Пример #1
   * Complain if cast expression is cast, but not actually needed, int i = (int)(Integer) 12; Note
   * that this (int) cast is however needed: Integer i = 0; char c = (char)((int) i);
  public static void checkNeedForCastCast(BlockScope scope, CastExpression enclosingCast) {
    if (scope.compilerOptions().getSeverity(CompilerOptions.UnnecessaryTypeCheck)
        == ProblemSeverities.Ignore) return;

    CastExpression nestedCast = (CastExpression) enclosingCast.expression;
    if ((nestedCast.bits & ASTNode.UnnecessaryCast) == 0) return;
    // check if could cast directly to enclosing cast type, without intermediate type cast
    CastExpression alternateCast = new CastExpression(null, enclosingCast.type);
    alternateCast.resolvedType = enclosingCast.resolvedType;
    if (!alternateCast.checkCastTypesCompatibility(
        null /* no expr to avoid side-effects*/)) return;
Пример #2
 /** Give 2 clones! */
 private Expression longToIntForHashCode(Expression ref1, Expression ref2, ASTNode source) {
   int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
   /* (int)(ref >>> 32 ^ ref) */
   IntLiteral int32 = new IntLiteral("32".toCharArray(), pS, pE);
   Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int32, source);
   BinaryExpression higherBits =
       new BinaryExpression(ref1, int32, OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT);
   Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(higherBits, source);
   BinaryExpression xorParts = new BinaryExpression(ref2, higherBits, OperatorIds.XOR);
   Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(xorParts, source);
   TypeReference intRef = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0);
   intRef.sourceStart = pS;
   intRef.sourceEnd = pE;
   Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(intRef, source);
   CastExpression expr = new CastExpression(xorParts, intRef);
   expr.sourceStart = pS;
   expr.sourceEnd = pE;
   Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(expr, source);
   return expr;
 public void resolve(MethodScope var1) {
   if ((this.field_446 & 16) == 0) {
     if (this.binding != null && this.binding.isValidBinding()) {
       this.field_446 |= 16;
       ClassScope var2 = var1.method_582();
       if (var2 != null) {
           SourceTypeBinding var3 = var2.enclosingSourceType();
           if (var3.superclass != null) {
             FieldBinding var4 = var2.findField(var3.superclass, this.name, this, false);
             if (var4 != null && var4.isValidBinding()) {
                 if (var4 instanceof FieldBinding) {
                   FieldBinding var5 = (FieldBinding) var4;
                   if (var5.original() == this.binding || !var5.canBeSeenBy(var3, this, var1)) {
                     break label334;
                 var1.problemReporter().fieldHiding(this, var4);
                 break label338;
           Scope var13 = var2.parent;
           if (var13.kind != 4) {
             Binding var15 = var13.getBinding(this.name, 3, this, false);
             if (var15 != null && var15.isValidBinding() && var15 != this.binding) {
                 if (var15 instanceof FieldBinding) {
                   FieldBinding var6 = (FieldBinding) var15;
                   if (var6.original() == this.binding
                       || !var6.method_431() && var3.method_226()) {
                     break label323;
                 var1.problemReporter().fieldHiding(this, var15);
       if (this.type != null) {
         this.type.resolvedType = this.binding.type;
       FieldBinding var12 = var1.initializedField;
       int var14 = var1.field_407;
       try {
         var1.initializedField = this.binding;
         var1.field_407 = this.binding.field_304;
         method_761(var1, this.annotations, this.binding);
         if ((this.binding.getAnnotationTagBits() & 70368744177664L) == 0L
             && (this.binding.field_300 & 1048576) != 0
             && var1.compilerOptions().field_1928 >= 3211264L) {
         if (this.initialization == null) {
         } else {
           TypeBinding var17 = this.binding.type;
           TypeBinding var18;
           if (this.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
             if ((var18 = this.initialization.resolveTypeExpecting(var1, var17)) != null) {
               ((ArrayInitializer) this.initialization).binding = (ArrayBinding) var18;
               this.initialization.computeConversion(var1, var17, var18);
           } else if ((var18 = this.initialization.resolveType(var1)) != null) {
             if (var17 != var18) {
               var1.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(var17, var18);
             if (!this.initialization.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType(var18, var17)
                 && (!var17.method_148() || !BaseTypeBinding.method_185(var17.id, var18.id))
                 && !var18.isCompatibleWith(var17)) {
               if (!var1.isBoxingCompatibleWith(var18, var17)
                   && (!var18.method_148()
                       || var1.compilerOptions().field_1928 < 3211264L
                       || var17.method_148()
                       || !this.initialization.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType(
                           var18, var1.environment().method_486(var17)))) {
                 if ((var17.tagBits & 128L) == 0L) {
                       .typeMismatchError(var18, var17, this.initialization, (ASTNode) null);
               } else {
                 this.initialization.computeConversion(var1, var17, var18);
                 if (this.initialization instanceof CastExpression
                     && (this.initialization.field_446 & 16384) == 0) {
                       var1, var17, (CastExpression) this.initialization);
             } else {
               this.initialization.computeConversion(var1, var17, var18);
               if (var18.method_174(var17)) {
                 var1.problemReporter().method_1806(this.initialization, var18, var17);
               if (this.initialization instanceof CastExpression
                   && (this.initialization.field_446 & 16384) == 0) {
                     var1, var17, (CastExpression) this.initialization);
             if (this.binding.method_409()) {
                       (this.binding.type.id << 4) + this.initialization.constant.typeID()));
           } else {
           if (this.binding == Assignment.method_944(this.initialization)) {
             var1.problemReporter().assignmentHasNoEffect(this, this.name);
         if (this.binding != null
             && this.binding.declaringClass != null
             && !this.binding.declaringClass.method_158()) {
           int var16 = this.binding.field_300 & 7;
           ProblemReporter var19 = var1.problemReporter();
           int var7 = var19.computeSeverity(-1610612250);
           if (var7 != -1) {
             if (var2 != null) {
               var16 = Util.computeOuterMostVisibility(var2.referenceType(), var16);
             int var8 = this.binding.field_300 & -8 | var16;
       } finally {
         var1.initializedField = var12;
         var1.field_407 = var14;
         if (this.binding.constant() == null) {
  public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) {
    // added for code assist...cannot occur with 'normal' code
    if (this.anonymousType == null && this.enclosingInstance == null) {
      return super.resolveType(scope);

