private ITypedRegion getPartition(IDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
   ITypedRegion part =
           doc, IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTIES_FILE_PARTITIONING, offset, true);
   if (part.getType() == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE
       && part.getLength() == 0
       && offset == doc.getLength()
       && offset > 0) {
     // A special case because when cursor at end of document and just after a '=' sign, then we
     // get a DEFAULT content type
     // with a empty region. We rather would get the non-empty 'Value' partition just before that
     // (which has the assignment in it.
     char assign = doc.getChar(offset - 1);
     if (isAssign(assign)) {
       return new TypedRegion(offset - 1, 1, IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTY_VALUE);
     } else {
       // For a similar case but where there's extra spaces after the '='
       ITypedRegion previousPart =
               doc, IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTIES_FILE_PARTITIONING, offset - 1, true);
       int previousEnd = previousPart.getOffset() + previousPart.getLength();
       if (previousEnd == offset) {
         // prefer this over a 0 length partition ending at the same location
         return previousPart;
   return part;
 protected int createBackwardBound(final int start) throws BadLocationException {
   final IPartitionConstraint matcher = getPartitionConstraint();
   assert (!matcher.matches(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE));
   if (matcher.matches(Rweave.R_DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
     final ITypedRegion cat = Rweave.R_TEX_CAT_UTIL.getCat(fDocument, start);
     return cat.getOffset();
   final ITypedRegion partition =
       TextUtilities.getPartition(fDocument, getPartitioning(), start, false);
   return partition.getOffset();
Пример #3
   * Checks whether <code>position</code> resides in a default (Java) partition of <code>document
   * </code>.
   * @param document the document being modified
   * @param position the position to be checked
   * @param partitioning the document partitioning
   * @return <code>true</code> if <code>position</code> is in the default partition of <code>
   *     document</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise
  private static boolean isDefaultPartition(IDocument document, int position, String partitioning) {
    Assert.isTrue(position >= 0);
    Assert.isTrue(position <= document.getLength());

    try {
      ITypedRegion region = TextUtilities.getPartition(document, partitioning, position, false);
      return region.getType().equals(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);

    } catch (BadLocationException e) {

    return false;
 private ITypedRegion getPartition(IDocument doc, int offset) {
   ITypedRegion tr = null;
   // not sure why document would ever be null, but put in this
   // guard for
   if (doc != null) {
     try {
       tr =
               doc, IStructuredPartitioning.DEFAULT_STRUCTURED_PARTITIONING, offset, false);
     } catch (BadLocationException e) {
       if (DEBUG) Logger.logException("problem getting partition at: " + offset, e); // $NON-NLS-1$
   return tr;
  private void AtlStringIndentAfterNewLine(IDocument document, DocumentCommand command)
      throws BadLocationException {

    ITypedRegion partition =
        TextUtilities.getPartition(document, fPartitioning, command.offset, true);
    int offset = partition.getOffset();
    int length = partition.getLength();

    if (command.offset == offset + length && document.getChar(offset + length - 1) == '\'') return;

    String indentation = getLineIndentation(document, command.offset);
    String delimiter = TextUtilities.getDefaultLineDelimiter(document);

    IRegion line = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);
    String string = document.get(line.getOffset(), offset - line.getOffset());
    if (string.trim().length() != 0) indentation += String.valueOf("\t\t");

    IPreferenceStore preferenceStore = AtlUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
    if (isLineDelimiter(document, command.text))
      command.text = "\' +" + command.text + indentation + "\'";
    else if (command.text.length() > 1
        && preferenceStore.getBoolean(AtlPreferenceConstants.TYPING_ESCAPE_STRINGS))
      command.text = getModifiedText(command.text, indentation, delimiter);
Пример #6
   * Indents a single line using the java heuristic scanner. Javadoc and multi line comments are
   * indented as specified by the <code>JavaDocAutoIndentStrategy</code>.
   * @param document the document
   * @param line the line to be indented
   * @param indenter the java indenter
   * @param scanner the heuristic scanner
   * @param commentLines the indent token comment booleans
   * @param lineIndex the zero-based line index
   * @return <code>true</code> if the document was modified, <code>false</code> if not
   * @throws BadLocationException if the document got changed concurrently
  private static boolean indentLine(
      IDocument document,
      int line,
      JavaIndenter indenter,
      JavaHeuristicScanner scanner,
      boolean[] commentLines,
      int lineIndex,
      int tabSize)
      throws BadLocationException {
    IRegion currentLine = document.getLineInformation(line);
    final int offset = currentLine.getOffset();
    int wsStart =
        offset; // where we start searching for non-WS; after the "//" in single line comments

