/** Refreshes the local systems depending on player X and Y location. */
  public static void setNewLocals() {
     * Take max fuel cap Take current location Calculate max distance player
     * can travel

    Ship currentShip = Driver.Player.getShip();
    int fuelCap = currentShip.getFuelCapacity();
    int maxDistance = fuelCap * DISTANCEPERFUELUNIT;
    int playerX = Driver.Player.getPlayerX();
    int playerY = Driver.Player.getPlayerY();

    for (int i = 0; i < Driver.ListOfSystems.size(); i++) {
      SolarSystem sys = Driver.ListOfSystems.get(i);
      int sysX = sys.getxLocation();
      int sysY = sys.getyLocation();

      int distance = (int) ((Math.pow(playerX - sysX, 2)) + (Math.pow(playerY - sysY, 2)));
      distance = (int) (Math.sqrt(distance));

      if (distance < maxDistance) {