    // Propagate the type checking to the arguments, and checks if the constructor is defined.
    // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
    // ClassBodyopt
    // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Name '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
    // ClassBodyopt

    this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
    TypeBinding enclosingInstanceType = null;
    ReferenceBinding enclosingInstanceReference = null;
    TypeBinding receiverType = null;
    boolean hasError = false;
    boolean enclosingInstanceContainsCast = false;
    boolean argsContainCast = false;

    if (this.enclosingInstance != null) {
      if (this.enclosingInstance instanceof CastExpression) {
        this.enclosingInstance.bits |= ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on
        enclosingInstanceContainsCast = true;
      if ((enclosingInstanceType = this.enclosingInstance.resolveType(scope)) == null) {
        hasError = true;
      } else if (enclosingInstanceType.isBaseType() || enclosingInstanceType.isArrayType()) {
                enclosingInstanceType, this.enclosingInstance);
        hasError = true;
      } else if (this.type instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) {
            .illegalUsageOfQualifiedTypeReference((QualifiedTypeReference) this.type);
        hasError = true;
      } else if (!(enclosingInstanceReference = (ReferenceBinding) enclosingInstanceType)
          .canBeSeenBy(scope)) {
        // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=317212
        enclosingInstanceType =
            new ProblemReferenceBinding(
        scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this.enclosingInstance, enclosingInstanceType);
        hasError = true;
      } else {
        receiverType =
            ((SingleTypeReference) this.type)
                .resolveTypeEnclosing(scope, (ReferenceBinding) enclosingInstanceType);
        if (receiverType != null && enclosingInstanceContainsCast) {
              scope, this.enclosingInstance, enclosingInstanceType, receiverType);
    } else {
      if (this.type == null) {
        // initialization of an enum constant
        receiverType = scope.enclosingSourceType();
      } else {
        receiverType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/);
          if (receiverType == null || !receiverType.isValidBinding())
            break checkParameterizedAllocation;
          if (this.type
              ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { // disallow new X<String>.Y<Integer>()
            ReferenceBinding currentType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
            do {
              // isStatic() is answering true for toplevel types
              if ((currentType.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0)
                break checkParameterizedAllocation;
              if (currentType.isRawType()) break checkParameterizedAllocation;
            } while ((currentType = currentType.enclosingType()) != null);
            ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference qRef =
                (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) this.type;
            for (int i = qRef.typeArguments.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (qRef.typeArguments[i] != null) {
                    .illegalQualifiedParameterizedTypeAllocation(this.type, receiverType);
    if (receiverType == null || !receiverType.isValidBinding()) {
      hasError = true;

