoaderId())) { dep = d; retry = false; break; } // New deployment was added while outside of synchronization. // Need to recheck it again. if (!d.isPendingUndeploy() && !d.isUndeployed() && !depsToCheck.contains(d)) retry = true; } if (retry) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Retrying due to concurrency issues: " + meta); // Outer while loop. continue; } if (dep == null) { // No new deployments were added, so we can safely add ours. dep = createNewDeployment(meta, false); deps.add(dep); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Adding new deployment within second check [dep=" + dep + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); } } else { dep = createNewDeployment(meta, true); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Created new deployment within second check [dep=" + dep + ", meta=" + meta + ']'); } } if (dep != null) { // Cache the deployed class. Class<?> cls = dep.deployedClass(meta.className(), meta.alias()); if (cls == null) { U.warn( log, "Failed to load peer class (ignore if class got undeployed during preloading) [alias=" + meta.alias() + ", dep=" + dep + ']'); return null; } } return dep; } }