Пример #1
 void forceTextLayout() {
   // Hack: Qt does not do the layouting of the QTextDocument until QTextEdit comes visible on the
   // screen.
   // Need to force the layouting of the invisible QTextEdit/QTextDocument here by changing the
   // line wrap mode.
   // (Qt's default is QTEXTEDIT_WIDGETWIDTH).
   // This is needed in order that method's like getLineHeight(), getCaretLineNumber(),
   // getCaretLocation(),
   // setTopIndex, etc. work correctly also for invisble text widgets.
   if (isVisible()) return;
   OS.QTextEdit_setLineWrapMode(scrollAreaHandle, OS.QTEXTEDIT_NOWRAP);
   if ((style & SWT.WRAP) != 0) {
     OS.QTextEdit_setLineWrapMode(scrollAreaHandle, OS.QTEXTEDIT_WIDGETWIDTH);