public RefOntoUML.Dependency DealDependency(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Dependency d1) { System.out.print("[Dependency] "); RefOntoUML.Dependency d2 = myfactory.createDependency(); DealNamedElement(d1, d2); RefOntoUML.NamedElement ne2; // clients for (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement ne1 : d1.getClients()) { ne2 = (RefOntoUML.NamedElement) GetElement(ne1); d2.getClient().add(ne2); } // suppliers for (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement ne1 : d1.getSuppliers()) { ne2 = (RefOntoUML.NamedElement) GetElement(ne1); d2.getSupplier().add(ne2); } // They are PackageableElements, don't forget it RelateElements(d1, d2); return d2; }
/** * @see * nexcore.tool.uml.manager.command.DeleteUMLDirectedRelationshipCommand#deleteDirectedAttributes() */ @Override protected void deleteDirectedAttributes() { Dependency dependency = (Dependency) this.targetElement; // this.source = dependency.getSources().get(0); // = dependency.getTargets().get(0); dependency.getClients().clear(); dependency.getSuppliers().clear(); }
public boolean renderObject( Dependency dependency, IndentedPrintWriter writer, IRenderingSession context) { if (dependency.getSuppliers().isEmpty()) return false; writer.write("dependency "); writer.write( TextUMLRenderingUtils.getQualifiedNameIfNeeded( dependency.getSuppliers().get(0), dependency.getNamespace())); writer.println(";"); return true; }
public DependencyRelationship create(Dependency element) { EList<NamedElement> suppliers = element.getSuppliers(); EList<NamedElement> clieents = element.getClients(); Element client = architecture.findElementById(getModelHelper().getXmiId(clieents.get(0))); Element supplier = architecture.findElementById(getModelHelper().getXmiId(suppliers.get(0))); if ((client instanceof Class) && (supplier instanceof Interface)) ((Class) client).addRequiredInterface((Interface) supplier); if ((client instanceof Package) && (supplier instanceof Interface)) ((Package) client).addRequiredInterface((Interface) supplier); DependencyRelationship dependency = new DependencyRelationship( supplier, client, element.getName(), getModelHelper().getXmiId(element)); dependency.setStereotypes(StereotypeHelper.getAllRelationshipStereotypes(element)); return dependency; }
/** * * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * * @generated */ public Dependency getBase_Dependency() { if (base_Dependency != null && base_Dependency.eIsProxy()) { InternalEObject oldBase_Dependency = (InternalEObject) base_Dependency; base_Dependency = (Dependency) eResolveProxy(oldBase_Dependency); if (base_Dependency != oldBase_Dependency) { if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify( new ENotificationImpl( this, Notification.RESOLVE, BpmnprofPackage.MESSAGE_FLOW_ASSOCIATION__BASE_DEPENDENCY, oldBase_Dependency, base_Dependency)); } } return base_Dependency; }
/** * * * <pre> * The method executes the creation : * - opens a selection dialog to choose a {@link ConnectableElement} reference as a role by the {@link CollaborationUse} type * - created a dependency between the selected role and the {@link ConnectableElement} that will be bind to it * * {@inheritDoc} * </pre> */ @Override protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(final IProgressMonitor monitor, final IAdaptable info) throws ExecutionException { if (!canExecute()) { throw new ExecutionException(Messages.RoleBindingCreateCommand_INVALID_ARGS_MSG); } // Retrieve the graphical source of the binding. // This differs from the semantic source of the binding which is a role of the // CollaborationUse type. CollaborationUse graphicalSource = (CollaborationUse) getSource(); // Create and open the selection dialog ComposedAdapterFactory adapterFactory = new ComposedAdapterFactory(ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry.INSTANCE); Shell currentShell = new Shell(Display.getCurrent(), SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementTreeSelectionDialog( currentShell, new AdapterFactoryLabelProvider(adapterFactory), new CollaborationRoleTreeContentProvider()); try { // Set dialog parameters dialog.setTitle(Messages.RoleBindingRoleSelectionDialog_Title); dialog.setMessage(Messages.RoleBindingRoleSelectionDialog_Message); dialog.setAllowMultiple(false); dialog.setHelpAvailable(false); // The source CollaborationUse is set as input for the selection dialog, // the CollaborationRoleTreeContentProvider provides the roles that can possibly be // selected. dialog.setInput(graphicalSource);; } finally { adapterFactory.dispose(); } // If a ConnectableElement has been selected, complete command execution // using selection as the "newly created" element and make the edited // Collaboration reference it in the CollaborationRoles eReference. if (dialog.getReturnCode() == ElementTreeSelectionDialog.OK) { ConnectableElement roleToBind = (ConnectableElement) dialog.getFirstResult(); // Create a Dependency (the binding) between selected role and a ConnectableElement // (the target) Dependency newBinding = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createDependency(); getContainer().getPackagedElements().add(newBinding); newBinding.getClients().add(roleToBind); newBinding.setName("binding_" + roleToBind.getName() + "_" + getTarget().getName()); newBinding.getSuppliers().add(getTarget()); graphicalSource.getRoleBindings().add(newBinding); doConfigure(newBinding, monitor, info); ((CreateElementRequest) getRequest()).setNewElement(newBinding); return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(newBinding); } // No role selected: abort element creation return CommandResult.newCancelledCommandResult(); }
