private Message handleSecurityMessage(CommandMessage message) { GraniteConfig config = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance().getGraniteConfig(); Message response = null; if (!config.hasSecurityService()) log.warn( "Ignored security operation (no security settings in granite-config.xml): %s", message); else if (!config.getSecurityService().acceptsContext()) "Ignored security operation (security service does not handle this kind of granite context)", message); else { SecurityService securityService = config.getSecurityService(); try { if (message.isLoginOperation()) securityService.login( message.getBody(), (String) message.getHeader(Message.CREDENTIALS_CHARSET_HEADER)); else securityService.logout(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SecurityServiceException) log.debug(e, "Could not process security operation: %s", message); else log.error(e, "Could not process security operation: %s", message); response = new ErrorMessage(message, e, true); } } if (response == null) { response = new AcknowledgeMessage(message, true); // For SDK 2.0.1_Hotfix2. if (message.isSecurityOperation()) response.setBody("success"); } return response; }
public void start() throws Exception {"Starting Gravity..."); synchronized (this) { if (!started) { adapterFactory = new AdapterFactory(this); internalStart(); serverChannel = new ServerChannel(this, ServerChannel.class.getName(), null, null); if (gravityConfig.isUseUdp()) { ServiceLoader<UdpReceiverFactory> loader = ServiceLoader.load(UdpReceiverFactory.class); Iterator<UdpReceiverFactory> factories = loader.iterator(); if (factories.hasNext()) { udpReceiverFactory =; udpReceiverFactory.setPort(gravityConfig.getUdpPort()); udpReceiverFactory.setNio(gravityConfig.isUdpNio()); udpReceiverFactory.setConnected(gravityConfig.isUdpConnected()); udpReceiverFactory.setSendBufferSize(gravityConfig.getUdpSendBufferSize()); udpReceiverFactory.start(); } else log.warn("UDP receiver factory not found"); } started = true; } }"Gravity successfully started."); }
public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException { String dumpDirString = ServletParams.get(config, DUMP_DIR, String.class, null); if (dumpDirString != null) { File dumpDir = new File(dumpDirString); if (!dumpDir.exists() || !dumpDir.isDirectory() || !dumpDir.canWrite()) log.warn("Ignoring dump directory (is it a writable directory?): %s", dumpDir); else this.dumpDir = dumpDir; } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.granite.tide.ejb.EJBServiceContextIntf#postCall(org.granite.messaging.service.ServiceInvocationContext, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) */ @Override public IInvocationResult postCall( ServiceInvocationContext context, Object result, String componentName, Class<?> componentClass) { try { AbstractContext threadContext = AbstractContext.instance(); List<ContextUpdate> results = new ArrayList<ContextUpdate>(threadContext.size()); DataContext dataContext = DataContext.get(); Set<Object[]> dataUpdates = dataContext != null ? dataContext.getDataUpdates() : null; Object[][] updates = null; if (dataUpdates != null && !dataUpdates.isEmpty()) updates = dataUpdates.toArray(new Object[dataUpdates.size()][]); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : threadContext.entrySet()) results.add(new ContextUpdate(entry.getKey(), null, entry.getValue(), 3, false)); InvocationResult ires = new InvocationResult(result, results); if (context.getBean() != null) { if (context.getBean().getClass().isAnnotationPresent(BypassTideMerge.class)) ires.setMerge(false); else { try { Method m = context .getBean() .getClass() .getMethod( context.getMethod().getName(), context.getMethod().getParameterTypes()); if (m.isAnnotationPresent(BypassTideMerge.class)) ires.setMerge(false); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Could not find bean method", e); } } } ires.setUpdates(updates); ires.setEvents(new ArrayList<ContextEvent>(threadContext.getRemoteEvents())); if (componentName != null) { EjbComponent component = ejbLookupCache.get(componentName); if (component != null && component.ejbMetadata != null && component.ejbMetadata.isStateful() && component.ejbMetadata.isRemoveMethod(context.getMethod())) ejbLookupCache.remove(componentName); } return ires; } finally { AbstractContext.remove(); } }
