private static void populateClasses( final Shell shell, final IParent parent, final List<IType> types, final Filter filter) { try { for (final IJavaElement element : parent.getChildren()) { if (element instanceof IType) { final IType type = (IType) element; if (type.isClass() && type.isStructureKnown() && !type.isAnonymous() && !type.isLocal() && !Flags.isAbstract(type.getFlags()) && Flags.isPublic(type.getFlags()) && (filter == null || filter.accept(type))) { types.add(type); } } else if (element instanceof IParent && !element.getPath().toString().contains("/test/") && (!(element instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot) || !((IPackageFragmentRoot) element).isExternal())) { populateClasses(shell, (IParent) element, types, filter); } } } catch (final JavaModelException e) { Activator.error(e); } }
/** * Method to post process returned flags from the {@link *} * * @param tag the tag to process * @param element the {@link IJavaElement} the tag will appear on * @return true if the tag should be included in completion proposals, false otherwise */ private boolean acceptTag(IApiJavadocTag tag, IJavaElement element) throws JavaModelException { if (fExistingTags != null) { Boolean fragments = fExistingTags.get(tag.getTagName()); // if the tag has a fragment don't overwrite / propose again if (fragments != null && Boolean.FALSE.equals(fragments)) { return false; } } switch (element.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.TYPE: { IType type = (IType) element; int flags = type.getFlags(); String tagname = tag.getTagName(); if (Flags.isAbstract(flags)) { return !tagname.equals(JavadocTagManager.TAG_NOINSTANTIATE); } if (Flags.isFinal(flags)) { return !tagname.equals(JavadocTagManager.TAG_NOEXTEND); } break; } case IJavaElement.METHOD: { IMethod method = (IMethod) element; if (Flags.isFinal(method.getFlags()) || Flags.isStatic(method.getFlags())) { return !tag.getTagName().equals(JavadocTagManager.TAG_NOOVERRIDE); } IType type = method.getDeclaringType(); if (type != null && Flags.isFinal(type.getFlags())) { return !tag.getTagName().equals(JavadocTagManager.TAG_NOOVERRIDE); } break; } default: break; } return true; }
/** * Method to post process returned flags from the {@link Javadoc} node of the element * * @param tags the tags to process * @param element the {@link ASTNode} the tag appears on * @return the list of valid tags to process restrictions for */ private List pruneTags(final List tags, ASTNode node) { ArrayList pruned = new ArrayList(tags.size()); TagElement tag = null; switch (node.getNodeType()) { case ASTNode.TYPE_DECLARATION: { TypeDeclaration type = (TypeDeclaration) node; int flags = type.getModifiers(); for (Iterator iterator = tags.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { tag = (TagElement); String tagname = tag.getTagName(); if (type.isInterface() && ("@noextend".equals(tagname) || //$NON-NLS-1$ "@noimplement".equals(tagname))) { // $NON-NLS-1$ pruned.add(tag); } else { if ("@noextend".equals(tagname)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!Flags.isFinal(flags)) { pruned.add(tag); continue; } } if ("@noinstantiate".equals(tagname)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ if (!Flags.isAbstract(flags)) { pruned.add(tag); continue; } } } } break; } case ASTNode.METHOD_DECLARATION: { MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) node; int flags = method.getModifiers(); for (Iterator iterator = tags.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { tag = (TagElement); if ("@noreference".equals(tag.getTagName())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ pruned.add(tag); continue; } if ("@nooverride".equals(tag.getTagName())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ ASTNode parent = method.getParent(); int pflags = 0; if (parent instanceof BodyDeclaration) { pflags = ((BodyDeclaration) parent).getModifiers(); } if (!Flags.isFinal(flags) && !Flags.isStatic(flags) && !Flags.isFinal(pflags)) { pruned.add(tag); continue; } } } break; } case ASTNode.FIELD_DECLARATION: { FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) node; for (Iterator iterator = tags.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { tag = (TagElement); boolean isfinal = Flags.isFinal(field.getModifiers()); if (isfinal || (isfinal && Flags.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))) { break; } if ("@noreference".equals(tag.getTagName())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ pruned.add(tag); break; } } break; } } return pruned; }