/** * States if the given object is related to the context {@link Classifier}. * * @param toFilter the candidate to check for relation * @param context the classifier context object. * @return <code>true</code> if the given object is related to the context {@link Classifier}, * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isRelated(EObject toFilter, EObject context) { boolean res = false; if (toFilter.equals(context)) { res = true; } else if (context instanceof Classifier) { if (toFilter instanceof Generalization) { res = ((Classifier) context).getGeneralizations().contains(toFilter) || ((Generalization) toFilter).getGeneral() == context; } else if (toFilter instanceof InterfaceRealization && context instanceof Class) { res = ((Class) context).getInterfaceRealizations().contains(toFilter) || ((InterfaceRealization) toFilter).getContract() == context; } else if (toFilter instanceof Association) { res = ((Classifier) context).getAssociations().contains(toFilter); } else if (toFilter instanceof Artifact && context instanceof ExecutionEnvironment) { for (final Deployment deployment : ((ExecutionEnvironment) context).getDeployments()) { if (deployment.getSuppliers().contains(toFilter)) { res = true; } } } else if (toFilter instanceof ExecutionEnvironment && context instanceof Artifact) { for (final Deployment deployment : ((ExecutionEnvironment) toFilter).getDeployments()) { if (deployment.getSuppliers().contains(context)) { res = true; } } } else if (toFilter instanceof PackageableElement && context instanceof Artifact) { res = ((Artifact) context).getManifestations().contains(toFilter); for (final Manifestation manifestation : ((Artifact) context).getManifestations()) { if (manifestation.getTargets().contains(toFilter)) { res = true; } } } else if (toFilter instanceof Artifact && context instanceof PackageableElement) { res = ((Artifact) toFilter).getManifestations().contains(context); for (final Manifestation manifestation : ((Artifact) toFilter).getManifestations()) { if (manifestation.getTargets().contains(context)) { res = true; } } } else if (toFilter instanceof Feature) { res = isRelated(toFilter.eContainer(), context); } else if (toFilter instanceof Classifier) { if (context == toFilter) { return false; } res = context == toFilter; if (context instanceof EncapsulatedClassifier && toFilter instanceof EncapsulatedClassifier) { if (!res) { if (((EncapsulatedClassifier) context).getOwnedElements().contains(toFilter)) { res = true; } else { for (final Port portContext : ((EncapsulatedClassifier) context).getOwnedPorts()) { if (portIsRelated(toFilter, portContext)) { res = true; break; } } } } } if (context instanceof EncapsulatedClassifier && toFilter instanceof Property) { if (!res) { if (((EncapsulatedClassifier) context).getOwnedAttributes().contains(toFilter)) { res = true; } } } // is it a generalization end if (!res) { for (final Generalization generalization : ((Classifier) context).getGeneralizations()) { if (generalization.getGeneral() == toFilter) { res = true; break; } } } // is it a generalization opposite end if (!res) { for (final Generalization generalization : ((Classifier) toFilter).getGeneralizations()) { if (generalization.getGeneral() == context) { res = true; break; } } } if (toFilter instanceof NamedElement && context instanceof NamedElement) { // is it a dependency end if (!res) { for (final Dependency dependency : ((NamedElement) context).getClientDependencies()) { if (dependency.getClients().contains(toFilter) || dependency.getSuppliers().contains(toFilter)) { res = true; break; } } } } if (context instanceof NamedElement && toFilter instanceof NamedElement) { // is it a dependency end if (!res) { for (final Dependency dependency : ((NamedElement) toFilter).getClientDependencies()) { if (dependency.getClients().contains(context) || dependency.getSuppliers().contains(context)) { res = true; break; } } } } if (toFilter instanceof Interface && context instanceof Class) { // is it a realization end if (!res) { for (final InterfaceRealization realization : ((Class) context).getInterfaceRealizations()) { if (realization.getContract() == toFilter) { res = true; break; } } } } if (context instanceof Interface && toFilter instanceof Class) { // is it a realization end if (!res) { for (final InterfaceRealization realization : ((Class) toFilter).getInterfaceRealizations()) { if (realization.getContract() == context) { res = true; break; } } } } // is it an association end if (!res) { final List<Association> toFilterAsso = ((Classifier) toFilter).getAssociations(); final List<Association> contextAsso = ((Classifier) context).getAssociations(); for (final Association association : toFilterAsso) { if (contextAsso.contains(association)) { res = true; break; } } } } else if (toFilter instanceof Package) { for (final EObject content : toFilter.eContents()) { if (isRelated(content, context)) { res = true; break; } } } } else if (context instanceof Package) { if (toFilter instanceof Package) { res = ((Package) context).getNestedPackages().contains(toFilter) || ((Package) context).getImportedPackages().contains(toFilter); for (final PackageImport packageImport : ((Package) context).getPackageImports()) { if (packageImport.getImportedPackage().equals(toFilter)) { res = true; } } } else { res = ((Package) context).getOwnedElements().contains(toFilter); } } else if (context instanceof Port) { res = portIsRelated(toFilter, (Port) context); } return res; }