   * Generates code to cast an OJ expression as another type. See class description for an
   * explanation of arguments.
   * @return resulting expression. If lhsExp was provided, assigns this expression to lhsExp.
  public Expression convertCastOrAssignment(
      FarragoRexToOJTranslator translator,
      StatementList stmtList,
      String targetName,
      RelDataType lhsType,
      RelDataType rhsType,
      Expression lhsExp,
      Expression rhsExp) {
    CastHelper helper =
        new CastHelper(translator, stmtList, targetName, lhsType, rhsType, lhsExp, rhsExp);

    return helper.implement();
  // implement FarragoOJRexImplementor
  public Expression implementFarrago(
      FarragoRexToOJTranslator translator, RexCall call, Expression[] operands) {
    RelDataType lhsType = call.getType();
    RelDataType rhsType = call.operands[0].getType();
    Expression rhsExp = operands[0];

    SqlTypeName lhsTypeName = lhsType.getSqlTypeName();
    if ((lhsTypeName == SqlTypeName.CURSOR) || (lhsTypeName == SqlTypeName.COLUMN_LIST)) {
      // Conversion should already have been taken care of outside.
      return rhsExp;

    // NOTE jvs 19-Nov-2008:  In some cases (e.g. FRG-273) a cast
    // may be illegal at the SQL level, but allowable as part of
    // implementation, so don't try to enforce
    // SqlTypeUtil.canCastFrom here.  Anything which was supposed
    // to have been prevented should already have been caught
    // by the validator.

    CastHelper helper =
        new CastHelper(translator, null, call.toString(), lhsType, rhsType, null, rhsExp);

    return helper.implement();