/** * @param insideTagBody * @param tagBody * @param templateTag * @param contextMap * @param placeHolders * @param spacesBeforeCursor * @param overrideMethods * @param exist * @param overWrite * @param type * @throws JavaModelException * @throws Exception */ public void createClassFromTag( final String className, final Object packge, final Object project, String insideTagBody, final Map<String, Object> contextMap, final Map<String, Object> placeHolders, final ICompilationUnit compUnit, final String typeToCreate, final String spacesBeforeCursor, boolean overrideMethods, final boolean exist, final boolean overWrite) throws JavaModelException, Exception { final VersionControlPreferences versionControlPreferences = VersionControlPreferences.getInstance(); if (typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Innerclass.getValue())) { compUnit.becomeWorkingCopy(null); final File newFileObj = new File(compUnit.getResource().getLocationURI().toString()); /*final FastCodeCheckinCache checkinCache = FastCodeCheckinCache.getInstance(); checkinCache.getFilesToCheckIn().add(new FastCodeFileForCheckin(INITIATED, newFileObj.getAbsolutePath()));*/ try { // addOrUpdateFileStatusInCache(newFileObj); final IType innerClassType = SourceUtil.createInnerClass(insideTagBody, compUnit); /*final boolean prjShared = !isEmpty(compUnit.getResource().getProject().getPersistentProperties()); final boolean prjConfigured = !isEmpty(isPrjConfigured(compUnit.getResource().getProject().getName()));*/ if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) { if (proceedWithAutoCheckin(newFileObj, compUnit.getResource().getProject())) { final IFile file = (IFile) innerClassType.getResource(); // .getLocationURI()); List<FastCodeEntityHolder> chngsForType = ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)) .get(file); if (chngsForType == null) { chngsForType = new ArrayList<FastCodeEntityHolder>(); final List<Object> innerClassList = new ArrayList<Object>(); innerClassList.add(new FastCodeType(innerClassType)); chngsForType.add(new FastCodeEntityHolder(PLACEHOLDER_INNERCLASSES, innerClassList)); } else { boolean isNew = true; Object fastCodeFieldList = null; for (final FastCodeEntityHolder fcEntityHolder : chngsForType) { if (fcEntityHolder.getEntityName().equals(PLACEHOLDER_INNERCLASSES)) { fastCodeFieldList = fcEntityHolder.getFastCodeEntity(); isNew = false; break; } } if (isNew) { fastCodeFieldList = new ArrayList<Object>(); ((List<Object>) fastCodeFieldList).add(innerClassType); chngsForType.add( new FastCodeEntityHolder(PLACEHOLDER_INNERCLASSES, fastCodeFieldList)); } else { ((List<Object>) fastCodeFieldList).add(innerClassType); } /*Object innerClassList = chngsForType.get("innerClasses"); if (innerClassList == null) { innerClassList = new ArrayList<Object>(); } ((List<Object>) innerClassList).add(new FastCodeType(innerClassType)); chngsForType.put("innerClasses", innerClassList);*/ } ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)) .put(file, chngsForType); } } } catch (final FastCodeRepositoryException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } compUnit.commitWorkingCopy(false, null); compUnit.discardWorkingCopy(); return; } final IJavaProject prj = project instanceof String ? getJavaProject((String) project) : (IJavaProject) project; /*IJavaProject prj = getJavaProject(project);// getJavaProject(attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT)); if (prj == null) { prj = getJavaProject(placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT) instanceof FastCodeProject ? ((FastCodeProject) placeHolders .get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT)).getName() : (String) placeHolders.get(PLACEHOLDER_PROJECT)); } if (prj == null) { prj = this.javaProject = this.javaProject == null ? getWorkingJavaProjectFromUser() : this.javaProject;//did for j2ee base }*/ if (prj == null) { throw new Exception("Can not continue without java project."); } final String srcPath = typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Test.getValue()) ? getDefaultPathFromProject(prj, typeToCreate, EMPTY_STR) : getDefaultPathFromProject(prj, "source", EMPTY_STR); IPackageFragment pkgFrgmt = null; final TemplateTagsProcessor templateTagsProcessor = new TemplateTagsProcessor(); if (packge instanceof String && !isEmpty((String) packge) || packge instanceof IPackageFragment) { pkgFrgmt = packge instanceof String ? templateTagsProcessor.getPackageFragment( prj, srcPath, (String) packge, typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Test.getValue()) ? typeToCreate : "source") : (IPackageFragment) packge; } if (pkgFrgmt == null) { /*final boolean prjShared = !isEmpty(prj.getProject().getPersistentProperties()); final boolean prjConfigured = !isEmpty(isPrjConfigured(prj.getProject().getName()));*/ File file = null; if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) { if (proceedWithAutoCheckin(file, prj.getProject())) { final String prjURI = prj.getResource().getLocationURI().toString(); final String path = prjURI.substring(prjURI.indexOf(COLON) + 1); final String newPackURL = path + srcPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + ((String) packge).replace(DOT, FILE_SEPARATOR); file = new File(newPackURL); // final FastCodeCheckinCache checkinCache = FastCodeCheckinCache.getInstance(); addOrUpdateFileStatusInCache(file); // checkinCache.getFilesToCheckIn().add(new FastCodeFileForCheckin(INITIATED, // file.getAbsolutePath())); } } pkgFrgmt = templateTagsProcessor.createPackage( prj, (String) packge, typeToCreate, contextMap); // createPackage(prj, // attributes.get(PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE)); if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) { if (proceedWithAutoCheckin(null, prj.getProject())) { final IFile ifile = getIFileFromFile(file); List<FastCodeEntityHolder> chngsForType = ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)).get(ifile); if (chngsForType == null) { chngsForType = new ArrayList<FastCodeEntityHolder>(); chngsForType.add( new FastCodeEntityHolder(PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE, new FastCodePackage(pkgFrgmt))); } ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)) .put(ifile, chngsForType); } } } boolean createFileAlone = true; if ((Boolean) placeHolders.get(AUTO_CHECKIN)) { String path; try { final boolean prjShared = !isEmpty(pkgFrgmt.getResource().getProject().getPersistentProperties()); final boolean prjConfigured = !isEmpty(isPrjConfigured(pkgFrgmt.getResource().getProject().getName())); createFileAlone = !(versionControlPreferences.isEnable() && prjShared && prjConfigured); final String prjURI = pkgFrgmt.getResource().getLocationURI().toString(); path = prjURI.substring(prjURI.indexOf(COLON) + 1); final File newFileObj = new File(path + FORWARD_SLASH + className + DOT + JAVA_EXTENSION); if (versionControlPreferences.isEnable() && prjShared && prjConfigured) { final RepositoryService repositoryService = getRepositoryServiceClass(); try { if (repositoryService.isFileInRepository( newFileObj)) { // && !MessageDialog.openQuestion(new Shell(), "File present in // repository", "File already present in repository. Click yes to // overwrite")) { /*MessageDialog.openWarning(new Shell(), "File present in repository", className + " is already present in repository. Please synchronise and try again."); return;*/ createFileAlone = MessageDialog.openQuestion( new Shell(), "File present in repository", "File " + newFileObj.getName() + " already present in repository. Click yes to just create the file, No to return without any action."); if (!createFileAlone) { return; } } } catch (final Throwable th) { th.printStackTrace(); createFileAlone = true; } } final FastCodeCheckinCache checkinCache = FastCodeCheckinCache.getInstance(); checkinCache .getFilesToCheckIn() .add(new FastCodeFileForCheckin(INITIATED, newFileObj.getAbsolutePath())); } catch (final FastCodeRepositoryException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /*if (parseClassName(insideTagBody) == null) { insideTagBody = MODIFIER_PUBLIC + SPACE + typeToCreate + SPACE + className + SPACE + LEFT_CURL + NEWLINE + insideTagBody + NEWLINE + RIGHT_CURL; }*/ final Object codeFormatter = createCodeFormatter(prj.getProject()); if (!isEmpty(insideTagBody)) { insideTagBody = formatCode(insideTagBody.trim(), codeFormatter); } ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = null; if (exist) { if (overWrite) { final IType type = prj.findType(pkgFrgmt.getElementName() + DOT + className.trim()); if (type.getCompilationUnit().hasUnsavedChanges()) { type.getCompilationUnit().save(new NullProgressMonitor(), true); } // type.getCompilationUnit().delete(true, new NullProgressMonitor()); insideTagBody = buildClass(insideTagBody, pkgFrgmt, prj, className); // type.getCompilationUnit().getBuffer().setContents(insideTagBody); final ReplaceEdit replaceEdit = new ReplaceEdit(0, type.getCompilationUnit().getSource().length(), insideTagBody); type.getCompilationUnit().applyTextEdit(replaceEdit, new NullProgressMonitor()); compilationUnit = type.getCompilationUnit(); compilationUnit.becomeWorkingCopy(null); compilationUnit.commitWorkingCopy(false, null); compilationUnit.discardWorkingCopy(); // refreshProject(prj.getElementName()); } else { return; } } else { compilationUnit = SourceUtil.createClass(insideTagBody, pkgFrgmt, prj, className); } if (compilationUnit == null) { return; } if (!typeToCreate.equals(ACTION_ENTITY.Interface.getValue())) { if (compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getSuperclassName() != null) { final IType superClassType = prj.findType( getFQNameFromFieldTypeName( compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getSuperclassName(), compilationUnit)); if (superClassType != null && superClassType.exists()) { if (Flags.isAbstract( superClassType .getFlags()) /*Modifier.isAbstract(Class.forName(superClassType.getFullyQualifiedName()).getModifiers())*/) { overrideMethods = true; } } } if (overrideMethods) { final String superInterfaces[] = compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getSuperInterfaceNames(); if (superInterfaces != null) { for (final String superInertafce : superInterfaces) { final IType superIntType = prj.findType(getFQNameFromFieldTypeName(superInertafce, compilationUnit)); final FastCodeContext fastCodeContext = new FastCodeContext(superIntType); final CreateSimilarDescriptorClass createSimilarDescriptorClass = new