Пример #1
  /** Call it multiple times and make sure the same solutions are returned. */
  public void checkMultipleCalls() {
    List<Point2D3D> inputs = createObservations(worldToCamera0, alg.getMinimumPoints());

    assertTrue(alg.process(inputs, solutions));
    assertTrue(solutions.size() > 0);

    List<Se3_F64> orig = new ArrayList<Se3_F64>();
    for (Se3_F64 m : solutions.toList()) {

    // run it a few times and see if the output is identical
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      assertTrue(alg.process(inputs, solutions));
      assertEquals(orig.size(), solutions.size());
      for (int j = 0; j < orig.size(); j++) {
        Se3_F64 o = orig.get(j);
        Se3_F64 f = solutions.get(j);

        assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(o.getR(), f.getR(), 1e-8));
        assertTrue(f.getT().isIdentical(o.getT(), 1e-8));
Пример #2
  public void removeRowFromA() {
    int remove = 2;
    int m = 5;
    int n = 3;

    DenseMatrix64F A = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m, n, rand);

    // create the modified A
    DenseMatrix64F A_e = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m - 1, n, rand);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, 0, 0, 0, 0, remove, n);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, remove + 1, 0, remove, 0, m - remove - 1, n);

    // Compute the solution to the modified system
    DenseMatrix64F X = RandomMatrices.createRandom(n, 2, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F Y = new DenseMatrix64F(A_e.numRows, X.numCols);
    CommonOps.mult(A_e, X, Y);

    // create the solver from the original system then modify it
    AdjustableLinearSolver adjSolver = new AdjLinearSolverQr();


    // see if it produces the epected results

    // solve the system and see if it gets the expected solution
    DenseMatrix64F X_found = RandomMatrices.createRandom(X.numRows, X.numCols, rand);
    adjSolver.solve(Y, X_found);

    // see if they produce the same results
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(X_found, X, 1e-8));
Пример #3
  public void addRowToA() {
    int insert = 2;
    int m = 5;
    int n = 3;

    DenseMatrix64F A = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m, n, rand);
    double row[] = new double[] {1, 2, 3};

    // create the modified A
    DenseMatrix64F A_e = RandomMatrices.createRandom(m + 1, n, rand);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, 0, 0, 0, 0, insert, n);
    System.arraycopy(row, 0, A_e.data, insert * n, n);
    SubmatrixOps.setSubMatrix(A, A_e, insert, 0, insert + 1, 0, m - insert, n);

    // Compute the solution to the modified  system
    DenseMatrix64F X = RandomMatrices.createRandom(n, 2, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F Y = new DenseMatrix64F(A_e.numRows, X.numCols);
    CommonOps.mult(A_e, X, Y);

    // create the solver from A then add a A.  The solver
    // should be equivalent to one created from A_e
    AdjustableLinearSolver adjSolver = new AdjLinearSolverQr();

    adjSolver.addRowToA(row, insert);

    // solve the system and see if it gets the expected solution
    DenseMatrix64F X_found = RandomMatrices.createRandom(X.numRows, X.numCols, rand);
    adjSolver.solve(Y, X_found);

    // see if they produce the same results
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(X_found, X, 1e-8));
  /** Sees if both crossMatrix functions produce the same output */
  public void crossMatrix_sameOut() {
    double a = 1.1, b = -0.5, c = 2.2;

    Vector3D_F64 v = new Vector3D_F64(a, b, c);

    DenseMatrix64F V1 = GeometryMath_F64.crossMatrix(v, null);
    DenseMatrix64F V2 = GeometryMath_F64.crossMatrix(a, b, c, null);

    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(V1, V2, 1e-8));
  public void outerProd_3D() {
    Vector3D_F64 a = new Vector3D_F64(2, -2, 5);
    Vector3D_F64 b = new Vector3D_F64(4, 3, 9);
    DenseMatrix64F M = new DenseMatrix64F(3, 3, true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

    DenseMatrix64F expected = new DenseMatrix64F(3, 3, true, 8, 6, 18, -8, -6, -18, 20, 15, 45);

    GeometryMath_F64.outerProd(a, b, M);

    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(expected, M, GrlConstants.DOUBLE_TEST_TOL));
  public void multCrossA_2d() {
    Vector2D_F64 a = new Vector2D_F64(-1, 2);
    DenseMatrix64F M = new DenseMatrix64F(3, 3, true, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

    DenseMatrix64F a_hat = GeometryMath_F64.crossMatrix(a.x, a.y, 1, null);

    DenseMatrix64F expected = new DenseMatrix64F(3, 3);
    CommonOps.mult(a_hat, M, expected);

    DenseMatrix64F found = GeometryMath_F64.multCrossA(a, M, null);

    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(expected, found, GrlConstants.DOUBLE_TEST_TOL));
Пример #7
  private void perfectObservations(Se3_F64 worldToCamera, int numSample) {
    List<Point2D3D> inputs = createObservations(worldToCamera, numSample);

    assertTrue(alg.process(inputs, solutions));

    int numMatched = 0;
    for (Se3_F64 found : solutions.toList()) {
      if (!MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(worldToCamera.getR(), found.getR(), 1e-8)) continue;

      if (!found.getT().isIdentical(worldToCamera.getT(), 1e-8)) continue;


    assertTrue(numMatched > 0);
  private void perfectObservations(int numSample) {
    init(numSample, false);

    List<PointPosePair> inputs = new ArrayList<PointPosePair>();

    for (int i = 0; i < currentObs.size(); i++) {
      Point2D_F64 o = currentObs.get(i);
      Point3D_F64 X = worldPts.get(i);

      inputs.add(new PointPosePair(o, X));

    Se3_F64 found = new Se3_F64();
    assertTrue(alg.process(inputs, found));

    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(worldToCamera.getR(), found.getR(), 1e-8));
    assertTrue(found.getT().isIdentical(worldToCamera.getT(), 1e-8));
Пример #9
  public static boolean jacobian(
      FunctionNtoM func,
      FunctionNtoMxN jacobian,
      double param[],
      double tol,
      double differenceScale) {
    NumericalJacobianForward numerical = new NumericalJacobianForward(func, differenceScale);

    if (numerical.getNumOfOutputsM() != jacobian.getNumOfOutputsM())
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "M is not equal " + numerical.getNumOfOutputsM() + "  " + jacobian.getNumOfOutputsM());

    if (numerical.getNumOfInputsN() != jacobian.getNumOfInputsN())
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "N is not equal: " + numerical.getNumOfInputsN() + "  " + jacobian.getNumOfInputsN());

    DenseMatrix64F found = new DenseMatrix64F(func.getNumOfOutputsM(), func.getNumOfInputsN());
    DenseMatrix64F expected = new DenseMatrix64F(func.getNumOfOutputsM(), func.getNumOfInputsN());

    jacobian.process(param, found.data);
    numerical.process(param, expected.data);

    return MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(expected, found, tol);
Пример #10
  * Checks to see if matrix 'a' is the same as this matrix within the specified tolerance.
  * @param a The matrix it is being compared against.
  * @param tol How similar they must be to be equals.
  * @return If they are equal within tolerance of each other.
 public boolean isIdentical(T a, double tol) {
   return MatrixFeatures.isIdentical(mat, a.getMatrix(), tol);