    // resolve type arguments (for generic constructor call)
    final boolean isDiamond = this.type != null && (this.type.bits & ASTNode.IsDiamond) != 0;
    if (this.typeArguments != null) {
      int length = this.typeArguments.length;
      boolean argHasError = scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
      this.genericTypeArguments = new TypeBinding[length];
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        TypeReference typeReference = this.typeArguments[i];
        if ((this.genericTypeArguments[i] =
                typeReference.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/))
            == null) {
          argHasError = true;
        if (argHasError && typeReference instanceof Wildcard) {
      if (isDiamond) {
        return null;
      if (argHasError) {
        if (this.arguments != null) { // still attempt to resolve arguments
          for (int i = 0, max = this.arguments.length; i < max; i++) {
        return null;

    // will check for null after args are resolved
    TypeBinding[] argumentTypes = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS;
    if (this.arguments != null) {
      int length = this.arguments.length;
      argumentTypes = new TypeBinding[length];
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Expression argument = this.arguments[i];
        if (argument instanceof CastExpression) {
          argument.bits |= ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on
          argsContainCast = true;
        if ((argumentTypes[i] = argument.resolveType(scope)) == null) {
          hasError = true;

    // limit of fault-tolerance
    if (hasError) {
      /* https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=345359, if arguments have errors, completely bail out in the <> case.
        No meaningful type resolution is possible since inference of the elided types is fully tied to argument types. Do
        not return the partially resolved type.
      if (isDiamond) {
        return null; // not the partially cooked this.resolvedType
      if (receiverType instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
        ReferenceBinding referenceReceiver = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
        if (receiverType.isValidBinding()) {
          // record a best guess, for clients who need hint about possible contructor match
          int length = this.arguments == null ? 0 : this.arguments.length;
          TypeBinding[] pseudoArgs = new TypeBinding[length];
          for (int i = length; --i >= 0; ) {
            pseudoArgs[i] =
                argumentTypes[i] == null
                    ? TypeBinding.NULL
                    : argumentTypes[i]; // replace args with errors with null type
          this.binding = scope.findMethod(referenceReceiver, TypeConstants.INIT, pseudoArgs, this);
          if (this.binding != null && !this.binding.isValidBinding()) {
            MethodBinding closestMatch = ((ProblemMethodBinding) this.binding).closestMatch;
            // record the closest match, for clients who may still need hint about possible method
            // match
            if (closestMatch != null) {
              if (closestMatch.original().typeVariables
                  != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { // generic method
                // shouldn't return generic method outside its context, rather convert it to raw
                // method (175409)
                closestMatch =
                            closestMatch.original(), (RawTypeBinding) null);
              this.binding = closestMatch;
              MethodBinding closestMatchOriginal = closestMatch.original();
              if (closestMatchOriginal.isOrEnclosedByPrivateType()
                  && !scope.isDefinedInMethod(closestMatchOriginal)) {
                // ignore cases where method is used from within inside itself (e.g. direct
                // recursions)
                closestMatchOriginal.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed;
        if (this.anonymousType != null) {
          // insert anonymous type in scope (see
          // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=210070)
          scope.addAnonymousType(this.anonymousType, referenceReceiver);
          return this.resolvedType = this.anonymousType.binding;
      return this.resolvedType = receiverType;
    if (this.anonymousType == null) {
      // qualified allocation with no anonymous type
      if (!receiverType.canBeInstantiated()) {
        scope.problemReporter().cannotInstantiate(this.type, receiverType);
        return this.resolvedType = receiverType;
      if (isDiamond) {
        TypeBinding[] inferredTypes =
                ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType).genericType(),
        if (inferredTypes == null) {
          return this.resolvedType = null;
        receiverType =
            this.type.resolvedType =
                        ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType).genericType(),
                        ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType).enclosingType());
      ReferenceBinding allocationType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
      if ((this.binding = scope.getConstructor(allocationType, argumentTypes, this))
          .isValidBinding()) {
        if (isMethodUseDeprecated(this.binding, scope, true)) {
          scope.problemReporter().deprecatedMethod(this.binding, this);
        if (checkInvocationArguments(
            this)) {
          this.bits |= ASTNode.Unchecked;
        if (this.typeArguments != null
            && this.binding.original().typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) {
                  this.binding, this.genericTypeArguments, this.typeArguments);
      } else {
        if (this.binding.declaringClass == null) {
          this.binding.declaringClass = allocationType;
        if (this.type != null && !this.type.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) {
          // problem already got signaled on type reference, do not report secondary problem
          return null;
        scope.problemReporter().invalidConstructor(this, this.binding);
        return this.resolvedType = receiverType;
      if ((this.binding.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) != 0) {
        scope.problemReporter().missingTypeInConstructor(this, this.binding);
      if (!isDiamond && receiverType.isParameterizedTypeWithActualArguments()) {
            (ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType,
      // The enclosing instance must be compatible with the innermost enclosing type
      ReferenceBinding expectedType = this.binding.declaringClass.enclosingType();
      if (expectedType
          != enclosingInstanceType) // must call before computeConversion() and typeMismatchError()
      scope.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(expectedType, enclosingInstanceType);
      if (enclosingInstanceType.isCompatibleWith(expectedType)
          || scope.isBoxingCompatibleWith(enclosingInstanceType, expectedType)) {
        this.enclosingInstance.computeConversion(scope, expectedType, enclosingInstanceType);
        return this.resolvedType = receiverType;
          .typeMismatchError(enclosingInstanceType, expectedType, this.enclosingInstance, null);
      return this.resolvedType = receiverType;
    } else {
      if (isDiamond) {
        return null;
    ReferenceBinding superType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType;
    if (superType.isTypeVariable()) {
      superType =
          new ProblemReferenceBinding(
              new char[][] {superType.sourceName()},
      scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this, superType);
      return null;
    } else if (this.type != null && superType.isEnum()) { // tolerate enum constant body
      scope.problemReporter().cannotInstantiate(this.type, superType);
      return this.resolvedType = superType;
    // anonymous type scenario
    // an anonymous class inherits from java.lang.Object when declared "after" an interface
    ReferenceBinding anonymousSuperclass =
        superType.isInterface() ? scope.getJavaLangObject() : superType;
    // insert anonymous type in scope
    scope.addAnonymousType(this.anonymousType, superType);

