Пример #1
  public void removeRowFromA() {
    int remove = 2;
    int m = 5;
    int n = 3;

    DenseMatrix64F A = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m, n, rand);

    // create the modified A
    DenseMatrix64F A_e = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m - 1, n, rand);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, 0, 0, 0, 0, remove, n);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, remove + 1, 0, remove, 0, m - remove - 1, n);

    // Compute the solution to the modified system
    DenseMatrix64F X = RandomMatrices.createRandom(n, 2, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F Y = new DenseMatrix64F(A_e.numRows, X.numCols);
    CommonOps.mult(A_e, X, Y);

    // create the solver from the original system then modify it
    AdjustableLinearSolver adjSolver = new AdjLinearSolverQr();


    // see if it produces the epected results

    // solve the system and see if it gets the expected solution
    DenseMatrix64F X_found = RandomMatrices.createRandom(X.numRows, X.numCols, rand);
    adjSolver.solve(Y, X_found);

    // see if they produce the same results
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(X_found, X, 1e-8));
Пример #2
   * See if passing in a matrix or not providing one to getQ and getR functions has the same result
  public void checkGetNullVersusNot() {
    int width = 5;
    int height = 10;

    QRDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> alg = createQRDecomposition();

    SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(height, width);
    RandomMatrices.setRandom(A.getMatrix(), rand);


    // get the results from a provided matrix
    DenseMatrix64F Q_provided = RandomMatrices.createRandom(height, height, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F R_provided = RandomMatrices.createRandom(height, width, rand);

    assertTrue(R_provided == alg.getR(R_provided, false));
    assertTrue(Q_provided == alg.getQ(Q_provided, false));

    // get the results when no matrix is provided
    DenseMatrix64F Q_null = alg.getQ(null, false);
    DenseMatrix64F R_null = alg.getR(null, false);

    // see if they are the same
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(Q_provided, Q_null));
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(R_provided, R_null));
Пример #3
  public void addRowToA() {
    int insert = 2;
    int m = 5;
    int n = 3;

    DenseMatrix64F A = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m, n, rand);
    double row[] = new double[] {1, 2, 3};

    // create the modified A
    DenseMatrix64F A_e = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m + 1, n, rand);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, 0, 0, 0, 0, insert, n);
    System.arraycopy(row, 0, A_e.data, insert * n, n);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, insert, 0, insert + 1, 0, m - insert, n);

    // Compute the solution to the modified  system
    DenseMatrix64F X = RandomMatrices.createRandom(n, 2, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F Y = new DenseMatrix64F(A_e.numRows, X.numCols);
    CommonOps.mult(A_e, X, Y);

    // create the solver from A then add a A.  The solver
    // should be equivalent to one created from A_e
    AdjustableLinearSolver adjSolver = new AdjLinearSolverQr();

    adjSolver.addRowToA(row, insert);

    // solve the system and see if it gets the expected solution
    DenseMatrix64F X_found = RandomMatrices.createRandom(X.numRows, X.numCols, rand);
    adjSolver.solve(Y, X_found);

    // see if they produce the same results
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(X_found, X, 1e-8));
 private static QuadraticProgram createRandomQuadraticProgram(
     Random random, int objectiveSize, int solutionSize, int constraintSize) {
   DenseMatrix64F a = RandomMatrices.createRandom(objectiveSize, solutionSize, random);
   DenseMatrix64F b = RandomMatrices.createRandom(objectiveSize, 1, random);
   DenseMatrix64F c = RandomMatrices.createRandom(constraintSize, solutionSize, random);
   DenseMatrix64F d = RandomMatrices.createRandom(constraintSize, 1, random);
   return new QuadraticProgram(a, b, c, d);
  @DeployableTestMethod(estimatedDuration = 0.3)
  @Test(timeout = 30000)
  public void test() {
    Random random = new Random(176L);
    int matrixSize = 5;
    YoVariableRegistry parentRegistry = new YoVariableRegistry("test");
    DenseMatrix64F jacobianMatrix = RandomMatrices.createRandom(matrixSize, matrixSize, random);
    DenseMatrix64F taskVelocity = RandomMatrices.createRandom(matrixSize, 1, random);

    DampedLeastSquaresJacobianSolver solver =
        new DampedLeastSquaresJacobianSolver("testSolver", matrixSize, parentRegistry);
    DenseMatrix64F jointVelocities = new DenseMatrix64F(matrixSize, 1);
    solver.solve(jointVelocities, taskVelocity);

    DenseMatrix64F taskVelocityBack = new DenseMatrix64F(matrixSize, 1);
    solver.inverseSolve(taskVelocityBack, jointVelocities);

    double delta = 1e-9;
    JUnitTools.assertMatrixEquals(taskVelocity, taskVelocityBack, delta);
   * Compare the determinant computed from LU to the value computed from the minor matrix method.
  public void testDeterminant() {
    Random rand = new Random(0xfff);

    int width = 10;

    DenseMatrix64F A = RandomMatrices.createRandom(width, width, rand);

    DeterminantFromMinor minor = new DeterminantFromMinor(width);
    double minorVal = minor.compute(A);

    LUDecompositionAlt alg = new LUDecompositionAlt();
    double luVal = alg.computeDeterminant();

    assertEquals(minorVal, luVal, 1e-6);
  public void _solveVectorInternal() {
    int width = 10;
    DenseMatrix64F LU = RandomMatrices.createRandom(width, width, rand);

    double a[] = new double[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    double b[] = new double[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) LU.set(i, i, 1);

    TriangularSolver.solveL(LU.data, a, width);
    TriangularSolver.solveU(LU.data, a, width);

    DebugDecompose alg = new DebugDecompose(width);
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) alg.getIndx()[i] = i;


    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
      assertEquals(a[i], b[i], 1e-6);