CreateSimilarDescriptorClass.Builder().withClassType(CLASS_TYPE.CLASS).build(); implementInterfaceMethods( superIntType, fastCodeContext, compilationUnit.findPrimaryType(), null, createSimilarDescriptorClass); final IType[] superInterfaceType = getSuperInterfacesType(superIntType); if (superInterfaceType != null) { for (final IType type : superInterfaceType) { if (type == null || !type.exists()) { continue; } final FastCodeContext context = new FastCodeContext(type); implementInterfaceMethods( type, context, compilationUnit.findPrimaryType(), null, createSimilarDescriptorClass); } } } } overrideBaseClassMethods(compilationUnit); } } /* * final IType newType = compilationUnit.findPrimaryType(); String * superClassName = newType.getSuperclassName(); if * (!isEmpty(superClassName)) { final IType superClassType = * prj.findType(getFQNameFromFieldTypeName(newType.getSuperclassName(), * newType.getCompilationUnit())); final FastCodeContext fastCodeContext * = new FastCodeContext(superClassType); final * CreateSimilarDescriptorClass createSimilarDescriptorClass = new * CreateSimilarDescriptorClass.Builder().withClassType( * CLASS_TYPE.CLASS).build(); for (final IMethod method : * superClassType.getMethods()) { if (method.isConstructor()) { * overrideConstructor(method, newType); final MethodBuilder * methodBuilder = new SimilarMethodBuilder(fastCodeContext); * methodBuilder.buildMethod(method, newType, null, * createSimilarDescriptorClass); } } } */ contextMap.put( "Class_" + compilationUnit.getElementName(), new FastCodeObject(compilationUnit, ACTION_ENTITY.Class.getValue())); if (!createFileAlone) { final IFile fileObj = (IFile) compilationUnit.findPrimaryType().getResource(); // .getLocationURI()); List<FastCodeEntityHolder> chngsForType = ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)).get(fileObj); if (chngsForType == null) { chngsForType = new ArrayList<FastCodeEntityHolder>(); chngsForType.add( new FastCodeEntityHolder( PLACEHOLDER_CLASS, new FastCodeType(compilationUnit.findPrimaryType()))); } ((Map<Object, List<FastCodeEntityHolder>>) contextMap.get(FC_OBJ_CREATED)) .put(fileObj, chngsForType); } /*final Map<String, Object> listofChange = ((Map<Object, Map<String, Object>>) contextMap.get("changes_for_File")).get(file); if (chngsForType == null) { chngsForType = new HashMap<String, Object>(); chngsForType.put("class", CREATE_CLASS); //fastCodeCache.getCommentKey().get(fastCodeCache.getCommentKey().indexOf("create.class.field")) } ((Map<Object, Map<String, Object>>) contextMap.get("changes_for_File")).put(file, listofChange);*/ }
/** * Determines whether the given member is a valid android.view.View to be added to the list of * custom views or third party views. It checks that the view is public and not abstract for * example. */ private static boolean isValidView(IType type, boolean layoutsOnly) throws JavaModelException { // Skip anonymous classes if (type.isAnonymous()) { return false; } int flags = type.getFlags(); if (Flags.isAbstract(flags) || !Flags.isPublic(flags)) { return false; } // TODO: if (layoutsOnly) perhaps try to filter out AdapterViews and other ViewGroups // not willing to accept children via XML // See if the class has one of the acceptable constructors // needed for XML instantiation: // View(Context context) // View(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) // View(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) // We don't simply do three direct checks via type.getMethod() because the types // are not resolved, so we don't know for each parameter if we will get the // fully qualified or the unqualified class names. // Instead, iterate over the methods and look for a match. String typeName = type.getElementName(); for (IMethod method : type.getMethods()) { // Only care about constructors if (!method.getElementName().equals(typeName)) { continue; } String[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (parameterTypes == null || parameterTypes.length < 1 || parameterTypes.length > 3) { continue; } String first = parameterTypes[0]; // Look for the parameter type signatures -- produced by // JDT's Signature.createTypeSignature("Context", false /*isResolved*/);. // This is not a typo; they were copy/pasted from the actual parameter names // observed in the debugger examining these data structures. if (first.equals("QContext;") // $NON-NLS-1$ || first.equals("Qandroid.content.Context;")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ if (parameterTypes.length == 1) { return true; } String second = parameterTypes[1]; if (second.equals("QAttributeSet;") // $NON-NLS-1$ || second.equals("Qandroid.util.AttributeSet;")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ if (parameterTypes.length == 2) { return true; } String third = parameterTypes[2]; if (third.equals("I")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ if (parameterTypes.length == 3) { return true; } } } } } return false; }
private boolean isCacheableRHS(IType type) throws JavaModelException { return !type.isInterface() && !Flags.isAbstract(type.getFlags()); }