    // find anonymous super constructor
    this.resolvedType = this.anonymousType.binding; // 1.2 change
    if ((this.resolvedType.tagBits & TagBits.HierarchyHasProblems) != 0) {
      return null; // stop secondary errors
    MethodBinding inheritedBinding = scope.getConstructor(anonymousSuperclass, argumentTypes, this);
    if (!inheritedBinding.isValidBinding()) {
      if (inheritedBinding.declaringClass == null) {
        inheritedBinding.declaringClass = anonymousSuperclass;
      if (this.type != null && !this.type.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) {
        // problem already got signaled on type reference, do not report secondary problem
        return null;
      scope.problemReporter().invalidConstructor(this, inheritedBinding);
      return this.resolvedType;
    if ((inheritedBinding.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) != 0) {
      scope.problemReporter().missingTypeInConstructor(this, inheritedBinding);
    if (this.enclosingInstance != null) {
      ReferenceBinding targetEnclosing = inheritedBinding.declaringClass.enclosingType();
      if (targetEnclosing == null) {
            .unnecessaryEnclosingInstanceSpecification(this.enclosingInstance, superType);
        return this.resolvedType;
      } else if (!enclosingInstanceType.isCompatibleWith(targetEnclosing)
          && !scope.isBoxingCompatibleWith(enclosingInstanceType, targetEnclosing)) {
                enclosingInstanceType, targetEnclosing, this.enclosingInstance, null);
        return this.resolvedType;
      this.enclosingInstance.computeConversion(scope, targetEnclosing, enclosingInstanceType);
    if (this.arguments != null) {
      if (checkInvocationArguments(
          this)) {
        this.bits |= ASTNode.Unchecked;
    if (this.typeArguments != null
        && inheritedBinding.original().typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) {
              inheritedBinding, this.genericTypeArguments, this.typeArguments);
    // Update the anonymous inner class : superclass, interface
    this.binding =
            (this.bits & ASTNode.Unchecked) != 0 && this.genericTypeArguments == null);
    return this.resolvedType;
Пример #5
  public static boolean checkInvocationArguments(
      BlockScope scope,
      Expression receiver,
      TypeBinding receiverType,
      MethodBinding method,
      Expression[] arguments,
      TypeBinding[] argumentTypes,
      boolean argsContainCast,
      InvocationSite invocationSite) {
    TypeBinding[] params = method.parameters;
    int paramLength = params.length;
    boolean isRawMemberInvocation =
            && !receiverType.isUnboundWildcard()
            && method.declaringClass.isRawType()
            && method.hasSubstitutedParameters();