protected void createUdpReceiver(UdpReceiverFactory factory, AsyncHttpContext asyncHttpContext) { OutputStream os = null; try { Message connectMessage = asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage(); if (udpReceiver == null || udpReceiver.isClosed()) udpReceiver = factory.newReceiver(this, asyncHttpContext.getRequest(), connectMessage); AsyncMessage reply = udpReceiver.acknowledge(connectMessage); HttpServletRequest request = asyncHttpContext.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = asyncHttpContext.getResponse(); GraniteContext context = HttpGraniteContext.createThreadIntance( gravity.getGraniteConfig(), gravity.getServicesConfig(), null, request, response); ((AMFContextImpl) context.getAMFContext()) .setCurrentAmf3Message(asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage()); GravityServletUtil.serialize( gravity, response, new AsyncMessage[] {reply}, ContentType.forMimeType(request.getContentType())); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e, "Could not send UDP connect acknowledgement to channel: %s", this); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e, "Could not send UDP connect acknowledgement to channel: %s", this); } finally { try { GraniteContext.release(); } catch (Exception e) { // should never happen... } // Close output stream. try { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e, "Could not close output stream (ignored)"); } } } finally { releaseAsyncHttpContext(asyncHttpContext); } } }
protected List<ExtendedObjectCodec> loadExtendedObjectCodecs(ServletContext servletContext) { String extendedObjectCodecsParam = servletContext.getInitParameter(EXTENDED_OBJECT_CODECS_PARAM); if (extendedObjectCodecsParam == null) return detectExtendedObjectCodecs(); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); List<ExtendedObjectCodec> extendedObjectCodecs = new ArrayList<ExtendedObjectCodec>(); for (String className : extendedObjectCodecsParam.trim().split("\\s*\\,\\s*")) { if (className.length() == 0) continue;"Loading JMF extended object codec: %s", className); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends ExtendedObjectCodec> cls = (Class<? extends ExtendedObjectCodec>) classLoader.loadClass(className); extendedObjectCodecs.add(cls.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn(t, "Could not load JMF codec: %s", className); } } return extendedObjectCodecs; }
public boolean runReceived(AsyncHttpContext asyncHttpContext) { GravityInternal gravity = getGravity(); if (asyncHttpContext != null && gravity.hasUdpReceiverFactory()) { UdpReceiverFactory factory = gravity.getUdpReceiverFactory(); if (factory.isUdpConnectRequest(asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage())) { createUdpReceiver(factory, asyncHttpContext); return true; } if (udpReceiver != null) { if (!udpReceiver.isClosed()) udpReceiver.close(false); udpReceiver = null; } } boolean httpAsParam = (asyncHttpContext != null); LinkedList<AsyncMessage> messages = null; OutputStream os = null; try { receivedQueueLock.lock(); try { // Do we have any pending messages? if (receivedQueue.isEmpty()) return false; // Do we have a valid http context? if (asyncHttpContext == null) { asyncHttpContext = acquireAsyncHttpContext(); if (asyncHttpContext == null) return false; } // Both conditions are ok, get all pending messages. messages = receivedQueue; receivedQueue = new LinkedList<AsyncMessage>(); } finally { receivedQueueLock.unlock(); } HttpServletRequest request = asyncHttpContext.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = asyncHttpContext.getResponse(); // Set response messages correlation ids to connect request message id. String correlationId = asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage().getMessageId(); AsyncMessage[] messagesArray = new AsyncMessage[messages.size()]; int i = 0; for (AsyncMessage message : messages) { message.setCorrelationId(correlationId); messagesArray[i++] = message; } // Setup serialization context (thread local) GraniteContext context = HttpGraniteContext.createThreadIntance( gravity.getGraniteConfig(), gravity.getServicesConfig(), null, request, response); ((AMFContextImpl) context.getAMFContext()) .setCurrentAmf3Message(asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage()); // Write messages to response output stream. GravityServletUtil.serialize( gravity, response, messagesArray, ContentType.forMimeType(request.getContentType())); return true; // Messages were delivered, http context isn't valid