protected boolean supportsWhiteSpaceInEnvVars() { final Jvm current = Jvm.current(); if (getJavaHome().equals(current.getJavaHome())) { // we can tell for sure return current.getJavaVersion().isJava7Compatible(); } else { // TODO improve lookup by reusing AvailableJavaHomes testfixture // for now we play it safe and just return false; return false; } }
/** * Locates a JDK installation that is different to the current JVM, ie for which java.home is * different. * * @return null if not found. */ @Nullable public static JavaInfo getDifferentJdk() { Jvm jvm = Jvm.current(); for (JvmInstallation candidate : getJvms()) { if (candidate.getJavaHome().equals(jvm.getJavaHome())) { continue; } // Currently tests implicitly assume a JDK if (!candidate.isJdk()) { continue; } return Jvm.forHome(candidate.getJavaHome()); } return null; }