    boolean uncheckedBoundCheck =
        (method.tagBits & TagBits.HasUncheckedTypeArgumentForBoundCheck) != 0;
    MethodBinding rawOriginalGenericMethod = null;
    if (!isRawMemberInvocation) {
      if (method instanceof ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding) {
        ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding paramMethod = (ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding) method;
        if (paramMethod.isRaw && method.hasSubstitutedParameters()) {
          rawOriginalGenericMethod = method.original();
    int invocationStatus = INVOCATION_ARGUMENT_OK;
    if (arguments == null) {
      if (method.isVarargs()) {
        TypeBinding parameterType =
            ((ArrayBinding) params[paramLength - 1])
                .elementsType(); // no element was supplied for vararg parameter
        if (!parameterType.isReifiable()) {
              .unsafeGenericArrayForVarargs(parameterType, (ASTNode) invocationSite);
    } else {
      if (method.isVarargs()) {
        // 4 possibilities exist for a call to the vararg method foo(int i, long ... value) :
        // foo(1), foo(1, 2), foo(1, 2, 3, 4) & foo(1, new long[] {1, 2})
        int lastIndex = paramLength - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
          TypeBinding originalRawParam =
              rawOriginalGenericMethod == null ? null : rawOriginalGenericMethod.parameters[i];
          invocationStatus |=
                  scope, arguments[i], params[i], argumentTypes[i], originalRawParam);
        int argLength = arguments.length;
        if (lastIndex < argLength) { // vararg argument was provided
          TypeBinding parameterType = params[lastIndex];
          TypeBinding originalRawParam = null;

          if (paramLength != argLength
              || parameterType.dimensions() != argumentTypes[lastIndex].dimensions()) {
            parameterType =
                ((ArrayBinding) parameterType)
                    .elementsType(); // single element was provided for vararg parameter
            if (!parameterType.isReifiable()) {
                  .unsafeGenericArrayForVarargs(parameterType, (ASTNode) invocationSite);
            originalRawParam =
                rawOriginalGenericMethod == null
                    ? null
                    : ((ArrayBinding) rawOriginalGenericMethod.parameters[lastIndex])
          for (int i = lastIndex; i < argLength; i++) {
            invocationStatus |=
                    scope, arguments[i], parameterType, argumentTypes[i], originalRawParam);
        if (paramLength == argLength) { // 70056
          int varargsIndex = paramLength - 1;
          ArrayBinding varargsType = (ArrayBinding) params[varargsIndex];
          TypeBinding lastArgType = argumentTypes[varargsIndex];
          int dimensions;
          if (lastArgType == TypeBinding.NULL) {
            if (!(varargsType.leafComponentType().isBaseType() && varargsType.dimensions() == 1))
              scope.problemReporter().varargsArgumentNeedCast(method, lastArgType, invocationSite);
          } else if (varargsType.dimensions <= (dimensions = lastArgType.dimensions())) {
            if (lastArgType.leafComponentType().isBaseType()) {
            if (varargsType.dimensions < dimensions) {
              scope.problemReporter().varargsArgumentNeedCast(method, lastArgType, invocationSite);
            } else if (varargsType.dimensions == dimensions
                && lastArgType != varargsType
                && lastArgType.leafComponentType().erasure()
                    != varargsType.leafComponentType.erasure()
                && lastArgType.isCompatibleWith(varargsType.elementsType())
                && lastArgType.isCompatibleWith(varargsType)) {
              scope.problemReporter().varargsArgumentNeedCast(method, lastArgType, invocationSite);
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; i++) {
          TypeBinding originalRawParam =
              rawOriginalGenericMethod == null ? null : rawOriginalGenericMethod.parameters[i];
          invocationStatus |=
                  scope, arguments[i], params[i], argumentTypes[i], originalRawParam);
      if (argsContainCast) {
            scope, receiver, receiverType, method, arguments, argumentTypes, invocationSite);
    if ((invocationStatus & INVOCATION_ARGUMENT_WILDCARD) != 0) {
          .wildcardInvocation((ASTNode) invocationSite, receiverType, method, argumentTypes);
    } else if (!method.isStatic()
        && !receiverType.isUnboundWildcard()
        && method.declaringClass.isRawType()
        && method.hasSubstitutedParameters()) {
      scope.problemReporter().unsafeRawInvocation((ASTNode) invocationSite, method);
    } else if (rawOriginalGenericMethod != null
        || uncheckedBoundCheck
        || ((invocationStatus & INVOCATION_ARGUMENT_UNCHECKED) != 0
            && method instanceof ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding
        /*&& method.returnType != scope.environment().convertToRawType(method.returnType.erasure(), true)*/ )) {
          .unsafeRawGenericMethodInvocation((ASTNode) invocationSite, method, argumentTypes);
      return true;
    return false;
Пример #6
  private MethodDeclaration createEquals(
      EclipseNode type,
      Collection<EclipseNode> fields,
      boolean callSuper,
      ASTNode source,
      FieldAccess fieldAccess,
      boolean needsCanEqual) {
    int pS = source.sourceStart;
    int pE = source.sourceEnd;
    long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
    TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) type.get();