anymore. } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e, "Configuration error for channel: %s", getId()); return true; } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e, "Could not send messages to channel: %s (retrying later)", getId()); GravityConfig gravityConfig = getGravity().getGravityConfig(); if (gravityConfig.isRetryOnError()) { receivedQueueLock.lock(); try { if (receivedQueue.size() + messages.size() > gravityConfig.getMaxMessagesQueuedPerChannel()) { log.warn( "Channel %s has reached its maximum queue capacity %s (throwing %s messages)", getId(), gravityConfig.getMaxMessagesQueuedPerChannel(), messages.size()); } else receivedQueue.addAll(0, messages); } finally { receivedQueueLock.unlock(); } } return true; // Messages weren't delivered, but http context isn't valid anymore. } finally { // Cleanup serialization context (thread local) try { GraniteContext.release(); } catch (Exception e) { // should never happen... } // Close output stream. try { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e, "Could not close output stream (ignored)"); } } } finally { // Cleanup http context (only if this method wasn't explicitly called with a non null // AsyncHttpContext from the servlet). if (!httpAsParam) releaseAsyncHttpContext(asyncHttpContext); } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.granite.tide.ejb.EJBServiceContextIntf#findComponent(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Object findComponent(String componentName, Class<?> componentClass) { if ("identity".equals(componentName)) return identity; EjbComponent component = ejbLookupCache.get(componentName); if (component != null) return component.ejbInstance; // Compute EJB JNDI binding. String name = componentName; if (lookup != null) { name = lookup; if (lookup.contains(CAPITALIZED_DESTINATION_ID)) name = lookup.replace(CAPITALIZED_DESTINATION_ID, capitalize(componentName)); if (lookup.contains(DESTINATION_ID)) name = lookup.replace(DESTINATION_ID, componentName); } InitialContext ic = null; try { ic = new InitialContext(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException("Could not get InitialContext", e); } log.debug(">> New EjbServiceInvoker looking up: %s", name); try { component = new EjbComponent(); component.ejbInstance = ic.lookup(name); component.ejbClasses = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); Class<?> scannedClass = null; EjbScannedItemHandler itemHandler = EjbScannedItemHandler.instance(); for (Class<?> i : component.ejbInstance.getClass().getInterfaces()) { if (itemHandler.getScannedClasses().containsKey(i)) { scannedClass = itemHandler.getScannedClasses().get(i); break; } } if (scannedClass == null) scannedClass = itemHandler.getScannedClasses().get(component.ejbInstance.getClass()); // GDS-768: handle of proxied no-interface EJBs in GlassFish v3 if (scannedClass == null && component.ejbInstance.getClass().getSuperclass() != null) scannedClass = itemHandler.getScannedClasses().get(component.ejbInstance.getClass().getSuperclass()); if (scannedClass != null) { component.ejbClasses.add(scannedClass); for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Class<?>> me : itemHandler.getScannedClasses().entrySet()) { if (me.getValue().equals(scannedClass)) component.ejbClasses.add(me.getKey()); } component.ejbMetadata = new EjbServiceMetadata(scannedClass, component.ejbInstance.getClass()); } else log.warn( "Ejb " + componentName + " was not scanned: remove method will not be called if it is a Stateful bean. Add META-INF/ if needed."); ejbLookupCache.put(componentName, component); return component.ejbInstance; } catch (NamingException e) { log.error("EJB not found " + name + ": " + e.getMessage()); throw new ServiceException("Could not lookup for: " + name, e); } }