    String indent = null;
    if (offset < document.getLength()) {
      ITypedRegion partition =
          TextUtilities.getPartition(document, IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, offset, true);
      ITypedRegion startingPartition =
          TextUtilities.getPartition(document, IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, offset, false);
      String type = partition.getType();
      if (type.equals(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_DOC)
          || type.equals(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT)) {
        indent = computeJavadocIndent(document, line, scanner, startingPartition);
      } else if (!commentLines[lineIndex]
          && startingPartition.getOffset() == offset
          && startingPartition.getType().equals(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT)) {
        return false;

    // standard java indentation
    if (indent == null) {
      StringBuffer computed = indenter.computeIndentation(offset);
      if (computed != null) indent = computed.toString();
      else indent = new String();

    // change document:
    // get current white space
    int lineLength = currentLine.getLength();
    int end = scanner.findNonWhitespaceForwardInAnyPartition(wsStart, offset + lineLength);
    if (end == JavaHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND) end = offset + lineLength;
    int length = end - offset;
    String currentIndent = document.get(offset, length);

    // memorize the fact that a line is a single line comment (but not at column 0) and should be
    // treated like code
    // as opposed to commented out code, which should keep its slashes at column 0
    if (length > 0) {
      ITypedRegion partition =
          TextUtilities.getPartition(document, IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, end, false);
      if (partition.getOffset() == end
          && IJavaPartitions.JAVA_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT.equals(partition.getType())) {
        commentLines[lineIndex] = true;

    // only change the document if it is a real change
    if (!indent.equals(currentIndent)) {
      document.replace(offset, length, indent);
      return true;

    return false;
Пример #7
  private void smartIndentAfterNewLine(IDocument d, DocumentCommand c) {
    JavaHeuristicScanner scanner = new JavaHeuristicScanner(d);
    JavaIndenter indenter = new JavaIndenter(d, scanner, fProject);
    StringBuffer indent = indenter.computeIndentation(c.offset);
    if (indent == null) indent = new StringBuffer();

    int docLength = d.getLength();
    if (c.offset == -1 || docLength == 0) return;

    try {
      int p = (c.offset == docLength ? c.offset - 1 : c.offset);
      int line = d.getLineOfOffset(p);

      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(c.text + indent);

      IRegion reg = d.getLineInformation(line);
      int lineEnd = reg.getOffset() + reg.getLength();

      int contentStart = findEndOfWhiteSpace(d, c.offset, lineEnd);
      c.length = Math.max(contentStart - c.offset, 0);

      int start = reg.getOffset();
      ITypedRegion region = TextUtilities.getPartition(d, fPartitioning, start, true);
      if (IJavaPartitions.JAVA_DOC.equals(region.getType()))
        start = d.getLineInformationOfOffset(region.getOffset()).getOffset();

      // insert closing brace on new line after an unclosed opening brace
      if (getBracketCount(d, start, c.offset, true) > 0
          && closeBrace()
          && !isClosed(d, c.offset, c.length)) {
        c.caretOffset = c.offset + buf.length();
        c.shiftsCaret = false;

        // copy old content of line behind insertion point to new line
        // unless we think we are inserting an anonymous type definition

        if (c.offset == 0
            || computeAnonymousPosition(d, c.offset - 1, fPartitioning, lineEnd) == -1) {
          if (lineEnd - contentStart > 0) {
            c.length = lineEnd - c.offset;
            buf.append(d.get(contentStart, lineEnd - contentStart).toCharArray());

        StringBuffer reference = null;
        int nonWS = findEndOfWhiteSpace(d, start, lineEnd);
        if (nonWS < c.offset && d.getChar(nonWS) == '{')
          reference = new StringBuffer(d.get(start, nonWS - start));
        else reference = indenter.getReferenceIndentation(c.offset);
        if (reference != null) buf.append(reference);
      // insert extra line upon new line between two braces
      else if (c.offset > start && contentStart < lineEnd && d.getChar(contentStart) == '}') {
        int firstCharPos = scanner.findNonWhitespaceBackward(c.offset - 1, start);
        if (firstCharPos != JavaHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND && d.getChar(firstCharPos) == '{') {
          c.caretOffset = c.offset + buf.length();
          c.shiftsCaret = false;

          StringBuffer reference = null;
          int nonWS = findEndOfWhiteSpace(d, start, lineEnd);
          if (nonWS < c.offset && d.getChar(nonWS) == '{')
            reference = new StringBuffer(d.get(start, nonWS - start));
          else reference = indenter.getReferenceIndentation(c.offset);


          if (reference != null) buf.append(reference);
      c.text = buf.toString();

    } catch (BadLocationException e) {