    MethodDeclaration method =
        new MethodDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult);
    Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method, source);
    method.modifiers = EclipseHandlerUtil.toEclipseModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC);
    method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_boolean, 0);
    method.returnType.sourceStart = pS;
    method.returnType.sourceEnd = pE;
    Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.returnType, source);
    method.annotations =
        new Annotation[] {makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, source)};
    method.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
    method.thrownExceptions = null;
    method.typeParameters = null;
    method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG;
    method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
    method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
    TypeReference objectRef =
        new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, new long[] {p, p, p});
    Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(objectRef, source);
    method.arguments =
        new Argument[] {new Argument(new char[] {'o'}, 0, objectRef, Modifier.FINAL)};
    method.arguments[0].sourceStart = pS;
    method.arguments[0].sourceEnd = pE;
    Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.arguments[0], source);

    List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>();

    /* if (o == this) return true; */ {
      SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
      ThisReference thisRef = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(thisRef, source);
      EqualExpression otherEqualsThis = new EqualExpression(oRef, thisRef, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherEqualsThis, source);

      TrueLiteral trueLiteral = new TrueLiteral(pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(trueLiteral, source);
      ReturnStatement returnTrue = new ReturnStatement(trueLiteral, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnTrue, source);
      IfStatement ifOtherEqualsThis = new IfStatement(otherEqualsThis, returnTrue, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifOtherEqualsThis, source);

    /* if (!(o instanceof MyType) return false; */ {
      SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);

      SingleTypeReference typeReference = new SingleTypeReference(typeDecl.name, p);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(typeReference, source);

      InstanceOfExpression instanceOf = new InstanceOfExpression(oRef, typeReference);
      instanceOf.sourceStart = pS;
      instanceOf.sourceEnd = pE;
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(instanceOf, source);

      Expression notInstanceOf = new UnaryExpression(instanceOf, OperatorIds.NOT);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(notInstanceOf, source);

      FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);

      ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source);

      IfStatement ifNotInstanceOf = new IfStatement(notInstanceOf, returnFalse, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifNotInstanceOf, source);

    char[] otherName = "other".toCharArray();

    /* MyType<?> other = (MyType<?>) o; */ {
      if (!fields.isEmpty() || needsCanEqual) {
        LocalDeclaration other = new LocalDeclaration(otherName, pS, pE);
        other.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccFinal;
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other, source);
        char[] typeName = typeDecl.name;
        Expression targetType;
        if (typeDecl.typeParameters == null || typeDecl.typeParameters.length == 0) {
          targetType = new SingleNameReference(((TypeDeclaration) type.get()).name, p);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(targetType, source);
          other.type = new SingleTypeReference(typeName, p);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other.type, source);
        } else {
          TypeReference[] typeArgs = new TypeReference[typeDecl.typeParameters.length];
          for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) {
            typeArgs[i] = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND);
            typeArgs[i].sourceStart = pS;
            typeArgs[i].sourceEnd = pE;
            Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(typeArgs[i], source);
          targetType = new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, typeArgs, 0, p);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(targetType, source);
          other.type =
              new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, copyTypes(typeArgs, source), 0, p);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other.type, source);
        NameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
        other.initialization = new CastExpression(oRef, targetType);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other.initialization, source);

    /* if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; */ {
      if (needsCanEqual) {
        MessageSend otherCanEqual = new MessageSend();
        otherCanEqual.sourceStart = pS;
        otherCanEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherCanEqual, source);
        otherCanEqual.receiver = new SingleNameReference(otherName, p);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherCanEqual.receiver, source);
        otherCanEqual.selector = "canEqual".toCharArray();

