public Collection<IPath> getIncludeDirs( final IProject project, final Collection<IPath> includeDirs) { final IErlProject erlProject = ErlModelManager.getErlangModel().getErlangProject(project); if (erlProject == null) { return includeDirs; } final Collection<IPath> projectIncludeDirs = erlProject.getIncludeDirs(); final IPathVariableManager pvm = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getPathVariableManager(); for (IPath inc : projectIncludeDirs) { inc = PluginUtils.resolvePVMPath(pvm, inc); if (inc.isAbsolute()) { includeDirs.add(inc); } else { final IFolder folder = project.getFolder(inc); if (folder != null) { final IPath location = folder.getLocation(); if (location != null) { includeDirs.add(location); } else { ErlLogger.warn("No location for %s", folder); } } } } return includeDirs; }
/** * Displays an error that occured during the project creation. * * * @param e details on the error */ private void reportError(final Exception e) { ErlLogger.error(e); ErrorDialog.openError( getShell(), ErlideUIPlugin.getResourceString("wizards.errors.projecterrordesc"), ErlideUIPlugin.getResourceString("wizards.errors.projecterrortitle"), PluginUtils.makeStatus(e)); }