public GraniteConfig( String stdConfig, InputStream customConfigIs, Configuration configuration, String MBeanContextName) throws IOException, SAXException { try { amf3SerializerConstructor = TypeUtil.getConstructor(AMF3Serializer.class, new Class<?>[] {OutputStream.class}); amf3DeserializerConstructor = TypeUtil.getConstructor(AMF3Deserializer.class, new Class<?>[] {InputStream.class}); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not get constructor for AMF3 (de)serializers", e); } this.MBeanContextName = MBeanContextName; ClassLoader loader = GraniteConfig.class.getClassLoader(); final ByteArrayInputStream dtd = StreamUtil.getResourceAsStream("org/granite/config/granite-config.dtd", loader); final EntityResolver resolver = new EntityResolver() { public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { if (GRANITE_CONFIG_PUBLIC_ID.equals(publicId)) { dtd.reset(); InputSource source = new InputSource(dtd); source.setPublicId(publicId); return source; } return null; } }; // Load standard config. InputStream is = null; try { is = StreamUtil.getResourceAsStream("org/granite/config/granite-config.xml", loader); XMap doc = new XMap(is, resolver); forElement(doc, false, null); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } if (stdConfig != null) { try { is = StreamUtil.getResourceAsStream(stdConfig, loader); XMap doc = new XMap(is, resolver); forElement(doc, false, null); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } } // Load custom config (override). if (customConfigIs != null) { XMap doc = new XMap(customConfigIs, resolver); forElement( doc, true, configuration != null ? configuration.getGraniteConfigProperties() : null); } if (amf3DeserializerSecurizer == null) log.warn( "You should configure a deserializer securizer in your granite-config.xml file in order to prevent potential security exploits!"); }
public boolean runReceived(AsyncHttpContext asyncHttpContext) { boolean httpAsParam = (asyncHttpContext != null); LinkedList<AsyncMessage> messages = null; OutputStream os = null; try { receivedQueueLock.lock(); try { // Do we have any pending messages? if (receivedQueue.isEmpty()) return false; // Do we have a valid http context? if (asyncHttpContext == null) { asyncHttpContext = acquireAsyncHttpContext(); if (asyncHttpContext == null) return false; } // Both conditions are ok, get all pending messages. messages = receivedQueue; receivedQueue = new LinkedList<AsyncMessage>(); } finally { receivedQueueLock.unlock(); } HttpServletRequest request = asyncHttpContext.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = asyncHttpContext.getResponse(); // Set response messages correlation ids to connect request message id. String correlationId = asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage().getMessageId(); AsyncMessage[] messagesArray = new AsyncMessage[messages.size()]; int i = 0; for (AsyncMessage message : messages) { message.setCorrelationId(correlationId); messagesArray[i++] = message; } // Setup serialization context (thread local) Gravity gravity = getGravity(); GraniteContext context = HttpGraniteContext.createThreadIntance( gravity.getGraniteConfig(), gravity.getServicesConfig(), null, request, response); ((AMFContextImpl) context.getAMFContext()) .setCurrentAmf3Message(asyncHttpContext.getConnectMessage()); // Write messages to response output stream. response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.setContentType(AMF0Message.CONTENT_TYPE); response.setDateHeader("Expire", 0L); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); os = response.getOutputStream(); ObjectOutput amf3Serializer = context.getGraniteConfig().newAMF3Serializer(os); log.debug("<< [MESSAGES for channel=%s] %s", this, messagesArray); amf3Serializer.writeObject(messagesArray); os.flush(); response.flushBuffer(); return true; // Messages were delivered, http context isn't valid anymore. } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e, "Could not send messages to channel: %s (retrying later)", this); GravityConfig gravityConfig = getGravity().getGravityConfig(); if (messages != null && gravityConfig.isRetryOnError()) { receivedQueueLock.lock(); try { if (receivedQueue.size() + messages.size() > gravityConfig.getMaxMessagesQueuedPerChannel()) { log.warn( "Channel %s has reached its maximum queue capacity %s (throwing %s messages)", this, gravityConfig.getMaxMessagesQueuedPerChannel(), messages.size()); } else receivedQueue.addAll(0, messages); } finally { receivedQueueLock.unlock(); } } return true; // Messages weren't delivered, but http context isn't valid anymore. } finally { // Cleanup serialization context (thread local) try { GraniteContext.release(); } catch (Exception e) { // should never happen... } // Close output stream. try { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e, "Could not close output stream (ignored)"); } } } finally { // Cleanup http context (only if this method wasn't explicitly called with a non null // AsyncHttpContext from the servlet). if (!httpAsParam) releaseAsyncHttpContext(asyncHttpContext); } } }