        ThisReference thisReference = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(thisReference, source);
        CastExpression castThisRef =
            new CastExpression(
                thisReference, generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT));
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(castThisRef, source);
        castThisRef.sourceStart = pS;
        castThisRef.sourceEnd = pE;

        otherCanEqual.arguments = new Expression[] {castThisRef};

        Expression notOtherCanEqual = new UnaryExpression(otherCanEqual, OperatorIds.NOT);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(notOtherCanEqual, source);

        FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);

        ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source);

        IfStatement ifNotCanEqual = new IfStatement(notOtherCanEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifNotCanEqual, source);


    /* if (!super.equals(o)) return false; */
    if (callSuper) {
      MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend();
      callToSuper.sourceStart = pS;
      callToSuper.sourceEnd = pE;
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper, source);
      callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper.receiver, source);
      callToSuper.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
      SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source);
      callToSuper.arguments = new Expression[] {oRef};
      Expression superNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(callToSuper, OperatorIds.NOT);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(superNotEqual, source);
      FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
      ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source);
      IfStatement ifSuperEquals = new IfStatement(superNotEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifSuperEquals, source);

    for (EclipseNode field : fields) {
      TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess);
      char[] token = fType.getLastToken();
      Expression thisFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
      Expression otherFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName);

      if (fType.dimensions() == 0 && token != null) {
        if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token)) {
                  thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, "Float".toCharArray(), source));
        } else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.DOUBLE, token)) {
                  thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, "Double".toCharArray(), source));
        } else if (BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) {
          EqualExpression fieldsNotEqual =
              new EqualExpression(thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source);
          FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
          ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
          IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(fieldsNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);
        } else /* objects */ {
          NullLiteral nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source);
          EqualExpression fieldIsNull =
              new EqualExpression(thisFieldAccessor, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
          nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source);
          EqualExpression otherFieldIsntNull =
              new EqualExpression(otherFieldAccessor, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
          MessageSend equalsCall = new MessageSend();
          equalsCall.sourceStart = pS;
          equalsCall.sourceEnd = pE;
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(equalsCall, source);
          equalsCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
          equalsCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
          Expression equalsArg = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName);
          CastExpression castEqualsArg =
              new CastExpression(
                  equalsArg, generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT));
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(castEqualsArg, source);
          castEqualsArg.sourceStart = pS;
          castEqualsArg.sourceEnd = pE;
          equalsCall.arguments = new Expression[] {castEqualsArg};
          UnaryExpression fieldsNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(equalsCall, OperatorIds.NOT);
          fieldsNotEqual.sourceStart = pS;
          fieldsNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source);
          ConditionalExpression fullEquals =
              new ConditionalExpression(fieldIsNull, otherFieldIsntNull, fieldsNotEqual);
          fullEquals.sourceStart = pS;
          fullEquals.sourceEnd = pE;
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fullEquals, source);
          FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
          ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
          IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(fullEquals, returnStatement, pS, pE);
          Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);
      } else if (fType.dimensions() > 0 && token != null) {
        MessageSend arraysEqualCall = new MessageSend();
        arraysEqualCall.sourceStart = pS;
        arraysEqualCall.sourceEnd = pE;
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(arraysEqualCall, source);
        arraysEqualCall.receiver =
                source, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray());
        if (fType.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) {
          arraysEqualCall.selector = "deepEquals".toCharArray();
        } else {
          arraysEqualCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
        arraysEqualCall.arguments = new Expression[] {thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor};
        UnaryExpression arraysNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(arraysEqualCall, OperatorIds.NOT);
        arraysNotEqual.sourceStart = pS;
        arraysNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(arraysNotEqual, source);
        FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source);
        ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
        IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(arraysNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE);
        Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);

    /* return true; */ {
      TrueLiteral trueLiteral = new TrueLiteral(pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(trueLiteral, source);
      ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(trueLiteral, pS, pE);
      Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
    method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]);
    return method;
  public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) {

    boolean leftIsCast, rightIsCast;
    if ((leftIsCast = this.left instanceof CastExpression) == true)
      this.left.bits |= DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on
    TypeBinding originalLeftType = this.left.resolveType(scope);

    if ((rightIsCast = this.right instanceof CastExpression) == true)
      this.right.bits |= DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on
    TypeBinding originalRightType = this.right.resolveType(scope);

    // always return BooleanBinding
    if (originalLeftType == null || originalRightType == null) {
      this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
      return null;

    // autoboxing support
    boolean use15specifics = scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
    TypeBinding leftType = originalLeftType, rightType = originalRightType;
    if (use15specifics) {
      if (leftType != TypeBinding.NULL && leftType.isBaseType()) {
        if (!rightType.isBaseType()) {
          rightType = scope.environment().computeBoxingType(rightType);
      } else {
        if (rightType != TypeBinding.NULL && rightType.isBaseType()) {
          leftType = scope.environment().computeBoxingType(leftType);
    // both base type
    if (leftType.isBaseType() && rightType.isBaseType()) {
      int leftTypeID = leftType.id;
      int rightTypeID = rightType.id;

      // the code is an int
      // (cast)  left   == (cast)  right --> result
      //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
      //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4       <<0
      int operatorSignature = OperatorSignatures[EQUAL_EQUAL][(leftTypeID << 4) + rightTypeID];
          TypeBinding.wellKnownType(scope, (operatorSignature >>> 16) & 0x0000F),
          TypeBinding.wellKnownType(scope, (operatorSignature >>> 8) & 0x0000F),
      this.bits |= operatorSignature & 0xF;
      if ((operatorSignature & 0x0000F) == T_undefined) {
        this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
        scope.problemReporter().invalidOperator(this, leftType, rightType);
        return null;
      // check need for operand cast
      if (leftIsCast || rightIsCast) {
      computeConstant(leftType, rightType);

      // check whether comparing identical expressions
      Binding leftDirect = Expression.getDirectBinding(this.left);
      if (leftDirect != null && leftDirect == Expression.getDirectBinding(this.right)) {
        if (leftTypeID != TypeIds.T_double
            && leftTypeID != TypeIds.T_float
            && (!(this.right
                instanceof Assignment))) // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=281776
      } else if (this.constant != Constant.NotAConstant) {
        // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=276740
        int operator = (this.bits & OperatorMASK) >> OperatorSHIFT;
        if ((operator == EQUAL_EQUAL && this.constant == BooleanConstant.fromValue(true))
            || (operator == NOT_EQUAL && this.constant == BooleanConstant.fromValue(false)))
      return this.resolvedType = TypeBinding.BOOLEAN;

    // Object references
    // spec 15.20.3
    if ((!leftType.isBaseType() || leftType == TypeBinding.NULL) // cannot compare: Object == (int)0
        && (!rightType.isBaseType() || rightType == TypeBinding.NULL)
        && (checkCastTypesCompatibility(scope, leftType, rightType, null)
            || checkCastTypesCompatibility(scope, rightType, leftType, null))) {

      // (special case for String)
      if ((rightType.id == T_JavaLangString) && (leftType.id == T_JavaLangString)) {
        computeConstant(leftType, rightType);
      } else {
        this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
      TypeBinding objectType = scope.getJavaLangObject();
      this.left.computeConversion(scope, objectType, leftType);
      this.right.computeConversion(scope, objectType, rightType);
      // check need for operand cast
      boolean unnecessaryLeftCast = (this.left.bits & UnnecessaryCast) != 0;
      boolean unnecessaryRightCast = (this.right.bits & UnnecessaryCast) != 0;
      if (unnecessaryLeftCast || unnecessaryRightCast) {
        TypeBinding alternateLeftType =
            unnecessaryLeftCast ? ((CastExpression) this.left).expression.resolvedType : leftType;
        TypeBinding alternateRightType =
                ? ((CastExpression) this.right).expression.resolvedType
                : rightType;
        if (checkCastTypesCompatibility(scope, alternateLeftType, alternateRightType, null)
            || checkCastTypesCompatibility(scope, alternateRightType, alternateLeftType, null)) {
          if (unnecessaryLeftCast)
            scope.problemReporter().unnecessaryCast((CastExpression) this.left);
          if (unnecessaryRightCast)
            scope.problemReporter().unnecessaryCast((CastExpression) this.right);
      // check whether comparing identical expressions
      Binding leftDirect = Expression.getDirectBinding(this.left);
      if (leftDirect != null && leftDirect == Expression.getDirectBinding(this.right)) {
        if (!(this.right instanceof Assignment)) {
      return this.resolvedType = TypeBinding.BOOLEAN;
    this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant;
    scope.problemReporter().notCompatibleTypesError(this, leftType, rightType);
    return null;